Can just talk about how fucking FUNNY CREEPY this scene was?
Can just talk about how fucking FUNNY CREEPY this scene was?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Mao Mao having an Adorabat suit
>Bb-but your voice...
>I just practiced!
Now I want to hear Mao Mao through Adorabat's voice. For science.
Sooo this took 5 years, give or take 1, to make?
to get greenlit.
Adorabat is cute!
I want a plush of her.
with that satiny gold material for the heart and the leg, and big hard plastic eyes that make the toy hard to cuddle.
When are the new episodes?
I heard august.
working in more poses for her.
This cat sounds like the dub voice for Beerus.
God damn she curvy.
This is getting me worried about the user who was gonna post some Mao Mao to /ic/ since the last thread died.
He sounds like a deeper Batman.
Outfoxed and Not Impressed did some pretty good rapist scenes. Better than Courage the Cowardly Dog and Ren and Stimpy.
It genuinely feels like Mao Mao is a villain protagonist sometimes.
I also just noticed that Mao Mao can FLY while wearing his Adorabat costume.
Does the gun appear in the show?
..I think?
gah, which mao mao thread do I bump? let's just pick one
okay I pick this one because certain attention is on that one so let's just let it fall off page 10
that scene, that scene alone is what made me say "this is the beggining of a new golden age right?"
Is there a Mega anywhere of the show?
This is still in the archives If you need to remember it after it's been deleted off the archive, don't forget desuarchive.
my fucking hero, thanks
No worries, it's quite an accessible show so far.
alright, we're down to a single maomao thread
post brushy brushy
also are there some of the same writers as Over the Garden Wall? because I get some of those feels.
Has anyone made a sound of silence edit of this yet? I really want that
What the hell is the shadow?
Mao Mao decapitating a monster.
>I love you, Mao Mao
What did she mean by this?
hnnnnngggg why does this do so much for me. not even sure what exactly it's doing, but it's a lot of it.
adorabat is not for a lewd
Because you're a weirdo
I don't think it's doing that
but it's doing something
hnnn her little head!!
Is the user talking about Mao Mao turning evil in the future lurking around here?
If so, I have an episode idea, or maybe a couple that glimpses at his loneliness.
>adorabat wants to go to a sweetie pie gathering she was invited to
>she tries to go but she's way too busy fighting monsters and protecting pure heart valley with mao mao and badgerclops
>eventually she makes it, brings mao mao and badgerclops around
>mao mao gets sad a bit, badgerclops notices but mao shrugs it off when he's inquired about it
>it's because he has no friends except the two friends he's got, and he's been alone before he met bao bao
>seeing adorabat happy with her friends brings mao mao a smile
>thicket thieves arrive in pure heart valley
>sheriff department investigates and leaves them eventually since they said they're no longer thieves
>badgerclops comes along with them and hang out just for old time's sake
>badgerclops starts hanging out less and less with mao mao and adorabat, which makes both of them lonely
>even moreso for mao mao since he's his best friend
>thieves plan a heist to steal a rumored rare artifact, something badgerclops is pressured to go along with
>it's in pure heart valley castle
>monster alarm alerts the department
>badgerclops ultimately chooses being with mao mao and adorabat and beats the thicket thieves up
>the thieves laugh, saying this is exactly how their heists usually go
>they also commend badgerclops for moving on and doing good with his life, tells him that if he ever wants to hang out again, he can contact them
>they leave the valley
>"it's nice to have old friends to fall back to"
>this gave mao mao a wistful look, then he turns to his friends and smiles as he remembers his adventures with them
>they never found out what the rare artifact was, but badgerclops comments "it's probably just the king's hair"
>it is
Hi, I'm Genndy Tartakovsky. If I was in charge of this series, Mao Mao and Adorabat would be an official love couple at the end of the series. That's what me and the viewers like to see.
Well you didn't need to even be on this show because Adorabat does love Mao Mao
dont reply to shitposters
It was only a matter of time before that meme was used
Why were these posts deleted?
oh woof. we are fucked. Always about this same time of night too
as you wish
stop! she's gonna rub herself bald..
I'm a master at ruining student-master duos
I can already tell you it's heading that direction
Badgerclops is gay! GAY!
joke's on you, I would actually like that, and I loved the last SJ season
I think he sounds like Vegeta's dub voice. Mao Mao is deeper, but there's something about his roughness and gruffness that makes me think of Vegeta's English VA.
No, he's not.
How would you know that?
Love her.
she's such a sweetheart.
Badgerclops is so flamboyant and queer I swear, the bigger twist will be the reveal he's been married and has a kid this whole time.
hnnnngg. this deserves better english, it's wonderful.
I wanna know how she got the pegleg in such a soft babyproof town like pure heart valley was pre Mao Mao
That's why this show is so great, they do subtle stuff like that. She's the one member of the ultra cute society who craves adventure, and she's also the one missing a leg. they don't have to point that out, it's just there. it makes your imagination race
she could have ventured outside of the town from time to time, gotten attacked by an alligator or something.. or she could have built some kind of adorable obstacle course
or her mom might just have taken thalidomide
How about you focus the episodes on the plot and stop wasting airtime for pointless love drama. Also revive Symbiotic Titan and give it the Samurai Jack treatment.
Badgerclops just has some sass in him. He's not queer, not flamboyant and not gay.
How did Badgerclops lose his left eye and right arm?
Wasn't this meme started by MLP's Colgate? Normally you brush the hair with a normal goddamn hairbrush, but because she's named Colgate they used a toothbrush to brush hair.
>Mao Mao
Cringe just like every other modern cartoon.
No.... this show, Dalmatian Street and a few others are actually funny. Even the episode "Not Impressed" was funny.
Unlike Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Regular Show, Gravity Falls where the characters are genuinely unfunny, awkward and worthy of cringe.
It's a meme based off an ancient fucking picture of a real life bat being brushed with a toothbrush
That's fucked up.
He genuinely fell in love with a blob he called a "he" (though sometimes "it") and played the part of the lady in the relationship. He almost sacrificed the entire town and Mao Mao to keep the love alive. Also his voice and mannerisms are often kinda gay and he wanted the pink spear.
i appreciate someone reposting my old post
Who is best character and why is it Badgerclops?
He's a bro. He's sensitive. He's a genius. He's cuddly.
He's also a submissive faggot despite his giant size.
Absolute husband material
I'm starting to realize he's literally Rotor. Bandolier, claws, and all.
I wasn't giving this show a chance because there is just so many shows and cute ones aplenty but this one had some deeply disturbing parts yes, thanks
10/10 bro
would eat junk food and play video games with
>he doesn't like a good show with good characters because of furries
You know where to avoid them, right?
>this got past the censors
Gay kisses aren't censored by CN. Look at the SU gay wedding :P
Maodgerclops is best ship :)
Toothbrushes are the standard way to clean small mammals in captivity.
And Brushie is an ur-meme, you'd have to be pretty new to the internet to not know about it.
Badgermao sounds better, but I agree. It's the best ship.
He was missing an eye even as a small child. No clue.
pic of wee Badge? I don't recall that. We did see him when he met Mao Mao, with his good eye still open
It was on the magic episode, when he was talking about his older brother using magic to steal his lunch money. He had both arms, but was wearing an eyepatch.
It was in episode 8!
this gif somehow made me feel warm nostalgia
did parker simmons make this?
ohhh yeahhh
okay wow so he has been missing that for a while. I wonder if badgerclops is actually his real name, or at least a nickname he's had forever. Sometimes people get eye cancer.
what episode was this again?
Not Impressed.
I fucking love these.. they were made by the creator right?
why wasn't Badgerclops a bear like he was originally suppose to be?
We need webms of the creepy scenes. We need video parodies of the creepy rape scenes.
Episode 9 already?
Are people actually watching this show?
Cartoons will never will never have a gay animal character.
Except for Wing and Wong, but nobody watched their show.
Because she's interested in being a hero and adventure? Sweetie plz.
They are on the app. It was second only to TTG and DCSHG a couple weeks ago.
i want to pet mao mao and make him smile
retard frog is my favorite character. him doing absolutely nothing in mao mao's musical was excellent. i hope he shows up more often.
I want Mao Mao to do a stylish suave intro like Devilman Crybaby.
Because WBB already has a polar bear.
besides badgers are cuter than bears.
he's awesome
badgerclops was originally bearclops, right?
he reminds me of those hybrid Froopyland creatures. Just kinda shuffling around awkwardly
This one is my favorite
badgers are pretty badass.
that's why badgerclops is funny, he's clearly a bear on the inside. he's not remotely as badass as a badger.
i can kind of see it
was that the one who faceplanted during the sound of silence bit?
That bit where he acts disturbed seeing Mao Mao’s disguise of him in “Not Impressed” was hilarious.
From episode 1:
“You look soft! Can I hug you?”
American and honey badgers are badass
meanwhile Euro and Japanese badgers are just cute fellas like badgerclops
How come he didn't keep the blue eye from the flashback in episode Breakup?
I genuinely did not realize this guy or gal was wearing glasses.
It's the one that faints when Mao Mao decapitates the impressesaur.
with his shorter snout he looks more like the honey badger, but he might just be fat. actually with his overall coloration he looks most like the japanese badger, and this is an animutastic show, so that's probably our best guess.
we haven't seen his eye open in the series yet, these are old drawings.
Tfw no kaminoan gf
Not him but I'm just used to characters that talk, look, and act like Adorabat being boys to subvert visual cues.
Actually being a girl is surprising and refreshing even thought it SHOULD be what I expect.
you can tell it's a girl in a modern cartoon because she's independent, capable, and doesnt get shit on by every plot element.
I thought Tails was a girl. I thought Buttercup was a boy. I thought anime was just blatantly fucking with me when they kept going "lol I'm a boy/girl" and I was right, fuck Japan writers, bunch of hacks.
at least in tails' case, that was the original intent
hence the romantic ending song for the dramatic rescue
We have to go way way deeeep with the original concept for Tails. His full name is Tails Miles Prower / miles per hour
Have there ever been any girl characters with boy names?
I thought Mao Mao was a girl at first
What gender do you think Pikachu is?
Sort of like Puar, where everything about the character says girl. But on paper it always says boy.
What show is this?
it's just miles prower. tails is a nickname
sorry what? puar has always been a girl. she even talked with yamcha about it.
now the real question is bulma's dad's little cat.
Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Destiny.
Specifically the second half of season 1. Theyre only in 1 episode in the first half and theyre not gay at that point. Actually, the episode that introduces them implies theyre brothers.
>blushes when he sees it being a gentleman
>blushes more when he sees it's "shy"
>takes it out on a date
>dances with it
Is Badgerclops gay?
he and Mao Mao are gay
but not gay for each other
The whole episode is Mao Mao trying to be a wrangler for idiot children and it's amazing. I love this show.
>but not gay for each other
>when they cherish each other
>when they argue like an old married couple
>when mao mao doesn't even feel grossed out by badgerclops eating that bit of food stuck in between his teeth, just annoyed that badgerclops is not taking him seriously
How could they not?
>high test faggot who don't want no tubby sassy cake boy
Figures this would get added right away.
Meant for .
Her eyes need to be bigger, shinier and more adorable.
i'm sorry you don't have anyone like that in your life.
tvtropes is truly a horrible, desolate place that should be avoided.
It's right though.
Who is this genndy man?
He was very ambiguously gay.
He was being flirty with a thing he referred to as a "HE".
He's allowed to like a blob. he thought it was cool.
I didn't say he wasn't, just that it was ambiguously gay.
Quit this gayposting and start Adorabat posting
She's os fucking cute
and wrapping herself up in her wings like a cape is even cuter.
He also refers to it as a "he" at the end... then as an "it".
guess that tells us what kinda bat she is.
I always playfully ran away from Tails both as a challenge and to pretend she's chasing after Sonic like crazy Amy.
If he were in charge of this series the show would be mute and humorless.
Tartakovsky is a confirmed autist at this point.
I'd go with the majority. If he says he more than it, it's a he to him.
he's too chubby to be a bara
He is definitely bara. Girls wouldn't want to fuck him, only guys.
huh. you'd think he'd wear the eyepatch around the circumference of the head, not just kinda dangling over one ear.
Wasn't bara = buff and bishu = feminine fit (small form)?
this is so adorable I don't care how the hat works
do japanese students have to learn recorder too?
He's a debu. Bara is mostly for manly muscle males
debu = chubby (either male or female)
Bara is men for men.
it's not nice to spread false information, user
But that's literally what it is.
yes, and yaoi is men for women. But sometimes the word also describes the bodytype of the genre and bara tends to be restrictive with the bodytypes as muscle or bulky men. fat and chuby guys are seen like somethig that isn't "bara", that's why others terms like debu exists.
Cursed, don't open.
Technically you're both wrong. Bara is not a bodytype. Bara is defined by its target audience, not the content. However, Badger was not intended to be for a gay masculine audience, so he's not really bara.
BUT if he was part of pornographic media it would most definitely be the bara genre so is less wrong.
Mao Mao is cute
he sure is
I should've listened
He does open his eye; in the present it’s yellow-ish with a black dot.
well shit, that's interesting then
of course we also know flashbacks are not 100% reliable on this show
Fuck you, I like reading tropes.
I want to subject him to heavy petting.
so do I. otherwise why would I complain about how shittily the site is run and how much it's been ruined?
Magic *snort snort*
Oh, okay... I guess I’ll take the insult back.
So, how has TV Tropes degraded exactly?
Nothing can be gained by talking about it here.
the ceator has already done all the cool fanart for us
Damn, Mao Mao lookin' sharp.
can't wait till they reveal that Mao Mao is a FtM transgender individual
and it would make sense seeing how all his siblings are females and would also explain why nobody in his family respect him
I'm being real
having a trans main character would be the best thing to happen to cartoons
Know this is a rare thing on Yea Forums but I'm a trans dude and personally I relate to Mao Mao a lot and can imagine him as trans based on how he acts it would make sense if he was confirmed as that
We saw young Mao Mao in Not Impressed: he was obviously a dude back then
He could've just dressed masculinely at that age, everyone here can see him however they want this is just my own thoughts dw
Pretty sure you're just projecting.
pretty sure you're replying to a mental defective. cut it out.
if people want to pretend to be something that doesn't exist, oblige them. hit the minus and ignore them. They're only ghost posts
Probably, I'm not denying that, I was just giving my pov man
Hm, yeah I could see him being trans. But I personally don't see that happening, they're still barely accepting gay men in cartoon network.
Though I wouldn't mind that. Hope your dreams come true user. It's still a nice headcanon.
I aint afraid o no ghosts
Adorabat is actually 30.
can a nibba get some HONEY posts? best mage with no speaking lines needs more attention
I do not remember this character. post pic?
Badger can't be gay for Mao because he is my husband.
nice to see ladies appreciating a quality male role model. Maybe we can get things back on track
Mfw Adorabat x Mao Mao is canon
I'm not on my main system, so I don't have any of the pics. She's the yellow robed magician who tags along with the chameleon wizard. Her most notable appearance was the episode in which she was introduced, episode 4.
user, you do know where we are, right?
ah, I don't remember her, but she's super cute, so I can see the love. kitty witches forever.
we're wherever we decide we are. certain people have proven that, and if they can do it, so can I
I really enjoy this show.
Me too. I hope it doesn't get canned too soon.
I could use an adorabat version of this with the original text intact
He actually has beady eyes
Lil boy are you lost? This is not twitter or tumblr, there is not "certain people" here, that may work outside but not here.
wonder if they'll ever show how she lost it
W r o n g I want to fuck bara's.
And debu's too. They're really hot.
the certain people I speak of are the tumblr sorts, user
They got into the underwhelming details of how Mao Mao lost his tail, they might just get into her leg and Badgerclops' eye. With how willing he was to slice off Adorabat's wing, his arm might just be completely voluntary.
Puar's a guy. Doesn't matter if he shapeshifts into a girl, he's still a guy.
uh huh, sure.
Is Orangusnake a good villain?
Not really. For how likable the main three characters are they're dropping the ball on the villains big time.
I like him for the design alone. He's literally just a snake wrapped around a monkey. It's great.
naw i mean who has snake in their name when the snake part is cobra? you LEAD with cobra, man. That's not just any snake.
hell he has a crown. there's a KING COBRA. WORK WITH THAT.
I want to marry Badgerclops, can someone tell me how to accomplish this?
have you tried asking? girls are supposed to propose anyway.
You don't. He's my husband and he's married to me.
Then I hope he believes in polygamy.
Just finished episode 10.
The series was much better than episode 1 led me to believe. I wasn't very impressed by episode 1 so I put it off forever, but it was worth it.
the majority of what episode 1 gave us was snippets of good action, and setting up a great premise. yeah other than that it wasn't as good as the rest of the show so far. hopefully that doesnt deter anyone else.
He is every 80s cartoon villain
Wait, did a mod seriously delete this?
They call each other buddy way too much to be in love. Boyfriends dont do that probably I wouldn't really know.
I don't recognizethe devil guy on the right
I love how she's wearing one just one fishnet stocking
anyway dont question it, don't complain, just report it on feedback.
the D&D cartoon villain
I don't actually know if one did or not though, it wasn't my post.
I'm usually on Yea Forums, but from what I've seen in other threads and past Mao threads, Yea Forumss seem overbearing as fuck in comparison. They're like moms constantly looking over your shoulder.
a recent development. but discussing it is a bannable offense, so be careful
and unlike so many things we've gotten banned for lately, it's actually against the rules, so you can't even be surprised.
They even deleted the shoop of R63 Mao Mao.
I don't understand why mods are so strict around these threads.
Bans don't affect me. But anyway enough about that, back to Mao Mao.
That scene was very wholesome. Both Mao Mao and Badgerclops concerned about her, even speaking to her in a caring tone. It's almost like they're their dads.
Forgive me, anons
I expected that.
Oh. I see that rewriting Global Rule 3 on the rules page to specify PORNOGRAPHY has changed absolutely fucking nothing then.
Goodnight, anons. I hope I see this thread alive when I wake up.
Jannies are slow, they'll figure it out eventually.
Goodnight, Badgerclops.
And....those other two.
Shouldn't they ban all Adorabat pics? Since she's always naked?
Would you play a 16-bit Ninja Gaiden inspired game about Mao Mao?
she's only naked when she doesn't have her peg leg
I was hoping the other henchman survived.the ape with electric fists reminded me of spark mandrill.
He reminds me of Lego Ninjago's villains, also known as every 84s villain
It's weird, he's the boss but he's treated like a henchman. They tear through him like nothing and he only becomes a threat after taking the cybernetic peg leg. Even then it's a quick fix. He's bad at being a villain but he's a good character overall and he's suited for the show which dwells more on personal problems than action.
That's just it, she didn't get to do much so far. She only appeared for a moment in maybe 2 episodes.
Do we know Honey is a she?
>show which dwells more on personal problems than action
Sounds like the whole show is a therapy session
The shortened version would technically be "bishou," though "bishi" is more commonly used. It also theoretically applies to both bishounen and bishoujo, which respectively mean roughly "pretty boys" and "pretty girls," though the shortened term usually refers to romance shoujo guys these days because the tall, svelte bishoujo archetype died sometime in the early 2000s in favor of lolis, moeblobs and titcows.
It's a Japanese term. It doesn't matter who actually consumes the media, it was created specifically for homosexual men.
It's true. From Mao's daddy issues to his Bao issues to the healthy affirmations that conclude the secret planning hugs that Mao himself initiates, a lot of the show is about addressing personal issues.
Yes, that's how Camille referred to her.
Mao Mao is so cute
These civilians are HTF tier
Daily reminder that...
Adorabat x Mao Mao is canon
I love cats but this deep voice felt off to me. Should I still give it a try?
can't help but feel that Orangusnake and Mao Mao will find common grounds in that both of them are seeking their family approval
This, I am so happy to have a show like this
worst canon
Mao Mao should be with Camille
Honey, on the other hand, blushed after suggesting that Badgerclops should say an adorable catchphrase.
the only canon couple is Reggie x Rufus
Awful, a prime example of the tragedy that is Cartoon Network "writing". No jokes, just smug, smarmy back and forth babble dialogue, usually bickering. What a waste.
why is Pinky the best villager?
Wrong, see
>no more episodes until August
Kill me
Guess we're watching all 3 seasons of Bunnicula this week.
They also deleted a sweaty Adorabat pic in the previous thread. Granted, it was a bit more suggestive but it really wasn't that bad. It's more cute than sexy really.
It's probably the board most likely (outside /trash/ of course) to delve into "furry", and ever since the old days mods and admins have mental breakdowns over it
So these kind of threads gets heavily watch and censored for even simple things like saying a character is cute, but you can post just about any porn of literally any other character no matter how illegal
What did he mean by this?
You know.
Better the pics than the thread. Seriously, with animal-based series like this almost no fanart is postable. Once Mao Mao's sisters finally appear on screen and artists get in on that it'll be difficult to keep these threads alive.
He's self-obsessed to the point of driving a car that's cute pink rhino themed, has magical rhinoculars that aren't magical, prances around with a guy and later clarifies on live TV that they aren't friends, and is just the village asshole. I'm not sure if an episode centered around him would be good or not though, I'm enjoying him as a minor character.
I think it has to do with animal characters
you can watch the last week of amphibia and then something similar to "cute animals that go for an adventure" like pic related, that's what i'm going to do in the meantime
>inb4 Yea Forums
as long as it was playable and not so brutally hard. we need more cool 2d sidescrolling action games and platformers, especially since smash bros basically made the best engine for them ever, then gutted the platformer content
now that's something I can hear in doc hammer's voice
and then some registry office guy is like "sorry, taken"
WHAT? Let me see that! ... he's just wearing a shirt with 'king cobrangutan' on it!! you can't tell me that counts
They rewrote GR3 to specify pornography.
So they shouldn't keep deleting NOT pornography.
watch the inevitable japanese dub where he has a high voice because that is just how they roll re: cats
I wanna see sweaty adorabat...
seriously? i just checked and I didn't see that
that rule was always meant to only apply to original content. like if you make up a human character, they can have threads on Yea Forums if they're popular, but not an animal one. dumb rule but you can imagine the faggotry that might ensue otherwise.
though in recent years all OC threads are deleted regardless. I miss Maggie.
Yes indeed. It's just this. This is why I feel that Mao is going to be a Banned Show on this website. Ironically over on Yea Forums? I see CONSTANT new pics of the Crash Bandicoot Trophy Girls being posted and none of them get deleted (unless a fool creates a new thread for Crash Team Racing with a risque image of Coco or the Trophy Girls that makes it blatant for the mods to delete).
But yeah anyway Yea Forums is okay with animal characters, but Yea Forums? No way. The sad part is that Yea Forums has generally more animals in the media so it kind of sucks. But hey Gwen from Ben 10 who is a loli and Peni Parker from Spiderman is also a loli but you can spam them with a bunch of sensual images and the mods don't do anything. I hate Yea Forums and it's largely why I abandoned Yea Forums.
how have I never seen this before? It looks amazing.
Someday I need to figure out why japanese art is just better at this. These designs and style shouldn't work, but they do
I don't know exactly when it was rewritten, but I did notice that furry porn bans on Yea were rewritten from "garbage outside of Yea Forums" to" furry pornography" a while ago. Although there aren't any up at the moment.
>you can spam them with a bunch of sensual images and the mods don't do anything.
i mean, if the phase of the moon is right
anyway no point discussing it, that shit can get you banned. best just throw up our hands and complain on feedback. It's better this last week than the previous week.
This is incredibly enlightening.. look at how many of them are flat-out demonstrably wrong.
link to full version?
Crops do still count as porn though. At least when the mods want it to.
>link to full version?
Adorabat is NOT for lewd.
japanese art is a hit or miss, sometimes it can be gorgeous and sometimes can be bland and boring. Anime featuring animals is less common but most of the time is charming as fuck.
4 of the characters in that shot are my husbandos.
Yeah but at the worst of times, it has a kind of artistry to it that you just don't see otherwise. like more 3Dness I guess? or something about the angles of the geometry, because even sanrio or crayon shin-chan has that charm
>Porn when
I appreciate how Badgerclops' arm actually puts thought into the joints, and they actually make decent sense for a cartoon.
Even action shows can't bother to do that most of the time, Man of Action just draws a regular person and draws some random angular lines on it and "robot!"
Speaking of his arm:
What was Adorabat cleaning out of it in “Breakup”? Was it wires or hair?
I'm sure it doesn't get a buildup of wires.
the question is WHOSE hair? that looked pretty.. humany kinda hair in there.
BCs pubes
Badgerclops makes her swoon
hey star vs thread is over here
Gets me every time
have you saved mao mao in mario maker 2 yet?
how do you have the name parker simmons and be an animator and not have a silly pseudonym like Persimmons or Parkermon?
Well I can't put it there now.
Guess I should crop some Mao Mao porn.
howbout post cuteness-porn.
I wanna see everyone getting super gushy and huggy
then post actionporn. i wanna see teeth getting knocked out man.
is this a lolcats thing?
i want to see maomao doing every lolcat
just like i wanted that for Cake
I love these. How the game insists you become a furry is hilariously appropriate.
i mean animals are kind of a thing. it's weird to categorize an entire part of ... depiction of anything, as its own thing, just because animals. might as well be like 'damn foodies' every time food shows up
The creator already but #furry on the twitter post announcing the show. It's too late.
But yeah I agree with you. They don't have human proportions and they don't wear clothes. It's a stretch to call it furshit.
not that there'd be anything wrong with that.
>voiced by The Monarch's VA
>is also a pathetic 80s esque villain with henchman
I think so. He's like a G version of The Monarch
it's so great seeing creative weird villains again
I'm surprised adorabat has 0 porn on e621
Time to get to work.
She isn't for lewd.
Maybe its just not uploaded. What was ?
I'll be waiting then.
like literally just upside-down eyes with hearts, and what looks like a hat with an ear just clipping through it
We're all over 18, mod
No she isn't
Mao Mao is
I think they're worried about advertisers, who recently actually bitch about TEXT.
why no laws have been passed yet restricting advertisers from discrminating about the content of what they advertise on, I have no idea.. or for that matter, why advertisers don't WANT things that are popular. they apparently only want to sell products to ned flanders.
>This show is actually funny
No it isn't. You'll turn on it eventually. Just like the rest.
honey is the best
Blue has a blue dog car, too. Wouldn't be surprised if everyone's cars were themed like that.
it's such a strange little organized community. Just like so many of these cutesy civilizations, there's no sign of anyone having families.
There's the, uh, "otter" lady from the Bao Bao episode, but that's about it.
oh yeah you're right
and her babies seem almost like props, as if they were just designed in this world to be that role.
>wears the apron around the cape
Why is Mao Mao so cute?
Mao Mao is a cute
Whenever I hear Mao Mao I can only think of this:
>that time badgerclops and mao mao accosted the lion kind
This wasn't even a crop janny.
Which is part of the carebear appeal.
Yeah I just think of Batman but happier yet somehow with more parental issues.
Your point, kid?
Why are you so mean, jannie?
>revealing that you are a janny
someone's getting fired
Mean? Noooo. I'm not mean. I'm just really compassionate for 4channel's success. So I MUST eliminate any degenerate posts, whether its a pic or just text, for the survival of Yea Forums.
t. Me
> I'm just really compassionate for 4channel's success
I still hate this decision
Who are you quoting?
Mao Mao is a shojo anime with adorabat living with to gay guys and having to chose between the two prove me wrong.
But does he have magical rhinoculars that displays cute pics of him while you look through them?
is that goku
don't get your hopes up it good but old so if you don't like old anime it probably not for you
The incapables don't even believe the capables.
Yeah I've been wondering why the fuck it's called 4channel now? I never saw the reasoning of why
hiroshimoot wanted advertising revenue, and the NSFW boards were making it difficult. So he split Yea Forums into the red boards (still on Yea Forums) and the blue boards (4channel)
also the jannies strike again
new episodes when?
Did they delete your post about calling them out? They're not even subtle about intentionally making this board worse.
he kind of reminds me of oolong.
yes, it's the same VA
Most likely August
That's not so bad if we get another 10 eps. I wish CN had a regular release schedule so we can have weekly threads of new content.
i like old anime exclusively
Because Yea Forums is automatically put on adfilters, which means no more admoney.
I watched the first ep and thought it sucked. Didn’t give it another chance till I saw a random clip on YouTube- the following episodes turn the show around in such a major way. If I wanted anyone to watch it, I’d tell them to start at episode 2 which I’ve never done before.
For some reason the joke where they were stalking Blue and said they found out he was a therapist completely took me out. Ive been hooked since then.
It feels like the show could be such a flop, and maybe some episodes will be like the first one again- but so far the ridiculously fast paced plot lines and unexpected dialogue are keeping it from being obnoxious or cringeworthy.
Same here. I tell people to watch episodes 7, 9 or 10 first since those are easily the most entertaining out of the bunch. Hopefully the episode quality will be less uneven from now on.
haha what the hell pbh
my problem with the earlier episodes is that they're all familiar tropes and nothing else.
implying B-clops wouldn't just eat it.
there's an internet meme about cats being terrified of cucumbers
i think it only works if you put it behind the cat while it's busy, so it turns around and WHAT IS NEW LONG THING IS IT SNAKE
Cucumbers are super disgusting.
I think this is where the breakneck pacing actually benefits the show. Normally spontaneous transitions and hand waving plot points is a huge issue with eleven minute shows but here they simply don’t have enough time to dwell on overused annoying tropes.
For example when Adorabat felt under-appreciated and joined the bad guys, she was “on their side” for less than a minute. Usually we have an entire agonizing episode of waiting for the under appreciated character to inevitably rejoin the main team after realizing their mistake.
When it’s good, it lands. And when it’s bad, it doesn’t overstay its welcome. Time constrictions can make it hard to keep the audience engaged with the introduced plot of an episode but I think it’s been a blessing for this show so far.
i felt that episode happened way too early or at least, it didn't get enough build up because in the previous episode, adorabat helps blow up the villain's ship.
Well you're going to jail
>there weren't diapers involved that time!
>that time
Please don't let Badgerclops be a diaperfur...
Why the fuck would a character in a Cartoon Network children’s cartoon be canonically labeled a shitting fetishist.
You need to redevelop your grasp on reality if the internet has warped your perception of kid’s jokes this horrendously.
>Adorabat isn't holding mao mao's cape
still cute
My damn sides.
do we have the one with all the knives?
they're not all into scat, some of them are just into pissing themselves, or infantilism, or just the exaggerated, inflated size of the pelvic region the diaper creates
It's not my thing at all, but I totally get it.
Bless you user
>joke a out diaperfurs
>get taken seriously
Whoops, forgot it's 2019.
can't we have just one thread without the gay shit?
No. Yea Forums gets trap Link threads daily, so this board also deserves gay shit.
>V/ gets trap Link threads daily, so this board also deserves gay shit.
What the hell kinda reasoning is that?
They are literally gay in the fucking show. How is this going too far when it's only displaying what the series has?
Stop pushing your homosexual agenda onto shit where it doesn't exist
>literally gay in the fucking show
Except they are not.
why would you reply to a post like that?
poor blue, at least his sister is in a show without creepy stalkers
Hello I didn't save the shit I posted last time but I AM HERE
This is cartoon network's best show in ages.
CN Nothing, best show in years period. first worthy successor i've seen to adventure time.
>Series is about a gay couple
>Homophobe says "Nuh uh!"
Try watching the episodes again, it's pretty obvious
just hit the minus button. ghost posts.
I wanna fuck that fox
Hey man, I got a bit bored with waiting and decided to think up of episode ideas that hand wave Mao Mao's personal issues. Granted, I feel these episodes don't really match up with what the show is doing with tackling those issues head on, but it was pretty fun to think of stuff up either way.
I think this show hasn't covered them yet, but have you thought about the sorts of issues Badgerclops and Adorabat may have?
Yea Forumsumblr is real
a lady with taste i see.
Don't feed it any attention.
Gonna be honest, I haven't given them any thought at all, mostly because they haven't been given much. Badgerclops has his tendency to go with the crowd but that seems to have been settled.
Adorabat is a pure blank slate with otherwise no history. All her antics are chalked up to her young age and childishness at this point.
I dunno, I think his over the top dedication to his moral code is a huge part of the humor for his character and going evil, even temporarily would kinda ruin that— in my opinion.
Having said that, it’s only a matter of time before fanartist latch onto role swap AUs, so we’ll definitely get evil!Mao Mao artwork in the near future. (And wannabe villain Adorabat oh my gosh)
As much as I want to believe in his infallible dedication to his moral code, his moral code is currently shown to be hinging on what he believes a hero should be and how he can become a legend.
Perhaps it could be the work of a dark magical doohickey that pushes him over the edge, but I'd rather he make his turn through his own actions. Much more impactful that way.
The key here is that he has to believe that he's always doing good and in the right...even when he isn't. That's what makes a compelling villain. Good villains are the good guys in their head.
someone better tell the rotorposter on Yea Forums
I don't know why this exists, but cute! Is it because of the gloves?
The show is focusing too hard on personal problems of the characters rather than them bouncing off random shit going on but the art is consistently great and the line delivery is on fucking point. The Bao Bao episode caught me way off guard with "You think you'll survive this Kevin?" and "You'll get your glory soon."
I'll take it over OK KO's increasingly sappy afterschoolspecial feel, honestly. I like that their personal problems are legit in a world that apparently has no infrastructure or authorities, just people making it on their own, sometimes with massive father issues
I've been comparing it to adventure time, but actually I think that whole "a giant monster could just show up, and it's up to us to stop them" is a refreshingly old PPG feeling. especially with the legitimately stylish action that does the absolute most you can with a modern cartoon rating
Huh, never knew that was a thing. I would've assumed it was some weird joke about how leaving a cucumber in a pussy for a while turns it into a pickle.
like that weird family guy joke? that was weird.
As someone else said... on any other show, Adorabat would be the most annoying character that viewers hate, not unlike Scrappy Doo.
So what is it about her that just makes it work? Obviously her voice actress is a big part of it, but WRITING-wise, why is she so likeable, instead of being the cringiest "baby appeal" character ever?
Because she's cute, she's good at heart and she knows what's the right thing to do, even if it crushes her inside.
Episode 2 in particular made me think she'll be that annoying character, but she quickly grew on me as I watched more episodes.
I love characters like this, I don't know what you're talking about.
her gleeful willingness to have a wing amputated to get a robotic one pretty much sums it up.
Same appeal as the scene where the villager takes his glasses off and faints after Mao Mao decapitates a monster. On the surface, she seems like she'd belong in a show exclusively for very young children, but part of Mao Mao's appeal is the "dude wait what" moments like the amputation thing pointed out.
I feel like you guys are leaving out the fact that the show is an intentional parody of baby show settings
Better execution overall than Scrappy at the very least.
Scrappy was actually really annoying and acted in a way that was very different from everything else in the show. Then on top of that he was not cute or even appealing as a character regardless of show. And over reliance on a weird catch phrase and gimmick.
Adorabat works more on the "absurdly cute and cuddly" in an extreme action setting and it works. Cutesy little animal managing to survive horrible situations with a smile is funny in its own right. It's a better juxtaposition than Scrappy's weird Top Cat/Yogi character in a teen mystery show.
She'll never beat Badgerclops
its because of the mask
Fuck that post Adorabrat
I want to see some of those guys who fell into the valley at the beginning
As the young rookie, she's also a psycho fangirl who values action, excitement, and violence over doing the right thing. she has chemistry with the rest of the cast in that regard and despite that isn't opposed to being cute. If she tried to be serious she'd clash with the tone of the show.
and people say their no wifues in this show
Cuteness mixed with extreme action and occasional violence is a key factor (I think). You can see the same effect with the original Powerpuff Girls.
She's like a really childish adult that's supposed to be a child so she comes off as mature but childish as opposed to fucking retarded and annoying
I hear it in his voice every time
Speaking of childish how old are Mao and Badgerclops supposed to be? They were adults when they met but they act like they've known each other for decades.
It's not so much a parody as a sea change indicator. Fortnite and gamer streaming isn't just desensitizing kids to cartoon violence like older cartoons did, it's making them crave it due to addiction mechanics and surrogate pseudosocialization.
Everyone keeps saying the first episode was shit. Why is that? The only thing that irritated me was that it was a bit fucked on pacing.
Yeah it wasn't shit it was just getting the hang of things, simply one of the weaker episodes, I enjoyed it personally
Trusting tv tropes to not call something gay is like trusting a blind man not to down the stairs.
>pick up the spear Kevin
>you've been a bad boy, haven't you?
I didn’t hate it but it didn’t show the promise of the later episodes. It had to prioritize establishing the setting and characters over making them say and do interesting/funny stuff, which makes viewers think they’re in for just another generic adventure cartoon they’ve already seen four million times. Without paying close attention, it could be easy to mistake the main trio as a cocksure arrogant antihero, an unwanted tag along sidekick, and a fat lazy comic relief.
As someone who pays close attention to animation in cartoons, I felt the fight scenes in the first episode were stunted and lackluster, save for one or two shots. It would make anyone watching the show for the animation concerned that this is how they’ll be cutting corners from then on out.
Badgerclops is pretty cool.
oh shit
Am I real?
Adorabat is shit and I hate how annoying she is. Unlike the rest of you, I don't find "I'm the cute one!" to be amusing. She's annoying and I hate how bipolar she is with "Whoa cool! Violence!" It just annoys me. Any time I see the blue twat talking too much I skip episodes. Adorabat is shit starting with the FORCED name about "Look at how cute I am!" The character is shit. Anyone who likes her is a furry shit.
He's going to come back as a crazy villain, possibly another cyborg, and Mao will probably think twice before revenge traumatizing people.
That fucking turn was so hilarious.
I’m usually the first to call out “random” humor but for some reason I love it in this show.
Her name is supposed to be forced though. She's like a carebear.
I'm pretty fucking gay and misogynist and I still like her just fine. Although if the robot episode was any indication she doesn't work too well when she's alone.
Yea he is the large gay bear of the series. She isn't going to replace him.
>Cute and badass
I can't wait to hear his japanese and mexican VA
I hope CN latam hires pic related as badgerclops VA
Heck, the entirety of pureheart valley looks like it's straight out of carebear cousins.
>that attention to Badgerclops' muscle tone
Good call artist.
Damn, he's fat
uh we've always craved violence, that's how being-alive works.
Holy fucking shit, that is bad.
Not so much The show was great enough to finally be greenlit, as Cartoon Network fell enough for this to be considered decent enough for them
I hate this show already
No, bad. Terrible. Absolutely disgusting. Worst piece of animation I've seen in years.
The sing and draw alongs are cuter imo
>hey, when did you guys learn Japanese?
Seems like Ep. 5 & 6 did way better than the previous weeks' episodes.
Ep. 5 got 380,000 viewers.
Ep. 6 got 353,000 viewers.
That's like 70,000-80,000 more viewers than last week, and around 100,000 more viewers than the premiere.
I thank Mao Mao in an apron for getting us here (?)
(gettin info from here:
FINALLY the show is beginnng to pick up speed. Hopefully this trend continues
Are we watching the same short? It was cute and animated pretty well.
Yuuup, it definitely deserves it; especially now that we're getting into the (imo) best episodes, it's good to see the show getting more viewers.
I was kinda bummed upon hearing how the first week did, but this gives me wayyy more hope for it.
Animation is bland, jokes are bad, voiceacting is horrendous, characters are annoying and just bunch of clichés.
It's doing great on the app and the app generates data CN can sell to advertisers. Television ratings aren't really on their radar for this show outside of getting more people to use the app for early releases.
Well it is a 1 minute teaser for what was at the time an indie project. Do you really expect it to be a perfect gift from heaven that develops it's characters within 60 seconds?
Not to mention the teaser is from 5 years ago. The show itself just came out and things have improved, you're not giving it a fair chance. It has fluid animation with good lighting (not surprised because it's Titmouse), and the characters are much more fleshed out outside of their initial appearance. They go out of their way to show you the development instead of just sitting like a rock.
oh i'm gonna need links if there's more than one of these.
>voiceacting is horrendous, characters are annoying and just bunch of clichés
Literally the opposite of that. it's quirky modern clicheless 'natural' dialogue, with actors speaking really well basically being themselves.
the jokes didnt really land for me though, but i don't care. t'was cute.
one thing I never understand though in furry stuff is... why is meow a thing cats are known for, if cats talk in this world? why are they embarrassed by it? are they aware of the existence of regularcats, is that it? is there a nontalking animal version of every furry?
>is there a nontalking animal version of every furry?
Where do you think meat comes from?
Maybe it's just embarrassing because it's considered cute, like when people do little sneezes
...dinosaurs? fish?
Not sure what you mean but here’s the links in order
Don’t click if you hate weeb shit
god damn that is funny.
Hey, that’s good news!
Are those the original VAs speaking in Japanese?
Parker Simmons (the creator) is Mao Mao’s VA so it’d make
Badgerclops is fucking brutal. Squeezing a guy so hard the nerves rip from the eyeballs
>"Hey Mao Mao? I love you"
Every time.
Was Bearclops really changed because We Bare Bears?
my heart melted
they want that sweet badger representation, dude. bears have gotten too much
Webcomic bear show was a mistake
>When did you guys learn Japanese?
It got changed to try and prevent Mao Mao x Baraclops porn. It didn't work.
It's coming to an end though and baby bear show is taking its place.
bite your tongue
Huh, I've been using .to
There's no way that bat is a girl like people are saying in this
It's probably true. I like WBB, but with the news of a feature length movie and the start of We Baby Bears, it looks like there's going to only be one bear show at a time. It's not popular enough in the west for two shows.
What makes you say that?
>It's probably true.
It's probably true that you're gonna die, but you don't see me saying it. I like the baby bears in small doses, but they can NOT carry a show, and regular bears is not allowed to end yet
i mean okay maybe it has kinda run its course, but I need more chloe in my life.
why does the cat character have a katana? isn't this supposed to be Chinese?
it's supposed to be made by a weeaboo
look at his older videos. he likes videogames. this is a show made by a guy that likes videogames.
Too cute
you think modern tv would allow a boy to be so proactive and downright flawless?
i wonder if Adorabat is any relation to that peg-legged bat from Great Mouse Detective
Easy Mao Mao you’ll get your glory soon.
I doubt it.
Yeah I seriously wish they'd do anything but let the adult bears go completely, but my theory is that the voice cast costs too much. I mean seriously, what other show comes close to matching the celebrity guests and voices. I they aren't A listers, but Dimitri Martin can't be cheap.
especially when he has so few lines and doesn't have to act.
on the other hand, what else is he doing nowadays? i miss his show. i miss comedy central having standup comedians doing something other than spewing bullshit politics.
I mean okay they did that too, but they did other things.
i would love if we got a huge fanart boom for this show. i'd like to participate too when I have some time.
I enjoy reading some tropes there,too, but I guess I could see why it’s hated here.
So how does his legs work wearing human shoes and pants since he’s digitigrade?
it's almost like people who like suits have little respect for bodily anatomy, since they apparently think people look better as boxes and angles.