Aside from Rotworld, which we all agreed went on for way too long, find a flaw.
Aside from Rotworld, which we all agreed went on for way too long, find a flaw
It’s the one thing I’ll give Snyder credit for
No the writing was bad from the get-go and it was yet another, early case of Snyder being carried by his artist. Really Paquette made the book. Otherwise the red and green stuff was real dumb.
The red and green stuff has been in Swamp Thing for decades.
You mean the green stuff was, the red stuff was introduced in New 52 Animal Man
The red was introduced in Morrison's animal man run.
Have sex
Read comics
>If you don't like Snyder you're a virgin
Pretty cool!
Where? I know he didn't intend on making it the Red because he said in an interview he wasn't too keen on them doing the idea of The Red, because it felt like they were doing The Green for Animal Man.
Not to mention that the stuff dealing with the Red was over in Lemire’s universally loved run on Animal Man. Anti-fans are fucking weird.
Guy bitched about the involvement of the red and the green in Snyder’s Swamp Thing even though a) the green was introduced in the eighties in Alan Moore’s run b) the red was introduced in the eighties in Grant Morrison’s run c) the red and the green have both been used since those runs and d) everything having to do with the red was in Animal Man, which wasn’t written by Scott Snyder. All leading to the conclusion that poster doesn’t know what they’re talking about and just replied to the thread for the sole purpose of complaining about Scott Snyder.
In fact it's even reference as far back as Swamp Thing 23 by Moore himself.
I feel like I remember it being a thing in the Vertigo series around the time Buddy became a Chimera after getting ran over by the guy trying to rape Cliff. It's been a couple years since I last read through that though, so I might just be inserting that in there.
Ouch. Yeah that guy is me. You're the weird one dude. Let me make this easy: different writers can do different things with the same concept. I hope you follow that. The speed force in one writers hands can be used differently than the speed force in another's, for better or worse. I did not enjoy Scott Snyder's writing as it related to the green and the rot. It was not for me, the anti-fan.
Nice damage control, chief.
you're pants on head retarded
Snyder suits you
I liked it, but I feel like Soule took it to a better and more interesting place.
Yeah, no.
God I miss Soule. I’ll never understand why DC just immediately dropped all the cool shit he did with Swampy, Guy and the Red Lanterns.
Veitch, not Morrison. Morrison sort of hinted at it, but Veitch and Delano actually introduced/used it
i dunno, it got worse yeah, and if given an alternate universe option, i would pick animal man being the one to continue, but it wasnt all that bad. they brought some cool things in here and there, the worlds end (whatever that future event was fucking called) was decent, and the design on the metal was cool overall
fungus was shit, seeder was cool (especially buddys cameo of absolutely shitting on him considering when it took place in his timeline) and there were a number of things that just didnt matter, but overall i enjoyed it.
still, i would have preferred AM did the extra kingdoms exploring, since they took it the space direction again. robots germs and mushrooms arnt as interesting as alien robots germs and mushrooms.
the art was nice tho
>God I miss Soule. I’ll never understand why DC just immediately dropped all the cool shit he did with Swampy, Guy and the Red Lanterns.
IIRC the editor on those books who was giving him those jobs went over to oversee some batbooks and his immediate superior left DC. So basically there was no one from that period trying to enforce continuity in regards to Soule's stuff.
Goddammit. I really miss Guy’s relationship with Kara, and there is so much potential in the Metal kingdom with as many tech based baddies as there are in the DCU.
Nah, you’re wrong you retarded Snyder fanboy.
Snyder’s prose were pointlessly overwritten and shallow. His stories had no subtlety or depth and he regressed Swamp Thing to a generic action hero.
These people are man baby retards who can’t deal with people having different opinions than them and have to make up nonsense terms like “anti-fan”. They’d right in at /r/comicbooks.
Google ‘anti-fan.’