Want to give the MC a GF

>Want to give the MC a GF
>Never had one

What the fuck do I Yea Forums

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Watch romcoms

Have sex

Make it consume the show and project your insecurities onto goofy side characters.

Just remember that a s/o is not there to fix all your problems or be your parent. You're a team. You're meant to help and support each other. It's like the buddy system, except you get to fuck at the end of the field trip.

Which are the best ones?

>mc has a gf
>blueball us by not showing them fucking
gotta go all the way

Was kind just joking there, but if you’re serious about it,
>Some Kind of Wonderful (1987)
>Groundhog Day
>Rich, Young and Pretty
>Sleepless in Seattle (1993)
>You’ve Got Mail (1998)
>When Harry Met Sally (1989)
>Hit the Deck (1955)
>An American in Paris (1951)
>16 Candles
>The Amazing Spiderman (not a romcom, but only watch this movie for the chemistry between Gwen and Peter)
>Twelfth Night

I don't how to start all that bro I've never had a first date

Give him a bf. Make him gay. I mean why not score some diversity points might help sell your pitch

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I wish I could find the screenshot with that Japanese writer for a popular web novel confronted with the complaints of a badly written relationship who apologized by admitting he had never been in one and he'd try his best next time

What was wrong with his manga?

Haha same

You know about Achilles and Patroclus from the Iliad? Just write them, but make Patroclus a girl.

There you go. Easy.

This desu

We had this thread yesterday with the same image file in the OP.

It was a Taiwanese game developer for his game and a woman complained that she didn’t “buy” the romance in it.

Write two people being best friends with benefits

A significant other is basically a best friend who you also fuck, but with a higher level of dedication to you. Just write a friendship, but make them have a higher amount of caring, consideration, and affection towards one another.

Give the MC a best friend who they also fuck.

They say to write what you know. If you don’t know anything about romance, then either write about a guy that doesn’t know anything about romance, or don’t write about romance

This one?

Attached: never been in love.png (430x720, 309K)

50 First Dates.


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Write a best friend, then give the best friend tits. Or don't, whatever, I won't judge you.

I have the same problem, user. I’ve been writing a fanfic where the relationship is the main focus for over two years now, and I still wonder if I’m portraying it in a believable way.

Basically, do what everyone is already saying, write a best friend that goes deeper. The most important part is that the two characters you want to be together have good chemistry; their personalities need to compliment each other in some way. Also, don’t waste time with will they/won’t they nonsense, it gets old pretty fast.

Definitely check out some of the examples people are recommending. The best thing you can do is expose yourself to well-written romance and try to emulate it.

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Excellent idea.

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ok but like... WHY do you want to give him a gf? to have some eye candy? to reward him? true romance involves the self-actualization of all involved individuals

I've never felt real love with the guys I've always bruefly dated, but I still find ways to generate romance through the story anyway by just writing what I think is a good progression of character interaction and how their current and past relationships work.

I'm planning an arc where he gets controlled by a not symbiote and he ruins all his friendships and relationship with his girlfriend.And he has to try to win them back after get blinded and learning not to rely on others for his happiness and several suicide attempts

Just don't do the stupid insta-love shit. And don't use any romantic subplot made by Hollywood or shonen anime.

Man, HRT is doing wonders for Tubsy

Perfect, beautiful, exactly what I was thinking.


This is a good post.
Wait, are you /m/ MS paint guy?