Damn Kids These Days: The Comic

>Damn Kids These Days: The Comic.
>People on Yea Forums like this.

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It’s mainly the art

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I can't believe I live in an idiot universe where people attack Kingdom Come and praise Zack Fucking Snyder.

but everyone was wrong on kingdom come

I’m a nocomics pleb and for some reason this was one of the only three American comic books that I ever ended up reading. I don’t even know why I bought it, I just liked the cover. It’s stuck with me vividly to this day. Beautiful art. Shame actual comic fans hate it for not getting the characters right.

>The older generation was shown in the wrong
These brainlet memes are getting out of control

My only gripe with kingdom come is that superman was kind of an asshole. Or at least that's the way I interpreted it

He was. And so was Wonder Woman.
In fact, Mark Waid has even said he regrets how Kingdom Come has influenced their depiction over the years.

If superman was written as the big blue boy scout who is always positive and optimistic you know, in charcater he would be a better foil for the edgy grimdark 90s heroes in kingdom come.

Come on mark, you had one job.

I thought that the state of the world finally breaking the spirit of the man of steel was powerful.

Sure yeah I can see that. I liked how he had the projection of smallville farm in the fortress of solitude (I think, it's been a minute since I read KC).

Lex Luthor brain washing captain marvel really made me hate Lex. He took advantage of a naive and scared young boy/man to only further his agenda, what a piece of shit.

Bruce Wayne ordering steak at the restaurant made me kek at the end

Mark Waid turned this Superman into a pussy who gives up cause zoomers suck at being heroes and he bangs WW for the reminder of his days instead of actually saving people.

We need more boomer comics

Zooming heroes discouraged Superman and made the future look like shit. As always zoomers ruin everything.

Yeah but they're both in the wrong, it's kind of explicit.

Oh no superman had an actual character conflict and had to learn from a mistake how awful.

>Mark Waid has even said he regrets how Kingdom Come has influenced their depiction over the years.
Much like Alan Moore regrets how people saw Watchmen as inspiration instead of a warning.

Creatively comics are really stupid a lot of the time.

Most of the people on Yea Forums claiming Kingdom Come is bad are mainly people upset at Waid for his sperging over Comicsgate.

>it’s politics shit
Should have guessed. Kingdom Come is fucking based as an AU.

Oh no Superman is a retard boomer and fails at being a superhero, how good.

So what Superman story do edgy kids hate the most, KC or "What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?"?

Waid is an onions chugger

Yes, unironically. The old guard is as flawed as the new guard, and only through growth, partnership and working together between the two parties could they forge a better tomorrow.

Edgy kids hate American Alien and that Landis issue of Superman Adventures too. It's sad how society has decided to embrace nihilism and reject thoughtful stories.

As an actual moral nihilist who loves boyscout, hopeful supes, these idiots give nihilism a bad name.

>American Alien and that Landis issue of Superman Adventures too.
Those were edgy as fuck. Landis is a hack.

It’s way better than Watchmen. Watchmen doesn’t even have real Superheroes.