
I for one welcome our new turtle

Attached: jennika.png (766x365, 269K)

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>I for one welcome the tranny self-insert turtle

>show with anthropomorphic characters
>the girl wears more clothes than the boys
delete this trope from existence

you guys just love to complain don't you

I know it's a disgusting mutie so that's why it has a retarded name, but I will never accept any turtle regardless of sex that ruins the renaissance artist naming theme.

It should have been a revamped Venus.

I don’t remember any Italian sculptors named Jenny or Jennika
Also is this character biologically female? I don’t support trannies

does she have puss-puss?

This is not a great road to go down. This gives execs too many bad ideas to steer the direction of the turtles franchise in. Especially in this wacky day and age of over representation to the point of ridiculousness.

Can't wait for the African-American turtle.

But they’re already all subhuman

I want her in a cartoon.

I want her in a oven

too bad isn't named after an artist

the only thing that triggers me is the name.

The least they could do is find some woman from Italian history to name her after

Female turtles can fuck off. It was lame when they did it with Venus and it's even lamer now that it's Deviantart tranny OC bullshit.

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Look at TMNT history. It's already been down far worse roads than any exec these days have the imagination to go down.

Why are boys' shows verboten now? Why do we need a token female in everything, or even literally turning the whole cast of a previously male thing female?
>Ghostbusters: Answer the Call
>Ocean's 9
>New feminist Terminator
>MCU producer says X-Men is biased and it has to be called X-Persons now
>Games journalists complained about Final Fantasy XV being about a group of guys
>Now a token female turtle
This is getting a little ridiculous. April is fine and the odd female mutant as a guest star or villain, but the brother dynamic will be ruined if they add this girl to the main team.

What the hell about her is tranny?

>New feminist terminator.
Considering how you morons act, Terminator would be considered feminist since its creation.

Lucrezia. After Lucrezia Borgia. Not actually an artist but it's more period appropriate than Venus De Milo.

>I for one welcome our new turtle
We just went throught this with PPG now its TMNT turn.

I look forward to this new Poochie

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He doesn't like it, ergo tranny

She's based on a self-insert fan character made by a tranny named Sophie Campbell, who was formerly an artist on the series.

t. Retard

Sarah Connor was supposed to give birth to the messianic hero, not play the role herself.

>What the hell about her is tranny?

She's transspecies.

This. I fucking hate this. You could just make her bandana girly or throw an accessory on her and you'll get the same feel. The pants make her design look too busy and if the other titles aren't going to be wearing clothing it just makes her stand out as DeviantArt OC

Figured as much.

That doesn't make her a tranny at all unless you're an idiot.

She's been kicking ass since T2, which most of the complainers seem to forget despite fellating it all the time. and even now seems to only be protecting the girl not leading the resistance herself judging from the trailer. Sounds more like bitching to bitch and clickbait.

I kinda headcanon them all as being able to pass for black when they're on the surface if they're wearing clothes and it's dark outside.

Guess Bebop and Rocksteady along with ever other human to mutant character is Tranny.

All the turtles are named after Renaissance painters and such, what is she named after? Even Venus got her name from the Venus de Milo

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wasn't she not born a turtle?
I hardly think she has to fit into the guide

I wish Ross was one of those trannies that committed suicide.

>That doesn't make her a tranny at all unless you're an idiot.
No one called her a tranny. We said she's a tranny self-insert. The self-insert of a tranny.

Yeah like Artemisia Gentileschi. Because that's an easy name to say.

Shes based on aloplex? Campbell didnt make her but popularized her by making her a fluff pillow.

>She's been kicking ass since T2, which most of the complainers seem to forget despite fellating it all the time

She was never in any T movie since that one.

No, based on his fan design for a fifth female turtle with a yellow mask.

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Artemis or Art for short would suffice.

She's been a human woman for longer than the rest of the turtles have been alive, it makes literal perfect sense for her to prefer wearing clothes.

>affectionate, warm-hearted worrywort with self-doubt and anxiety

>ninja assassin that's killed a bunch of people that dubiously deserved it

wow dude it's literally the same

This is the same tranny that changed Alopex from a cool, skilled ninja warrior into a retarded, bubbly bimbo.

they're not even writing lmao

The part that's the same is it being a female 'fifth ninja turtle' in a yellow mask. I said it was based on his design, not that every detail was the same.

What about the warthog and the rhino characters?

>bebop and rocksteady are trans icons

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If you could transform into a turtle and become a ninja, would you?

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You didn't specify mutant

it's a trap

Exactly, and you can also count novels and comics. So her doing what she always does shouldn't be such a big deal.
So even more of a non issue. Let see if she's better than Venus.

Oh you knew what I meant...

I don't see the problem.
IDW shit all over the fucking franchise so, so much.
They might as well call it the fucking Archie 2.0 version and be honest with what they did

Its a human character they turned into a turtle, not a turtle named by a rat

which renaissance artist is she named after?

It's certainly not out of the question for her to go a little crazy from having everything she was taken from her and being all "JENNY'S DEAD I'M ARTEMIS NOW"

That's right, and if they were to have herself named a renaissance era name by coincidence it would have felt forced.

Maybe they'll do something like that along the way... We'll see.

>Look at TMNT history.
If there's anything Leftists despise more than straight white men, it's history. There's nothing in the past that benefits their cause besides racism and the Holocaust. And as the saying goes, those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. So if you think TMNT's history of bad roads taken means Leftist exects won't tread the same ground and do worse, you're in for a rude awakening.

That just means turning her into a turtle is a dumb, gimmicky idea that doesn't fit. Plus, she's a killer thrown into a team of heroes who don't kill. Nothing about this chemistry creates anything worth a damn.

Maybe she gets a change of heart?

Who could do Jen's voice?

My gut "tough girl" inclination is jennifer hale, but someone a BIT younger might be a better fit.

20-something no-nonsense young woman, let me think.

Im not opposed to a new turtle but adding one to the TMNT quartet is really dumb.

still infinitely more enjoyable than introducing forced trannies and minorities.

>Yea Forums only gives a shit about IDW TMNT when they can be outraged about it
Fuck all of you.


couldn't you say that of all of us

Men are hottest wearing nothing but pants, and denying that is gay as fuck

Yea Forums fucking loved IDW TMNT until Northhampton

Would she be kind and gentle but only rough when needed be?

We really need to weed out all the outrage junkies and outrage sellers

Let's post some art about Jenny.

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Fuck you faggot. There was that light blue bitch from the fox show too. Shit wont last. I for all dont acknowledge this cunt. Slash is the the 4th turtle. that is all.
