So the new Earthworm Jim book campaign is ending today at 5000% funded and actually looks pretty decent. Anyone thinking of getting it or is Doug still #cancelled for wrongthink?
It's got interviews with the guys from Shiny and the OG boxartist is doing a cover for the making of book, I don't know. Looks alright?
Laura "Comics Alliance" Hudson is apparently furious and doing takedown articles on it. Ya know, AFTER the book made $600k. A little late there, cunt.
Jose Morales
Trannies BTFO
Chase Walker
I'm definitely buying it!
Eli Bailey
The market speaks. People demanded, Doug supplied it, people gave him money for it. People are getting mad because a product that was asked for was created and then paid for, but that's too fucking bad. Supply and demand, whatcha gonna do bout it?
Owen Davis
They're going to dilate.
Chase Reed
>Nostalgia cash grabs are okay when they trigger the libs but bad when disney does them
Sebastian Brooks
You guys wanted double standards, don't be salty.
Alexander Foster
But the Lion King remake triggered the libs too, since they said it promoted fascism and the two "white" characters (Timon & Pumbaa) received too much screentime.
Maybe the libs just hate everything?
Austin James
One helps compliments the source material and the other flat out insults it and tries to replace it And none have anything to do with race
Levi Sullivan
>Doug Tenaple, whom Ethan Van Sciver and War Campaign hates, just dethroned EVS and beat Cyberfrog >Doug now has the record for most successful single comic campaign on Indiegogo
100% guarantee that Earthworm Jim is going to get fulfilled before Cyberfrog is, too. EVS is such a pudgy little lazy faggot lol.
Owen Barnes
EVS had some falling out with Doug because Doug wouldn't consider himself part of "Comicsgate" (a trademark that EVS owns, btw). Since Doug wouldn't kiss the ring, EVS sent War Campaign to harass him. Doug is actually much bigger, more successful and more popular than EVS, so WC couldn't touch him. Doug ended up beating EVS and taking the title of most successful comic campaign on Indiegogo. EVS is absolutely SEETHING, too. It's great.
Cooper Campbell
Proof that nobody actually gives a shit if someone hurts a tranny's feelings.
I don't think anyone gives a shit about the politics surrounding this stuff honestly I didn't even know there was politics surrounding this until this thread and don't know what it's about except something with trans
Jace Sanders
And then they kissed and made up. Im not sure why you think everyone else has as much infighting as SJWs do.
Michael Thomas
EVS still talks shit about Doug on his streams and Ro Kabir and Panboy Basedlo and other WCers still attack him regularly on twitter. CG is as shitty as tumblr when it comes to infighting, though mostly it's just EVS siccing WC on anyone that doesn't submit.
Robert Bailey
I don't know what those names and acronyms mean, but it really sounds like the only one that's seething here is you.
Kinda hard to have a movement when the movement is a registered trademark of one man who profits off of it. CGers are pathetic.
OOPS I MEAN #BlameWarCampaign
Chase Howard
>EVS Defense Force on damage control
Tyler Ramirez
What exactly is it you think he needs defending from? You seem to be aimlessly sperging out for no reason, in a thread that doesn't even have anything to do with EVS.
Ayden Harris
The fact that you can't stfu about Van Sciver is the reason why this Earthworm Jim thread is suddenly about him, now. Good job, WC! #BlameWarCampaign
Samuel Young
But you're the one that literally brought him up out of nowhere.
Zachary Myers
I ended up getting the comic. I'm hoping it's just as good as Bigfoot Bill.
Oh boy, I can't wait for Doug to crawl up his own ass and ruin EWJ too
Lincoln Campbell
anyone who complains about this good man of the worms for his good views, shall have their Nuts, Vagina, or Dick taken from them by God
Luke Collins
Jeremiah Miller
Comicsgate has hardly even ever existed. Mainstream comics just simply suck in this day and age, there’s no ifs or buts. It’s a little sad seeing people try to create fake drama just to drive interest to their faltering medium.
Aaron Bennett
>Comicsgate has hardly even ever existed. Depends what you mean. Hating nuMarvel's "diverse" legacy push was a practically universally agreed upon opinion. That's why all the replacement characters sold like absolute shit, and are now practically all stuffed into that one "champions" book, with every single other aspect of their creation being retconned. For some reason, the exact some people pushing all of that bullshit before think that people will somehow magically start liking shit characters like Miles and Riri if they "take down" some random youtuber, that they obsessively watch more than anyone they accuse of watching them.
Lucas Morales
And it won't be on PC or other consoles but the Amico. Hoping they'll port it later in the future.
The best things Doug has been involved in had other people who could rein in his stupid self-absorbed bullshit but you dumb motherfuckers are so wrapped up in your tranny/dilate/resetera memewar wankfest that you'll suck his dick just because he's on your side of your imaginary fucking culture war. You people are such turbofaggots
Samuel Phillips
Laura, please don't.
Owen Clark
The culture war is real. Regressive ideologues(SJWs) are the scum of the earth. Doug has huge character flaws. The world keep turning.
>the Amico is expected to be a family-friendly device Literally the OAXIS of game consoles
Xavier Rivera
Unlike OAXIS Amico is coming out.
Samuel Barnes
>Pisses off SJWs by joining Comicsgate >Pisses off incels by leaving Comicsgate Based Doug.
Grayson Ward
That's a blatant lie. Just go to EVS's twitter and see that he is supporting Doug. You little kids want to see a fight, but there ain't one.
James Sanchez
>when the movement is a registered trademark of one man who profits off of it. Source?
Nicholas King
Is Doug still mad over Nickelodeon, who cancelled Catscrath after only 20 episodes?
Jeremiah Ward
What did EVS expect? Most people know Doug outside of comics and EW was a game and a cartoon that even some normies have nostalgia for because they got to play the game or watch the cartoon at one point.
So you have comicssfags, vidyafags, cartoonsfags, mostly dishing out money for this. No one but Comicgatefags care about Cyberfrog.
Not everyone are as pretty as you. Stop projecting.
Elijah Young
>Not everyone are as pretty as you. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that anyone who randomly brings up EVS being "owned" in a completely unrelated thread, and also not being "owned" in the first place, does not fall under any definition of "pretty".
Cooper Lopez
>Earthworm Jim Ah, yes, the World Industries of video games, except twice as generic and half as marketable.
Jaxson Gutierrez
Should I get only the comic or is the "signed comic + making of" package worth it?
Tyler Ward
>pretty petty* >anyone who randomly brings up EVS being "owned" in a completely unrelated thread, and also not being "owned" in the first placed
Yes. However in this thread Ethan is related, and you could say he don't like Doug raising more than him. But without evidence it just the anons projecting their own pettiest on to EVS.
Caleb Richardson
Doug isn't comicsgate. Don't let Ethan Von Scribner find out you said he was or else he'll sick his WC Gestappo on you.
>imaginary fucking culture war lel
EVS is pretending to support him to make it look like >See guys I'm not mad! I'm not mad that EWJ is passing Cyberfrog! >EVEN THOUGH I'VE DONE EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO UNDERMINE DOUG FOR THE LAST MONTH >I'm not mad >I'm not mad! >Hey let me say it again CONGRATS DOUG TENNAPEL!! On streams EVS continues to take shots and he lets his coterie of siccophants blame Doug for literally everything that's been going wrong in their little ComicsGate world >some random 20yo writer named Nasser is tired of kissing EVS's ass constantly and wants to leave comics and go write prose novels instead >"THAT WAS DOUG WHISPERING IN HIS EAR!"
Keep track of how many times EVS unflichingly keeps making the point that EWJ only beat the "first" Cyberfrog campaign, but not all four Cyberfrog variant cover campaigns combined. That will tell you how mad EVS is. GOOD.
Jackson Gonzalez
If you care about the behind-the-scenes stuff with the EWJ game and seeing Doug's sketches, then go for the comic + making of. The making of book also got some neat upgrades so it'll like nice and shiny on your shelf.
Asher Ortiz
I'm sure EVS is crying into all the hundreds of thousands of dollars he raised, just because his friend raised a similar amount. Dilate. It's over; you lost.
Brandon Hernandez
>imaginary fucking culture war wait so the left isn't trying to push trans propaganda onto children? someone should tell Henry Selick
Julian Allen
Earthworm Jim is not a fun game at all. Frankly it sucks.
Zachary Martin
i gave him some money. I always wanted more Earthworm Jim stuff.
I disagree. I thought the game was pretty solid growing up. I played it again on an emulator a few years ago, and it still held up.
Ryan Nelson
Have you played it recently?
David King
EWJ is still a solid shooter game with excellent sprite work but I will say that EWJ2 is weaker with terrible variety stages.
Asher Nguyen
Nobody ITT has played or interacted with any EJ properties. They just want to own the libs.
Jaxson Anderson
Why own the libs when they own themselves on an hourly basis? Just subscribe to AoC's Twitter, or something.
Ian Johnson
you know what fuck you you can dislike his politics all you want but leave the game out of it.
Jason Peterson
Shut the fuck up, Eddie Scarry.
Benjamin Rodriguez
>Not everyone are as pretty as you.
You're right, user. And I do feel sorry for uggos like yourself. I'll try not to flaunt my beauty around you ever again.
Jordan Gomez
He deleted the tweets but you can look it up >WC prolongs and escalates another stupid internal CG war. Are you sick of this? I am! I can’t have my comics business associated with groups who attack backers and creators. >I’m out of CG and moving on to focus on what my backers are about: great comics & no drama!
— Doug TenNapel (@DougTenNapel) May 16, 2019
Chase Morris
>Dilate. It's over; you lost. EVS did indeed lose to TenNaple. I hope he can recover someday.
Justin Jones
>Holy Fuck, 40$ to ship to Europe, hell NO!
Earthworm Jim is an American property and Doug is an American creator. Europeans don't really factor into any of this at all. Sorry, you don't have a seat at the table. You can pay extra to watch from the sidelines, but that's it.
Alexander Barnes
I like Doug, and Ethan. What now, tranny? >N-NO!!!! FIGHT!!!! Go dilate, retard.
Jacob Garcia
Take THAT Europoor.
Henry Cox
I don't know anything about dilating, but you do. Also you seem butthurt mad for no reason which the gender confused do.
Get your mental illness treated, tranny.
Samuel Carter
It's alright. Caesar's just going to do another crowdfunding run and come out on top again. You, meanwhile, will stay perpetually buttblasted.
Jaxson Reyes
>actually calling him Caesar unironically
You War Campaigners are such closeted homos, no wonder you don't like TenNaple.
Carson Smith
Why does every comicsgate retard tweet like Trump?
Mason Hernandez
Project harder, if that's even possible.
Hudson Gutierrez
>How exactly does one "leave comicsgate"? >I’m out of CG and moving on to focus on what my backers are about: great comics & no drama! - Doug TenNapel >REEEE! D-DILATE!! REEEE I LIKE BOTH!!! REEE!
I also didn't even mention Ethan you cuck, but comicsgators are pissed. Even Cecil who is one of the main ones shat on Doug. > There is drama wether you like it or not. So go and take the sand out of your gaping woundhole and take that cock out of your ass and deal with it.
Carter Rogers
I only played the games a little, since I was really bad at them as a kid, but I liked the cartoon and I think all the characters look interesting, and liked Doug's other work. My favorite graphic novel he made was Cardboard.
I got two sets, one to keep and one to sell. Hope it'll be worth it lol.
I'm going to be getting it since there will be backstory not included in the main comic itself.
>The "Making Of The Earthworm Jim Book" is a perfect companion to the comic book. It will also be a 96 page, hardbound, 9" x 12" BEAST! It has a comprehensive backstory on all of the main characters and villains. I think it's tacky to have too much expository dialogue on everyone's past, so it's better to unfurl that in this book. I give you the why behind the entire Earthworm Jim universe... and yes, I'm building a universe!
You can always wait for scans, or someone to take pictures of the pages. Sorry Eurofriend.
I don't know you tell me since you're the one projecting harder than anyone.
Austin Morgan
Earthworm Jim has always sucked.
Carter Mitchell
Why are you assuming that anyone knows who the fuck "cecil" is referring to, you insane sperg? You're clearly more balls deep into twitter drama than anyone you're responding to.
Jacob Howard
I heard Doug really disliked the cartoon, did he ever say why? I thought it was really good, and stood up well on a rewatch as an adult desu.
Cameron Williams
>Claims to be EVScum guzzler >Doesn't know his video pals It's not even about twitter drama, he makes videos and invites his stooges. You're just feigning ignorance now to save face.
Bentley Gray
All EVS does is fucking drama, lmao. Whoa re you trying to fool?
Hudson Barnes
No, I legitimately don't know his "video pals", because I don't obsessively follow his youtube channel the way you do.
Anthony Foster
sure is earthworm jim in here
Mason Thomas
yeah i played it recently. Downloaded it on my playstation. not sure what your point is? that it wasn't popular or widely considered a good game?? I guess its not for everyone obviously. what kind of games do you prefer??
Wyatt Walker
>make a thread to see what people think about the EWJ book >the book is a new origin story for Jim >knew Doug said some shit on twitter but didn't think it was that big a deal >most of the thread is culturewarring.
I just wanted to talk comics, this politics shit is so fucking tiring.
Leo Nelson
Literally who?
Julian White
You know who started this culture war shit. So you know who to blame.
>in before "it was pol!"
Lucas Robinson
Same way the lead singer of Disturbed walked away from GamerGate after seeing a bunch of anti-Jewish shit that gators were saying?
Andrew Scott
That fat loser with the faggy accent? Not surprised his firmly wedged up Ethan's asshole. He's Comicsgater material, alright.
Jason Jenkins
>culture war kys talk about comics or cartoons or fuck off
Jordan Jenkins
I don't care who started it, I came to talk comics.
Christopher Walker
>You know who started this culture war shit. Yeah, the sperg who randomly started sperging about about EVS in a thread that literally had nothing to do with him, as usual. I thought they were permabanned by now.
Parker Martin
>I just wanted to talk comics >shills a campaign that may not even successfully cover its promises, a common trend by now What did you expect? There's nothing to talk about yet either.
Jason Ortiz
Every single "le comicsgate" kickstarter has fulfilled its promise. Every single time you say that "it's a scam that's never coming out." Every single time you are wrong. Don't you ever get sick of being wrong?
Jace Gonzalez
not OP I just came to the thread to talk about jim and comics, and instead got a bunch of pol shit. I don't care about the creator, or who he does/doesn't like. I wanted to talk about the character and the universe and what the hopes and thoughts about the origin comics are gonna be. The video on the kickstarter page looks interesting.
Nicholas Rogers
>Every single "le comicsgate" kickstarter has fulfilled its promise. Lmao, some of them aren't even finished by the time they're released years after the campaigns are done. But sure, jack off to Jawbreakers, it's worth the half a million dollars Ethan pocketed.
Jack Perry
Every single one of them has been released, or released with extra content free of charge. You're angry because... why? Are you a comicsgator who donated to these campaigns that were released later than you thought they would be? :^)
Matthew Martinez
>Every single "le comicsgate" kickstarter has fulfilled its promise.
Ethan Van Sciver still hasn't fulfilled Cyberfrog which was supposed to ship November 2018.
Mitch Breitweiser still hasn't fulfilled Red Rooster which was supposed to ship March 2019.
Thomas Cruz
According to Doug's profile, before this campaign he had an indiegogo campaign for a comic called Bigfoot Bill. Did anyone here back it, and if you did, were you happy with the results?
I have no problem with DC and Marvel facing some competition. I honestly wish more non-Cape comics were popular in the industry. Yes, I know the Walking Dead exists, but I'm not interested in cliche video game gimmicks that tries to popularize misery porn like GoT as "cool." I have enough of that IRL.
Joseph Richardson
Wasn't Oneyng gonna get the creator to go on his channel?
Camden White
>According to Doug's profile, before this campaign he had an indiegogo campaign for a comic called Bigfoot Bill. Did anyone here back it, and if you did, were you happy with the results?
Yep. It hit a bunch of stretch goals so I got a ton of bonuses that didn't cost me any extra. Book came hardbound with gilded edges and looked beautiful. It was a good comic, too.
AND IT FULFILLED ON TIME. Sorry Ethan. Sorry Mitch. You have no excuses.
Gavin Bell
Wait what's the issue? Is EJ not PC enough these days?
Matthew White
>Given the detail in every single one of his pages, I fail to see the problem
Ayden Flores
>unearned Just knowing you paid for Jawbreakers is enough to feel eternal satisfaction.
It's not so much Jim but Doug himself. Some of his beliefs can cause friction with others, such as transsexuals because he won't recognize their self-declared gender.
Jackson Rodriguez
Leave the four corners of the nation and you'll see that no, not really. Portland, LA, New York, and to a lesser extent Miami are a poison that luckily you don't have to imbibe.
Charles Hernandez
>such as transsexuals because he won't recognize their self-declared gender.
You shouldn't encourage mental illness, user.
Jayden Gray
>DA DETAIL IN DA PANELS! ITS NINE MONTHS LATE CUZ OF DA DETAIL IN DA PANELS! ...Yes? Every single panel looks like it could pass for the cover art of any given comic. That takes time, especially when you throw in another few dozen extra pages, all in the same style. What exactly is your problem, here? Are you okay?
Lincoln Green
I was trying to say it as neutrally as possible in an attempt to avoid another derail.
Ethan Cruz
The art is shit, dude. The guy took 9 months to shit out a semi-decent looking Image book.
Jason Gray
>The art is shit, dude. Objectively incorrect.
Eli Adams
i got my cyberfrog, bro
Evan Peterson
>I don't think anyone gives a shit about the politics surrounding this stuff honestly This. In fact I don't know why there's so much "dilate, seethe", etc over this shit. >except something with trans No, not really, there are no trans involved, it's just that comicsgaters adopted "trannies" as the new go-to insult, so there's variations on that theme whenever anyone they don't like is concerned.
Sebastian Richardson
Scroll up, my dude. The only people angry about it are trannies mad at him for "misgendering" trannies.
Aiden Roberts
Jawbreakers is good.
Lucas Richardson
Just saw all that, yeah. Well that's fucking stupid of Doug but still, attacking people who criticize that attitude (and EVS for that matter) of being "trannies" is ridiculous anyway. I don't care about EJ, I played it when it was on SuperNES I think? I'm only against the low effort bullshit this culture war nonsense has brought to the board. Haha my god. See, this right here, you allowed it Yea Forums.
Landon Morales
No amount of detail excuses a 9 month delay. EVS is just lazy as shit.
Carson Mitchell
Just what I expected from someone who paid for Jawbreakers.
Nolan Foster
Is it possible to buy it later or did I miss out?
Brandon Young
Dabbing on trannies isn't "culture war". Everyone hates trannies.
Brandon Nelson
>Is it possible to buy it later or did I miss out?
I totally agree. I see a lot of people talking about how much they prefer EWJ2, but it has always just felt like such a weaker game that relied so heavily on gimmick stages rather than solid platforming. It has a few neat levels, but they are just so mired down by all the unfun ones, and that's without the "save the puppies" thing you have to complete between levels.
Gavin Jackson
Annnnnnd bought.
Yes sir...
Charles Peterson
Shut up, Boco.
Ethan White
I already said--
Sigh...yes sir...
Angel Martin
> (You) >Haha my god. See, this right here, you allowed it Yea Forums. So people aren't allowed to enjoy comics without the approval of Yea Forums? I'm guessing you haven't read it. That's the problem. If you did, you would realize that it's unbelievably fun--something that has been missing from comics for years. The last time I enjoyed a comic so much, was when I was reading Hickman's FF.
Joshua Morris
>I'm guessing you haven't read it. That's the problem. ... No I'm pretty sure we all read it and roasted it openly months ago, the book is hot garbage.
James Bell
Any chance this'll be ripped or scanned?
Julian Torres
probably. people are buying it for all the fancy hardcover with gold emobssed foil and shit.
Carson Flores
>book is 70 >shipping is 55 >then add on leaftax >$170 leaf Why is it so fuckin expensive to get shit shipped up here? It's the same continent, you just drive up, it doesn't even need a fucking plane.
Five bucks says his new origin somehow shoehorns in JudeoChristian Creation Myth or some other weird fucking bible shit because it's the only thing he can write about
Jeremiah Walker
With that kinda money you can buy two omnibuses at discount price from IST.
Isaac Martin
>"The Great Worm Spirit died for our sins!"
Brody Gray
i don't get why CG tries to claim Yea Forums 'as there own', when they get openly sharted on every time a thread pops up involving them
A lot of recent comics have been fun, you just like whine for no reason.
Colton Evans
How dare he say the emperor has no clothes! Off! Off with his head!
Xavier Morris
Brandon Gray
Thomas Bennett
They'll never admit to the double-standard, providing "it triggers the libs" and "makes trannies seethe". They're children, don't bother.
Jose Williams
He's certainly right about that.
Nolan Evans
How is this "in comics"? Did he put a strawman tranny or SJW in his comics or something?
Jackson Smith
Imagine being so shockingly fucking stupid that you think a comics writer having an opinion on the internet is the same thing as what the Communist California Cabal does when they shoehorn their evil insanity into the actual pages of comics.
Thomas Robinson
I had it on the Genesis growing up, had no idea there was even any twitter drama at all, and only found out about this indiegogo from this thread. I just pledged for the signed book super fan tier.
Leo Myers
Imagine thinking a comic writer in Marvel putting a Latina congresswoman in a comic panel is actually the works of an evil Communist Cabal that seeks to brainwash the entire Eastern Board into voting for Sanders.
Dominic Perez
>Marvel >encouraging voting for a white male
Can't fool me commie
Charles Gomez
>Communist California Cabal Imagine being this dumb and gullible. I bet you paid for Jawbreakers.
Benjamin Gomez
Right, my bad, it would be a Muslim woman or something... Damn, pal. Hard to believe you were actually into comics at all.
>wanting 15k and getting 780k I mean What do people expect? How do that come back and make it worth it for that price? There's no way to please people considering the money you got. Honestly going over by nearly 5000% seems completely pointless. It doesn't do anything but add stress
Robert King
Kiwifarmers are quite pathetic.
Matthew Flores
>Nobody ITT has played or interacted with any EJ properties.
You son of a bitch, those are fighting words.
Logan Kelly
Shut it, Boco.
Joshua Howard
Grrr....fine...but only cuz I'm too tired for this shit.
Jackson Hughes
>and only found out about this indiegogo from this thread Same. I pledged my $25 for the book and avoided this entire retarded shitflinging contest.
John Long
See also: John K
Isaiah Peterson
>It doesn't do anything but add stress I don't understand. >he makes book for price >you pay price >you get book
>shitton of other people also buy book >he gets lots of money
why does the amount made have anything to do with what you think you're owed? You're getting the book you paid for. The extra money goes to him and his team once they pay to manufacture a higher number of books. There's no extra stress for him really. He just puts a higher number in the box of how many he wants made at his publishers website.
>why does the amount made have anything to do with what you think you're owed? Lmao, this is how cucked comicgayters are.
Isaac Gomez
I don't want that book. Good job making this campaign work, but I ain't in need for that book.
Levi Adams
I'm gonna be honest here, I don't know what the fuck comicgate is. All I know is this guy is making a book, and it costs a price. Like I get it if it was a game, and if he made 4 million dollars the game would have more people working on it and more shit in it. But Doug's made books before, he even said the pagecount at the beginning of the video. The book isn't going to get any higher quality if an extra thousand people want one.
>he book isn't going to get any higher quality if an extra thousand people want one. The problem is it should and you're a massive cuck for shitting on others for expecting a top notch quality product. Christ. It's not like he made twice the amount either. The guy is holding three quarters of a million dollars and you want him to deliver a comic book you can pick up at fucking Walmart.
Just lol.
Colton James
>you're a massive cuck for shitting on others for expecting a top notch quality product.
what the fuck is wrong with you? I literally said the book could not get any higher quality. What do you think? If he makes a million dollars he's gonna print the book on gold fucking paper? He already added stretch goals to add foil and embossing and shit to the cover, he couldn't do any more unless he stuck fucking lights and sparklers in it you fucking inbred.
>I literally said the book could not get any higher quality You don't have to scream about how much you enjoy having your wife fucked by other people, dude. I hear you loud and clear the first time.
Enjoy your shitty $800k floppy.
Levi Walker
This so much, we need to stop glorifying insanity
Ayden Cox
Doug TenNapel is like Chick-Fil-A.
Everybody complains about him; no one can stop him.
He is proof that you can succeed in your chosen industry without being a craven coward.
>Enjoy your shitty $800k floppy. It's a hardcover. But hey, if I enjoy it half as much as you've enjoyed trying to bait me I'll be happy. I'd look into that cuckold obsession though, if you ever find anyone willing to fuck you then you'll probably drive them off with your insecurity about your tiny dick/poor performance, whichever one is causing your inadequacy complex. Maybe find a hobby that isn't shitposting in a rare thread that is actually about actual comics on Yea Forums for once, just a thought.
Agreed, I'm glad Doug has the guts to tell it the way it is.
Brayden Jenkins
I live in Fremont, California I've never seen a protest for the Chick-Fil-A near my home Is the chicken really that good?
Jackson Foster
Animation aside, Earthworm Jim as a game series sucked
Cooper Brooks
Remember when Doug got DC to drop Mark Russell's Second Coming because he got offended by its plot despite Vertigo having pumped up far worse stuff in the past in regards to the religion? I'm a Christian and even I thought that was pathetic
I didn't back it. Will the book still be available for purchase later? I'm a poorfag, but I do want to read it someday, and I dunno if it will be storytimed.
Matthew Anderson
The chicken nuggets and chik-fil-a sauce are pretty high tier
Carson Mitchell
Nope and not relevant to the point at hand.
Christopher Cruz
Some user might do a bootleg storytime with photographs of the pages, but I doubt the book will be scanned since it's a hardcover
Adrian Cooper
>but I doubt the book will be scanned since it's a hardcover >Implying that's gonna stop people Aren't those guidebooks based on Gravity Falls and Star VS hardcovers? They get scanned ASAP
I feel like the first game was a fluke. It was good and rightfully successful, but I think the team didn't quite get why and they tried to replicate its success with the second game and it didn't really work. They doubled down on level gimmicks and they tried to increase the absurdity but it didn't feel as clever as the first game.
Christopher Powell
I like it. It's very different from other fried chicken places, so it may not be what you're expecting. Lighter and cleaner flavor.
One thing you'll notice is that the average Chick-Fil-A has triple the staff of any comparably-sized fast food joint, so the service is very fast, even with a big crowd.
Michael Perez
>Is the chicken really that good? It's good, but also kind of overrated. Definitely not worth waiting your entire lunch break in line for, which is a strangely common thing that I don't really understand.
Colton Diaz
The best piece of Jim media was the cartoon Doug didn't even work on that one aside from voicing himself in one episode
Ryan Jones
>waiting your entire lunch break in line for
One of the reasons I like Chick-Fil-A is that they usually serve you pretty quick even with a big line. Much faster than In-N-Out, which also often has big lines.
Jordan Green
Right but those aren't crowdfunded books. You can only get one copy of this book.
Leo Morris
Speaking of Jim Doug says Netflix is interested in a new show
Someone's gonna be willing to take the bullet Nature finds a way (if it cares) and people do care about Jim
Leo Bailey
Fuck War Campaign
Brayden Ward
>great comics
James Nelson
>It's a hardcover Lmao, I can find hardcover editions of much better comics without having to cuck myself out of a $800k investment without any guarantees. This is the guy who hates modern comics: a fucking moron.
Aaron Foster
>Earthworm Jim thread starring a bunch of dudes who probably have no idea who Earthworm Jim is
Julian Nelson
Have you considered the fact that you are popularizing everything you hate far more than "le comisgoobers" or whatever the shit you claim to be fighting against?
Christian Long
Earthworm Jim is shit, pal.
Noah Sullivan
>I'm not a /pol/shit but don't you think you're actually helping them blahblahblah Terrible fucking meme.
Brayden Sanchez
70 for a book
Christ this a con
Henry Phillips
I called it months back This shit was bound to fall apart because people would end up becoming PR nightmares and liabilities (even for their standards) When EVS himself has pulled the whole "leave/return" shit and idiots fall for it (not to mention inviting Theodore Beale into mix was asinine) When that YellowFlash faggot even admitted the movement was a joke When all these idiots and absolute retards backstab each other or try to claim power This shit was bound to fall apart and only really existed as advertising for crowdfunded shit The fact that even Doug, with all these post screencaps in this thread has stated that even Comicsgate is too much drama for his time speaks volumes of how badly it got
Robert Miller
>d-dude it has like, a hardcover??
Luke Reed
>complaining about /pol/shit on a /pol/website lel
Liam Fisher
>I CALLED THAT IT WOULD FAIL >(is an unprecedented success) Gee tranny, you sure showed us.
Hudson Gutierrez
Are there not going to be any copies sold in the future?
>Doug says Netflix is interested in a new show No way. They're too LGBT positive to work with him.
Samuel Walker
>/pol/ website Dumb election tourist.
Jackson Hughes
based and science-pilled.
Jack Carter
In Freedom Land, the base book package costs $25 with $12 shipping. Everything is more expensive in Leaf
Grayson Rivera
Reading comprehension I meant comicsgate Even Doug has enough brain cells to know its a sinking shit not worth his time
Angel Scott
Dumb shitposter. Any large group of people will have conflicts of interest eventually. That's the nature of man. Likewise, people who dislike the way a big corporation runs things will eventually seek out ways to do business on their own. That's the nature of supply and demand.
Wyatt Adams
You dumb cucks keep saying "LE COMICS DYING MEDIUM", but everything that isn't your SJW bullshit proves to be an increasing unprecedented success. Stop blaming everyone else that you would rather see comics die than admit you were wrong.
Asher Garcia
108676783 wow. you sure showed him faggot.
Kevin Bell
It's totally relevant, and if Doug gets one of his project cancelled due to outrage it would be just desserts for him.
Jayden Cox
people have been buying it on ebay for $300. i'm kicking myself for not getting it when i had the chance, it's a gorgeous looking book
Levi Hughes
>years after the campaigns are done these comics gate guys have only been doing this crowdfunding shit for a little more than a year, what are talking about?
Sebastian Perry
he also doubled the size of the book
Isaac Perez
Colton Allen
i got the salamandroid solo cover that he only ran for a couple weeks. i'm selling that shit on ebay.
Isaiah Edwards
Reminder to you goober grabblers that Richard C. Meyer is losing his case and Vic Nignognastein is not only losing his case but paying half a million dollars in damages to Funimation for his frivolous lawsuit.
Ethan destroyed the entire indie scene so that only his handpicked creators will ever be able to succeed. You lost. Real comics fans won.
Say what you want about Doug's Christfaggotry but he actually fucking delivers. His art is insane and he actually delivers quality shit. Bigfoot Bill and Earthworm Jim don't appeal to me as characters personally but he deserves every penny he's getting from goobers.
It's sad watching people drop money on complete trash like Richard C. Meyer's abortions when stuff like his is available.
Christian Turner
If more copies are sold, they'll probably simpler versions without all the gold foil and fancy shit added on.
GF and Star Vs both good two guidebooks each, but as far as I know the "scans" for the hard covers was basically people just taking photos of the pages.
But it'd be perfect for Netflix. Earthworms are natural hermaphrodites, so you have your LGBBBQ pandering right from the get go. Besides, since Doug didn't like the first cartoon, I'd be interested in what his vision for his "ideal" EWJ cartoon would be like. Would it be sillier or more serious? Focused more on comedy or action?
Gabriel Sanchez
sjws, feminists, trannies and Yea Forumsmblr once again blown the fuck out. see comics still can be hugely succesful if they aren´t written by men hating sjws who only care about making comics feminist and "progressive"
Logan Rogers
how is not accepting liberals insanity on twitter "politics in comics"? it´s not like earth worm jim is going to talk for 4 pages why trannies should all be gassed
Andrew Reyes
Keep telling yourself that, Moron and Soye have NOTHING to defend themselves with. That definitely sounds like a winning case, similar to how this isn't total sarcasm.
Honestly i've been to busy looking at Nick Reikta and Ty beards failing lawsuit to care about Comicsgate, anything intresting happen since last month?
Jack Ramirez
Nick don't you have a livesteam to piss yourself on,
Luis Gray
>Vic Nignognastein is not only losing his case but paying half a million dollars in damages to Funimation for his frivolous lawsuit.
Not only that but the money that has been raised for the suit is going to a pair of conartists
Isaac Gonzalez
>raised $700,000, a crowdfunding record for an independent comic >not a single news article to be found
What a bizarre oversight, have comic people not heard about this?
Jackson Torres
I'm happy for him having the Earthworm license back and free to do whatever he wants with it. He's known to deliver work in time and quality, so I'm happy for his fans as well. I'd buy one but it's way too expensive for EU. Isn't he british?
Mason Ramirez
Of course I do, but again, it's part of the double standards of the comicsgate tourists in this board: since he's shitting on trannies, it's GOOD. But him using his influence to get other people banned/censored due to religious reasons? Nobody cares!
Thomas Cruz
>What a bizarre oversight, have comic people not heard about this? This happens all the time, it's only some unprecedented event for those who don't follow comics. And besides I'm sure it was covered but it's all tainted by the ridiculous CG politics so it's not worth discussing. "Oh yeah it got funded because a lot of people who don't even buy comics on the regular spent their allowances to fund and overpriced hardcover made by a guy who has a serious slant against LGBT folks". Yeah that's newsworthy, wow.
Colton Taylor
did he mistype or is SHE a HE? because that is savage if second.
John Perry
>see comics still can be hugely succesful if they aren´t written by men hating sjws who only care about making comics feminist and "progressive" Immortal Hulk is hugely successful. Though I guess that'd require you to read anything beyond Twitter drama? He did not mistype, he did it on purpose.
Zachary Lee
yes it does?
did you fucking play EWJ 3? its not good.
Parker Stewart
Telling men who pretend to be women that they're still men isn't political, it's just the truth.
Xavier Robinson
>How do that come back and make it worth it for that price? There's no way to please people considering the money you got. >Honestly going over by nearly 5000% seems completely pointless. It doesn't do anything but add stress
There's a thing called stretch goals. Every time the dollar amount hits a stretch goal, a bonus is added to the package at no extra charge to the backers. Because EWJ did so well, I originally paid for a square-bound graphic novel, but now I'm getting a library quality hardboung edition with raised cover lettering, higher quality paper stock, gold foil gilded edges, plus cards and other nick nacks.
The reason IGG campaigns often exceed expectations like this is because the stretch goals are laid out in advance and people want to reach them.
William Barnes
All the comics news sites are exclusively run by liberals. You think Bleeding Cool and CBR are ever gonna give free publicity to a conservative creator outside of attacking them?
Gabriel Hughes
Nah it's just being an ass for no reason. He could just ignore it if it bothers him, going out of his way to piss people off over that is bad optics, specially since it antagonizes potential customers over nothing. I remember comicsgaters were super upset that creators blocked them on twitter or had serious disagreements with them over politics, and that it was one of the reasons why they wanted to have their own niche where this stuff didn't happen, but as it turns out, what really bothered them was the different politics, not the attitude. It's as transparent as it gets.
Wyatt Sanders
>All the comics news sites are exclusively run by liberals Almost like most comic creators are liberals, by an 80% (and being generous towards "conservatives") and it reflects on the coverage. This has to be repeated often because it looks like you guys still don't understand.
Michael Nguyen
>now I'm getting a library quality hardboung edition with raised cover lettering, higher quality paper stock, gold foil gilded edges, plus cards and other nick nacks. All bullshit that adds nothing to the content but superfluous nonsense.
Xavier Young
Admirable. I like this man's work, always did, and I can separate the man's deep personal beliefs from his work. And his work doesn't seem to carry his belief.
Lucas Collins
You are right. NOBODY FUCKING CARES! Why should you?
Anthony Foster
You were literally responding to a pedophile, user. Let that sink in.
Parker Hill
People who carry liberal beliefs average to be my creative which lends them being artist than those who carry the opposite views.
John Hernandez
Shut up
Nick is busy proving how if Hitler didn't kill himself he'd be fucked in courts not because of his many crimes against humanity but because he commited tortious interference
Luke Diaz
>mfw when I backed D&C's lawsuit >mfw I backed Jawbreakers, Cyberfrog, Earthworm Jim >mfw I backed Vic's lawsuit >mfw can't stop winning baby
I backed it, I'm getting the comic and the making of book. I'm bisexual, too, and I know all about what Doug thinks on the matter. Don't care, I love Earthworm Jim, love Doug's art. Gimme.
It's only 20-30 bucks for a book, and throwing in a spare 50 bucks I have laying around for a lawsuit is no big deal IMO.
He's fucked on TI but might get away with calling Zack a Nazi KKK White Supremasist since he did it online and not actually in Texas.
Owen Lee
>throwing in a spare 50 bucks I have laying around for a lawsuit is no big deal IMO Yeah, except it's not yours, and it's some frivolous shit anyway all in the name of a culture war. But again, it's your money; if anything this proves these guys are making big bucks with all these suckers who are getting pandered to.
Hudson Gray
Such a shame, too. He and Nerkish really bounced off of each other quite well. Too bad that faggot-ass Sketch Therapy had to lead WC into doing a "purity test" on ol' Nerk. I lost quite a lot of respect towards EVS after he pretty much blacklisted Nerkish from CG on his stream while claiming that Cash Grab could've still happened and claimed that WC dindu nuffin. The end result is that Nerk and Cecil went their own ways and now both of them are pretty pathetic, with Nerkish doing a super-tardy "/pol/ lite" talk show instead of comic roasts and Cecil's dull solo stuff is being propped up by WC.
I'm actually quite happy that WC is spergy enough to go after Jeremy from Geeks+Gamers now, since he's an outside to CG and won't take even the slightest shit without hitting back full force. Perhaps EVS will finally start to do some tard wrangling since I don't think he wishes to endanger The High Council over some Centurion-LARPing asslickers.
Ethan's a gifted artist and has plenty of charisma, but he has to be either addicted to being worshipped or he's a scheming, egotistical backstabber – there are no other ways to explain why WC has been allowed to exercise their exceptionalism so freely.
Ro Kabir, Pan Boy and Sketch Therapy should quit the internet altogether, they're an embarrassment to their species.
Adam Mitchell
>calling Nazi KKK White Supremacist I don't know how that's not considered defamation in the this context that Waid was clearly using these labels to deter Comics Matter from being involved in the comics industry by convincing people of Waid's mendacious, malicious claims.
If some stranger didn't like my politics and called me a Communist supporter of China that wanted to destabilize the country simply because I'm Asian, I would be furious and would sue. The company I work for would has a pro-diversity, no-tolerance policy over such accusations, I would be probably terminated if thought the rumors were true.
I wouldn't find be able to find employment again, because HR sees me now as a social pariah out to commit some serious crimes, all based on some douche bag who doesn't even have to support his claims with evidence. If I was in Comics Matter's situation, I would have done same just to spite my lying accuser even if I lost the case.
It was an issue of jurisdiction not if it was defamation or not. If it gets tossed then he'd just have to refile it wherever Waid lives.
Liam Williams
To be honest 111 bucks for a book with pictures is kinda expensive. But if the people is happy throwing money like this, power to them.
Matthew Davis
>Silver Spoon OwO whats this
Jace Lee
Yeah and then real lawyers got involved and the fantasy world faded around you.
Luis Watson
Griftergate thread. Mods allow one on Yea Forums at a time. Ethan Van Sciver and a guy who makes fun of comics creators named Richard C. Meyer created indie comics funded exclusively by incels. Not just regular comic-reading incels, but anti-PC edgy incels with an axe to grind against SJWs.
It evolved into a YouTube niche where people make fun of Marvel and Disney for profit while shilling their own independent comics. Doug Tenapel, creator of Earthworm Jim, takes part in a lot of YouTube live streams of this genre to generate sales.
Besides the books there are two lawsuits and one e-drama happening in this niche. Richard C. Meyer is suing Mark Waid and an anime voice actor is suing people at Funimation who called him a pedo rapist. The griftergate side is going to lose both cases because despite being morally correct they're not legally supported by any evidence. A fresh out of school lawyer named Nick Rekeita makes funny live streams where he roasts the opposing sides of these lawsuits. This has created a new genre of e-drama where lawyers and Internet lawyers fight with each other for our entertainment.
Ethan Van Sciver controls the griftergate independent comics scene by brutally destroying anyone who won't bend the knee to him. He has a lot of orbiters of low mental capacity which makes for a lot of entertaining fighting and e-drama. His orbiters are currently fighting each other to see who can eat more of Ethan's feces.
It's all entertainment. No more griftergate events will be happening until Ethan Van Sciver's Battletoads knockoff is shipped in a few months.
guys wanted to make comics without politics in them Waid and others used their influence in the industry to black list them for political opinions lawsuit happening in texas "Waid's screwed" for business interference since they got blacklisted they created crowd funding for their comics
Easton White
The fuck are you talking about? This is about Doug Mensch, not D&C.
Parker Turner
Did he shit himself this time? or did he throw up on air?
Jason Bailey
>a pedo rapist. It doesn't matter if Vic loses the case. It's better for him to take this to court and show everyone, including Monica and Toye, that they're liars that can't at all back up their claims that Vic is a pedophile sexual predator that preys on young girls at anime conventions. At the very least, the public would see that the accusations of Vic being a rapist are false and no one should take them seriously. And maybe Vic will somehow salvage what's left of his career instead of just accepting all the slander and libel made against him and never having the chance to pursue the career he worked in for decades. Fight back even if it means losing because suing someone costs money and that forces the SJWs to think twice of defaming someone they just happen to dislike for that reason alone. Same case for Richard, I bet Waid will now think twice of calling someone a White Supremacist Nazi simply because he happens to disagree with him on the topic of where the comic industry is going and what role politics has in comics, if at all.
Jacob Allen
fuck wrong guy
Samuel Ross
If Vic loses the case then he's forever a pedo rapist, that's how it works.
Lincoln Powell
there is no way he can lose this case, there is no evidence against him.
And if he doesn't sue, that confirms to people that he is basically admitting he is guilty of all the crimes he is accused of. It's a catch-22. Fighting back at provides Vic with plausible deniability and the fact that Vic isn't in jail or arrested for the alleged crime he supposedly committed just confirms that Vic is innocent, even if he loses the case of being wrongly terminated or the fact that court can't find convincing evidence of intentional malice and slander that led to the downfall of his career.
The fact that Vic is still able to walk free in public, despite being called a pedophile rapist without any of the cops trying to apprehend him, should be a clear indicator to the judge, jury, and public that Ron and Rial are full of it. And that Funimation shouldn't have implied that Vic sexually harassed someone.
Mason Young
doesn't matter if he is innocent. Believe all women will still say he's a rapist that got away with it
Colton Clark
Fucking awesome. I might have to get this. The artwork looks great!
Jaxson Cooper
What's the status of that lawsuit anyway?
Aiden Price
And Nick and Beard will walk off with a lot of money.
Samuel Murphy
Not even conservatives like conservative artists, though. Trump uninvited Ben Garrison from a White House visit for making fun of Israel.
Ethan Rivera
Damn that's like a homeless guy saying "Your not going out like that are you?"
Brayden Garcia
>Isn't he british? Most recent update mentions him being in Tennessee. Even if he was a Britbong, I imagine all the books are going to be printed out in America.
It broke a record for being the most funded comic project on indiegogo, maybe that's newsworthy?
>All bullshit that adds nothing to the content but superfluous nonsense. What do you think should have been added instead?
>there is no way he can lose this case, there is no evidence against him lol
How is an official comic about a best-selling video game indie?
Brayden Ortiz
Don't like his politics or his opinions but I like Earthwom Jim. I'll give it a read if nothing else.
Sometimes you have to separate a creator from his work if that work has nothing to do with it. If it becomes complete author track like Cerebus, then I'm out but if it's just Jim doing stupid shit, that's fine. It's not like I can't still enjoy Ren and Stimpy even if I think John K is a giant piece of shit. I am curious if it's one of those situations where he does need someone to reign him in for more outlandish ideas, or not though. I'm always kind of disappointed when a creator gets full range but takes their stuff too far in one direction and it really doesn't work.
He's free to his dumbass opinion, as long as he keeps shit from ruining Earthworm Jim.
Daniel Jones
Would you like to be sued for tortious interference? The innuendo in your post relating to mine seems to qualify
Ethan Jones
Poor little Mags, Kwanzer, and all the liberal darlings can't raise even a fraction of this money for their own Kickstarter projects despite 24/7 shilling from news websites and fellow comic pros.
All this really shows me is newsites have zero influence and are a dying breed. They're pissed that YouTubers have taken over their job, and their futile attempt at a media blackout has had zero affect on their enemies
It's still not a record, so I don't know what one thing has to do with another.
Evan Anderson
It helps that Order of the Stick had been a long running comic when the kickstarter was made, so it had years and years to accumulate a fanbase that would have some idea of what they'd be getting. I'm assuming those those other kickstarters were for new untested properties.
Thomas Bennett
"highest conservative crowdfunding" is not newsworthy, not even in conservative media.
Brandon Murphy
You don't have to follow his yt channel to know he brings him up a lot. Besides I didn't even fucking brought up Ethan, you just like sucking his cock that much.
Landon Cooper
Doug was born (or at least raised) in Texas. His home town was parodied in the cartoon.
Ethan Thomas
Welcome to the new state of Yea Forums were everything is about people's hurt fee fees. That said I don't have much faith on Doug not sperging either and making EWJ about politics. The guy used to have a webcomic that was good that he eventually made it his personal commentary and he also sperged about the EWJ game's bad ending having the word evolution in it.
Hopefully his new EWJ comic is just zany fun shit and not him making political commentaries.
Juan Sullivan
Yeah it's a pretty gorgeous book and I heard that TenNapel had miscalculated how much that was going to cost but managed to put the money and get it out on time.
Julian Robinson
Nathaniel Phillips
>Poor little Mags, Kwanzer, and all the liberal darlings can't raise even a fraction of this money for their own Kickstarter projects Nobody you replied to brought up liberals
He is making a new EWJ game BTW but it's not coming out on any console that matters and I don't even know if it will be available on PC.
Elijah Williams
I didn't mention SJWs
Cameron Lee
>Hopefully his new EWJ comic is just zany fun shit and not him making political commentaries. He was already saying that he needed to distance himself from the CG crowd because EWJ stuff isn't just him so I'd give him the benefit of the doubt there. It's much more an established IP than something only his he can go doing stuff he knows won't be mainstream accepted.
Jaxon Rogers
>he also sperged about the EWJ game's bad ending having the word evolution in it What?
Colton Williams
Should I reread Earthboy Jacobus or Iron West today?
>implying Yea Forums pays for comics as opposed to just reading storytimes First day here?
Ryan Turner
>Immortal Hulk is hugely successful. I wouldn´t call barely breaking 80k sales per month "hugely successful" for a character who has stared in 5 movies which each broke 1 billion each. earth worm jim meanwhile hasn´t been in the public eye since the 90s and still managed to make so much money
Carter Barnes
>I wouldn´t call barely breaking 80k sales per month "hugely successful" for a character who has stared in 5 movies which each broke 1 billion each. Those movies were literally ensemble pieces. They grossed that much because a bunch of popular characters were in them, not because Hulk alone was. Full disclosure I don't even give a shit about Immortal Hulk
Luis Watson
the pig and the meerkat are white men?
Angel Cox
80,000 issues sold x 3.99 an issue x 20 issues is 6.3 million dollars. The four issues of Immortal Hulk that have come out since Doug started the indiegogo have sold for 1.2 million then.
Henry Gonzalez
Their voices are...I think. I know one of them is Seth Rogen...
Jacob Miller
I got the hardcover Bigfoot Bill comic and I am definitely grabbing this one while I still can. The turnaround was really fast, the art was great, and TenNaple's humor is still funny.
Joshua Sanders
EVS saw gangs of low-IQ spergs starting to coalesce and roam around comicsgate like packs of wild dogs and thought it prudent to cultivate a counter-spergpack, one loyal to him. But since didn't actually want to corral a bunch of internet retards all day, he let them wander too far without a leash. "Warcampaign" started to turn on every ally for disloyalty to comicsgate/EVS and got previously allied people with large platforms to declare themselves against comicsgate, closing the door on potentially 5-6 digit figures of sales.
Comic hasn't gone to the printer yet. That said, Doug is offering a 160 page leather-bound, gilt edge comic for $25, which is ridiculous production quality value in or out of crowdfunded comics. Shame about the ridiculous international shipping prices though.
Ryan Butler
>I am definitely grabbing this one while I still can. But the indiegogo is over...
Nathan Sanders
No way to get it now?
Blake Myers
Not sure, I see people mentioning "Indemand" in the comments which seems to be some sort of service that allows you to continue collecting donations after the indiegogo is over, but I don't know if Doug will use it. I can click on the perks on the page and there isn't any notification that I can't buy it so maybe it's not too late?
William Kelly
You know your doing something right when you piss off both the incels & the SJWs
Carter Allen
Earthworm Jim sucks though. Why the fuck did anyone like that game when it came out the same generation as Super Metroid and Megaman X
Wyatt Nelson
Okay i don't care for Doug and i won't even donate to this transphobic Ass but seriously man there is worse
Ayden Rogers
I think all of Tennapel's crowd funded books have come out gorgeous. His Sketch archive books are some of the nicest on my shelf.
Jose Kelly
Doug said he's not going to do campaigns with open ends. When it's ogre it's ogre.
He is reprinting Bigfoot Bill and that least the comic part of the Earthworm Jim campaign but not for six months to a year, says he.
Weebgate has provided me more entertainment than comicsgate. There aren't any good antagonists in comicsgate now that Waid has shut up.