Does nobody in Gotham find weird that Bruce Wayne, multibillionaire CEO, literally has no bodyguard in any of his public appearances ?
Does nobody in Gotham find weird that Bruce Wayne, multibillionaire CEO...
>Implying they aren't plain clothes
Batman: TAS is generaly considered a lot more of a safe city ironically than the rest of the incarnations
He has ex-SAS butler Alfred. That guy beat up Superman you know.
lol yea. I once saw Batman beat the shit out of him. I rushed in to save him ofc and scared the bat off. Got to make love to vicky vale as my reward.
bendis, leave.
It was kind of funny seeing no one question Bruce Wayne meeting up with an average news reporter back in Season 1 of Young Justice.
A lot of crime in Gotham is pretty much corrupt politicians with ties to the mob.
Dude's pretty jacked, honestly. I don't think most people would want to mess with him either way. Plus, plainclothes.
Being jacked won't save you from a marksman
He's clearly some kind of super villain. A rich asshole CEO secretly selling weapons to Somalia or some shit. He's just not in jail because he's charming and not a deformed little monster like Cobblepot.
The question is; who?
>He doesn't know
Who what
>He probably has a kind of super bullet proof vest and drones that could snipe anyone stupid enough to fight him.
He is also a creepy lonesome billionare who keeps adopting young boys.
Why does nobody bat an eye on that??
How is giving a new family to orphans creepy ?
Why cal Wayne out on it when you just described the majority of the 1%?
>Memories, of the Grand Finale
When Return came out all those years ago I didn't expect to be feeling nostalgic about it just a few games later
I think he meant “WHICH super villain is he?” Personally I think he’s that “Booker” guy all the bosses always talk about. He’s the guy who makes all their hideouts y’know. Wayne owns most of the city AFAIK so it makes sense.
Bruce Wayne kind of looks like Matches Malone.
You think they're related?
What if Bruce Wayne was secretly Lex Luthor
Lex is a manlet, Bruce is not and has fantastic hair.
The same average news reporter that scored the world-first Superman info and nabs interviews with the biggest superheroes on the regular. The man's got some major influence, just makes you wonder what kind.
Because he's the only one to keeping orphans out of the shitty foster home system and they're young flexible boys and Bruce is a straight man considering all the female reporters he dates.
If he adopted a bunch of young flexible girls things would be quite concerning.
The man finances Batman, it's so obvious. WayneTech announces revolutionary interwoven armor plating and two weeks later Batman has a new suit? They branch out into avionics and six months later the Bat is flying a fucking JET around? Every gadget that freak has can be traced back to a dummy project WayneTech started up and then "abandoned".
last time I checked that jason kid went missing.
Also do you notice the same pattern?
blue eyes black hair and all?
he is one sick fuck
I thought one was a redhead? And the old kid was some gypsy wasn't he?
They remind him of himself, physically and situationally since they’re orphans, if he wants to work through childhood trauma by giving some lucky kids better lives then let him.