Think of a super hero

Think of a super hero

They just lost their powers what are they going to do for a living now?

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Prostitution (invariably)

Kamala is pure, you asshole!

I could see Kamala as a camgirl.

Until her family stones her to death.

>animal man

No throw acid then stone her


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Peter Parker is good at his work, he would actually do better without being a superhero
Same for supes, batman, ironman, beast, etc.

He was a shit photographer. I remember black cat taking much better photos

the need makes the habit

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Try naming heroes that actually have very shitty jobs

That was a part-time job


Most superheroes are "blah by day, fighting crime by night" so they just lose the night part and get a better sleep. Except Captain America maybe.

Journalism is an average paying job. He'd be another middle class joe

Become a waitress.

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The 2 times Hal quit being a GL he was out of work and unable to get a job due to flagging as a reckless person in psych tests. He'd probably end up homeless unless someone took him in.

Cap would open a gym

Heh. Suckers.

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He would be a great stripper

He’s also a comic artist. Might do some illustration gigs.

Wanna breed her

Peter Parker would be a teacher, maybe a photographer sometimes
Clark Kent would still be a journalist. We see this in One Year Later when he doesn't have his powers.
Carol Danvers could just get back into military service of some sort, or even space exploration.
Steve Rogers would be an illustrator, comic book artist.
Bruce Banner would get back into doing scientific stuff.
Fantastic Four would basically be the Challengers of the Unknown.

Costume porn.

It's the smart thing to do.

He'd go back to a freelance artist

>Wonder Woman
Come to think of it, what do Amazons do all day


Sparring, hunting and lesbian sex.

i'd assume they farm, train, whatever job they have to do, i know there are blacksmiths, so there have to be some who focus on building and maintaining what they have.

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>Be a normal military dude.

He will start teaching Kids sign language and finally get to spend more time with his son.

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Superheroics don't exactly pay the bills so most would be in the same situation

Banner is doomed. Whenever he loses his powers he goes full crazy mad scientist thanks to all his issues.

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So cap would be more or less like bob ross?

goes back to being a prostitute

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Goes back to being a jobless neet

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Why does OP keep creating Kamala threads?

pic unrelated

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Because she is breeding matieral

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An accountant who can't stop reminding his clients how gay he is.

She could probably be a surgeon.

"Don't worry I got my scalpels"

"Laura I think you just gave him HIV"

>Think of them as happy little accidents.
I can see it

yeah, a pure slut

She should be bred by Lockjaw

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh Muslims aren't allowed to have dogs


won't she have the same issue as her base? can she live without her powers? also her prostitution involved a lot of cutting, both of her men and of herself. I don't think she could do it for long without healing.
avoid everything that happened in act of god

are those hobby blacksmiths? don't they get all there gear from the forge god in trade for all their male kids?

some of them would have a stash from the powered days, that they could life off.

gear up with tech and continue being a cosmic spacefaring hero

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I doubt he'd last long. He's fairly talented, but he won't get many chances to get over the crutch of being effectively immortal.

Peter Parker works at Radioshack

It's a cam slut show, not a first person shooter.

>not a pizza place
Wait...has MCU Peter ever delivered a single pizza? I KNEW something was missing

Why can't it be both?

hes a pulitzer winning journalist and former TV broadcaster

Jesse Custer.

>man whose only skill was being a carny archer
>loses that skill
He'll be manning the fucking teacups.

Peter is an actual genius without superpowers.

Why is a superheroine turned prostitute so uniquely appealing?

Degradation, corruption. She defended the innocent, now she works for criminals, and does anything for money. Personally I prefer Kamala as a trophy wife

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Because it combines superheroines and your dick, your two favorite things.


Still writes for the Daily Planet, though I'd imagine he volunteers as a firefighter or something like that.

Bruce Wayne would end up in Arkham if he didn't don the cape and cowl from time to time. The man's not exactly sane.

i dont think he'd fare very well

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Been there, done that. Also, the cancer would kill him without his powers.

Didn't DC make a series about this exact thing

Couldn't bruce, karen or ollie help with money troubles?

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He could be a great stunt double


Would go back to being a crime scene investigator

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Her ass ain't pure after I porked it


I can't think much would change for Green Arrow. Yeah he loses his fighting skills and/or badass archery skills but he'd be fine just coasting along on his wealth

Nova (Richard Rider) worked as a delivery guy back in the original New Warriors and that was when he had his fucking powers

They could sell their bath water for $30 a pop. I'm sure there's plenty of normies out there that would "ironically" buy the water that some superheroine sat in.

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Wasn't he a test pilot?