You were supposed to be a light in my miserable life Disney

You were supposed to be a light in my miserable life Disney

I would sit down in front of the VCR and watch your movies all day

Even the mediocre ones like Oliver & Co, Extremely Goofy Movie and Return of Jafar because I loved them so much

I would beg my parents to go to Disneyland everytime

I would buy all your merchandise, your buzz lightyear toys, your mickey mouse comics, your Bug's Life video games

When I was sad, I would just turn on Disney Channel and have fun watching Talespin and the Little Mermaid series

You made me forget all the problems I had in school or in my family

I loved you Disney, I LOVED YOU

What went wrong Disney, WHAT ???!!!!

Please tell us, TELL ME, your FRIEND

You are not well Disney, you need help

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Extremely Goofy Movie
user, it seems like you're the one that needs help.

you can like something even if it's mediocre

>Reddit spacing

>everything i don't like is reddit

Grow up

Trust me, I love the wholesome Toy Story movies and now they're putting lesbians in them :'(

The virgin channer fear the Chad redditor

???? I didn't see any dykes in toy story 4

That’s why it’s BLINDsiding

>Line breaks are Reddit

Cry more you whiny bitch

You offered them too much power, and they took too much power. Disney was always low-key sinister, now they're just worse at hiding it.

They play the notes that work well with the era they live in, if they happened to align with your childhood experiences that's fine, but it was never promised that it would stay that way. Integrity was not the name of the game, they were just serving the flavor of the week and you liked it.

Let them burn
I'm just going to pretend I didn't see this same way I didn't see Toy Story 4.
It doesn't exist.
There was that scene in Kingdom Hearts, that was the only Toy Story media to come out this year.
Toy Story 4 is an evil made-up myth, like the boogie-man, or politicians.

They are when they happen after literally every sentence.

You just outed yourself r*dditor

I mean, a lesbian couple whatever, but having them fully scissoring each other fully nude in the center of the scene was just gratuitous.

[citation needed]

So its true, Yea Forums is about 2 years behind in meme culture.

How did Pixar get away with that?

>I love Disney soo much


No one dares to go against Pixar.

>Being unironically a hardcore fan of Disney

Attached: 617261_1481111457321_500_281.jpg (500x281, 82K)

>Return of Jafar


Everyone remembers stand out from Goofy movie but what was the name of that school shooter sounding song Max was singing near the beginning?
I remember someone mentioning it in the goofy movie thread a while back but that shit still fucks me up

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

The joke

It's stuff for kids. Time to work in an office and earn a living, my bitch

The death scene was pretty spooky.

It's an old meme, I mean that pic or some variant has been circulating for a pretty long time.

>trying to imitate your older brother when he's trying to imitate a grownup
Needs work.

Same ol' story, either you die the hero or you live long enough to be the villain.


I've been sending redumés for three years but no one would hire me

is this complaining about anything specifically or what