Soulless vs soul

Soulless vs soul

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That's what you get where you are afraid to make the ridiculous concept ridiculous.

>tfw it's gonna make 490 billion dollars and so the trend of "live-action" disney remakes won't stop

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Christ the tracking shot is embarrassing.

sadly this - Disney's proven it doesn't matter how mediocre or even straight up bad something is, if you market it right it'll still make a billion dollars.

did jungle book did so well?

i dont see any talk about it whatsoever

>Budget $177 million[3]
>Box office $966.6 million[4]

Who cares if it goes on to be a modern classic 3 years later. It made its money.

Jungle Book actually attempted to be its own kinda-sorta new thing

the remakes after that are all pretty much scene-for-scene remakes of the original movies

How do you fuck up this bad, it's not like they couldn't add some movement it's still animated for fucks sake.

cause they wanted to be really realistic for some reason

>Cinderella (2015)
>$95M budget
>$201M domestic
>$544M worldwide

>Jungle Book (2016)
>$175M budget
>$364M domestic
>$967M worldwide

>Beauty and the Beast (2017)
>$160M budget
>$504M domestic
>$1263M worldwide

>Christopher Robin (2018)
>$75M budget
>$99M domestic
>$198M worldwide

>Dumbo (2019)
>$170M budget
>$115M domestic
>$352M worldwide

>Aladdin (2019)
>$183M budget
>$324M domestic
>$927M worldwide

Christopher Robin underperformed, but so far Dumbo is the only one that would be considered a straight up flop. Which is a shame because they've all been fucking terrible. As put it - Disney has mastered the art of movie marketing. Lion King will be a completely forgettable and mediocre mess, but it'll still make $1.5 billion.

Bringing more of Kipling's story in for mixing with Disney and making baloo a conartist helped


You're in Based Disney's world now so either get with it or kill yourself

It's so lifeless, like there's no rhythm to it, they just look like they are wondering aimlessly while singing it's so unnatural.

>Christopher Robin underperformed
Figures the only one to not be a remake would.

>Be prepared is just a minute long and its only the end part of the song

Literally the best Disney villain song and they gutted it.

Why the fuck does the jungle have the colour of an unwatered suburban lawn? Where the fuck is the GREEN?

>bringing more of Kipling's story in
But it completely fucking abandons the most important part of the story - the remake ends with Mowgli deciding to chill in the jungle with his buds. The linchpin of Kipling's story and every adaptation of it is Mowgli's realization and acceptance of the fact that he *does* *not* *belong* in the jungle.

>Literally the best Disney villain song
>anything except Hellfire
Fuck off.

What did they do for Just Can't Wait To Be King?
Does it even exist?

>$160M profit is a straight up flop

I'm confused

Our focus groups said that too much color saturation might overstimulate some viewers.

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Be Prepared > Hellfire > Friends on the Otherside

I want to see Nala's bedroom eyes during Can You Feel the Love Tonight. Just a lion staring at the camera will be great

The nearby village was also way reduced in this one, Bajheera quest to bring him back was all of 5 minutes.

There story was also Sher Khan's tyrannical use of the traditional law vs Akela's use of the traditional law to do what is just vs Mowgli's representation of new way of coexistence. So it makes sense for this version.

revenues are merely 30-40% profits outside of the USA. this is why they stopped cunting tickets. hidding the views under fake money is better to keep the believers faithful

be prepared is the best song
Friends on the Otherside is best visually
Hellfire is the best concept cause its literally a priest singing about wanting to fuck a qt brown

>Literally the best Disney villain song

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This is quite possibly the most perfect example of the soul vs soulless meme to ever exist.

>Friends on the Otherside
>Be Prepared
>Poor Unfortunate Souls

Fight me anons

Two things:

First - production budgets do not include the cost of marketing a film (advertisements, tie-ins, campaigns, etc), and while most studios do not publicize their marketing budgets, what information has become available or leaked over the last 10-20 years suggests that the standard for most major studios is that marketing costs will usually be anywhere from 60-120% of the published production budget (with bigger blockbusters leaning towards the higher end of the spectrum and smaller films leaning toward the lower end). So when a Marvel movie comes out and its published budget is, say, $100M, it means the studio probably spent anywhere from $60-120M on marketing.

Second - box office revenue is not the same as actual studio earnings, Uncle Sam takes a cut of any domestic earnings, and international governments do the same. So while a film made by an American studio will generally make as much or more from overseas markets, it's generally going to end up keeping less of each dollar earned overseas than it does domestically.

The general rule of thumb is that a movie needs to make back *at least double* its published production budget to break even, and more than that to turn a significant profit. Beauty and the Beast made 7.9 times its production budget. Jungle Book, 5.5. Christopher Robin, 2.6. Dumbo, 2.07. Realistically once you take marketing and taxes into consideration, Dumbo probably just *barely* broke even.

>>tfw it's gonna make 490 billion dollars
I hope it only makes that. Godzilla had better animation

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this looks so boring compared to the original, and I heard seth rogen does a shit job like he always does

>Puumba's dive makes a smaller splash than Timon's cannonball
Never noticed before, pretty funny

>Yea Forums retard too stupid to know the difference between a B and an N
Can't say I'm surprised

Yeah, that bugged the shit out of me. Every other single adaptation of the story seemed to get that right. The original Disney adaptation, the Chuck Jones short, even the other live action adaptations all got that basic story point right - Mowgli brings the fire back, chases off Shere Khan and accepts his identity as a man, though it breaks his heart to do so. He accepts that the jungle is not where a man belongs.

I actually thought they were going to stick with that ending when they had Mowgli accidentally burning down half the Jungle. I figured it'd end with Mowgli realizing that he's ultimately too dangerous to stay. But then NOPE! Mowgli lives in the jungle forever and just chills with Baloo.

>too stupid to know the difference between a B and an N
Why make billions when we can make... nillions?

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Here's my smelly, overrated, ugly opinion on the subject:
If you use photorealistic CGI or characters, then making them move in an animated fashion is extremely uncanny. The exaggerated movements of characters who are animated will look unnatural on something that's realistic. On a cartoon, you can use much more expressive movements and expressions. With realistic CGI, they're moving in a much more realistic fashion to match that or else the clash of photo realism with cartoon-like movements will be too jarring.

But it doesn't really matter what my stupid opinion is. This movie will make tons of money, just like most of the other live action remakes did.

this looks like those shitty unreal engine fan remakes of videogames
>disney hire this man

>> 108663672
>90% of the cast is black
>The white guys steals the movie

What did they mean by this?

Never forget who started this shit.

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Post the big version at least.

as expected of the whites, stealing everything

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Disney isn't based its part of the globalist cabal imprisoning mankind.

>at least 35,565,313 in the us saw the shitty aladdin remake


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It's even worse with the sound. It sounds so fucking lazily sung.

You retards missed the point of the story. It's that Mowgli can live in the jungle, so long as hes allowed to use his "tricks" and not held to stupid standards like Akeela was holding him to

The story is much rounder if Mowgli stays in his home with everyone he knows instead of "lol a random loli walks up to me therefore I leave the jungle hehehehehe"

And Geppetto and Alice in Wonderland

That's really terrible

how wrogn you are

>Make Live Action Winnie the Pooh movie
>Most movies make much of their box office in China
>China bans Winnie the Pooh because of memes that their president looks like Pooh.

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>At last, only Akela, Bagheera, and about ten wolves who had been loyal to Mowgli remained. The boy's knees began to weaken, and a hurt began to grow inside him, a hurt he had never known before. Sobs left his throat and tears ran down his cheeks. These strange happenings in his body frightened him, and he cried out to Bagheera, "What is this? I do not wish to leave the jungle, and I do not know what this is? Am I dying?"
>"No, Little Brother," replied the panther gently. "These are only tears, such as men use. Now I know that you are a man, and a man's cub no longer. And the jungle is shut, indeed, to you, forever. Let them fall, Mowgli. They are only tears.
>And Mowgli sat and cried as though his heart were breaking. He had never cried before in his life. But then he had never been forced to leave the jungle before.
>“Now,” he said, “I will go to men. But first I must say farewell to my mother.” And he went to the cave where she lived with Father Wolf, and he cried on her coat, while the four cubs howled miserably.
>"You won't forget me?" said Mowgli.
>"Little naked son of mine." said Mother Wolf, "Though you were a child of man, I have loved you more than ever I loved my own cubs."
>"I will come back some day," said Mowgli. "And when I come it will be to lay out Shere Khan's hide upon the Council Rock. Do not forget me! Tell them in the jungle never to forget me!"
>The dawn was beginning to break when Mowgli went down the hillside alone, to meet those mysterious things that are called men.
>"lol a random loli walks up to me therefore I leave the jungle hehehehehe"
Go fuck yourself

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oh bother

> the (((white guys)))
Ok, sure, user

Is there at least lion bawls in the live action?

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Wheres the colour? Why does it look like someone put the gears of war filter over it?

Apparently the song happens during the daytime. Think about that for a second.

I feel like your only experience with The Jungle Book are the two Disney movies, therefore any opinion or thought process you have on the matter is null and void.

I don't understand how anyone thought that people would give a shit about a hyper-realistic animal movie.
People like the emotion and colors that the CG animals are down-right incapable of.

Simba and Nala have a voyeurism fetish--fucking right in front of Timone and Pumba which--contrary to popular belief, are actually straight and get off on cuckolding while they both live in their own personal exiles.

I was just talking to my brother and his wife about this. They're both very excited for it specifically because "it's realistic animals talking!"

The movie's going to make a mint, and they're going to keep just rehashing their old money makers. and then in fifteen years they'll just do it again.

Granted, I haven't read all the Jungle Books, but the gist of the first story was that Mowgli didn't belong in the jungle, and as proof, could stare down any animal.

Shere Khan was actually ridiculed by other animals as being lame--resorting to poaching farm animals instead of hunting his own food, and tying a burning branch to his tail was Mowgli's final farewell before checking out the human village.

God I miss the direct to DVD Lion King movies, there are so much better than this soulless remake

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"She's not hot enough" said Walt Disney to Chuck Jones "Make the little girl sexier"
I can pull quotes to my guy

His quote is taken from the book you idiot.

that movie is another example of how Disney felt embarrassed about the Lion King

I think I remember this contradicing the Timon and Pumba show, and getting kind of upset over it as a kid.

>All we do is dig so we can hide and hide so we can dig

I can't believe he thought that was an insult. Pooh Bear is a very loving, silly ol' bear.

Timon and Pumba was a Ren and Stimpy rip off so it was ok.

>the animated movie is the book
Dios mio... La stupido nino

It's a power thing
Any normal person would laugh it off
But when you're El Presidente to one of the largest, and arguably most influential countries in the world, and people are making fun of your on the Internet, you better believe he'd make people disappear over comparing him to a cartoon bear.


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The Lion King was a rip-off of Kimba the White Lion

Unless Simba fights off a super team of the best hunters in the world, discovers dinosaurs and overthrows an African Government in the Direct to Video sequels. I don't think is a ripoff.

Actually all of those sound like the Disney Tarzan TV show.

Read version of the book you fucking faggot - they all read more or less like the version he posted apart from a few wording changes here and there.

First time I've ever seen explained througly. I appreciate your post.

I'd heard that 'double rule' before, but never heard it explained, thanks user.

I think some review guy mentioned instead of a pile of animals, simba and nala just run through water, or something

Box office figures also include the cut that goes to the theaters. That's usually the biggest deduction, I think.

>that movie is another example of how Disney felt embarrassed about the Lion King
Why would Disney be embarrassed about the Lion King?

Reminder we will not be getting musical shorts out of this film like Stand By Me and Yummy Yummy Yummy.

I appreciate anyone who appreciates Keith David.

Man this looks like that recent Tarzan movie vs the Disney one. "Realistic" so boring drab colors and dim lighting.

But this was actually good and it changed things up massively by not having the dogs talk

8 of those were my parents seeing it multiple times

I routinely say "Oh Hi Keith David" whenever I hear his voice in something

>That's usually the biggest deduction, I think.
Used to be, but that's no longer the case... at least not for the first few weeks of a movie's runtime.

Industry standard for the distributor/studio cut up until the late 90s was about 60-70% of the first week's earnings. Since then it's gotten progressively steeper. Nowadays major studies take 100% of the opening weekend, 90-95% of the first week's sales, 85-90% of the second week, and so on. This is also the main reason why theaters nowadays a) charge out the ass for concessions (it's the only thing they really make a profit on) and b) are so embarrassingly short-staffed (they can't afford to have a dozen people working ticket booths and concession stands, etc).

t. guy who was a 35 mm projectionist for six years

I can see only two reasons why.

1) Fear that small children might get scared if they went all out with it, because kids today are fucking gay, and weak.

2) They didn't wanna portray Nazis as dark awesome rebel bad asses this time in order to stick it to Hitler so they made it bland and muh...

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