The Little Mermaid looks good to me

The Little Mermaid looks good to me.

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It's supposed to be a teenager. A redhead.

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it's unlikely for disney to do the clamshell bra thing anymore, huh?

Why couldn't they cast a mermaid for the role?

Race aside, she's too old.

I dunno what sort of fuckery they did in photoshop but she legit looks like a fucking oompa loompa
I've seen normal pictures of her and she looks normal.

But the problem is it's supposed to be a 16 year old, not a 30 year old

maybe Disney doesn't want the ephebophile audience

If she was prettier there wouldn't be anywhere near as many complaints.

Why is she so orange?

The whole race thing seems like a ploy by the marketing department. To anyone even remotely aware of the original movie this seems like a very lazy project devoid of artistic merit. But any criticism against it can be deflected or recharacterized as bigotry. Perhaps made worse by the current political climate. Not even getting into actual bigots coming out of the woodwork. And when the movie flops those same marketers can stand on high wagging their finger at the general audience like it’s their fault for not supporting the movie and letting the racists win.

But that takes "little" from "the little mermaid"

Is this an actual production shot or just someone photoshopped the caption on q girl pic? Because the belly-tail transition is super shitty.

The movie's not gonna flop. So far none of these stupid remakes have

> """""""Supposed to be"""""""""
I didn't know mermaids in the wild had naturally red hair

its a fictional character and the disney movie was based on a folk tale where she kills herself. why didn't you boycott disney for not being faithful to the orginal but now you're mad of her skin color? lol you see why this is a retarded thing to be mad about?

No, user, it’s really really real. Really.

Gee, user, I don't know. Which answer will validate your narrative more?

>And when the movie flops
Why would it?
The neckbeards bitching and crying wouldn't have seen it with a white lead either and the rest don't care.
This isn't like comics or videogames; the people aplauding these kinds of changes are actually going to the movies, as are people who like the original and don't get triggered so easily, people with kids to shut up for an hour or two....
These movies don't set the world on fire, but they do make money.

Fucking Disney. Not having the entire cast speak Dutch and having the mermaid struggle with the choice of committing double homicide. What about the source material?

How could a half-human being living under the sea receive enough natural light to evolve increased melanin production rather than being unnaturally pale?

Is the whole cast going to be cast the same way or is it just her?

Not that user,i understand what you mean by that but when you hear about a reamke of the Disney version of TLM,the first thing that cross your mind is their version of the mermaid, a redhead with a purple shell bikini

i know she is sexy but
this is just not right

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anti-mermatism iirc

All of them will be black. There'll be a Black Panther reference. Social media will be insufferable with literal We Wuz Kingz for a month or so.

Because retards fall into the outrage trap every damn time. Every retard complaining about Niggariel sells a ticket to 10 morons. Genius really.

Someone pointed it out in another thread but it stood out to me

>go out of their way to make most of the Lion King's CG animal's voices black. CG ANIMALS.
>race suddenly doesn't matter when it comes to an actual live action adaption

Same way she evolved hair, a navel and tits. By being a creature that was imagined years before we even understood evolution.

Heck, I don't see why we have to assume it's even Melanin causing her skin to be brown.


Moana live action that soon?

I can't wait for white Moana.

Really makes me think. For cinderella they adapted her cartoon accurate costume, but now for diversity Airel doesn't have to be accurate to her movie?

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It's not remake 9f a fairy tale, it's specifically remake of DISNEY's version of a fairytale. You know, the whole point of those shot for shot copies? They're almost identical to their 2d counterparts. Obviously DISNEY's Ariel is a redhead with a green tail in people's minds! And no one is wrong for wanting or expecting a redhead to play DISNEY's Ariel. It's supposed6to be familiar.

But people aren't autistic user, and there is an audience which has been blaming Disney for having too few minority heroines.

And to think there are people out there actually so obtuse that they think asking minority characters to become white is some type of argument or slam. I mean sure it's a cheap fad and often comes out tacky, but its pretty clear they're trying to appeal to liberals and minorities, so there's no need to play dumb and ask when you're going to get your dividends as a white man for this

So long she is of legal age in my state. I'll blow loads to her fanart.

They've realized that there's no point marketing to whites so instead market to the races that are going to replace them.

Which is bullshit initself considering up until what Frozen every new princess was a PoC?