Miles morale thread


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I like to think that even after peter died that black cat would string Miles around and flirt with him too cause shes real into the whole spiderman persona

There are still no good Miles comics. That one team-up run he had back in 1610 was vaguely okay, but even that was like a 5/10.

hand over your women, whiteboi, or face death

Could he get a threesome with Gwen and Gwen?

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A man so unlovable he has been rejected by literally TWO entire universes, and he has to go looking for romance in a third.

>Black - female has all medium-positive numbers

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Spider Verse is the only time he was good. I hate Bendis so much for wasting everyone's time with his OCs

From this I gather that Asian and White females are prissy bitches, alright.
Also not Yea Forums related.

if you gonna ask a hypothetical, statistics matter, faggot

I didn't ask, dumbass.

Spidergwen a shit

yet you participated in a hypothetical, which necessitates statistical correlations to arrive at a conclusion, you completely stupid fucking retard
figures that a miles lover would ignore basic schooling in order to push their idiocy

Tone down your seething for a moment and consider I was only replying to the pic in a vacuum and pointed out it wasn't related to the board (which is true), I don't care about Miles that much nor I'm interested in dumbass shipping because I'm not a teen boy who wants to self insert.

Saturn Girl?

Oh shit it’s the gay spiderman! Hey gay spiderman how’s the closet treating you?

>Oh shit it’s the gay spiderman! Hey gay spiderman how’s the closet treating you?
He's not gay, user. That's Spider Noir.

Nah spider noir had Felica. So far Miles has just had a cavelcade of flimsy relationships based on him being spiderman. If the public is really clambering for a gay spiderman Miles is the only one that works

Gwen's into school shooter muties.

Both gwens are college age now while Miles is still 16 the boy got left behind by the sliding timeline.

Would Kamala really be a BBC slut?

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Fuck niggers.


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>Miles morale thread
Don't know about Miles, but Yea Forums's morale seems to be low in this thread.