Completely alters She-Hulk's character in a way that's universally despised...

>Completely alters She-Hulk's character in a way that's universally despised, including by the "SJW" readers he's trying to appeal to and people who like her new design
>Responds by writing a full issue making fun of critics and painting them as morons with no actual points while insisting that Girl Bruce Banner is "more feminist" and "deeper" than her classic character, despite the fact that he's just writing her exactly the same as Bruce with no actual development
Why is Aaron such a hack?

Attached: she-hack.jpg (1249x773, 388K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It’s really amazing how far Jen’s character has regressed because whales and beta males feel threatened by an attractive and confident FICTIONAL woman.

The idea of Jen's hulk form changing because she's going through some shit is a fine idea, and it's happened before.

The comic itself is really boring and decompressed to fuck and back though. I read the initial story arc they did with the possessed hoarder woman and I remember thinking that story could've been told in one or two issues instead of six.

I'm still more offended by what happened to Robbie. Shulks got a huge back catalogue and is well recognized outside of this run.
Robbie on the other hand had 2 short runs before Aaron bastardized him, and Avengers is the most relevant he'll ever be so this will be his "definitive" version

>Responds by writing a full issue making fun of critics and painting them as morons

Slott did the exact same thing during his run of She-Hulk where the people who criticized his writing were portrayed as pedantic comic book nerds. Marvel writers seem to all have very thin skin.

Wouldn't regression imply Jen has been in this status quo before? Has she? Because I think outside of some Scarlet Witch fuckery in Bendis's Avengers she's pretty much always been the sexy confident lawyer.

Wasn't she going into some hulk therapy or court so they can bring her back to normal?

She's had a handful of times where she's gotten really fucking angry to the point of her hulk form becoming a big monster. It's always been a temporary thing though instead of the new status quo.

The "whales and beta males" you're describing also hate this. It's literally just Aaron who likes it.
I agree that the "Hulk" run was a good concept poorly executed, but Aaron doesn't even have that excuse since she went back to normal at the end of it. This isn't "Jen going through trauma and dealing with it through her Hulk form", it's "Jen insisting that being Lady Bruce is way better than being funny and having a personality".

He's not even consistent about it, since Jen is still about as sexually active as she ever was since she's flirting with Thor, Blade, and I think others. And the latest Avengers had her get into a hot tub naked in front of the rest of the team.

I genuinely believe that this isn't actually an attempt at pandering and Aaron just obfuscating that he really wanted to write a character using hulk speak for some reason.

I think Jen's just enjoying being intimidating to people instead of just being sexy.

>The comic itself is really boring and decompressed to fuck and back though.

Marvel abandoned their old game plan of making the main Avengers title their tentpole book and now they are trying to get trash writers like Aaron to save what's left when they are down to only two books compare to say during the Hickman era where you had 7+ Avengers titles.

Way back at the start she was savage and it came up from time to time over the years but she had control before she'd even reached the end of her first year as a character

What is this enjoyment being motivated by, though? What drove this change in Jen? Aaron isn't addressing this. Instead of Jen enjoying this new status quo, it's really just Aaron enjoying it.

I’m beginning to think Aaron just wants to fuck Bruce

Now see, that's definitely a failing on Aaron's part. I personally blame Bendis for setting this in motion without setting up an actual reason for Jen to be the way she is.
I think the best argument you could come up with is that after the incident that put her in a coma, Jen started self-reflecting on how other people saw her, then decided she was fucking tired of being the sex appeal.
But that line of reasoning hasn't really been adequately elaborated on by Aaron.

Attached: allnewwolverine.jpg (1440x2560, 302K)

It's a noticeable and distracting flaw of Aaron's writing that he refuses to elaborate on character motivation, particularly when there is a drastic change in their personality. Things are just different, often suddenly and drastically, and if you don't quietly accept it he gets mad at you.

Honestly never understood why there was hate for Laura as Wolverine, it seemed like the most logical solution. The real problem was throwing in Old Man Logan and later Ultimate Logan's son which diluted the brand.

God writers are fucking dense
>I like Laura
>Like that she’s her own character that doesn’t try to be Logan with a vagina
>Marvel decides to give her the same costume, name, and book title as Logan being the new Wolverine
>”Sexist pigs! Reeeeeee!”
You’re not fooling anyone, we know how book titles/brands work. It’s the same shit you tried to feed readers regarding Jane Thor

Bendis' original intent was to kill off She-Hulk, but the story leaked out and they probably realized they were going to get heat for killing a black character (Rhodey) AND a female character (Jen). No matter what kind of damage control they do, it's pretty obvious that was the original intention because Jen's return in Civil War 2 was tacked on and didn't affect the rest of the story.

Are you acting like you're not sick of Laura resetting her character arc every time someone new writes her? At least there was some forward momentum when she was Wolverine.

Civil War 2 was such a misfire in every way from sales numbers to fan engagement I can't help but wonder if Bendis wasn't "stolen" by DC, but kicked out by Marvel.

All I’m saying is that we didn’t need to throw her into Logan’s own pajamas. It lacks subtly, and kind of defeats the point of her not following the usual clone cliches. That’s all

Gotta love the way it outright says that having paparazzi take pictures of you is worse than becoming an uncontrollable killing machine against your will, meaning you can never get close to anyone.

So is Jen just fucking faking it? Like her internal monologue isn't any different when she's She-Hulk.

Not that user but there's a difference between resetting her arc every run and giving her to Bendis, who throws out ALL the past runs to turn her into another quipping Buffy type, and that being the new character.

Bendis didn't write Laura, did he?

I thought that at first, but I remembered Bendis was saying that Brevoort or whoever offered Wolverine and Deadpool to him to try to keep him at Marvel.

Think about what's happened in the past few years, he was part of the Creative Committee, but Feige broke Marvel Studios away from them. That leaves animation, TV, and comics. Netflix would be where he'd have had the most influence... but then it was pretty obvious Marvel and Netflix were having conflicts and it was not gonna last. Marvel Studios weren't really giving support to the Netflix shows either. And now that Marvel and Netflix parted ways Marvel is forced to not use the characters for two years.

Bendis could take on Wolverine and Deadpool, but remember that Disney buying out Fox wasn't a guaranteed thing at the time (he announced his departure from Marvel in 2017), and it'd be like spinning his wheels again on X-Men.

He put her on his X-men run.
At first I thought it was a clone because the colorist got her eye color wrong but nope it was just Bendis being limited to writing just one voice.

Everyone in this thread needs to have sex

What does ''decompressed'' mean?

Of course you could in turn argue that offering him two books that are essentially an exile into limbo speaks even more of his status was at Marvel near the end.

It means sequences take pages, if not issues longer than they need to in order to pad the amount of issues the arc takes up.

There wasnt no one cared when x23 became wolverine

Fuck, I forgot about that.

>but nope it was just Bendis being limited to writing just one voice.

Kind of makes me think of what Erik Larsen brought up about today's comics writers:

The pace is sluggish and unnecessary scenes are extended. Let's say that Superman has lost his ability to fly, and he needs to meet someone for a critical plot revelation on the other side of town. Things that would normally be summed up in narration
>"Superman hops aboard the subway and rides to the other side of town..."
Become a drawn-out, stretched scene of Superman being shown walking down into the subway, purchasing a ticket, stepping onto a train and riding to his destination. The actions meant to be facilitating the progression of plot are literally decompressed to BECOME the plot.

The pacing is spread out a bit more. Usually in Marvel Comics before the 2000's, most comics were very fast-paced and crammed things in within an issue. Sometimes it gives character moments, sometimes it gives a breather.

The downside of this is when decompression is used to stretch out a comic to the point where you read three issues and it goes nowhere, with too much useless filler done to pad out the story.

The pacing is spread out a bit more. Usually in Marvel Comics before the 2000's, most comics were very fast-paced and crammed things in within an issue. Decompression came about in the late 90's and applied to Marvel's stuff from the 00's onwards. Sometimes decompression gives character moments, sometimes it gives a breather.

The downside of this is when decompression is used to stretch out a comic to the point where you read three issues and it goes nowhere, with too much useless filler done to pad out the story.

This is what Disney did in these 10 years of marvel comics
They killed and mutilated She-Hulk, Elektra, Ms Marvel, Valkyrie, Gamora, Psylocke, Emma Frost and so many others.
Disney said before buying Marvel that it would never change the editorial line of comics
But everyone can see how much they hate women
Just see what was done in these 10 years, beautiful, athletic with strong personality turned in to sticks, SJW or monsters
All without this characters now without any exception are hated by comic readers
Disney just kill Marvel comics

and the strangest thing is that they do not change the editorial line, they keep pushing this garbage even with the sales drops year by year

Attached: Spider-Woman_Vol_5_5_Anka_Variant_Textless.jpg (843x1280, 442K)

Before Disney

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>I thought that at first, but I remembered Bendis was saying that Brevoort or whoever offered Wolverine and Deadpool to him to try to keep him at Marvel.

I don't think anyone at editorial would have thought that would keep Bendis with them when he by all accounts wanted FF. It seems more like a weak counter offer more to show to their bosses they tried to keep him at Marvel and didn't just let him walk.

Aaron is such a fucking flake of a writer. It's like for anything good he writes he has to write ten pieces of shit like a living monkey's paw. I still haven't trusted him after the bullshit he pulled in Punisher Max.

disney has no say in the comics you fucking retard, that was the whole reason kevin fiege asked marvel studios to become a part of disney because he hated how marvel was run

>I don't think anyone at editorial would have thought that would keep Bendis with them when he by all accounts wanted FF.

Damn, that's another good point I forgot about. He announced his departure in 2017, maybe if he held out a few months he could've gotten Fantastic Four?

I can't find the page, but I'm sure he also wrote an issue with Jane Foster as Thor saying that she was here to stay whether people liked it or not.

What also sucks is that huge Jen with her classic personality would be a lot of fun.

But instead she's just "the Hulk" and Aaron missed the mark so hard he's throwing around retcons to try to justify it.

>What also sucks is that huge Jen with her classic personality would be a lot of fun.
>Buff Jen teasing manlet teammates and giving them whyboners

My dick wants her to look like a female wright lifter with a 10/10 face. I've never found her personality particularly engaging.

I haven't read the new avengers book since I've heard it's awful.

What did they do to my Robbie?

No one gave a shit and her run was BORING. And then some idiot writer needed a crutch because he wasn't talented enough to tell a story straight so Gabby, the Scrappy Doo to Laura's Scooby, materialized needlessly and refused to fuck off depsite being redundant and unnecessary. At this point I'd sooner have yet another writer hit the fucking reset on Laura because she's such a bore. Or hell just kill her off. Not like she's doing anything.

IIRC it was never just her getting angry, but external circumstances like getting poisoned or something

IIRC that's literally the reason: he wanted to use Hulk, but Ewing got him first so he used Jen, using her basically just as Savage Hulk stand-in

>, then decided she was fucking tired of being the sex appeal.
that should have just turned her back to Normal Jen.
I mean, the reason she was only in her Hulk form for DECADES was her liking it so much more than being "Boring Ol' Jen".
And when she developed self-esteem issues back in Slott's run she just reverted to Jen.

Given the character history, her portrayal by Aaron makes no sense whatsoever.

At least part of it was people feeling she had her own character as X-23, her to take Logan's name was thought forced.

Pretty much the same thing as Aña going from Araña to Spider-girl.
(her taking the title-place of May did NOT helped. The change would have been likely received much better if she took the name Spider-woman as nobody except Bendis and Carol care about Jess)

she-hulk looked the best in her classic savage look

Attached: she-hulk angry.png (709x761, 1.21M)

Would certainly make her and Thor hooking up feel less retarded.

I concur. OML being around really dulled her impact, since writers would use him instead for crossovers.

This. Jen sandbagged the fuck out of Bruce there. I don't blame Bruce if he never chose to open up to his cousin again after she insisted that her first world problems superceded him having to tip toe around murdering people and perpetual alienation.

Attached: This is your She Hulk now.png (1200x1017, 1.1M)

You think Ewing is gonna introduce a sexy Hulk variant deep in Bruce's mindscape

The funny thing is it's still a sexualized design since in real life female weightlifters usually have very flat breasts from burning the fat away and having more muscle across their chest.

Taking a name of a more famous hero is not forward momentum. It's more like getting side tracked. TRUE forward momentum would be getting a new, original codename that isn't X-23.

Literally just came in the mail today

Attached: CF39C04C-C265-4AFF-A30D-199B5B1D5578.jpg (1537x2358, 1.07M)

Joe Fixit.
He was a hit on the girls-

Decompression is a comic narrative technique that slows down the pacing, typically through the use of additional panels to showcase an action. Like all narrative techniques it has its value, but it's also frequently used by writers to pad out issues.

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The Incredible Hunk?

It's just a roided up Banner making Johnny Bravo poses.

Either that or really fat.

Shhh, don't give the game away, bottom She-Hulk is my fetish and I don't need them fucking it up by making her flat.

>Have a full issue of her going "I didn't like being sexy, no fun allowed'
>Thor has been hitting on her from the start
>Gets all giggly and happy in her head when Blade asks her out
>Turns all heads her way when she hops in a hot tub naked

Isn't that just Amadeus Cho these days?

>The "whales and beta males" your describing also hate this
Sauce or you're a liar.

So did anyone post the issue? I need to see just how bad it is.
He's a twunk at best.

>implying Hulk not sexiest there is

Oh, did Blade's relationship with Spitfire finally get dropped because a writer didn't care to do his research?

You can't just blame everything Marvel does on Disney.

he already lost half of the hulk power.
he's basicly a slightly muscled teenager now. instead of a giant muscle hulk

Attached: she-hulk forced to strip.jpg (525x773, 265K)

>I will now buy your comics
Don't lie.

>because a writer didn't care to do his research?

What other stuff didn't he do research on?

>OP doesn't like giant buff Jen
wow what a faggot

Attached: 1532431485225.png (622x1068, 1.15M)

giant buff jen is fine, making her into "Bruce with Tits" is bad.

"what stuff DID he do research on" is the correct question

this muscle jen does not look half bad.
it's actual similar to that that time she trained in jen form to grow muscles and then her she-hulk form had big muscles and was much stronger to fight against the champion

Attached: she-hulk vs titania.jpg (1221x1920, 398K)

I think 99% of the objection in this thread is the way Aaron writes her.

Attached: AuthorDefeatsHimself.png (272x689, 406K)

What am I supposed to be looking for? What are you trying to show me?

This is especially stupid because she's still pretty attractive when McGuinness draws her. A bit strong jawed, sure, but far from ugly.

I like the bottom she-hulk more, what series is it from?
The art is really good and last I saw there was some chinese hulk about, if the men are emasculated in their comic lines then what's cream of the crop of what's left?

If they make a movie with her, then Arnold Schwarzenegger, Stallone or someone like that might apply for the role. Just boycott and free yourself from these franchises. Be flexible.

Attached: shinobi-sasquatch-02.jpg (695x1056, 308K)

But she's still sexy

nah what I'm seeing are incels bitching about not muh bimbo she-hulk.

They're unwilling to make She-Hulk genuinely ugly, making Aaron's terrible argument even more flimsy.

So you only read the posts from casual tourists and shills doing falseflagging.

Ok Aaron

Aaron has some dumb fucking takes on characters sometimes. Like in Thor when he suddenly decided Titania would find sisterhood with Jane even though Titania's major foe is She-Hulk.

But Laura was also pretty fucking clearly still not a Logan rip-off even after getting the title. A big part of the book was about her being Wolverine on her own terms and not just following his example. Which you would know if you actually bothered to read it.

>Why is Aaron such a hack?
Thanks for putting the blame where it lies. Aaron is just about wanking his ego and his 'vision' for the characters. When he decided on Professor Logan, no matter how much fun I had with the first year of that book, he was basically self-inserting himself into him (his literal words were something like "I held my baby so CAN YOU IMAGINE IF LOGAN LET IT SINK IN HE'S A DADDY TOO?!") and then anytime someone'd point out that's a bit of a swerve in the stories proper that line'd be given to some irrelevant background rando out to be ridiculed.

Aaron going to bat for these excuses with both Shulk and Whor is just that he found the perfect match in appealing for brownie points while still wanking his ego.

oh realy?

Attached: she-hulk shit modern look.png (869x890, 1.48M)

The whole decline started a year or two after Sana Amanat came in especially since her mission statement was to change Marvel into a lifestyle brand and ever since she obtained significant power inside the company the changes started.

From a Vogue interview
>Amanat admits to feeling daunted by the industry’s male-dominated culture and sometimes sexist online fan communities. “I found that men could be very territorial,” she says. “There can be a snobby mentality of, ‘If you haven’t been there from the beginning, you’re not authentic.’ ” She was approached by an executive at Marvel in 2009 and discovered that her status as an outsider could be a positive. “I remember my current boss saying, ‘Look, you have something different to offer than the regular fanboy who has read comics since he was a kid. You have a different voice, and we need your voice in order to change Marvel,’ ”

She even mentioned that her and Wacker redesigning Carol was what made women start attending Marvel events, lol.

the only way this could make any sense was if this was a MORALITY issue:
disappointed by how being a full-on Good Gal only resulted into a coma and an arrow in her cousin's brain, she developed a hulk persona which wouldn't talk and try to resolve things but would just SMASH problems, with no qualms about killing said problems, with the "ugly" look being reflection of it and the lack of control because Jen is actually conflicted about that.

But I doubt Aaron is even capable of such (admittedly shallow)depths.

>t her being Wolverine on her own terms and not just following his example
which kind of defeats the point of her becoming Wolverine in first place...

Not him but do you count scans_daily (yes it still hasn't died) as having landwhales and beta males?


>it’s another blame Amanat for everything drone

Explain how what she said in the Vogue interview is a bad thing please Comicsgate

and a another one added to Jen's list of Man she has fucked goes up by 1.

I wouldn't hate if they brought back the otherwise stupid "Jen hulks out from fear" thing from Johns' Avengers run and gave her a secondary "Grey She-Hulk" form triggered by her trauma from getting nearly killed by Thanos. Extra strong but uncontrollable and fuelled by pure terror.
Base it on the Grey She-Hulk from Sensational #15, give it the green veins of her post-CWII version, and there - you've got something that could actually be interesting and go hand-in-hand with her classic character, rather than completely overwriting it for no reason.

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Not really. It’s about honouring him without being beholden to him

>me reading this page 20 years ago

Attached: anon aroused.png (1000x1200, 65K)

it's pretty funny, thor has never shown any interest in she-hulk (and neither has she in him)
but now suddenly thor is madly in love with her because now she looks like hulk with tits

Attached: she-hulk in court.png (690x1101, 1.7M)

She was ugly in Ewing's Immortal Hulk but yeah in Aaron's comic she really didn't seem that ugly at all. Not to mention Jennifer Walters was prettier than she usually is too.

Also it's funny how she was hating on being the old She-Hulk because guys were interested in her and how she didn't want to be happy and giddy but next issue she's happy about the idea of Blade flirting with her and she's giddy about it.

Aaron is a hack.

I actually found those Squirrel Girl panels pretty funny because they read as a piss-take of Aaron!Jen.

You can't even produce one random Twitter moron praising this as proof that the dilatingsoycucktrannies universally love it, but we're just supposed to believe it because you said so?

>implying the pro-Amanat is Ceaser fan and not the one blaming her for everything.

As long as she never touches Steve, but judging by how he averted his eyes when she popped up naked it won't happen anytime soon.

Back to youtube, shitcuck

she-hulk could easy rape him

Attached: she-hulk kissing thing.jpg (400x343, 73K)

>I don't understand Aaron. What was the whole last issue about? She-Hulk went on about being free to being ugly, no longer being flirted with by her teammates or ogled by people... and then we have Blade flirting with (her flirting back when, remember, she is with Thor) and then Tony ogling her... plus, full nude scene for her here (which I'm pretty sure given anatomy, her nipples should be exposed).

>I'm not sure what the writer is doing anymore with the character of She-Hulk.


>Aaron writes what he wants continuity, consistency, setup, or sense be damned.


>Is Blade no longer married to Jacqueline Falsworth, or is it Aaron who's out of date rather than me?

>And the odd thing is, for all the "She-Hulk is now Ugly" talk, Aaron's SHe-Hulk actually looks really pretty to me in that Amazonian sort of way (to clarify, she looks ugly here, but I find the art here ugly in general)
>I know he means she is "not stereotypically beautiful", but having her talking about being ugly makes no sense.

Who the fuck is Caesar? What are you morons on about?

And for Avengers #20:

>This comic was garbage. Soooooooo bad. That "No Fun" shirt is the icing on top.

>I'm writing about this in the future, so I'm just going list off some points about what was wrong:
>+ The issue itself is full of the writer just constantly snapping at criticisms people have put forth towards his portrayal of She-Hulk. The entire opening where Sensational She-Hulk is yelling at the current version about how bad she is and so on, plus the comic stopping just to have Deadpool ask why she isn't fun anymore and that "No Fun" t-shirt. The whole issue feels insecure in a way and after Chelsea Cain, I can't really stomach anymore comic writers snapping at people.
>+ The ultimate lack of character growth and development up until now makes this feel ingenious. I mean, Jen's biggest character growth in Aaron's run beyond being hulkier is hooking up with Thor.
>+ Retconning Jen's past to include sexual harassment, just adding on tons of more drama and torment to a female character. Wonderful. :(
>+ Comparing Bruce & Jen's trauma to each other. It's a false equivalency and its incredibly tacky
>+ Jen getting mad at Bruce and wanting to hit him for wanting some of her life. How compassionate and totally understanding.
>+ Insinuating that ugly people have it easier because they're not victims of sexual harassment. After all, because Jen looks like this now, people won't make lewd jokes, grope her, or what not. HORRRRRRRRRRRRRRIBLE idea! (Also, Jen is still harassed by trolls in this issue regardless, so what the hell?)
>+ The masculine view of feminism that Aaron views is more progressive than being actually feminine. Because old She-hulk was feminine, "Sexy", friendly, and even flirty, she couldn't be taken seriously (as laid out in the comic), therefore this must be "corrected".

>This issue is garbage. so much garbage in this thing.

my thought: Jen's own Joe Fixit, grey in body as in morality. While not properly stupid, not interested in speaking at all and preferring to smash and having no qualms at killing

After reading Aaron run I've learn it's better for your brain to just roll with the punches then to try and understand this man's writing.
>but now suddenly thor is madly in love with her because now she looks like hulk with tits
Of course it's a thing made by Jason Aaron himself, he will always use Thor to say something he made is a good thing.

Attached: She's more worthy of my name then me.jpg (640x392, 79K)

>If the She-Hulk of yore had ever been harassed or manhandled, her characterization indicates that, rather than swallow down the pain, she'd have found a way to punish whoever had been manhandling or harassing her, generally in an amusingly humiliating way, with words or fists.

>She was figuratively empowered by her literally empowered physical strength and durability so she could put the boots to anybody who treated her that way. As cheesecakey as Byrne's she-Hulk was, there was a strong feminist element in that her looks did not make her any less of a hero or a physical threat to her opponents.

>+ Retconning Jen's past to include sexual harassment, just adding on tons of more drama and torment to a female character. Wonderful. :(
Yeah that was pretty shitty and in par with Chelsea Cain handwaving Bobbi's rape into her cheating on Clint.

Heck now that I think about it didn't Aaron also made it so Thor cheated on Jane? Marvel should fucking put a halt to writers fucking over characters like that.

my thought: Jen's own Joe Fixit, grey in body as in morality. While not properly stupid, not interested in speaking at all and preferring to smash and having no qualms at killing

Byrne She Hulk best She Hulk

Attached: save me.png (448x100, 6K)

She a big fine woman.

It'll never not be funny that modern pop-culture is slowly being overtaken by extremely jealous women who firmly believe that being attractive is literally evil.

Admit it you all think She Hulk looks attractive and you'd let her bully you playfully.

The latest Avengers issue, #20.

Imagine writing a comic book while somehow thinking you're above comic book readers.

He's writing about a green fucking mutant. It ain't exactly Shakespeare, yet he's acting like he belongs in that fucking category.

Remember when things were made to be entertaining, not to push all sorts of bullshit? Those were good times. Imagine how confused zoomers will be when they discover what entertainment used to be like before 2010.
>"But where is muh radical feminism?"

It will never not be funny that incels like you actually believe this.

based and kekpilled

The issue you’re criticising is from before 2010

That's actually true though.
The sexist thing about vintage Jen Walters was her confidence. Now she's just generic whiny Hulk angst masquerading as anger.

Yes, but that's not the issue here

>That's actually true though.
It is, the point of that post was to show even Scans Daily isn't happy with Aaron's She-Hulk. The only place I see that issue getting praised is the reviewers on Comic Book Roundup and that's kind of unreliable.

Isn't Roundup just a review aggregate? I think that's where you could see all the PR armchair blogs praising America Chavez while any reader reviews skewed negative.

What's even more ironic is that Aaron ignored the multiple instances of Jen being kidnapped or otherwise forcibly pursued for marriage by villains in order to play up something that literally never happened. He's literally making up shit for her to be mad at.

But Larsen is just as bad about writing character voices.

this really gets my dick hard
if only the writing was better

That’s why the argument of Marvel pushing out Bendis doesn’t make any sense, they gave the FF to Slott who has just as much bad will attached to him as Bendis.

you she hulk fags are never content are you?
shes supposed to be a monster like hulk is, not a girl

Designs pretty good but would much prefer this

Attached: CW7fftH.jpg (3315x2613, 614K)

Read a comic, faggot

Question; Is there a She Thing?

Attached: Fantastic 4 Thing Redesign.jpg (1280x1811, 656K)

At point point there was eight discrete Wolverines running around at the same time.

>Question; Is there a She Thing?
yes there is.

Attached: She-Thing-Marvel-Comics-Fantastic-Four-Ventura.jpg (500x567, 136K)

Kind of.

Attached: pam.jpg (960x540, 82K)

No the other user has a point. Her dressing like Logan is lame and defeats the point of her being her own hero.

She doesn't show up much.

Oh cmon, that's literally just Ben with tits and ass.They could at least give her some hair, anything really, to help differentiate the two

The shills on the Marvel forum at CBR are praising it too.

Why is the average comic book writer such a thin-skinned weenie these days? Aaron, Slott, Bendis, Spencer, they're all pissy dweebs who have a meltdown if people criticize them.

Attached: 1559488164942.jpg (337x367, 95K)

Because the industry is built on nepotism and circlejerking autists who get to make their fanfic canon. Ever criticize a fanfic writer's shitty ideas? Same thing, except the ego is more inflated

I blame Marvel for going too hard with the Thing part of her name t.b.h.

They've gotten comfortable in their careers, and editors aren't willing to tell the talent "no" any more. Even fifteen years ago editors were willing to tell an artist or writer to re-do something if it sucked, but we're not getting that any more.
Plus with social media it's real easy to create a hugbox for yourself. You get an army of followers who love everything you do and soon you assume any criticism of your work is just haters.

If they would meet in the middle between Thing and Ms Marvel, I think she could be cool (and a looker too).

Attached: Ms Marvel Ventura.jpg (607x733, 178K)

Or maybe not

I'm seeing mostly praise for Aaron's She-Hulk

Why post a page from a book that has nothing to do with Aaron?

CBR is Marvel Shill Central though, that's expected. When they don't like some Marvel thing en masse, that would be really surprising (like the reaction to Marvel Now 2)

Shill spotted. First day on the job, huh? Next you'll probably point to some comic panel out of context.

shills gonna shill

Oh just fuck off already, you contrarian shit

>The shills on the Marvel forum at CBR are praising it too.

Because the admins literally delete posts that are overly critical of Marvel. DC apparently is fair game.

>Author literally admits he doesn't like the character being attractive.

>talks like savage hulk
>has a completely normal internal monologue
Honestly how the fuck does this work?

Basically, a complete 180 on the character. They made him an insecure but goofy tagalong kid who spouts out the stupidest quips and comments. They also ignored much of his history and practically erased Eli for the sake of making him the awkward newbie/team baby.

Remember when Jen was a strong independent lawyer who had the ability to stand in the same room as the Tribunal? Nah, forget that, let's make her ugly and punch things.

didnt the person who originally amde this template turn out to be something horrible like a pedophile or soemthing? for those unaware this was originally about video games


She was the real deal

Attached: Jennifer Walters She Hulk.png (500x568, 31K)

Makes perfect sense, actually.

How so? Explain your reasoning

I wanna see a World War She-Hulk/Green She-Scar personally.

Marriage material if you ask me. Even her representation in games stands above others (You can't beat her in MvC3). But no, being a woman is harder than literally being betrayed by your closest and most powerful friends and rocketed into a wormhole, losing your friends, your lover, your world, your revenge, your freedom.
It's sad to me that it's so easy to find the writers who haven't even read a Wikipedia page on the characters you are working with. At least Gail Simone would have a funny one liner while she ate her seventh meal for the day.

He said in the first issue that Eli hasn't talked to him in a while.
Maybe Johnny made him a real ghost rider.

More than once Bruce highlighted the fact that Hulk is a vehicle out of control for Banner's mind. Even the movies make use of this explanation because everything else is dumb as shit.

No, it's Jason Aaron making him more like a real Ghost Rider. Aaron ALWAYS butchers characters he's not making into his pets.

I just don't care. Hulk characters always go through a different phase and it was about time Jen got her turn at not being her usual self. Nuff said.

By reverting back to what she was before with absolutely no interesting spin or ideas to justify it?

Fatfags begone!

Where can I read this new she hulk? I like the art even if the design is a tad wonky.

>Why is Aaron such a hack?

Marvel only hires hacks.

But that's how it works for HIM, not Jennifer. Not even in her original run was she like that. Anything else is excusing retardation.

Then fuck off. This is the thread for people who actually like She-Hulk.

Just read the latest Avengers run (vol. 8). 21 issues so far, if you can stand to get that far.

You're grasping at straws. There's nothing to suggest Jen's transformation is somehow different to Bruce's; it simply stayed the way to sexualized what should've been just a female Hulk. Even Ross shares more with Bruce and he shouldn't.

>There's nothing to suggest Jen's transformation is somehow different to Bruce's;
This is a shitpost. Hulks have always been a reflection of your subconscious desires.

>There's nothing to suggest Jen's transformation is somehow different to Bruce
For the love of fuck, read a comic

I'm not agreeing with him, but I don't think that's been the case for a while.

I'm pretty sure Rick didn't subconsciously want to look like Abomination when he became A-Bomb

IIRC, that's was only because the Leader purposefully made him resemble the Abomination.

>Implying she isn't already a looker

Attached: MsMarvel_pinup.jpg (461x705, 127K)

You could argue that Jones has some guilt about causing all the Hulkifiation; I seem to remember that coming up early on when he was A-bomb.
But otherwise is probably right
But more recently, Immortal Hulk confirms that your Hulk form is personality based, as in Hulk is Banner's supressed anger bursting out, She Hulk *was* Jen's underdevolped confidence and sexuality getting its shot in the driver's seat. Before I stopped reading it, Cho's Hulk was the same way and he became a horny frat boy.

>Regular Wolverine is dead
>But wait, Laura his clone daughter is here to take up the mantle!
>As is her clone!
>And Logan's alternate future self!
>And Logan's son!
>And Logan's son from another dimension!

The entire thing was fucking stupid.

Attached: confused shantae.jpg (1280x960, 191K)

Eh, I always thought shuk should be bigger since half the time she just looks like they painted some girl green and its boring.

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That's such a reach it could even be considered headcanon. Banner has time and time again denounced the worst facets of the Hulk; Maestro is nothing more than a meme.

>dude hulk is a static concept lmao
For the love of fuck, acquire the ability to understand nuance.

Her being super buff isn't an issue. That's fine. The issue is they changed her personality and who she is.
Previously she was an intelligent and witty character who loved being Shulk. Now's she's basically a pissed off retard.

Where the fuck do you think you are

Thor is only attracted to women who are borderline mentally retarded. It makes sense.

>who had the ability to stand in the same room as the Tribunal?
Whoa. When did this happen?

Oh that stinks. I haven't read mainstream comics in like 10 years so I wouldn't know what garbage they get up to now. Thats sad though.

What was your issue with Punisher MAX?

>wright lifter

Attached: 3225940-4277112338-phoen.png (1920x1080, 2.01M)

yeah, now She-hulk is a split personality that "hurts" and just makes her scream angrily in stunted english about hating things.
She's literally the hulk except with a vag.

I'm 100% down for her being buffer because I have a muscle girl fetish, but she's always been an example of how having the powers to turn super big and strong would be AWESOME.

It was a tranny rat thing, and everyone is pedophiles

Pretty sure he meant Samantha Wright lifter.

Attached: samantha wright.jpg (570x1311, 70K)

>Why is the average comic book writer such a thin-skinned weenie these days?
This is thread where people are complaining a Hulk doesn't look like a bikini model. Who exactly is being thin skinned here?

Its not that she's muscular, its that she's no longer an intelligent and self assured lawyer.

Who gives a shit about the lawyer shit, dude? She was a bootlicker in Civil War precisely because of that.

Look, the lawyer thing is more pointing to her being intelligent and confident.

She can give up being a lawyer, no prob, but she needs to stay intelligent and confident in some manner-- She can be disbarred for all I care, but she should still stay mentally who she was before.


Larsen is very much do as I say, not as I do.

He's been larping hard online with his 90's Image Bucks while living in one of the most fantastically expensive real estate markets in the US.

I wish he could have held it together. Dragon was a fun series before he went full retard.

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Because the internet has allowed content-creators unlimited in-your-face access to the opinions of the fandom, and that's universally a bad thing.

All writers are thin-skinned weenies. Artists are fags by default.

>we're supposed to believe it because you said it?
I didn't say anything like that, the fuck are you talking about.

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>the lawyer thing is more pointing to her being intelligent and confident
She's a SUPERHERO. I kind of expect those traits by default. I don't want my heroes to hold jobs like I'm watching some shitty SoL anime, much less actively hunt and prosecute their fellow heroes because SHES A LAWYER GOTTA DO LAWYER STUFF.

Marvel needs a policy against writers who alienate fans for lulz.

Pretty much this. I like how she had mostly solo adventures unlike Logan, who was always on a team.

Luckily she's wearing a long shirt?

YIKES! Not a good look.

I could see that bottom row as something out of a 90's Veritgo book, but in a mainstream superhero title? My sincere apologies to all the great illustrators who had to reign their power in to accomodate a "house style", for it all to turn to shit 40 years later under Tumblr.

well, she lost the "intelligent" Trait as she-hulk that you think she should have by default.

the two bottom gamoras unironically look better. Especially milf shirt gamora

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That's why I said keeping her internal monologue made perfect sense. But sure, let's pretend Banner isn't a genius just because he Hulks out.

Remember when Jen was locked in her Hulk form and it turned out to be because she subconsciously preferred being the Hulk?
Remember how Samuel Sterns was originally dumb as shit janitor that desperately wanted to be smarter?
Remember how Doc Samson doesn't turn into a huge roid monster because he's actually well adjusted mentally?

Of course you don't remember any of that shit.Why would you?

Yes. Ironically she would definitely have fit more with what Aaron's been doing with She-Hulk.

Dan Slott's run. First volume, I think.

There's no one more petty than a comicbook writer

Yeah feel if they did something like that I could be down for it but it just feel wrong and out of place

>remember all those times that don't matter anymore and we're featured in maybe an issue or two??
How could I forget Marvel's asinine canon that doesn't count except when it does. Silly me.

>But that line of reasoning hasn't really been adequately elaborated on by Aaron.

I'm starting to believe he just thought it was cool and tried to write around it without thinking through how the character was.

If only he had some sort of oversight who, having some knowledge of unused characters, could have pointed She-Thing out to him...

fucking hate liberals

fucking hate them all

not even larping

This picture is so wrong the artist should have been purged in fire along with it.

>sexy Hulk variant
The guy whose whole damn shtick was "gamma radiation turned him into a super strong hunk" has literally existed for longer than She Hulk has.

Attached: hulk193_14.jpg (568x488, 136K)

>thor has never shown any interest in she-hulk (and neither has she in him)
On that, you're wrong, actually; Thor never flirted with her before, but Jen was shown to be attracted to him. There were two comics pages in particular I'm thinking of, but I can't post 'em.

It's a visual medium or a reason. Gotta know your audience.

Why would Thor even do that? I mean after all this time honestly why? Because she's less intelligent?

He's a fickle hack, user. You can say it. It's been a long time since Punisher MAX.

The writers keep using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means.
Batman is a mantle. He's more than one guy, he's an archetype, a Gotham fixture. Black Panther is a mantle. He's got the cultural heritage thing, people who depend on him alone and grew up hearing about previous Panthers.
Wolverine is just one of many assholes who occasionally drops in to Thailand/Japan/Canada to wreck shit. Nothing more. There is no ideology or history that would be lost if he died and nobody replaced him. He's a guy. A heroic guy, yes, but all these randos congregating to wonder what the world will do without Wolverine and lament the maybe 5 months he actually spent in their lives is ridiculous. Wolverine is not half as important in-universe as he is to the Marvel brand.

I like how she had plotlines beyond "grr some guys are trying to kill me because I'm a jerk".

she was part of the fantastic 4 and besides that well regarded by pretty much any hero before the sjw change.
her comics sold really well and she was a fan favorite all around

only thing funny about this is see it crash again and again

>i am not replacing him
>continues to steal his title, costume and personality because her old designs is considered SEXIST now

why would I bother reading feminist garbage
cool thing about Luara was that she was a confused but still cute girl.
but of course they had to turn her into just another marie sue strong women. it´s so fucking tired. every single female character has to be the same feminist proganda tool these days

why do attractive women scare you so much user?

And it'll keep happening. Imagine being so weak-minded that a drawing conjures up insecurities. One of the points of the power fantasy of comics was that it would inspire you to obtain the physique of your favorite heroes. Or at least that's what I figured. They're aesthetically pleasing and morally sound so who wouldn't want to emulate them? But oh no a woman gets her feelings hurt because she doesn't have the aesthetics or desirability of a drawing so no one gets to have fun. It will never not happen. I just can't understand why anyone would lend an ear to that insipid shit.

To say nothing of how she is the least likely character in all the franchise to know that the Internet -exists-, much less look up or care what people are saying about her on it.

"We have a teenage girl character, what do teenage girls do?...I know! They go on Twitter and make quips and vent their insecurities to any remotely friendly figure!"
At least the Simpsons writers understand our pain.

Attached: spinoffshowcase.jpg (510x384, 30K)

Nice try, shill

Dodging claims of character by bringing up visuals is a real giveaway.

Someplace that correctly thinks the only people supporting Aaron's character direction for She-Hulk are nothing but shills?

I'm so fucking tired of "character has big shoes to fill, they have a lot of doubts if they can, and the story is about them coming in term with the fact they are their own person and blah blah blah" stories in comics.

Almost every "legacy" character has had that it's become so repetitive

It's even worse now that so many of those stories seem to revolve around the predecessor's supporting crew unconditionally showering the successor with praise.

The one main draw of the plotline, and they refuse to even do that correctly.

Nobody cares about your fetish. It's absolutely part of the problem that she isn't traditionally attractive anymore.

Nobody gives a fuck that you like protein fat muscle chicks.

He's a fat faggot contrarian who has a bunch of sycophant fans who find him anything but annoying. His opinions and views are based largely on if he likes the picture of the person that tweeted him.

Remember when Laura was a child prostitute? Remember when she alienated all of her peers while simultaneously saving their asses? Remember how Hellion gradually came to understand her military mindset, and how Gambit helped her to find the childhood they'd never had?
And the writers went with "I want to cut up people the rest of my life!" Ugh...

I fucking would make fun of my critics by putting them in my comic. That sounds based af

This. There's nothing better than having your critics die in painful and humiliating ways to show how invalid their criticisms are.

>if you read it
Look faggot nobody has t read some shit they don't want and far too many pros remind people that "not every comic has to be for you, go read something else" so they did.

This works but I think her personality and outlook really has to switch. Like agreeing to prosecute a defendant rather than take his case as defense or some shit.

That's not true tho.

soul vs souless
fuck disney and all this skeleton tranny agenda

Both designs are terrible

I'm a fan of her original.

Shots like this are hot. Making her a literal fem hulk with massive brow and all sucks shit, but giving her more muscles and constant sex hair is great.

>D&Afags salty about muh space red sonya when she was originally a space Ninja
It always makes me laugh how they act like she didn't exist before than and that being some space barbarian is any more faithful than the mass effect gear.

You have never read a comic in your entire life have you?

DC promised Bendis a place at the 'Hollywood Table' that Johns was enjoying.


Because she pretends male dominant industry is the problem when in fact it's lack of talent.

It's important to ignore Doc Samson because he ruins their argument.

No that was reported by Rich. And it turned out not to be true since it's not something Didio controls.

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I don't think they're thin-skinned. I think they're smug and cocky about their status in the industry food chain. They do this shit for kicks. It's the exact mentality of a Yea Forums troll who uses buzzmemes like "incel" and "have sex". They aren't angry, they're laughing at us. And the more disgust we show with their work, the more it inflates their egos.

Stop replying to Yea Forums anons bait, the dude literally said he doesn't want capes to have day jobs and yet you STILL cant figure out hes just trolling you. Idiot

This is the new Marvel way to make comics OP

Attached: Marvel Disney.jpg (1342x1200, 251K)

Sure, if you’re from five years ago.

nothing change

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Slott had bad will attached to him, but his Amazing Spider-Man was still their top seller at the time (that was neither Star Wars, a #1 relaunch, or an event), outperforming the vast majority of Bendis' comics (only exceptions were like #1 launches, like Iron Man or Spider-Men II, and subsequent issues dropped below Slott's ASM sales).

I don't think Marvel pushing Bendis out makes much sense either, but someone who looks at sales for ongoings may be willing to take a risk at putting Slott on Fantastic Four instead of Bendis.

>Who gives a shit about the lawyer shit, dude? She was a bootlicker in a badly written comic event precisely because of that.

Wow, real "strong" argument there.

You really don't get those stories with recent Marvel legacy characters, you instead get Kate "I'm the best Hawkeye" Bishop characters.

And look what the sales are for his Iron Man and FF runs so far. Isn't Spencer's run selling more than Slott's?

i remember jen only be interested in hercules, but never thor

Attached: hercules and she-hulk.jpg (663x1024, 180K)

It's funny because nobody bought those comics

It is. Probably by that point whoever makes the decisions will start to think the character sells well. I'll say this about Slott's Fantastic Four though, his tenth issue is outperforming Fraction's and Robinson's 10th issues of their respective F4 runs.

Slott's Iron Man is around the same sales levels as Bendis' Iron Man (when Riri took over).

go away fatty

I don't know alot about her, just that alot of lesbians in my friend group really want her as a dom. They are based

Nobody says the word "puny" any more (Jen should have referred to the car as "crappy" or something realistic)...but why does that word become a major part of any intelligent Hulk's vocabulary when the brain shuts off?

Yeah, but it’s now new anymore, it’s just the way things are now.

>And it turned out not to be true since it's not something Didio controls.

But it WAS something Diane Nelson did before she was finally fired.