Spider-Man: Life Story #5 Preview

We all called it

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God, the inheritors are just so fucking lame. Spiderverse crossovers are fun, but if we have to do the fucking spider-soul-sucking vampires every time, just forget it.


I bet the one fan he has here is jumping for joy right now.

So I guess the 9/11 reference on the cover was unintentional? I mean this starts in 2006. Also I really hope the whole Morlun plot doesn’t distract from Civil War.

I don't think it's "unintentional" so much as just meant to be topical, given Spidey never webbed helicopters to 'Nam either.

Though if this is 2006 and Morlun was always multiverse hopping that makes me wonder if this is the same Morlun from 616 still pooping his pants about the prospect of facing 616 Peter again.

I hope Morlun references 616. If not now, then hopefully next issue does Spider-Verse and we get to see this Peter meet his 616 counterpart.

>if this is the same Morlun from 616
Canonically, there's only one Morlun, so yes.

He has at least two.

......user,I don't feel so good...I don't want to...

Well sooner or later there'll be more than one. Everytime they try to introduce a character as a Multiversal anomaly they always buckle down and say there are multiple.

Nate Grey for one.

It makes absolutely no sense for there to be only one Morlun. Absolutely nothing Slott wrote about Morlun made any fucking sense. Its such a shame, because Morlun's first story was amazing.

So what happens to the Gwen clone

Huh so Spider-Man was the hero who'd die instead of Captain America.
I wonder how will his dead spark the civil war.

Man MJ didn’t age well, holy shit. Was it the stress and cigarettes?

Stark taking over his company and people coming out of retirement.

This is the last issue of the run right?

There's still the 2010s

She looks pretty good for a smoker in her 60s



Getting some Mayday vibes with Claire.

>first thought is that Iron Man is gonna steal his company

If she's Peter's age, she's only like 59. She doesn't turn 60 until 2007.

He saw what Stark caused, so I'm not surprised.

The problem with Inheritors is you can't do ANYTHING intetesting with them. It's always the same shtick, basically vampire terminators that slay random universe Spider-Men for sake of shock value. They have no personality, no nuance, all they do is killing and being evil. It's so fucking basic.

Even if the first Morlun story isn't bad (I don't think it's one of the all time greats or anything, but it definitely doesn't rank as bad) it already made him look one note and uninteresting by the end ("please I'm just hungry no bully"). The Other was a shitshow and everything after basically kept that level.

this is Original Morlun, not Inheritor Morlun.

So he should have a few dozen fans at least.

616 Stark would do it and he's not as bad as the stark in this timeline. If anything he's underestimating Tony.

How many hot 59 year olds going on 60 have you come across?

Yeah, all that we've seen of this version of Stark is that he never had the epiphany that 616 Tony did. Life Story Stark ramped up his involvement in wars and things went crazy over time.

I'm amazed Stark is still alive. I assumed he drank himself to death.
But where's Captain America?

>old man Ben yelling at goths

I would seriously LOVE it if one of the Spider People just outright killed them to the horror of the others, but gives a big UTTERLY FRUSTRATED speech that shuts them all up.

Seriously, no more turning them into fucking babies or trapping them in other dimensions are that nonsense, but outright murdering them.

>"How many times has this happened HOW MANY!? Not once, not twice, !@#$, not even three times. This has happened FOUR DAMN TIMES and I'm SICK of it!"

So basically Otto kills them?

Ironically the Spider-Geddon shitshow gave us a good Morlun story by completely taking the wind out of Morlun's sails in his solo mini against Peter. He loses his dignity dressed in ridiculous outfits and is just an exhausted, exasperated man having the ultimate showdown with the one guy in the entire multiverse who consistently eludes him, and it makes him so mad it becomes comical.

By removing his defining trait, his implacability, but leaving his other characteristics intact he actually becomes entertaining.

At this point. No, he's had his chances already (in fact, I think he DID try to kill them once, but was shut down by the other spiders). Him FINALLY doing it now wouldn't have as much impact for me.

Maybe a new Spider Person who lost everyone close to them because of The Inheritors. So, they tell them all asking why none of them thought to just kill them.

>"Did NONE of you think about just killing them?"
>Doc slowly raises his hand

After their speech, they tell all the Spider People (leaving Doc Oc specifically) to !@#$ off and jumps back to their world, never wanting to see them again.

you forget Otto wasn't alone in wanting to kill the Inheritors

>The spiders got so high on their farts of responsibility towards others that they neglected their responsibility to themselves and those like them, and that causes innocent people to be slaughtered
Would be an interesting take.

Oh yeah, that was a fun one. It was the one with them fighting in a zoo and Peter just...bombarding him with tranquilizers.

Yeah, that was a really fun story. Then when Peter FINALLY gets back home to get some sleep, Gwen comes to get him and he marches on like a champ.

So is Cap still alive in this universe?

I’d assume Cap is a war criminal after turning against the US during Vietnam. The only other time we’ve seen him in this universe was on the 2-page clusterfuck of characters that showed Secret Wars in the 1980s issue, and he didn’t have any dialogue and wasn’t mentioned by anyone else.

And Tony is a cunt who has committed many war crimes.

I assume he is, on account of Civil War.

616 Stark was going to take over Wakanda Design when BP bankrupted it in order to stop Killmonger. Totally in character, he's a businessman after all.

So Peter's gonna die, and in a way that makes Tony realize what a monster he's been his whole life, but he's poisoned the well because in this universe the change came too late and nothing he does can fix the horrible events he personally set in motion. That will be for the next generation of heroes led by Peter's kids, who Tony finances as the New Avengers.

Yeah but Tony didn’t commit treason. At least, we’re left to assume he didn’t.

I don't think Peter's gonna die, there's still one more issue to go.

Look she’s a former smoker whose husband was estranged from her for a decade doing one of the most dangerous jobs on earth. She looks good for the stress she dealt with

Yeah, it's why specifically I'd like it to be a fresh faced Spider Person to kill The Inheritors for good.

Say, earlier in the story, they're dragged into all of this after all their friends and entire family are killed by The Inheritors. Early in the story, in overhearing the many conversations between the Spider people, they hear 616 Spider-Man mention having stopped them before. they hear that The Inheritors have been "stopped" before.

>"Wait, stopped? You tried killing them before?"
>"No. Stopped. As in NOT killing. We don't do that and we aren't starting now."
>New Spider Person goes absolutely ballistic on 616 Spider-Man
>"You're telling me that you've had chances to kill them before and didn't?! My entire family is DEAD because of you!"
>Other Spider People restrain them
>"My friends! Everyone I cared about! They're dead because you couldn't get over yourselves?!"

Then near the end of the story, when they're seemingly going to trap/imprison/"redeem" them again, this new Spider Person kills them in a way that makes it definitive that they're dead and not coming back. They tell them all off that because of their lack of compromise hundreds of Spider People and innocent bystanders are dead because of them.

Mission accomplished, they go back through their portal home, but not before telling off all the Spider People who decided being the bigger person was more important than saving lives.

All this talk of Cap and Tony makes me wonder how Civil War will be different. Tony seems to be more business man than Iron Man, and Cap is hiding in some foreign country for all we know - I’m sure the US wouldn’t be so eager to let him return from Vietnam after committing treason. And Civil War began after a mutant blew up an elementary school iirc, but we haven’t seen mutants in this universe yet. What do you guys think will happen?

From the look of it civil war has been going on since the 60s. And has there even been any talks of mutants in any of the books? Only time we’ve seen them was in the splash page fighting the secret war

>but we haven’t seen mutants in this universe yet.
We did though, in the 80's issue. The X-Men were there. Plus Reed was talking about the proliferation of Mutants in the 70's issue.

Must have missed those references. I want to re-read the other issues before Wednesday anyway, so I’ll keep an eye out for those.

Reed's comment was really brief, he brought it up as an example of why they need to be careful about how superhumans affect the world.

Wait, so what happened to Helen, Gwen’s clone? Did she stay with Ben? If so and they had kids then those kids are probably fucked.

We’ll see about it, we didn’t see Gwen last time we saw Ben in Chicago and as of this point the kids have shown no signs of super powers

We'll have to see if Zdarsky brings her up. I'd err on him doing so since Otto was missing for the Battleworld issue but he explained he and May broke up.

This is referening jms' coming home story arc, not slott's spiderverse inheritors stuff, don't worry about it

They haven't shown her since the 70's issue, probably in this issue, maybe?

If anybody would do it it would be Ben or Kaine, or Miguel

So it turns out this entire "Spider-Man: Life Story" mini-series was all done to lay out the backstory of one of the billion Spider-Mans that participated in Spider-Verse??
(Or will participate in the Spiderverse movie/PS4 game sequel...)

Pretty sure if that was ever to be done somehow it'd be either Kaine or Miggy. Ben was dragged with too much shit after the Slottening to risk more backlash.

thanks for the 10 years of life peter

So, huh, Peter, I know letting Ben have the company was a bro move and all

But maybe, just maybe, you should've told him about Ezekiel's warning too?

Nah. Cap knows the laws hard enough that any attempt to actually call him a war criminal would result in the people attempting to kangaroo court him getting convicted instead. Only a complete idiot would attempt that.