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Static has been waiting for years since appearing in the DCAU he can take another month.


The Original

The Remix

Why the fuck is WB/DC not investing in Static Shock? The fuck is up with those stupid cunts?

>HEY LOOK, IT'S *irrelevant black celebrity*

IIRC there's some shit between milestone and dc with the ownership of the character, so he keeps getting pushed around. He was supposed to be in Injustice 2 with all the design aspects already completed, then poof, had to scrap him.

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It's a rights issue with Milestone. They tried to bring him back in the New52 but that book's team hated each other irc and the book was canceled. He's stuck in a weird copyright limbo right now. I think I remember McDuffie talking about writing Static a couple years back with the resurgence of Milestone but it went away.

Static Shock was a fun new DC property. They really fucked up dropping the ball by mishandling him. Static Shock is a better draw than Cyborg in my opinion.


It happens. Especially when comics only has two big contenders. Although Static is the only one I can think of in modern day

I never noticed it until now, Static's dad looks like a black James Gordon

What happened with this?

No, it must be done immediately. I have one more thing for you to do.

Attached: zNtc.jpg (299x224, 14K)

Attached: Kyle-Baker-Static_[1].jpg (600x600, 173K)

they've only done that...maybe like 5 times in all of their seasons. they have more superhero "guest stars".

I remember being excited seeing future Virgil make an appearance in Justice League Unlimited.

>I think I remember McDuffie talking about writing Static a couple years back with the resurgence of Milestone but it went away.

Was he using a freaking medium?

McDuffie is dead.

I still don't understand what the fuck Uncle's character design is. It's like a balding, long face Goku.

This. He died in 2011, so it's been more than a couple of years back if he was involved in any way.

My mistake, it was hudlin who was talking about it then

>implying this can wait a month