Find a Flaw

Find a Flaw.

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No Quinn fanservice.

stupid treasure hunt plot

It tries to be a comedy but fails to deliver good jokes usaully falling to subversion wit and funny voices. Even then it's all done wrong. You can see it done right in Sick Animation.

Doesnt have a strong focus like season 1 but we have 10 episodes left.

First line of the season
>I'm Gary, reddit thinks I'm annoying

...wait, so Gary did actually survive the space rupture?

The strong focus of comedy instead of the plot.

The whole show is a Rick & Morty placeholder, and even Olan knows it.

There's almost no r34 for the show anywhere and it's a crying shame

I’m actually fine with that. Final Space’s character designs are all too simplistic, noodle-armed, and cute to be fappable.

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>little cato is in alternate dimension alone and ages
>probably comes back as kid
So are they going to address the elephant in the room about Catos age with him and Ash or are they going to sweep it under the rug like Starco?

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kys for mentioning star vs
also they're different alien species, we have no idea actually how they age

The fuck? Where this from?

That I can't watch it in decent quality.

Now you can.

Olan said somewhere that Ash is around16 and Little Cato is 15

this episode looks promising.

Great show, lots of jokes fall flat. I feel like if it let the humor flow more organically it'd be goddamn perfect. But it feels like they're TRYING to make everything a joke and that makes it border on cringe-worthy.
Still, fantastic visuals, interesting concepts and a (mostly) likeable cast of characters will keep me coming back for more every week.

Thats what makes me excited about next episode. It seems like there will be very little comedy and more focus on drama

I miss the lord commander