Tropes You Love

>Futuristic setting
>Shitty pop songs are considered classical music

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>In Futurama, Baby Got Back is considered classical music

When you actually think about it, shit like fucking Gucci Gang could in a future be considered a masterpiece, and Lil Pump might in that future be considered as the next Tupac.

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>something explodes for aparently no reason

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Not that I doubt you, but I don’t recall any shows where this happens. Neat if true though.

That's terrifying. Don't say things like that.

>Military operation
>Has a Patton-like general demanding action

>vacuum cleaner-type machine
>only two options

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>past villains with a vested interest in not dying join the heroes to stop whatever threat is occurring
>they surprise themselves by actually liking it and they receive honest praise and gratitude for their contribution, maybe even becoming idols in the hearts and minds of some of the public

>Leader of the team primarily wears blue in their outfit

>One of the heroes is compromised in a really bad way
>Knows revealing this information would affect morale in the ranks and slow others down
>Hides knowledge of their injury to spare feelings and know their time is limited makes a grand gesture as final sacrifice to help their friends and loved ones
>Bonus points if it's a character lying to someone they're interested in romantically

>Heroes meet alternate universe counter points and get along so well they could potentially be romantically linked
>Villains meet alternate universe selves and immediately jockey for which one is superior

>Group of protagonists meet an "off" version of their own group with each character color coded to the originals to highlight their similarities in tastes and personality
>Romance ensues

I need to get laid.

>all classic music from 1800's are considered prehistorical music in the future

You do understand that to withstand the test of time, it has to transcend the era its in right? Lil Pump and Gucci Gang are already forgotten or if not, laughed off as jokes right now, how on earth do you expect it to be remembered let alone discovered years from now.

I, too, love that trope.

Mozart made a song named Lick My Ass.

>The hero and villain engage in mundane tasks, but use their incredible abilities like it ain't no thang, but it's still mundane as hell

And how many people listen to it?

You mean like how Mr. Parr in The Incredibles 1 used his strength to adjust his car’s parking? Can’t remember how that scene played exactly, but he used it for a mundane action.
Check the Wikipedia page, dumbass.

>something non-explosive crashes and breaks down
>"Well, at least it di-"
>it explodes

Yeah he made a song called Lick My Ass, but nobody holds it up to Figaro or his other standards. Always in the context of "you know Mozart had a pretty juvenile sense of humor"

He did, but he was Mozart who made tons of other works that secured his place in history. That piece is only a humorous footnote in history, remembered only because it was attached to Mozarts name. I'm pretty sure there's hundreds of other pieces in similar vein but are rightfully forgotten because they have no value

>Old man character is a bad ass
>Character is just a normal person who has their physical ability pushed to its absolute limit.
>Normal character can take on super powered characters with pure skill and years of training.

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>Villain who has committed countless atrocities is a family man.
That's the good shit.

>Super scientist designs machine with reverse switch
>"If I can just re-calibrate the ----- to align with the ----- we can achieve maximum ------"

>Character has to complete some hard task
>tries plan #1
>it backfires horribly
>tries several more plans
>the consequenses of plan #1 keep biting him in the ass even when it's logically impossible
>plan #1 becomes a lowkey B-plot

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>When the villains are friends with each other and would go out to have fun, doing mundane things that contrasts their previous evil actions.
This too, feels good to see another side of a bad guy.

>futuristic setting
>Banger rock and roll music is considered classical music.

>Male character is fully naked multiple times.
>Female character is never naked since female nudity isn't allowed.

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> Masked character gets unmasked
> Underneath is another, identical mask

Also works for sunglasses. Bonus points if the sunglasses are removed for dramatic effect, revealing the second pair of sunglasses underneath, and the person puts the first pair back on afterwards.

>Side character is as good as/possibly better than MC
>Side character despite their talent dies to spare the MC
>MC never forgets side character

Lick My Ass is a fucking banger fuck what you heard. I heard they getting Cardi B on the remix

>Kids do something irresponsible
>Mom scolds them
>Dad encourages it/asks how it went

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what has this happened in?

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There are plenty of songs that were considered pop trash in their time that are considered classics now.

Shit, the guy who MADE Careless Whisper considers it a mindless pop song and hates the fact that it's his enduring legacy as an artist.

>character A has character B at their mercy
>Tears into their actions or mistakes with righteous fury
>character B doubles down on being petty about it as possible
Doesn't matter if it's villains vs hero, hero vs villain, villain vs villain, or hero vs hero.
Often satisfying, always funny.

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user, you act as if every song from the 1950's is considered a classic.
Sure, the good ones might be somewhat remembered, but who considers the Chordette's Lollipop song to be classic?
It's a bit of corny fun, but no one is requesting it be played in theaters. No one would pay top dollar to go see musicians perform Lollipop

Isn't that song remembered 100% for having one of the few good sax bits in a song
If you play a sax, you have to know that, pick up the pieces, Pink Panther, Yakety Sax, Tequilla and Baker Street
No other sax pieces matter
Maybe epic sax guy if you want to meme

>character A turns away from character B to leave, sometimes having slammed the door on them or something similar
>They're right there on the other side

Bonus points if the character is notably startled.

>Character is gay
>Their sexuality isn't their identity and they don't go out of their way to try and flirt with every single attractive heterosexual hero needlessly

>Popular and hot playboy goes on to have a daughter.
>Knowing how he used to operate he now has to come to terms with having an attractive daughter and all of her potential suitors as penance for loving and leaving so frequently

>Protagonists/antagonists have children who are miniature versions of their parents most notable traits with inverted character designs

>Leader has conflict with rebel character
>Rebel bucks at authority but has a heart of gold which always wins out in the end

>Gender swap episode

>movie or episode ends with completely surprised character and it just cuts there

Beats dancing party Ending by a mile

Whenever a character (Man, woman, child, old, human, creature) rightfully rampages

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the big group shot

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Weirdness for the sake of it

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>spoiled rich girl
>actually likeable and supportive towards the protagonist

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>Someone tosses something
>Cat screech and glass breaking

I always wonder about that cat. It must have been dead for 50+ years by now.

>Someone is pissed off at another character and storms out of the room
>A 3rd character consoles the 2nd character by saying "aww, he'll get over it"
>1st character yells in the background "NO I WON'T"

Bonus points if they take advantage of sound distance effect.

I fucking love humor that takes advantage of environment and I feel it's pretty underutilized.

Of course. That was kino. Thanks, OP

>When you think about Lassie,Flipper,Free Willy,Bengie,Sassy,Shadow and Chance,That cat from Hocus Pocus and all the other animal stars that are dead by now.

It hurts.

>Antagonist is conflicted about his actions and otherwise has redeemable qualities

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At least Willy died free.

I've recently wanted a subversion of this trope where the character has intentionally fucked up their facial features as some sort of commitment to anonymity.

>series start with protagonist opening doors and going out on the adventure
>final episode shows protagonist going back home and closing doors after them
it's so nice, it always makes me feel warm and comfy

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"classical" music is a designation for a very specific period in western music that's long since passed and that they can't then be apart of. to be a "classic" is altogether different. confusing the two demonstrates ignorance on part of the creator or the reader, whichever is applicable here since you didn't mention the book
this better be bait
tupac, nwa and the like will stand the test of time because they had substance, as social commentary, if nothing else - in essence, they produced art. gucci gang and lil pump are strictly kitsch, they have nothing to say. and aside from pairing a song of theirs with a memorable to-be-retro dance, nobody is going to know those names in 100 years
prehistoric is also a very precise time period, but this is a more accurate sentiment. algorithms and computers have been changing the way music is produced and the way it sounds for decades and will likely continue to do so as the technology becomes cheaper and more accessible. that we're becoming more and more global and multicultural, that we're no longer connected to physically producing sound and that the formal rules of western music are increasingly less important to production as technology becomes more accessible to people without any training or skill in playing an instrument, and soon with the wide advent of algorithmic "ai" composition software, the music we listen could be radically different in many ways, eventually justiftying an altogether new paradigm
in some ways pop music will always be pop music. it's purpose isn't appreciation, it's to dance to. it's constrained for that reason to relatively simple time signatures, and though we may become more articulate polyrhythmic dancers in the future, to be widely appealing and easy to follow, pop music would be slow to follow. it can be all other sorts of weird, but the whole point is that anybody can tap their foot to it
Lick Me In The Ass. also Lick My Ass Nice and Clean

>Character does a THEY LIVE glasses scene moment

Are there any cartoons or comics that do this?

I like this a lot.

Is an actual fetish of mine

>Character gets grabbed by a giant hand
>A squeaky toy noise plays.

>Character is sneaking
>Squeak noises with each step

I think that as time goes on, there will be less and less artistic endeavors that will be remembered long term. Just because its so saturated and accessible to create.

Same, man, I love wealthy spoiled chicks who're actually nice.

>absurdly far future of far post-apocalyptic setting
>technology/ celebrity/ something mundane in general is considered a God and worshipped
Give me examples, Yea Forums, I need it.

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it wasn't released as Lick My Ass, it was censored as Let Us Be Glad. we only found out about it's original lyrics in the 90's. it's not really a noteworthy piece, but people certainly still listen to it.
classics =/= classical
plenty of people remember john coltrane, wayne shorter, coleman hawkins, charlie parker, stan getz. you should be ashamed that you're not one of them.
i don't know, while it'll be harder to get your artistic endeavor noticed in a sea of amateur dance garbage, the ones that do break through will stand in high contrast to the background noise

Something similar
>characters fight
>one decides to go away
>slams the door
>some second of silence
>he comes back
>actually, this is my home, YOU go away.

Or any other subvertion like when they accidentally enter the closet.

the kings in fallout new vegas

In Futurama the mutants workship an unexploded nuclear missle, and they aren't even that religious about it.

On a more serious note, it's a pretty heavy plot point in the Findationntrilogy, where a character preserves nuclear power plants transforming they maintenance in a religion.

The Futurama thing was a joke from the Planet of the Apes films where the underground mutants worship a missile.

Might have to look into the security business so I can work for one and protect that smile
>Character A argues with a character B
>Character B leaves area
>Character B comes back, only to demand/grab/ask for a personal possession back

>town is comprised of floating magic islands
oh yeah love me some of that.

>it wasn't released as Lick My Ass, it was censored as Let Us Be Glad. we only found out about it's original lyrics in the 90's. it's not really a noteworthy piece
It was in the movie Amadeus???

>old guy in the group of heroes/warriors beats up a bunch of bad guys
>says "I still got it!" afterwards

Even better
>Post apocalyptic setting becomes a fantasy setting which implies that magic is just radiation that can be manipulated by organic lifeforms.

>Hero needs desperate assistance
>Is suddenly saved
>Looks up to see their mundane parent/parental figure using anything and everything in their power to save their baby boy/girl

I like when characters you don't expect do really neat things within their ability that help the hero considerably. Like Aunt May in Spider-Man 2.

>Shame on you!

>characters that used to be amazing in their prime retire
>Some of their children or younger family members join the cause of not directly take up the mantle to keep the tradition going
>New, greater evils are prevalent and pin the heroes down
>The old guard show up in their old attire and storm the field to save everyone despite being out of shape, feeble bodied and in advanced age
>Performs all of their signature techniques and does just enough to buy the new heroes a breather
>Demonstrates that though they're old that they have face down death for the greater good before and their performance incites debate on whether or not they really could have ended the conflict faster if they were in their prime

Never gets old.

What are some examples of that?
Except that one Alladdin fan theory

>hero uses his powers for "good"

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That one episode of The Angry Beavers where the dam got infested by giant ants and the beavers tried first to get some chickens to eat the ants, but the chickens turned on them and kept fucking things up constantly.

>in every consecutive scene his uniform becomes sillier and his pipe now has a pipe

>time traveller meets a person from WW1
>they refer to the war as WW1
>the characters goes world war ONE!?

>villain thinks they're smugly safe behind their barrier/bulletproof glass/magic shield whatever
>Hero slamming on it to no avail
>"he'll never get thro-"
>barrier visibly cracks as the hero continues to wail on it

>two characters swap bodies
>the voice actors each do impressions of the other rather than the voices switching over entirely

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Love this as well. Really shows how talented the voice actors are.

>Spoiled rich girl
>Is an asshole to the protagonist
>By the end of the show, she's on friendly terms with the protagonist, but still an asshole (like she'll look out for and protect you, but won't hesitate to act like a jerk about it)

>the last thing I remember is fighting in The Great War....
>Which one?

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>live action actors doing it, copying each other's mannerisms

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Like it too

>group meets "off" version of their own group that looks almost identical, but their personalities are completely opposite

>character hurts themselves or is pissed and clearly about to scream an obsenity
>cuts to several loud things in a quick montage
>cuts back to the scene with other people who were with that character looking absolutely shocked

>Characters about to have sex
>Cut to a train entering a tunnel

>> 108665315
Someone pulls off a mask, but their actual face is the same as the mask. They have 'fuck you' scrawled across their face in sharpie.

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>Every time shake threw something in ATHF

Adventure Time?

I know it happened in sonic boom what are some other shows where this happened?

>Character that is very nice and sweet is suddenly very crass and direct because they've reached their breaking point.

Norman was such a Chad in this scene, I loved it. Reminded me a lot of him refusing to apologize to Vulture even when threatened with death in Spectacular Spider-Man.

>Cut to a rocket blasting off into orbit
>Cut to an oil pump pushing in and out of the dirt
>Cut to kids in a movie theater watching a stock-footage reel of those previous scenes

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What are your favorite types of episodes. I've realized that the top 5 episodes I will ALWAYS love.
>A battle of the bands (or just a "let's form a band" in general) episode
>A baseball episode
>A rashamon episode
>A courthouse episode
>A racing episode
I honestly can't think of a version of any of these that I outright dislike and 9/10 I love them.

Halloween episodes. I loved everything spooky as a kid and one-off spooky episodes are still my favourites, to the point where I'll rewatch the Halloween episodes but not the show itself.

>A baseball episode
Not really Yea Forums related, but I don't think I've ever seen a baseball movie I haven't loved. I've never even played baseball or seen a real baseball match, but something about the movies are always just incredibly comfy and all I want from the "American Dream" package. Football movies on the other hand are always smarmy boring bullshit.

>Main girl finally gets the confidence to confess her feelings to the MC
.Barges into his room loudly proclaiming she has to tell him something important etc.
>Opens her eyes and sees him in a compromising position with her rival girl
>She runs off embarrassed/angry at him
Don't know why, but I like it



>"You okay"?
>"Yeah why"?
>"You're covered in blood"...
>"Not my blood".
>*moves away in great discomfort