Lisa thread

Post Lisa.

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Worst animated cunny.

haha imagine her sitting in your lap while you massage her feet wouldn’t that be weird?

Lisa is a nudist

Only in Bart's dreams.

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This is now a Sneed thread

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based and sneed

bart obsesses over marge more

Just watched season 3 episodes. And gang where they written well. Even Lisa was everytime she was on screen a perfect!

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Why are all these Simpsons lewd comics so awfully written? It's a constant.

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Nothing better than the well written incest fics


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Lisa is one of the girls you crushed on when you were her same age

Deletized, foreverially

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What's annoying is the thought of my species dying from a rotten earth

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Pretty sure his deviantart account got taken down a couple years ago. He went by d0cente or docente. Find his shit on the rule 34 booru.

that was a pretty fucked up episode, even for a Treehouse of Horror

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Ah yes, my favorite episode, "Marge & Ned Do The Weed"

Not as fucked up as this episode

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Damn, Krusty looks like that?

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Better than "Homer and Marge go to Undertale"

Why does she look so nervous?

I can imagine a outsourced overseas animator with the dilemma of trying to figure out a sloppy storyboard pose drawn by an American and on the other hand fighting his primal urge to draw loli panties.

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she saw Bart and Marge do naughty things

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Nice trips and I didn't know this episode was written by a Season 1-4 writer.

I hear through the grapevine that the animators are given instructions to avoid gratuitous panty shots. Though I fail to see why they can't just have Lisa wear shorts or a skort.

didn't know that

real question what kind of dress is lisa wearing

i never see young girls wearing strapless dresses her age

any real world examples

I fapped to her when I was like 14

David Stern--he had last written for the show in Season 4 and left afterwards like most of the OG writers.

what no i just wanted the dress not a girl wearing it

No it was Jeff Martin who wrote HLGHMB. David Stern did come back in Season 10 to write Viva Ned Flanders.