Spider-man Life Story #5 Preview

The 2000's

Attached: Spider-Man_Life_Story_Vol_1_5.jpg (1988x3056, 440K)

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Im hype
I wanna get my dad the floppies for hisbday next month

I hope after this series is over Bagley/Marvel publish the designs for the costumes in this series.

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I mean there's 2 other threads in the archive with the preview, but I guess a 3rd won't hurt?

Oh fuck.

The TBP comes out in late October, so could but him that, unless of course jos birthday is before then.

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So it's not 9/11.
Peter has to come out of retirement to fight Morlun.
Also RIP Ben.

I didn't know that.I wasn't looking through the archives before and since I didn't see a thread earlier,I thought it was too new for people to see.

Attached: aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uZXdzYXJhbWEuY29tL2ltYWdlcy9pLzAwMC8yNjAvMTUwL29yaWdpbmFsL1NNTElGRVNUT1JZMjAxOTAwNV9F (2062x3131, 1.15M)

So Dark Knight Returns Peter edition.

This is the 3rd thread.

>Finally get the life you doesn't have
>Possibly talk and reconcile with Peter about his lie
>Have a nephew and niece who call you uncle Ben
>Die in the most anticlimactic way possible
>Leave the weight of your company on Peter

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Ben just can’t catch a break

they make mj looking at peter like he hulk up or something

This is going to be the last issue right?

No, there's one more issue.

I find the costumes designs quite boring honestly.

>no 9/11
Disappointing if true.

why its mayday's name claire

Well, that was shit.

Probably since Peter wasn't there to name her in this universe, MJ decided to name her Claire although she most likely is just Mayday because aunt May wasn't dead yet so there wasn't any reason to name Claire after get.

Let's hope there are more pages before this happens, although I don't think there are many chances to it.

Press F to pay respects for Ben.

So is this telling the canon of Spidey in 6 issues or something?

>Probably since Peter wasn't there to name her in this universe
Yes, he was. She left after they were born.

It's the story of Spider-Man and other Marvel characters if they aged in real time and started in the 60's.

Not the canon, it's a What if sotry.

What if there wans't a sliding time-line.

So now it's Spider-Man Returns.


Peter was stuck on battleworld. He arrived a week after they were born and by then MJ already signed their birth certificares. Even if he still arrived in time to write the names, aunt May wasn't dead yet, so he didn't have much of a reason to name his daughter May.

Aunt May had severe dementia so she was more like a walking corpse.

Yeah, I agree she was basically a old lady who needed to be hospitalized, but Peter didn't want send her somewhere else, much less see her as just a weight then a person.

This is one of the best Spidey stories I've read in years.

>everyone said Ben got the happier life
>he gets killed by Morlun

Ah, fuck.

Also, I guess Norman called it with that totem shit in the first book.

>Peter finds out Ben is dead and a vampire is hunting him down
>"I just KNOW Stark is going to fuck me over."


Well he did spend nearly 10 years running Parker Industries pretty well, all things considered.

Yeah, but I can't imagine Ben wanted to be sucked by anyone other than his wife.

Apparently the last issue is KraVenom.

Good to see they're using his best villain for the last issue.
Even if they did already use him in issue 3

Why does it look like the Superior Spider-Man suit?

It seems to be a rendition of bens old spider-man suit from the 90s