>killing is wrong
>so I'll subject you to an eternity of torment instead lol
What characters do this often?
Killing is wrong
Proof Wally was always a psycho
Superman. It's often said the Phantom Zone is worse than death.
He didn’t do it because ‘killing is wrong’. He did it because ‘death isn’t punishment enough’. They make that very clear.
It wasn't that killing him was wrong, it's just that he asked to live.
>putting a still-conscious supervillain murderer in a public museum
>this will surely not cause problems in the future
He couldn't move.
Until Zoom came and freed him.
Still that was a hell of a return to Wally by Waid.
Shame how his run went. But the majority of DC books at that time weren't all that great.
>Killing is wrong
>So i will turn you into a baby and mindwipe you
>This isnt killing at all
That was pretty fucked but he kind of deserved it. I want another issue of Gamma files, Bruce going town to town solving problems was great
because he got hit by the hip hop ray
This is not the face of a man thinking clearly. No fear or doubt, just pure unbridled rage.
It's more like a second chance.
>just pure unbridled rage.
It's not just that either though. It is anger fueled by hurt and sadness. He was dealing with another speedster who should by every right have been able to exploit Wally having not been thinking clearly and at least able to get away, but as I recall Wally was completely in control of that entire exchange, and it was so good because I remember being bummed when Bart taken out by the Rogues. It felt good to watch someone avenge him with the fury that Wally did. It also made this page feel meta great as well when they got him back a year or two later for having played them like he did.
>He was dealing with another speedster who should by every right have been able to exploit Wally having not been thinking clearly and at least able to get away, but as I recall Wally was completely in control of that entire exchange
You're now actively remembering Heroes in Crisis is a thing that exists and currently impacts Wally West.
has there EVER been a period where the identity of The Flash and Kid Flash has remained consistent? It feels like every time I drop in to see what's up there's someone different in the costume.
Wally doesn't think killing bad guys is inherently wrong. He just doesn't normally need to do it anyhow because, well, he's the most powerful fucker around.
Barry and Wally were Flash and Kid Flash for 25 years.
Wally was The Flash for the following 20.
Barry has been the main Flash since 2009, another 10 year stretch.
I don't follow.
What's he going to that kid?
Turning him gay using the speedforce
Is that all? He could've done that just by having the kid read post 2010 comics since childhood.
anal rape
ok I'll bite, what has the crackpipe brought us this time, what's the story here?
It was one dumbass writer
>thinks and senses in real time
How is he not brain dead from lack of blood, or simply nutrition and water?
Speed Force
Who got mindwiped?
I hate that they tried to make the fucking Inheritors tragic villains, especially since Morlun is still around and ruining things in Spider-Man: Life Story.
The terrible villains from Spider-Verse and Spider-Geddon.
How does mindwiping magical notvampires stop them from being magical notvampires?
I think it was revealed in Spider-Geddon that they didn't actually need to feed on totems and their dad was just an edgelord who turned them into psychotic killers as children. That or they just never needed to completely suck the life out of their prey but he made them do it anyway.
That's lame
It really is
Morlun pre-Slott:
>The last of an ancient race of beings that fed on animal-powered superhumans, now dispassionately hunts down such beings in the modern day simply to stay alive
Morlun post-Slott:
>Some retarded edgelord from outside this universe who hunts people for fun and is obsessed with spdier people for no apparent reason, oh and he also has a whole family of retarded edgelords only obsessed by spider people.
Bart got aged up and became the new Flash. Inertia is the kid in green and he got all the Rogues together and got them to focus all their attacks on Bart, killing him. The Rogues immediately regretted what they did and left and Inertia was happy about it. IIRC when he gets released the Rogues go after him and kill him for putting them through it.
You retain absolutely no experience or memory so you arent "you" anymore
It is akin to Doc Ock taking over Spiderman;s body
Happens in jojo a couple times. But not because killing is wrong
>he got all the Rogues together and got them to focus all their attacks on Bart, killing him. The Rogues immediately regretted what they did and left
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. You're forgetting the coup de grat. Inertia had somehow managed within his grand keikaku to disconnect Bart from the Speed Force, but he didn't tell the Rogues about that part, so when they thought they were contending against a fully powered Flash, they attacked him, full throttle, expecting him to be hurt, not killed, but to a regular person that degree of force was lethal. So it wasn't that regretted killing him. They hadn't expected they were going to, and the fact that Inertia manipulated them to put a Flash's blood on their hands, they really didn't like, which as you said:
>when he gets released the Rogues go after him and kill him for putting them through it.
as has been posted ITT
Stardust's punishments are often ludicrously cruel
I wish someone would storytime this. This page and the other with him sitting in the Flash museum get posted so often
Fuck that story. And fuck you king.
it's quite cruel. I can understand Keep him like this for a year or two, but for eternity? Just kill him.
>Just kill him.
Karl Kerschl draws a cute Inertia desu. I'd love an Impulse series drawn by him.
I'd like to know the whole context that isn't a tldr post.
>it's quite cruel. I can understand Keep him like this for a year or two, but for eternity? Just kill him.
Fuck that guy
Impulse killed Bart Allen, then Wally froze him in time as punishment.
Writers don't actually care about the morality of killing, they just know that killing off a good antagonist is bad business when you're writing an episodic series. This way, they get the vicious revenge they always wanted to write, but the antagonist can come back later, madder than ever.
Both are just shitty versions of Kraven.
Don't go on saying Morlun was ever good.
Judging by Toonami, even anime does this a good bit.
One of God's rules is Killing is Bad. However if you are bad he will punish you forever.
but woudn't he still need to eat/drink and shit?
>trap a guy in space crystal where he'll live forever but be immobilized and aware till the heat death of the universe
>rip a mans head off and somehow keep him alive then take him to an alien torso golem, toss his concious head in and watch it get Sarlacc'd as he screams helplessly
>punished greedy fuckers by standing them on a planet made entirely of gold, and also threw in a golden octopus to strangle them randomly because fuck you that's why
Pray you never find yourself in STARDUST THE SUPER WIZARD'S crosshairs
wrong jojo, that one's villain became a ghost assassin.
Imagine having the toilet just down the hall and never being able to use it for years.
Tabula Rasa. This is actually a good thing. If a person was absolutely irredeemable to the point that killing that person was seen as an only option, then this is a good non-kill option. And then give that baby to people that will show love and compassion to it and raise it to be a good person.
The Inheritors got this treatment by Spidey and co.
Giorno Giovanna
The Flash's rogues are probably the one set of villains who are actually pretty chummy with thier nemesis. Actually murdering the Flash and his family, especially by tricking them into doing it, is jsut way too dirty even for them.
Death isnt always as permanent in comics either so does it matter?
I'm just sitting here waiting for episode 38. spoiler that shit.
Literally his first fight had him use Crazy Diamond to break a guy down and fuse him with a rock into a still living state. Just unable to do anything.
Until Part 8 at least, where we have another Jojo named Josuke fighting Rock Humans.
And Kars floating out in space unthinking for eternity.
I mean Kara was “it’s pretty much impossible to kill this guy” instead of “it’s morally wrong to kill this guy”.
That happened to Magneto. Claremont being Claremont he used it when Maggsy was aged back to adulthood as a torture for the X-Men. Forcing them to take part in demeaning adult baby parenting by a cold efficient robot nanny. He totally wasn't getting off on Cyclops in a diaper getting spoonfed baby num nums.
He was never good but he had the decency to die in his first fucking storyline. That was nice.
one jojo villian is at the bottom of a lake or some shit because if he release his stand he drowns
You forgot about Angelo being turned into a rock and Terunosuke being turned into a book and donated to the library.