>Hey Henroid, wanna fuck?
Hey Henroid, wanna fuck?
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How do ears work?
Still can't believe it was a girl
however you want them to
artistic liberties
Bitch, I'm trying to watch Promethius and Bob here.
June was a good little blur between trap and tomboy apparently. I did not know it was a girl till later episodes.
How do you not know she's a girl the moment she spoke
June dresses like a grandma
June dressed like a normal cool little girl
you zoomers need to stop fapping to traps
Because women play young boys in cartoons all the time?
how can you not tell the difference between a normal woman's voice and a woman playing a boy?
>wanting to fuck a tomboy
literally gay
I wish there was more fanart of these two.
yes, and?
We've already explained that fucking tomboys is the straightest thing you can do.
Is that from the same pasta that says that fucking a trap is double gay?
"June" is literally a girl's name.
I didn't notice the ponytail until a couple episodes in
I was obsessed with KaBlam as a child.
I can't even tell you why because after re-watching it, it's not that funny and it's a weird fucking surreal experimental kids cartoon. Something you would see out of MTV.
It was produced by the same people behind Liquid Television.
I'm not June anymore I'm the Flesh. I'm super strong and super naked
It took me only 4 episodes to find out that June was a girl, as henry’s Voice actor matured, then I knew she wasn’t a dude. I like tomboys sometimes, because it’s an excuse for me to not watch stereotypical female archetypes all the time. I was able to identify between male and female body types at the age of five not that that’s something new to you.
What the fuck
Friendly reminder Henry cheated on June.
>she doesn't know what fucking is but wants to find out
Hey when I was 10 I already knew all about sex.
>it actually says Ka-Fan!
but that is not how you should write 'cartoon-crammed'
June comes off like the type that nobody thought needed to be told, because of COURSE she knows
and she's from the just-before-everyone-had-internet era
Tomboys are the ultimate straight man's choice. A regular girl has tits and pussy but comes loaded with gay shit such as make-up, desire for shopping, clothes, and useless shit, and watching boring shitty TV.
A gay dude is gay but he has a partner that shares his interests.
A tomboy has the best of both worlds: a female body but with enough /fit/ness to keep up with you, good interests and great personality.
A trap is 200% gay. Not only are you fucking a dude, you are also putting up with the faggotry of a female.
or to put it a different way: since men stopped being men, women have picked up the slack and started being men. Primping and all that. and now more recently it's gone beyond the visual and into the social realm, as men have stopped being men there too.
the 'tomboy' is the classic female before being fucked with by a backwards society.
Now it's important that you make sure to be a real man yourself, or this is only half a solution
So just to be clear; she's not a trans boy?
Autistic lesbians
What's your definition of a real man?
not just a bigger version of a boy.
eat a bullet
tomboy is a stereotypical girl archetype, user. I think you just don't like girly girls.
Looks like a big sporty bobby pin she's clipped on her ear
Didn't June come in and like beat the shit out of that asian girl and threaten Henry at the end of that episode?
Sounds like something she'd do.
I remember there was like that one episode I was like
>hahaha the blue haired boy is wearing is dress. Lol what a fag.
Then I later came to realization that it was a female..
I'll never understand how so many people have these thoughts that never even occur to me. Are they from countries where Jun is a boy's name or something?
In Japan, Jun is both male and female. But her name is June.
>it's a fat episode
Fan and Fun sound the same to the Japanese when you pronounce them with their phonetics.
oh I couldn't remember what it was meant to say, I thought she was like, a fan, and she invented her own fan magazine or something
My point was "wow, it actually DOES say what it's meant to say"
Honestly watching these two was better than any of the other segments. The dialogue is just so comfy, it takes me back to being a kid and doing stupid kid stuff.
This all the way.
Asian fever...fucking fans since 1945
i loved how fucking REAL nick was for years. It's like they just wanted to keep riding YCDTOTV since it was their first big hit, so they made a bunch more shows with that "this is how real people joke around and have fun, or wish they did" feel, from everything on Snick to Pete and Pete and Salute Your Shorts, there was this real push for verisimilitude over artificial bullshit
then they just decided they wanted disney money.
>it's a June pisses her pants episode.
That was season one June, when she was still ditzy.
It is gay. Its worse because it is being closet gay.
>I just can't right now Henry
>June after marriage
And liking tomboy is literally the same as being closet gay
Tomboy is just a girl acting boyish. Like having a childhood friend who was also a girl. They either grow up to be tomboys because you played rough with them like you would with other boys. That is literally what a tomboy is. You connect better with a tomboy because you are not pushed back from stereotypical gentrified girliness. Not having to watch what you say, nor have to treat her delicately like a flower, the furthermost from being gay.
At the end of the day, a tomboy is just a better girl. In theory.
There are people who thought Double D was a girl.
When it was running on Nick, how were the ratings for KaBlam compared to other Nicktoons?
In what season did they started dancing together?
The 2nd season, I believe.
honestly this. characters like june and helga pataki were ahead of their time. they were girls but acted like assholes like the guys. they were free do do stupid shit, get roughed up for comedy sake, be violent, etc. they suffered consequences for their actions and were punchlines just like any other guy.
June was outright abusive to henry; If the roles were reversed people would have wanted Henry murdered due to double standards on gender.
>tfw ska music is never coming back
Here's the creator's website where he uploaded all the episodes, in case anyone didn't know it existed.
>the theme was your introduction to ska
>implying June isn't always getting used like a sex toy by Bigfoot
To be fair they were shorts in between shorts you might as well be asking for more fan art of whatever that short mr. Enter based growing around off of
She looks like a boy she's talks like a boy she acts like a boy and I can see June being a boy name especially in the late 90s early 2000s
Because young boys and young girls sound similar
I found a few things while I was looking for the artist who made the OP image.
Very nice.
>Pete and Pete
Greatest kids show soundtrack of all time
It had an official release.
dont mind me, just posting best animation on Ka-Blam
>Dr. Worm video for Nickelodeon's Ka-Blam! Worm by underground cartoonist Kaz, animation by Tissa David.
Is it true there was a scene in Kablam that featured these two skinny dipping?
I hated this show so fuckin much as a kid. It was the only thing they aired during school hours. So I'd you stayed home sick you were stuck watching this shit
>t. the man with no taste
Is the artist Japanese? those expression look really Japan like.
I think I believe that too when I was young, at least until I saw they referred to her as female.
I dunno, maybe? Here's the link.
Lying faggot, they only showed Nick Jr shit during school hours. That's why I would fucking watch Jetsons and Wacky Races on CN instead.
It was obvious in the latin dub. You burgers don't know how lucky you are that your cartoons kids actually sound like kids instead of adults mimicking kids.
that sometimes its better tho I prefer Star voice in the latin dub, in the original language she sounds like an old woman.
>sometimes its better
seething redditor detected
I feel like it was among the bottom rated shows