Denys Cowan also returns from the original 80s series. And Lemiere is also doing some Joker story.
Denys Cowan also returns from the original 80s series. And Lemiere is also doing some Joker story.
I think we already had a thread
>Jeff Lamer
Hard pass
>hating on Lemire
Looks cool but why do they need to keep doing that large format shit. It doesn't fit in my box or on a shelf
>lemire and cowan on the question
I think I'm excited?
million dollar question
i know that feeling
I found a number of O'Neil Question books at my LCS one time relatively cheap. I'm still pissed I passed them up.
Silly user, I didn't buy no TPBs. I have the entire run on floppies!
wonder what kinda Question we will be getting in this one
Renee as Question was universally rejected and Rucka so fucked up on his plan to hijack the Question brand to keep the piece of shit Gotham Central going via making Renee Question, that it rendered her radioactive and unusable this decade.
For Christ's sake, even the artist on Final Crisis hated Renee as Question and refused to draw Renee in costume save for a single scene where it was absolutely required.
Hell, the entire stealth mandate of the Lois Lane mini seems to be to put to bed the failed experiment of Renee as Question and restore Vic as the only true Question.
No, give us Fables. Collect Fables, collect Question Annual 2 and Green Arrow Annuals 2 and 3 into that book too. Then collect Question Quarterly 1-5 and The Question Returns into another book.
Come on DC. I pay top dorrah!
On one hand, I want them re-released so they can completely redo them to include all of the shit they skipped (IE the Blue Beetle, Batman, and Green Arrow crossovers, and Question Quarterly and the various "epilogue" stories O'Neill did in the late 90s wrapping up loose ends.
On the other hand, I own all six trades so I'd rather prefer they do two companion books of the remaining unreleased material first THEN do a reissue.
convince 3000 other people to preorder and they'll do it.
Or wait until O'neil is dead to avoid paying him royalties
I don't know that many people...
You are missing some shit there:
Blue Beetle (1986) #5-7 (Vic's first post-Crisis appearance
Brave and the Bold #1-6 (another Vic/Green Arrow team-up)
Azreal #10 (Question has a cameo in it)
Showcase '95 #3 (Vic has a story in it)
Azreal Plus Question (resolves the finale fate of one of Vic's villains; the nerd who disfigured himself to gain favor with his abusive assassin dad)
LAW #1-6 (Vic is heavily featured here)
I didn't know about all these. I must commit sudoku now.
How would all this be mapped out? Where does everything fit?
I was getting them as they came out. Years before I was getting the issues themselves. Ended up finding most of them at a comic shop attached to a smokeshop. They were like two to four bucks each. I ended up putting a couple issues up on the wall in my new apartment.. then decided to paint the walls to match. Totally worth losing most of the security deposit.
Oo. Thanks. I need to hunt some of those down even as digital copies.
Last year I finally got a copy of the first appearance Ditko's original Question. Not too great quality, but it was a good price and I finally got one.
But which kind of characterizations of Vic would it be? Ditko Vic? Zen Vic? Or Conspiracy theorist Vic?
or Morrison's.. what was that crazy ideology he apllied? Spiral Dyanmics?
The only ones I'm missing in floppies are BB 5-7. I should probably consider picking up that entire run, come to think of it.
As nice as they look I'm not a fan of giant omnibuses, because they're so unwieldy. It's why I haven't bothered picking up Fourth World. But some nice trades collecting everything in reading order would be aces, COME ON, DC
You bastard
I mean, I've got them in digital format naturally, but it's more that I missed the opportunity than anything else
Post pictures please
Fables even has Batman in it so surely DC would go for it!
Which one was the Vic who could ''talk'' with the city of Metropolis?
Was Rick Veitch's version the "urban shaman"?
Oh thank god
Yeah, that was Rick Veitch's mini.
Post-Crisis Modern Question reading order
Blue Beetle #4-7 (Vic appears as himself in Blue Beetle #4 in the final pages, but doesn't appear as Question until #5)
Question #1-36
I forget where Annuals 1-2, Green Arrow Annuals #1-2, and Detective Comics Annual #1 fit in chronologically with the main series. But IIRC Green Arrow Annual #3 takes pace immediately after Question #36
Question Quarterly #1-5
Brave and the Bold #1-6 (though for a disclaimer; Vic doesn't appear until issue #2)
Azreal #10 (Vic has a cameo attending a boxing match and running into Lady Shiva)
Showcase 1995 #3
Azreal Plus Question
Question Returns (wraps up what happens with Vic's girlfriend from the main series; the special is rather reviled by fans because the artist decided to be "cute" and drew Question off-model by way of showing Vic's eyes/giving his mask eye holes to see out of)
LAW #1-6 (regresses Vic back to his pre-O'Neil visual look, but keeps his personality intact; making him the only really lucky one in this shit sandwich of a mini-series)
Question #1-6 (the Veitch mini-series with surealist painted artwork which made Vic a "street shaman"
How about one huge Question omnibus hardcover?
Thank you so much good sir.
Thick trades > omnis
Since you're so wise, what are some more places I can ogle at Lady Shiva?
good taste, I don't have a good reading list but she had a big part in Simon's Birds of Prey.
As if I needed another reason to buy those.
They look good on a shelf, but you have to watch out for gutter loss on really thick omnis, and can only comfortably read them on a table or some other flat surface. knows what's up, good solid trades are superior to big ass omnis every time.
Man, I almost forgot about 52 and Rick Veidt versions. Hope that Lemire’s incarnation is better than the boring trash Bendis is doing to him in Leviathan.
Surely Lemire will deliver.
>tfw I bought all 36 issues at my LCS for 45$, and the Quarterlies at a pawn shop with a Question figurine as well just on coincidence
You rat bastard
Urban shaman was my favorte version of the Question.
Wonder how they're gonna retcon the New 52 version. Are they just not gonna acknowledge it? That'd be kinda lame.
I fuckign hope Lemire don't retcon anything. If Bendis or Cucka retcon anything from Vic, I swear to God I will become a comic writer only to retcon their shitty SJW runs or turn their creation into fucking jokes.
the New 52 Question wasn't even Vic, it was some immortal sin wizard that everyone very quietly forgot about because it was fucking dumb.
I was talking about the urban shaman, Also, fuck new 52 Question. For real, who thought making an street level vigilante into part of some cosmic trinity was a good idea?
You want mirrion dorrah?!
mfw I have no face either
This sounds cool, and it like a much more interesting way to bring more heavy mysticism (beyond the zen stuff with Shiva and Dragon) into Vic's life. I think if Lemire brings some of that feeling from his Gideon Falls to this, it'd be a great match for Question.
Black Canary and Lady Shiva together? Wonderful.
weird...there was a comic shop attached to a smoke shop in my town too. Salem?
>it comes out in November
I cant wait brehs I'm excited
yup, Lady Shiva wants Black Canary to take her mantel. But Dinah wants something in return, her to join the BoP and hopefully learn some compassion.
Autism: the post
Here you go. Although this one's missing Batman Chronicles #22.
Any time! Personally, I'd stick to O'Neil's stuff (Question and the OG Richard Dragon), Puckett's Batgirl run and Simone's BoP V1. That's the good stuff. The rest is varying degrees of mediocre to me.
>Renee hated
>Gotham Central a shit
What is the weather like on your planet?
And I thought his Lois has Renee and Vic like how they have Jaimie and Ted as Beetles.
Damn. I am away this week visiting family. Only got pics going back to my last apartment on my phone.
Actuaslly, the Morrison one was in Multiversity.
That's cool, man!
Yeah, and the next few issues are gonna have them trying to figure out their new continuity together.
Nobody cares about your lesbian self-insert Cucka
Wait, but I thought that version of Vic’s is still a Randian with a belief in societal development through 8-color codes.
Anyways that guy doesn’t exist in the mainstream continuity.
He's in multiversity, so that is mainstream canon.
O'Neil Vic, Veitch Vic don't exist in modern mainstream canon
If I'm being honest Vic and Renee working together as co-Questions sounds like it could be a lot of fun. I enjoyed their dynamic a lot in 52.
Call me when they bring back the Randian Question, which DC will never do in the current year. The big two is lost to SJWs and won't publish anything that questions their beliefs.