Why wasn't I given fairy god parents???!?!
Why wasn't I given fairy god parents???!?!
Your life doesn't suck, you just suck
you're miserable due to your own actions
You weren't Christian.
who says you weren't?
you probably told someone the second you got them and got your mind erased
Yes I was
Nice dubs
I never tell anyone shit
How is a kid miserable for their own actions?
Same rules apply
you werent quite miserable enough to get them.
Fairy world only has so many fairies dude, why give them to you when the kid down the block could be even more miserable?
Sorry OP, you just barely missed the threshold. your life wasnt shitty enough
Because they're not real
*Tips Fedora*
isn't it canon that once a kid's fairies leave him he gets his memory wiped of all fairy/magic related shenanigans?
You didn't pray enough at night for god to assign you godparents.
Then why do I remember wishing I had them?
God isn't santa claus fám
They didn't need to wipe you wishing you had them, they just needed you to forget they exist and you had them.
Maybe you did and you just forgot because you got too old?
Wait wouldn't that do away with all your happyfun memories with them?
What kind of sick joke is that?
Yes it would.
Keep in mind most kids weren't as close to their fairy godparents as Timmy, so with most kids they'd come, do their thing and leave.
You were probably too annoying
>Kids were annoying
True but my autism back then meant I was quiet and spoke when spoken too
Surprised Chester and AJ didn't have fairies
You might have been, you just don't remember since they wiped your memory after turning 18
Who is pie guy
Is it Nico?
I still don't really know who that is
a youtuber that hates butch hartman because of his oaxis streaming site
search for "oaxis pieguy"
He hated Butch back in 2011 when he created Foop