Tangled Thread

What did Chris mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Post best girl

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I liked Matthews. He talks funny.

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Nope. Refuse to participate in a thread that already this shitty. Make a new one pornfags

Why do I get the impression that IRL in modern times Eugene and Raps would be one of those amateur couples awkwardly fucking on camera with masquerade masks or badly shopped in black bars covering their faces?
Eugene seems like the type who comments on Pornhub.

Seething normalfag

Does Rapunzel count as a manic pixie dream girl?

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I'm gonna be sad to see her (probably) go back to her original dress in the final season. Her S2 travel clothing is so goddamn good looking

I don't know why they constantly feel the need to use OP images like this but if the abuse and nsfw spam is restrained at the least I can work with this

Reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with Manic Pixie Dream Girls, and tropefags can suck my scroat.

She a cute

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Shhh, he's busy.

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christ you fucks are depraved

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I want to ravish her

with head pats.

cas / eugene is good
if they are being captured and forced to do it


Here's the pastebin for anyone interested in the show.

Because remember children, we make these threads to introduce new people to it and discuss the show itself. Not circlejerk smut or whine about the quality of threads

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>Lewd edits as OP
Delete this and please restart a new thread

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Describe this coziness?

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On that note, I'd propose changes to that one post that often goes with the pastebin link. It's been a good long while since Star Vs ended so I think it's prudent to drop the whole "refugees" part
At this point it sounds like a fixation on harping about Star rather than offering the show as a new experience

Just something to keep in mind. The best thing we can do now that Star is dead is not keep dragging it back into things

No. The term was invented to criticize flat characters that only existed to be an accessory to brighten up the protagonist’s life and had no agency or character beyond that. Rapunzel, by being the protagonist herself, cannot be a “manic pixie dream girl” by definition.

You the copypasta? Copypasta-user is an archivist. He's not gonna change anything on his own. Gimme a minute

>Describe this coziness?
sleeping beauty

Let's give a warm welcome to any new faces looking for a new show to watch. Please pardon our autism and enjoy the ride.

>Is this show good?
>Are you memeing or is it actually good?
It's actually good
>What's the watch order/timeline?
Tangled > Before Ever After pilot > Tangled The Series > Tangled Ever After short
>Where can I watch it?
Episodes links: pastebin.com/hE0MPEXx

Hey, at least it's not abuse. I approve this.

Cass X Eugene works alot for me then him and Rapunzel

Abyssmal taste

What fucking planet are you from to have such astronomically bad taste
Begone, shit taste alien

Always sniping at each other. They clearly want to power fuck each other.

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Holy shit, Lance is kawaii uguu

8 years later and Shorty is still alive.

I really want some big reveal about him in season 3, like he's the missing 8th dwarf or he's the prodigal prince of Arrendale

Is this cropped?

Yeah, he started a thread with cropped porn. Probably the same dipshit who started a thread called "Tangled General" when generals are banned

Calm down, Tumblr.

You know how easy it is to get Tangled threads banned? We were on thin ice with the constant threads full of copypasta and guro. Making a thread with cropped porn is asking for trouble

What do you think happened to the Frozen generals? The Loud House generals?

Generals are fucking awful anyway

who cares, where's the source of the feet porn?

check the gookhive, it's not for here

Or the Dalmatian Street threads or that well animated well choreographed 3D CGI chinese cartoon which nobody wants to post.

And what are these Tangled threads if not infant generals?

Spoilered and cropped porn

We've got to actually DISCUSS something to merit a thread.

ch dcaco

>well animated well choreographed 3D CGI Chinese cartoon which nobody wants to post
Say what now?

Why did Cassandra fall in love with Rapunzel? I understand why they became friends, but what drives Cass's romantic attraction to Raps?

Is it admiration?
Is it lust?
Is it her personality?
Is it destiny?

What does Raps smell like?

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Shut the fuck up vigilante fag. The vibe was always okay. Alarmist faggots like you ruin the flow.


there is 0 shipping potential in this show
and that is a good thing

I need the sauce, boss

excuuuuse me?
VarianXFriedborg is completely valid you faggot

I think it's Ladybug
CassXLady Caine

It's not alarmist if it's a real possibility. If Tangled gets banned you have to go discuss Rap's feet on Tumblr and Reddit.

By all means post smut. Just keep it spoilered, keep it to a minimum, and don't start a thread with it

I think it's admiration. In the Lost Lagoon, it says that Raps eas the first person to learn Cass's dream to be a guard and not laugh at it. Cass is a blunt icebox, and clearly has difficulty forming relationships with others, but Rapunzel immediately admires and encourages something anyone else would call childish or delusional

Probably she will have new dress in S3.

Not sure if admiration is quite the whole of it, but I imagine that'd play into it
Like you said, Cassandra is a fully opaque bulletproof glass case of emotions and most people in her life are pretty content to leave her be. Rapunzel not only likes Cassandra, even in spite of herself Cass warmed up to her too, a double shot of rarity

all the things you like at once

I wonder what causes Cassandra's emotional constipation. Is it just her nature, or could it be some kind of defense mechanism for childhood trauma? She's an orphan after all, and the Guard Captain doesn't seem like the kind of father who nurtures emotion

A bit of all that, probably. She emulates her father who is pretty brusque, seems to have had few if any friends to be open around, and has the whole insecurity shit about whether she'll ever be respected/be able to follow her ambitions. So she's basically been all her life without emotional outlets except action which is probably part of why she's so direct and work-minded

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Ya know what this show needs? A dragon.

A good dragon.
Villainous dragons are old news

looking at Raps I assume

a sexy good dragon

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Cleavage fixed

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That giant salamander was pretty dope


It's important to emphasize what little Punz has been blessed with

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>rapunzel encounters a wild giraffe

WDYM user????????

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I mean that Rapunzel is a talented young woman who knows how to make up for her shortcomings

Now I want a drawing of insecure punzie smushing her tits together to make them look bigger under her dress


>trying on one of those newfangled push up bras
>secondary character of choice looking on with pillow on lap

I want this to happen, bros. I want a big, beautiful happy ending where all our friends and heroes reunite to stop the big bad, and then they all return to Corona as conquering heroes, then Raps and Eugene get married and everyone shows up at the wedding.

Fucking Ever After, I used to love it but now I hate it because it means half the characters I've come to love probably go away for good.

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Stupid Staylan and her humongous milk sacks... Wait a minute... That's it Pascal!

I am an artist! Use the power of perspective just a little bit and that will do the trick...

Tada! Now stupid Eugene will never stare at hers!

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Yeah but now you can't use your hands


>the absolute pallor of Cassandra and the dark spots of her eyes
she laughs but she's dead inside

what did he mean by this?


Then it's a good thing her feet are so dexterous

I wish the movie and series came with a nude mod for Rapunzel. That would be awesome.

we need to learn more about the bloody wars in corona's past

isn't that exactly what a corset does? just pull the strings tighter gurl

I'd rather hear more about Frederick's reactionary authoritarian regime and what it was like for those who lived through it

>>I saw my neighbor selling stolen goods yesterday so I reported him. I heard him scream as they dragged him out of his house in a midnight raid. There was a pouch of coins under my pillow this morning.

A corset narrows your waist.
A bustier raises your bust AND narrows your hips


if I suck your balls it'll be looking to rip them off and you don't breed.


>straight shotadom
Oh wow, I don't even remember the last time I saw this theme in Western content.

>narrows your hips
Isn’t that a bad thing?

What the fuck are you smoking? That's not what a bustier is. The difference is that a corset is just for the thinner waist effect, a bustier is a corset that also lifts up breasts for a nicer cleavage.

I meant waist, not hips
He's got a pretty hard crush on Cass

for like a single episode. he's hard over it by SoTS

Regardless, Punz doesn’t need either of those because she’s already perfect from head to toe.

you can’t raise what’s not there, some girls are just beyond help

Her boobs are pretty small and could use some help with cleavage.

Garlic Bread
Pantene Pro V
Green apple Jolly Rancher Lip Balm
Baby Powder

I could go on.

Her dress just cinches in around her waist. No corset or bustier.

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She also has a tiny waist, and lower then normal bust to hip ratio.

She does have a banging ass tho.

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Ironic that the girl famous for her hair has all her best qualities from the waist down

>Posting Cass suffering

She's a total package sir. What I love about her is her brains.

Let's all be honest if she was pudgy and nerd-girl-ish we would still want a crack at her.

Let's give a warm welcome to any Star Vs refugees looking for a new better show to watch. Please pardon our autism and enjoy the ride.

>Is this show good?
>Are you memeing or is it actually good?
It's actually good
>What's the watch order/timeline?
Tangled > Before Ever After pilot > Tangled The Series > Tangled Ever After short
>Where can I watch it?
Episodes links: pastebin.com/hE0MPEXx

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Somebody posted that already.

Eugene no doubt is into kinky shit. He already had a threesome with what are presumably teenage warlord twins. He then married a girl much younger than him.

Nonetheless, I bet the depths of his perversion pale in comparison to Rapunzel. While she may be pure of heart, she would take to sex with unrivaled eagerness and wouldn't be ashamed to try all sort of kinks just for the novelty of them. Plus I bet she's a nudist.

>I'm gonna be sad to see her (probably) go back to her original dress in the final season. Her S2 travel clothing is so goddamn good looking
Yeah, then again I'm hoping they give her a new set of clothes (or maybe even armor in honor of Cassandra) in season 3.

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This. I strive to protect the integrity of the posts made and the pasta was a great resource for new anons that wondered if we were serious about Tangled or just memeing it like with Star Vs or Dragon Prince. They're never meant to offend or tire out anons, I just like to gather information and keep references for those interested.

Hope we get more fanfics sometime soon too.

Thanks for the support pals!

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iirc we established she would try anal, be ok with anal but not prefer anal.

it's a shame she was born in the 1800s and is already shacked up with a man that doesn't deserve her

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She's so cute! I wonder what Rapunzel's kid will be like. Do you think she'll be an introvert like Elsa, or a tomboy that will give Rap headaches and finally understand how much she worried her parents?

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You're the best Copypasta-user

Go to dcaco and see the light

I think it's because of Rapunzel's innocence. We see in Rapunzel: Day One that Cassandra is amazed at how repressed and lonely Rapunzel had been in a tower. And having to watch her experience and develop slowly in front of her was a great feeling. Not to mention how Rapunzel managed to maintain her all loving and cheerful traits despite what happened to her. Cassandra would probably have fallen into resentment or despair if she was the one locked in the tower.

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A tomboy with a sense of adventure and an alarming skill for lockpicking and pickpocketing. Nobody knows where she picked it up

These sound like fun plots. As mentioned in previous threads, Fredrick's tyrannical path and Corona/Sapporia's wars seem like such a good plot point that sadly won't be developed because kiddies are the target demographic.

I'd love for us to get another YA novel where they could go all out.

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This makes sense. You see Cass start Cass lament and resent Raps' growing independence, because she's terrified that Rapunzel won't need or want her anymore

Eugene took a knife for her breh

>is already shacked up with a man that doesn't deserve her
How so? Eugene seems like a great guy and he has reformed. I think he could be a magnificent asset to Corona's ruling class because he can balance Rapunzel's naivete and holds the ambition needed to protect Corona or even think of expanding the borders. He may even think of ways to expand and conquer those Arendellian scum, taking over their lands for the glory of Corona.

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He's a jackass. Raps just imprinted on the first decent guy she came into contact with. Do you honestly think a girl as vibrant and curious as her would have the patient to put up with a smarmy jackass so intellectually beneath her?

>Pic related

Eugene is a decent guy, now. He resorted to crime for selfish reasons and one selfless act doesn't immediately make him a saint.

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>>Felonsbane slouching in an armchair glowering at a fireplace ala Netflix Dracula
>>"She's out there somewhere. Someone knows. Make them talk. There are no innocents. She was the only one."

Eugene is a dunce only kept around camp for a quick fuck and in case a pickle jar needs opening

This. This so much.

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>It literally says "hips wider"


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I doubt Raps will wear armour given that she is a barefooted person.

Cassandra being moody and bitchy about her past and things she had to put up with really made me mad.

Holy fuck her cunt is insufferable. Raps endured 18 years of imprisonment and she still manages to conjure up reasons to give Raps hard times on her behalf. Shut your fowl onion hole, ingrate bitch.

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She can always go like Toph and only have a chestplate (decorated of course) and some knee protectors.

Cassandra should be flayed alive and raped. In that order.

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Is it just me or is everyone else on this show horrible except Raps?

How so? Eugene supports her unconditionally, Varian and Cassandra tried to protect Raps until their own flaws caught up with them. Lance is an unconditional friend of Eugene trying to do the right thing and Shorty...is just Shorty.

Maximus could be seen as the embodiment of lawful good and Fredrick is close to him, in his own flawed human way.

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Everyone in the show is horrible minus no one

Go back to Yea Forums, faggot.

>implying moderate boredom and no freedom of movement is even in the top thousand worst things that can happen to a little girl in the middle ages
She had her own clean, warm and roomy tower, books (which were ridiculously expensive at the time), safety,a pet, clean water and enough food. She lived better than 99,99% of the world's population at the time. Still better than 90% of the world's population now. Goethel was manipulative, but not objectively abusive even by today's standards, forget about the time where beating your child's ass bloody with a switch if they talked back or didn't do their chores quick enough was considered "proper discipline".

What bender type would Rapunzel in the Avatar world be like?

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I want Frozen/Tangled crossover so bad I think I'd kill for it

So we Ice on the Rhine now? fanfiction.net/s/9913706/1/Ice-on-the-Rhine

I want Rapunzel and Eugene to attend Anna wedding at Arendelle and bring out their guards. I want Eugene to say to Elsa "Corona sends it's regards" before ordering the massacre of all the nobles there.

I want them to capture Elsa and have the guards rape the whore princess Anna in the Arendellian plaza as per Corona's tradition when conquering a country. Bet the slut princess would even like it.

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What all girls smell like, sweaty farts and hunger with some artificial flowery overlay. And once every few weeks, salty nickels in frustratedly warm milk.

Mean post

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A Red Wedding rip-off? How does it get around Elsa being an omega level mutant?

I love how much of a savant she can be, yet at the same time being so broken in other areas. If she applied herself, I bet she could learn alchemy in a way that surpasses Varian.

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Corona is nothing before our Queen.

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Source: twitter.com/eorsdalas/status/1128244416437739521

>It can kill others instantly or slowly Cassandra was lucky that when she touched Rapunzel during the events of Zhan Tiri's tree, Rapunzel was focused on giving the team time to escape not killing the tree. If it were the other way around Cassandra wouldn't be in the story right now. This power also works at a distance as seen when she first used the power, the distance can cross the planet, or even across multiple universes if Rapunzel wanted to hurt that many people. The moon stone can wither and decay others as said in the incantation. It can erase things into total nothingness, destroy all things within the universe or other universes and dimensions it all depends on how the user cheese to use the power of the stone. It grants Rapunzel and Cassandra the ability to manipulate all forms of negative energy physical and spiritual, and lastly for the moon stone it can control other people's will, their thoughts, and heart.

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>The sun drop can heal, resurrect, and regenerate the user from all wounds physical and spiritual. The sun drop also grants longevity, immortality, Rapunzel aged the way she did cause she chose if she wanted to remain a child the power of the sun drop would've allowed it. It slows down her aging as well, much like a character such as the Wolverine. The sun drop can also protect Rapunzel, as seen in earlier episodes her hair would climb up the castle and latch onto things itself rather than have Rapunzel do so. It is living and it will protect Rapunzel because it is part of her and they are needed to keep the balance within the Disney universe. The shield it can create around Rapunzel with her hair is both offensive and defensive it protects her from strikes but hits the opponent back ten times as hard with sun beams and as seen in "Lost and Found" if the opponent is far weaker than Rapunzel it destroys them all the way down to their quarks. As the opposite of the moonstone and the negative energy it feeds on the sun drop thrived on positive energy both physical and spiritual. Both the sun drop and moon drop are stronger during their respective times though, night and day. Although this change is hardly noticeable even within the context of the story.

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so why invade anywhere if you can just psychically delete them from the comfort of your bedchambers

Dwarf has longer lifespan than regular human according to Middle-earth setting.

>so why invade anywhere if you can just psychically delete them from the comfort of your bedchambers
Where's the fun in that? Though if Rapunzel nuked any place, it would be Equis and Arendelle because both of them suck. The rest of the world, she'd just brainwash with her moon powers to make them into happy little slaves who live only to serve her.

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So Rapunzel is god now? Or does being a social retard balance it out? Like Okayasu and The Hand.

Equis should be one of the seven kingdoms. Despite of the hostility and rivalry between two manchild Kings, both Kingdoms should have business and trades to maintain the economy. And Frederic said he has responsibility to keep the peace among the seven kingdoms. I guess S3 would cover more about the other kingdoms.

She's joyful and values freedom and expression.


>a social retard
She's not Anna or Elsa.

She is naive but she's quickly growing out of that phase. She still has issues making the hard decisions a ruler must make, or having to sacrifice the few for the many. But she's growing into a capable ruler and making her own decisions.

Besides, she's an incredibly charismatic ruler, while still having her flaws such as thinking the best of others or struggling with social etiquette.

At least until they can be properly nuked. Fredrick would no doubt try to maintain peace despite the hostility. Rapunzel is the same, so she would tolerate and open commercial trades with them as she's a peacefag. I don't see the current royals openly making a war against anyone unless it's in self defense.

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She can kill or revive anyone she wishes. WTF kind of plot can they even write to challenge her now?

>Still better than 90% of the world's population now.

What is this, 1880s?

Read the Pinker book reeeeee

Dude it's quite clear Gothel often beat her up good

English, please.

If Gothel never spanked her or anything close to that until the movie happened, it seems kinda out of character and cruel for Raps to act so comfortable hitting her.

The series takes part before Ever After, in it Rapunzel no longer has her long magic hair. So it's most probably because she gives it up at the series end.

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An early concept production design by Tom. The scene of Raps tangled by her hair was originally taken place in forest and it eventually happened in the balcony of her own room so Eugene can have chance to catch her.

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Looking back Pascal's story, she felt lonely most the time before she first met Pascal. It's an obvious evidence that Gothel no longer takes care of her much after she grew up enough to handle herself in the tower.

That'd be hilarious. Thought I can see why they took it off the forest scene as it would give Rapunzel more reason to think she can't take care of herself and want to go back to the tower.

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We all have discussed just how wonderful Rapunzel is. But being honest, just how many anons would be able to keep up with her? She seems to be a little tomboyish, loving outdoor activities, socializing and camping/traveling. I don't see any pasty weak fat slobs like us being able to entertain the princess for long.

I can see Raps settling for cuddles and the occasional Netflix and chill kind of fun, but she would quickly grow bored of it. What would she do afterwards? Would she have the heart to reject a suitor?

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Haha, jokes on you. I'm fit.

Stop eating garbage, little piggy.

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Well if I can't have her consensually, there are other ways... (also disgusted and firious Punz is hotter)

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My man. Would you rape Cassandra too if given the chance?

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That's why only Eugene can know her

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I think I would be too squimish to REALLY hurt punzie, but I can imagine myself maiming Cass to fit inside a briefcase.

Nothing better than a defeated warrior serving you as a portable toy.

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Or her hair did the sleepwalking so she may find she's in the forest when she woke up.

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I hope you intend to post sauce user else that's just rude

Just because your fap hand got good grip doesn't make you fit. You poor little delusional fat bastard

I wish I can see kid Eugene flashback in S3.

All I can hear here are oinks

Generalization from oneself is not a good strategy to know about the world, poor soul...

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When will you newfags all learn about dcaco?

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This. Go to dcaco on 4+Yea Forums to view amd discuss porn

Anyone knows what is the crossover from

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Jesus I didn't know how smol punzie was compared to units like Lance.

Something like Raps+Edmund or Vex+Baron would be fucking horrifying to watch, especially when forced.

blood and teardrops everywhere

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Reminder : Dom punzie is fucking canon and giga boner inducer brehs.

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She should just him fuck her already.

When will manlets learn?

I like to think Raps would be into pretty much everything you show her because it is new and exciting.

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Maybe Gothel has chained her and she finds she enjoyed it.

I would make the attempt. A lot of us use the fact that our waifu isn't real to justify our depression and maintain unhealthy habits. If she was real I would make the attempt.

If anything spending these last few days wasting time on these threads has inspired me to try and get out of the rut I'm in and find a new dream.

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You can do it user. I believe in you

I'm daydreaming about cartoon girls because there is no way I could ever have a real one. Even if Yea Forums girls were real.
I was weak, ugly and dumb since I was born. Now I'm old and can barely walk, my back hurts all day. Really gets in the way of fantasizing about anything.
Obviously there is no way I could have Raps as a "real" gf. The best I can do is imagine myself going to Corona and having fun.

>Raps will never this go through this process with Eugene's mediocre dick

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Quasimodo was pretty agile though

I like Tangled

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She has no cell phone to take a photo.

She's an artist user. She would draw one giant impressionist bullcock

But if you watch Painter's Block episode, we know Raps barely draws the thing what it looks like exactly. She likes adding her Rapunzelocity.

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But does she like pale girls who constantly insult her?

Do I have to when they all get posted here (and then deleted) anyway?

Yeah, I love how eager she is to try new things. It would be so fun to explore sex, intimacy and the world with her. Growing old together and having hundreds of kids.

Fuck, I want to die and be isekaied to Corona. But even then I know I'll be a slob peasant struggling to survive while chads like Eugene get the princess booty.

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That's what I like about the series. You can do it user!

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I wanna see someone remake the iconic scenes of the show in 16-bit style like what it did.

You don't know what impressionist means, do you?

Not really, Rapunzel isn't into dikes.

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What would a date with Rapunzel be like? What would she enjoy doing the most?

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That doesn't mean we can't try

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They had a private date in Vigor's episode.

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If you enjoy femcucking yourself then by all means keep pining

Just don't go around going crazy and stealing Rapunzel's destiny afterwards.

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Trip to an art museum or a play

>when will they learn
Hopefully never. That place is only good because it's not overflowing with newfags and moralfags like Yea Forums.

Why do they wear their swords like that? It's obviously well into the Renaissance age of fencing. Everyone should be wearing their sables and rapiers at the hip.

Maybe their swords are too long to be held on waist.

>nothing wrong with Manic Pixie Dream Girls
get better taste, MPDGs are shit tier women in general.

Eugene has Rapunzel to relieve tension with, but who do Hookfoot, Lance and Shorty use?

Fapping to mermaid girl, Adira, and perma whiskey dicked into asexuality respectively

Read one of the many books that debunks this cherry-picking liberal kike

I was always surprised from the Tangled movie about how Eugene could endure all those hits to the head without receiving serious brain damage. But after knowing what an absolute unit King Edmund and his darkenians are, it all makes perfect sense. They're our world's niggers!

Based Chris making the story retroactively better.

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Why so? What's wrong about them?

Anyone you would recommend, user? Genuinely curious.

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Because it looks cool and creates a striking profile. That's the only reason

The most formative of Cassandra's childhood experiences was looking into her pants and wondering why she didn't have a penis like the other boys. The rest of her life since then has been an overcompensating and largely unsuccessful attempt to compensate for the shock of that discovery.


This is my official canon origin for Cassandra now. Not even Chris can take away the idea of Cassandra wanting to be male and failing after many years of struggle.

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They tend be batshit irl

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Was it ever said if Varian's mother was dark kingdom or a local corona girl?

Isn't that half the fun about them?

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You never fuck crazy.

Rapunzel climbs to the top of the tower reminds me the scene before the tower’s collapse in S1.

>kidnap a person
>only take them like a mile away from their home
Goethel deserved her moronic chameleon trip death like the moron that she was.

It WAS pretty well hidden but boy does one have to wonder why the hell she didnt' at least leave the boundaries of the kingdom

Raps needs to learn how to use a guillotine

Well if we take the Tangled series expanded lore as canon, it would be that she needed to remain low key from Zhan Tiri and the rest of the followers. Gothel actually did pretty well for herself if you think about it.

She doublecrossed Zhan Tiri, the rest of the brotherhood and outlived Demanitus biological body by several centuries. If she walked around with a girl that looked very much like the princess and that carried several feet of blonde hair, she would have been easily caught. Especially if there are methods to sense magic that Zhan Tiri or Demanitus had.

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>walk around
Just move to an actual unpopulated forest, one that doesn't look like a park and have dozens of people running trough it.

>that pic
>Eugene's face
>These people don't even know each other!

Rapunzel already built one in the inventions episode despite having no knowledge about it. Her savant syndrome is truly impressive.

A shame she lacks the warmonger instincts needed to use it against the other nobles.

>Just move to an actual unpopulated forest, one that doesn't look like a park and have dozens of people running trough it.
They usually didn't. That's how Gothel managed to keep hidden for 18 years. It was ruined because of Eugene and the tiara, otherwise she probably would have remained undetected.

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Oh that’s right. Such a pure girl building weapons of war, it feels wrong

>she needed to remain low key from Zhan Tiri and the rest of the followers
He was trapped in that other dimensions and both Matthews and Sugarby would still be confined to the weather machine until Rapunzel activates it in Queen for a Day
Maybe you could make a case for her somehow knowing about and fearing being found in the wilderness by Quirin or Adira, but still

>weapons of war
No, guillotines are for after you win the war. To make examples of people in front of the conquered masses.

Please mods ban this faggot, from all the retards shitting up these threads he's the fucking worst.

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And yet for her failure, it'd be sweet irony if the Coronian peasants rebelled against Rapunzel because of her naive and soft rulership, with Uncle Monty being in charge of using Rapunzel's own guillotine against her.

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the last thing Rapunzel does before she gives up the reunited space magic is utterly erase Monty from the face of the earth and memory of every living being Thanos style

That'd be awesome. Should delete Equis and Arendelle while she's at it.

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>meanwhile Elsa is back at the castle because she had a panic attack at the prospect of meeting new people

Punz forges an alliance with Arendelle by wiping the Southern Isles off the map

I'd rather Punzie make a pact with the Southern Isles. That'd make a cool story. Hans desperate for revenge decides to make a pact with Corona and instigates a war so that both kingdoms wipe each other out. He could fight against Eugene who strives to protect Rapunzel from his machinations as he tries to integrate himself as a loyal adviser to the crown. He could actually be useful to Corona and still be plotting it's fall.

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Corona is a small kingdom with a border wall with checkpoints at any exits. How would Gothel sneak a crying infant out of the kingdom when everyone is looking for a old woman with a blonde baby?

And it took Eugene and Raps a day and a half to get to Corona. I'd put it within 20 miles

shorty is a god, no wonder that the atheist cowers in fear

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varian is a CHILD

What's better:

Cass "Ara Ara"ing Varian?

An older, taller Varian making Cass soak her drawers?

those are both awful and you should feel bad for typing that

The latter because it is not illegal

Isn't Cass, like, nine years older than Varian?

Thank you.

monty is such an ass to raps for no reason. so she doesnt wear shoes? she never had to step outside for 18 fucking years to need them. Hangs out with thugs? she rehabilitates them into productive members of society, she dresses un-royal-like? did i mention she was imprisoned for 18 fuckin years? she has the demeaner of a peasant? EIGHT. TEEN. YEARS. SINCE. BIRTH!

Fuck Monty and fuck his dry ass pastries

Yeah, so what? In case you haven't noticed, Eugene is SEVEN years older than Rapunzel. She's 18/19 and Eugene is 25/26. This show has a thing about pairing a younger partner up with a significantly older partner. It's happened over and over.

Fuck, even Lance/Adira counts as this, if we assume that Adira is in her 60s or 70s, which she almost certainly would have to be given the timeline.

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They state that Eugene is 25 in Destinies Collide

There we go, thank you for proving my point.

Even Raps' parents seem to be this kind of pairing. Arianna looks significantly younger than Frederic.

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>Adira is a mega cougar juiced up on moon radiation
this shouldn't make me as hard as it does

Just imagine if they made it a plot point that Eugene might have a freaky long lifespan


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>form-fitting dress hugging her MILF-y curves

The forest literally looked like a park, it was more of a wooded area than a forest actually. There's was a fucking tavern right next door and a huge city within walking distance. A real forest is the kind of place that requires force to move trough and breaks your legs if you're not careful.

Even if that's true, which I very much doubt since who the fuck has the money to maintain and man a wall around their kingdom even if it is just a cit-state, guards don't stay vigilant for 18 years straight. She could have gotten out legally.

I'm not a regular to these threads, or even watch the show, honestly, but is she in this? How much did her design suffer from going 2D?

How come he is viscerally hated by both poltards and liberals?

>>Doubt there's a wall
>>Doubt Corona has the money
>>Doubt King Frederick Felonsbane doesn't have spies and sentries every 30 feet along the border

You haven't watched the show, have you?

She's in it about 2 minutes total, and she looks fine. Watch the show, it's good


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Hey, so Quirin was sent to guard the secret 25 years ago and Varian is like, what, 15 years old?

It took like 10 years for him to neglect his duties and pump some baby making juice into a country girl to settle down

Not much in person, but her role is expanded in the Deep Lore of the show

We brought this up a few threads ago, but I wonder if she's going to come back as a glowing green ghost now that she's died. If we assume that she's the third apprentice that betrayed Demanitus, then she, like Matthews and Sugarbee, could have her soul permanently chained to Zhan Tiri's will. I mean, I'm pretty sure both Matthews and Sugarbee were both "dead," it's just that Zhan Tiri had their souls under his command. Maybe it happened to Gothel when she died, too.

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HOLY FUCK her 18yo bunzies are fucking out of this world.

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Only women who've never had a man work for them hate MPDGs

>Raps will never step on your balls

IF you take Raps to bed do you:
>Take her from behind?
>Missionary so you can look in her big, dreamy green eyes as you choke fuck her?
>Let her ride you to help burn off some of that energy she has, because she seems like the type to ride you until you pop twice?

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Mating press is always the answer

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Fuck you're right.

Hook her ankles on your shoulder and pump away.

I bet she laughs when she cums.

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Just imagined that. Definitely Raps seems like the type to start laughing. I'd love to watch her first time, being unable to control herself and apologizing for that. Watching her face turn red as she asks you to get off because she needs to pee. Experiencing her warm fluids as she squirts for the first time, and her embarrassment afterwards as she doesn't understand what happened.

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Eating her out. Imagine how clean she would be. Her magic hair would instantly kill off any bacteria. She must have the tastier vagina of any character. Also no morning breath either.

That depends, do strapons exist in Corona? I’m sure they must

They have many talented craftspeople in Corona.

What do you think the redlight district in corona is like?

Confused punzie is so cute

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Would Varian work there as an adult? Somehow I see him not caring as much about decency or the laws of physics and be the major provider for the red light district.

Varian could build you a chainsaw strapon with pneumatic action for that "extra push".

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>Hooded Cass visiting the district, asking for a blonde girl who can sub for her

Looks just like Raps, but has a New Jersey accent and a really annoying laugh.

What would Rapunzel's vagina taste like? Would Cassandra have an onion scented pussy?

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Probably the same as a kiss. Bare in mind the vagina's proximity to the asshole.

Vaginas don't smell like onions user. They smell like BO. Ever scratch your taint and sniff it? That's basically what vagina smells like at their worst. At best like musky freshly baked sourdough bread.

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I just wondered because Hookfoot said Cassandra has onion breath in the first Staylan episode.

>Bare in mind the vagina's proximity to the asshole.
Even so, I doubt Rapunzel's asshole has any scent.

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I presume her magical hair powers would disinfect her of any but all of the beneficial bacterium. So she would have very healthy gut flora, and her bowel movements would smell mostly of bile and decaying plant matter. She has never had diarrhea a day in her life i imagine.

Also she would presumably have never had a zit in her life until her hair got cut. So she would only need to bathe to remove excess dead skin and oil.

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>So yous got a ting for da princess, huh? Dat could be fun. So here's how dis goes: 10 gold pieces an hour; you can spank me all you like, I don't feel it anymore to be honest; leave a bruise dats 3 gold pieces; break da skin dats 7 gold pieces; Black eyes cost you 15 a piece; you buy da costume; my safe word is umbrella; and you can do butt stuff but be warned i haven't shit solid in tree months.

>*Cass plonks down an enormous sack of gold coins*

>Prostitute Raps does pic related

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best girl
best couple

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>tfw you'll never get to lick Rapunzel's asshole and sweet pussy
I'm jealous of Eugene.

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Lesbians are so 2018

>Pascal... Pascal! He's knocking on the back door! What should I do? I'ma scared!

>Pascal will share Rap and Eugene's bed during their honeymoon
That sucks

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>Suddenly has a bunch of stupid Sailor Moon powers that was never really explained in the movie/series let alone brought up until now?

At this point I'm convinced that Disney just writes their stories on the fly.

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Will we ever see Red and Angry again?

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Based crew.

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Is season 2 any better. I'm most of the way through season 1 and every episode is some variation on dick shows up, cause dick problems, everyone hugs at the end and agrees to try and not be a dick so much.

Varian's 14 and Cassandra is 23 yeah.

I find it odd that whenever someone tries to defend cass/varian they bring up the age like it's no big deal and not that he tried to murder her

I remember Angry's VA posted her voicing work for S3 months ago. Hopefully it will cover more story about the "Flynn Rider" comb which Eugene first stole.

Cass is 23 in S2 so she should be 22 in S1. Varian may be approximately 16 when he returns in S3.

Oh boy, go watch all the way through s1 finale.

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It's still fucking awkward dude.

He tried to capture her and make her a sex slave, not kill her... jesus user there are boundaries.


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I bet her asshole tastes like nutmeg

cinnamon sugar for pussy.

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Still everyone seems completely oblivious to other people's feelings.

I'm on ep 15 and the queens sister shows up. IS she really so oblivious to think that she should butt in on her sister and nieces camping trip after raps was kidnapped and held captive for almost 20 years?

I fucking hate everyone except raps


That isn't how humans work

Seriously user? I think that episode was especially good.

The conflict was believable, dialogues were mature and full of energy, and no one was clearly the bad one.

That was probably the most engaging aunt-mom-daughter plot in Tangled universe you can think of.

Add some exaggerations on top of it to speed up and underline the chemistry between the characters and you got yourself a nice snappy story.

It is cartoon well done.

>That's not how ordinary humans without cosmic magical entity fused within work


Don't hurt Pascal...


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I will forget abouy having a good time and just focus on dumping the most amount of cum inside her.

Fucking pregnancy into marriage dream

Willow has much more care-free personality than Raps, but it is what makes her who she is. Also it is Willow's first time to see her long lost niece and she shares some behaviours with Raps (art person, barefooted), so that's why she's so excited to get along with Raps.

It depends on what you need. In my opinion, S1 has better slice of life episodes overall and S2 has bigger main plot process and the lore reveal.

Her buckteeth make my pp hard

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Unused song from the movie.


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Her mood switching attitude is more engaging.

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Are you surrrreee about that?

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that makes it so hot user

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A bored horny Cass deflowering Varian after he saves the day.

>Raps will never yell at you

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Shame they didn't manage to put it in.

I was one of the biggest Tangled fans in my town and I almost cried seeing how great its TV show turned out.

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who is the artist of this btw

>punzie being gorgeous

I'm in love

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Any possibility of blue glowing hair of Raps in S3?

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This has been planned for 5 years though

Obliviousness to other's feelings is a running theme with terrible consequences

horse teeth

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>this is gonna make shlicking to Raps difficult aaa

But cute

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Yall ever watch the shorts?

I love this one.

This was one of the best but lowest viewcount


14 million views.

But you can find its ratio of views and comments are not normal. I think the channel set the users automatically directed to this short.

I want to see drug abuser punzie

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Will Red grow up to become a sexy angry woman? Is she from the same lands as Merida?

They should've just went all the way and made Red a mute.

God Red will be so fucking hot when she gets old.

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If you did that to Felonsbane's daughter, then a fate worse than death awaits.

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This one's my favorite. Love to watch Rapunzel and Eugene's relationship, how they support each other. Eugene's prima donna traits and Rapunzel's childish behavior.

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God she looks fucking perfect

I want these two to meet. They'd be the best of friends! Plus, I bet Cassandra would utterly hate Merida for stealing Rapunzel's attentions.

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I wanted to see Eugene beating up Raps over the hair.

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They both have strange oval head.

Rapunzel's angry face is so uncommon that when she actually gets annoyed or angry, she looks very hot.

Honestly I can't see Eugene ever laying a hard on Rapunzel. Despite the fact that it would be normal for a man to punish a woman in those times (as they should), either the threat of Felonsbane or Eugene's own nature wouldn't allow it.

Rapunzel seems more like the one to dish out punishment.

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That makes sense. It's Youtube, target audience is toddlers looking for princess stuff

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>Rapunzel will never look at you like that
>Rapunzel will never force you to lick her sweaty feet after a long day outside
>Rapunzel will never torture you in her sex dungeon
Reality is so boring, I wanna die

Attached: 91236f7deaa4502d770cd208bb39425e903cac2ebb2a0468eccc8cef710d8d28.jpg (1387x983, 179K)

Alright, you win.

So, i’ve been avoiding Disney shows for the better part of 3 years due to the channel being mostly noodlearm crap and thinking this fanbase was shit like most others. Suppose the charm and relative harmony in these threads got to me.

Tl;dr Is it too late to join you guys?

Attached: 24FFD209-15D5-4328-A01B-99F5B60AA387.jpg (677x378, 40K)

It's unironically one of the best Disney TV shows in like, decades.

we're all waiting for season 3 right now, so you can quickly catch up and suffer with us

Not really user. It's actually a great time to join in. We can watch season 3 together! It's set to come sometime soon.

Check out this thread for info on how to start

Attached: 1557724578070.jpg (1240x918, 594K)

Sounds great. What makes the show itself stand out?
>that image
>that Star Vs. hate

First of all, it avoids triangle drama shit. While other series stall progress in the characters relationship by adding a love triangle that won't be resolved until the series end and will poison the fanbase with toxic shipping nonsense, Tangled has a main couple already set up (from the og Tangled movie) and they slowly progress their relationship into marriage as they support each other while facing many different dangers both inside and outside.

It has some neat world building and entertaining new characters that make fun interactions with the main cast.

The original voice actors from the Tangled movie appear on this series too, along with Alan Menken doing the music (the guy that made the soundtrack for the Little Mermaid and Pocahontas) so it has movie grade music.

It can get pretty serious at times and while there're some sol episodes, the plot oriented episodes tend to go very serious very fast.

Plus, Rapunzel is allowed to grow and make mistakes. And she actually pays the consequences of the hard choices she makes rather than having it glossed over and everyone ending happy afterwards.

Attached: rapunzel_by_rechka-d5uqt56.jpg (764x1045, 105K)

>poison the fanbase with toxic shipping nonsense
There's still lots of shipping though

Cute art style and the only princess who gets her own show

It's really good, the fanbase isn't that bad we're just bored and shitposting to keep the flame alive


There's a friendly rivalry between us and SvtFoE, and when their show shit the bed like a terminally ill patient taking his last shuddering breath, we let them know they could come watch something good for a change

first two seasons were good though

Only with side characters. Rapunzel and Eugene are gospel, absolutely set in stone. The only shipping comes from the strong impression that Cassandra is in love with Rapunzel. It started as a meme, until it basically became canon that Cass is mega gay for Raps

An example of the great songs and foreshadowing


Attached: Lost Lagoon.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

>until it basically became canon that Cass is mega gay for Raps
Did it? I just watched a few episodes but Cass had a bit of a gay tomboy vibe.

The word you are looking for is "fanon".

Based Tom

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It’s pure meme

But tell me the vibe ain’t

That too, but it's all but confirmed by the crew
Just wait till season 2, they turn that up to 11. It's never obnoxious though

Who would've guessed that Tangled threads would be brought to ruin not by footfags, but by abusefags?

Don't you mean the pornfags?

I think it's mostly the same people.

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I think we just need more content to discuss. Threads always go to shit when there's nothing to talk about.

Looking at Tom's pre-production art teasing the fans, would Raps goes blue hair in S3?

But abuse is fun and shot.

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What a dummy, books are not pillows

So are matches, but play too much and you can ruin things for everyone

Reminder : Raps is self-aware that she is one charming sexball of a girl to the point she can reasonably assumes every girls will be seduced into helping her.

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No it's not. Fuck off back to dcaco instead of trying to get us banned to /trash/.

You guys are a great team, thanks for all the namedrops

I'm into muscular girls but I don't think Raps is that toned. So lately I often fap to Cass.

God I wish to see some nice muscle on Raps someday

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I hate to say it's getting time for /trash/ but it really is

I mean who wouldn't? She is lovable, charming and good at rallying people for a cause. She will make a great queen someday.

It's weird because Raps is very strong. She could lift 3 people in the House of Yesterday's Tomorrow episode with her bare hands, yet has no visible muscle. I think it's magical induced.

I wish Cassandra had more fan art. I'm sad there's very little of her, and what is, doesn't showcase her delicious muscular body.

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Cassandra is the best

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Guys I think I'm in love.

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They'll announce season 3 soon don't worry

Well there's this one

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extremely based

Korean drawfriend who drew this has impaired color perception. Hence the beeds and lips color.

Yet still his drawings are awesome. Extremely based.

I can normally control my pathetic constant lust watching this show, but when Raps does some assertive and dom things my fireman instantly becomes rock hard.

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These are the only ones sadly.

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make gif for cute face Raps plz

>I can normally control my pathetic constant lust
For some reason I don't believe you

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Being Cass is suffering

Too much breasts

Of course, for some reason people think it means it'll never come back to Yea Forums but that isn't the case

I thought flash was supposed to look bad and we are supposed to hate it. Why does this look so good?

The crew runs on love, passion, and Mouse-spite

It's toonboom
Also not made by people who hate cartoons

Because anyone that uses >flash as an excuse to rag on something is only in it for the (You)s. Flash is perfectly fine, as long as it's being used by people that actually know what the fuck they're doing.
Wakfu and My Tiny Equine are fine examples of this.
There's probably several things here you didn't realize was made in flash.

Do you know that feeling where you are infatuated to someone and can't sleep at night?

I'm seriously feeling that way about Raps. Can't sleep guys.

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can't say I know that feeling since I'm in a stable and loving relationship

Can I upload a pic of my cum on Raps' doll? Will I get banned for it?

Not if you link to imgur or something, but please don’t

Why are you here?

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We got some surprisingly well adjusted folks in these threads. A few months ago a guy was reading the Tangled books with his kid and letting us know what she thought of them. He's the one who told us abput the secret skinnydipping lesbian marriage cave

Banned from God's realm, with any luck
Do not. DO NOT!

fix it for you

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No you degenerate

Finally they are broadcasting new episodes in Latin America, it is a marathon, they will reach The Great Tree.

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shes 20, you fuck

Link it at the /aco/ thread

it takes literally around a year to animate one single fucking episode

why the hell is there no lewds of Adira?
not one single rule34.
someone evoke rule35 now!!

this made me laugh
fuck you

>>Elsa can create a blizzard over an entire country, but when the sun goddess gets an entirely theoretical powerup it's too much

her hair has only ever had 4 powers. heal, wither, levitate and be unbreakable

Gothel getting younger was because getting old is a type of dieing and her being healed made her look young.

also Raps strength comes from 18 years of intensive hair weight training. Not from just lifting the hair, but from using it as a pully system

Also when her hair was cut, she lost all her powers. When she touched the black rock, she got new ones altogether, including indestructable hair

How rough of a footjob Raps would give since she walks around barefoot everywhere?

literally says in the show and movie that she is 18 and in the series, she has 2 birthdays. the fuck you on about you rage filled angry boy? you mad? you got the grumples? you need a time out you tiny lil baby child?

It's toon boom 360 puppet stuff

user made a dumb joke
Tween is also a slang term for a pre-teen aged person

Enjoying summer?

Yeah, where is that guy? I miss that kind of discussions. They are so interesting and I had no idea there was a Tangled YA novel before that. I was sad that only Frozen had one.

Now I wish we had more so they could explore more mature themes (and no, pure violence, sex and gore is not mature).

Nice, time to promote the hell out of Tangled so more people know it exists!

And almost no muscular Cassandra fanart. It hurts to be a Tangledfag.

And I don't see anyone calling out Moana or Maui for their op abilities.

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I've wondered that too. I've seen farmer foot pictures, and those shits are nasty.

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She does maintenance dude

What would Rapunzel's feet feel like? Does she give good footjobs?

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high grit sandpaper

She has just enough power left over to constantly regenerate her feet

>tfw Rapunzel will never leave your dick raw and bloody from non-stop footjobs
Why even live. Then again, just because she can do it, doesn't meat she will enjoy it. Do you think Rapunzel has given footjobs to Eugene or is he not into it? Do you think she enjoys doing it or finds it creepy?

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Warm silk.

Doesn't she have a healing factor in general? I think Chris mentioned that, that she rapidly heals from injuries.

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It’s statistically likely that Eugene is very much into it

Yeah but does ordinary wear and tear count as injuries?
Take archery for example, it’s easier if you develop calluses on your fingers. If those heal right away, then every shot would be like your first shot and it would hurt a lot...

I'm still around. Just not a whole lot to talk about as of yet. Bookworm is chewing her way through Prisoner of Azkaban right now, and we're watching Gravity Falls and solving the puzzles together. And she's got a crush on Dipper. Oh Lord.

He said at full Goddess she'd be like Wolverine, so I imagine her basic healing factor is significantly faster than normal but not comicbook level. Heal a cut in an hour, heal a broken bone over a weekend.

I imagine the Sundrop let's the body build up resistances in an "aesthetically pleasing" way. Her skin is tough but not rough.

Physical discipline is necessary

Weird question. Just go touch your girlfriend's feet, you do have one right?

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We can see Raps speedily recovered from falling into the valley in Vigor episode and smashed by the wrestler in Pincosta episode but she still didn’t notice it.

>A dominant Rapunzel

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My gf's feet are soft and smooth. I persuaded her not to wear high heels to prevent bunions. On occasion she rubs my dick with them, its fantastic foreplay.

Somebody post the fanfic from these threads about Raps having a healing factor and it turns into body horror.

Sounds fookin based. I second this

Have you shown her Sherlock already? Bet she'd love that arrogant jackass too.

As a matter of fact, I do, user. She's a nigger though who fell for my white boyish charm. Her feet are rough and calloused, and also very sweaty from spending all day working in heavy leather shoes. She's more like Tiana than Rapunzel though so I wondered if Rapunzel's feet would feel the same.

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shes fucking post teen, you fucking high as a kite?

Threesoming this

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I have air conditioning that can make ice cream out of Rapunzels tiddy milk

the black rock made her fucking unbreakable. she is the perfect dom

Punz doesn’t seem to suffer the effects of traveling barefoot all day so the healing factor is seeming more likely as I think about it. Her feet are forever in pristine condition.
Hardworking Tiana type girls are a whole different appeal, but I’ll spare the thread from paragraphs about that....

ye I gotchu fanfiction.net/s/13293569/1/Pretty-Perfect-Feet

I'd love to know your opinion, user. Made a P&tF thread >

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That was perfect. I thought it was going to end with Rapunzel turning into cancerous tumor that enveloped everything. But I'm glad the author went for the more emotional and metaphorical despair.

I also wonder if Rapunzel will stay young and undead while everyone around her grows old and dies.

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My favorite thing about the story is how it does what every GOOD fanfic does: it doesn't contradict canon, but instead reemphasizes it. It's so perfect to imagine Cass seething in despair at Raps' healing factor; after everything ELSE she's got going for her, now she can heal her wounds while Cass is stuck with her ruined hand. It's something you can see factoring into her betrayal. It wouldn't be the primary motive, but it would be a pretty potent secondary motive.

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Yeah it actually made sense and made me think of Cassandra deciding to betray her because of this, even over whatever happened with the door. Thanks for the fic, user

She is always dominant to Eugene.

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I'm sure she'll like Sherlock one day, but she's 10 and a British miniseries with a with 2 hour episodes may not hold her attention. She fell halfway through the pilot of Hannibal.

We need to make more fanfiction to pass the time. All the fics and most of the pasta that come out of these threads are really good

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Cassandra... does not have the scent of a lady, but a man's musk

That baby will not be born!

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>Raps stomping repeatedly on pregnant Cass' belly

>Raps giving forced partial birth abortion to Cass' baby with her bare hands

Why the duck did my pp get hard over this?

Raps shouldn't be the type of a person into baby killing.

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Rapunzel beating Cass, is something I can appreciate since Raps is normally the feminine one, having Cassandra being forced into the weaker, submissive role (which she hates) is pretty enjoyable.

I don't know what's more pathetic, abusefags or people who get off to calling Cassandra a man

Can someone make me a gif of her here?

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Abusefriends are not pathetic (also many of them are contents creators)

So I guess the latter breh

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t. Seething femcel, dyke, hermaphroditical failure at belonging to either sex

She might be a kike and a dyke

Someone make a Cass rubbing hands edit preferably with moonstone

>Why the duck did my pp get hard over this?
An evil Rapz has that effect.

Cass is a weak sister pretending to be strong, so its more a reassertion of the natural order than an inversion

PLEASE just let Cass eat your pusy for once Raps

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I think it's really cool how no matter how much shit the universe dumps on Cass, she keeps trying.

Shackled to idiot princess? Keep on truckin
Fall in love with princess who's already spoken for? Keep on truckin
Dragged on insane quest after proving yourself to be a hero and leader? Keep on truckin
Mutilated and slowly dying of a wound caused by the princess? K-keep on truckin

Uggh get over it you fucking cunt

God I love abusefrens

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So who do we blame when these threads get trashed?

Only incels like abuse
They wanna hurt women for rejecting them

Then I should abuse them HARDER!!

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>yet alone leader

More like Cass the angry weakling, Cass the cowardly retard who's in over her head

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Maybe the threat in this episode is not very serious and she believed the rest of the group can handle it.

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people like you who get easily triggered.

>Elsa can create a blizzard over an entire country
Of which was established right from the getgo.

Friendly reminder to everyone:
Report abusefag if you don't want to see this show banished to /trash/. I file them under NSFW or Guro and I suggest you do the same.

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Does insulting Cassandra, calling her weak or a man, count as abuse?

Yes. She is a qt and should not be hurt.

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It may be cruel but Cass' destiny seems to be full of suffering.

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Just curious that has Raps ever got ill in her life when she still has sun drop power inside her. I wish I can see an episode in S3 about Raps gets sick and Eugene takes care of her until she recovers.

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Can someone make it Blacked please


Fuck off Tenda. Keep your pro cuck and other white genocide spam on Yea Forums.

>no 10-minute, lovingly animated scene of her daily skincare routine
Trash show

And it’s a tiny country too, so not all that impressive

It's just a hamlet size if I remember.

I'll never get over how beautiful this scene is


>the king and queen's lantern floats over to them

From Hookfoot we know she got onion breath. What does she smell like? I bet she smells of sweat and grime after wearing that armor all day. Her damaged hand smelling of rot and worms falling off it.

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I miss the braid style of Raps in the movie. I hope we can see her braid it again in S3.

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>They aren't go to lick themselves Eugene
Was the 10 minute foot worship scene really necessary?

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Near the end

And also the orgasm scene. They know what we like.

Also this thread's almost over. Thanks to all the anons for making it, let's just try to make the next one less shitty, alright?

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How can you tell? What's the bump limit timer? Enlighten my newfag brain

500 posts, after that it gets harder for the thread to stay up and a new one has to be created.

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Which will be made after a reasonable period of waiting and not with cropped porn as the OP image


you daft cunt that's not what I asked for at all!
