Was there a feasible way to stop Mina for good or was erasing magic truly the only way?

Was there a feasible way to stop Mina for good or was erasing magic truly the only way?

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Should have arrowed that bitch

It's not like they wrote themselves into a corner.
They had absolutely feasible solutions that the writers arbitrarily decided didn't work.
Destroying magic was not even close to a logical solution from the viewer's state of information.
There were things that could have justified it.
The purple goo shit was a good one. But it went unexplored, even as it became important in the end.
They managed to simultaneously explain nothing, destroy everything and not resolve the conflict at all.

We call it time travel.

You already discussed this, several times in fact.

Dead show, move on.

Eclipsa's nuclear option honestly sounded better than going with no magic but plot twist we're just going to merge a shit ton of dimensions together haphazardly.

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>People keep using planes to drop bombs on people. So let's remove all airplanes from the world.

Speaking of that, why didn't the protags try to lure Mina into the human world? I'm sure human weaponry would've eventually stopped Mina.

>Hey mina

She killed zillions

The way was not writing solarian warriors as op as they were. There was nothing to suggest Mina was that much stronger than Eclipsa with the wand until the last several episodes.

What disturbs me more is that Marco had a wand design that looks like it had thought put into it and how Metero was set up as the one to inherit magic as princess.

Star suddenly deciding to destroy the magic and everyone falling in line with no arguments was poor writing. If we had to keep the "magic must be destroyed part" then have the spell with no name destroy the entire solarian army before starting to swallow the entire dimension due to it being so destructive.

I guess there's the instance of her winding up on Earth somehow as crossing dimensions but there's something to be said for at least trying having Hekapoo dump her in another dimension

The purple goo was caused by Eclipsa's dark magic and Eclipsa can't never be wrong, except on a lol quirky way.

It’s really easy; Solaria’s ghost undoing the spell. Why the fuck would Glossaryck allow the destruction of magic if he was grooming Meteora to take over? Shipping consumed the show

No, and Mina should have won.

that solaria stuff was some absolute bullshit. how the fuck does loyalty play into things it was Moon's fucking spell that gave the solarians their powers how the shit is she not able to cancel it herself

Also Solaria's ghost being the biggest cunt in the world and treating Mina like she's done something bad when she's literally doing what Solaria herself fucking recruited her to do. Fuck the butterflies, original and secondary bloodlines both

It wasn't about just stopping Mina, it was about stopping people like Mina using magic for evil, so all the queens decided to end magic. The queens decided it was time for magic to end, and they ended it. That's it.

Attached: end of magic.gif (760x429, 2.94M)

Hey reminds me of every premiere and finale for S2-S9 of MLP FIM


>oh no, magic gets used for baaaad things sometimes. better destroy it and make sure nobody can ever use it ever again despite all of the perfectly good and helpful things people do with it and the fact that destroying it will literally kill untold sentient beings!
kys Star, you deserved the worst ending possible


You do know that Star was incapable of destroying magic by herself right? It took all the past queens to destroy magic, so if your gonna blame Star blame everyone else as well.

We understand thats what the show attempts to say. The problem is magic is such a general thing it basically holds the current state of the multiverse and a bunch of other shit together. People on earth/mewni looked terrified by the state of things and giant spiders running around. Clearly they just kind of had a statement to make and just ran with it the best they could. Why did the ponyheads not disappear? What are the ramifications of magical beings like father time ceasing to exist?

The plan was originally to just disarm Mina and all that.
But it still felt weird she survived the close proximity explosion and trampling in the magic water and was still kept alive just to be a metaphor for what she represents not really going away.

and then for the implications that she might actually win due to merging into Earth all of a sudden with her not so crazy ideals

I did

Pretty sure only Earth and Mewni got merged, bub.

>Was there a feasible way to stop Mina for good
Dozens, many of which don't include violence

They could've banished them to the another dimension with Hekapoo on their side

There is a trope often used to deal with these "what ifs", it's called "In Spite of a Nail", duh!
-Long Story short, Changing one small thing in the past doesn't necessarily mean the entire future will change, OR give you an even worse result, making you wish you picked your ONLY solution.
The fight with the Solarian Warrior was meant to establish how crippling is fighting ONE of these, so having hundreds of them was a sign to give up.
I mean sure, for example, calling all the kingdom to aid in the fight with the Solarian Warriors is more epic and awesome and all, but the Solarian Swords WORK ON EVERYONE, INCLUDING MEWMEN! Which means you'll have more wounded and dead people (main/side cast dying is a no no), but you can heal them in the magic sanctuary right? Oh wait it's corrupted now, sorry!
So yeah, they writers probably prepared a list for things to go wrong if Star choose not to destroy the magic.
Check adventure Time's "Finn the Human" or Danny Phantom's "Masters of All Time".

>Time hax
>Utilize Heckapoo. Warp Mina into some dead dimension with a high temporal discrepancy so they could prepare if she ever managed to get back
>Work together and just fucking kill her. They have so many tools to work with

They could have just left her in the magic dimension until got Alzheimers.

I wouldn't be surprised if Gloss was still playing 4d chess and intended for magic to return at Meteora's hands. Mainly just putting things at a clean slate