Why are some many good modern cartoons ruined by ship faggotry?

Why are some many good modern cartoons ruined by ship faggotry?

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Relationships are a mainstay of life, incel.

Margaret best girl

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Nu uh

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>Rigby looked happier and more content in mid-life than Mordecai
Greatest show finale there ever was

We are not watching Bad Girls Club we do not give a shit about you wanting a blue jay getting with a cloud

Because writers don't like writing healthy consistent relationships for some reason
Despite them being great for making fun duos

CJ was clearly the better choice.

Because shipping gives the fanbase something to talk abou/draw art of, ergo giving the show more exposure, ergo more money

They can't. Every modern romance subplot is the same stupid unrealistic garbage.

This. You'll never see a relationship develop from crush to passion to life-long bond. Because the will they/won't they trope is what writers think keeps audiences coming back for more. As opposed to good writing.

Ship faggotry was really the only thing Star Vs had going for it after season 2, and by the end it consumed the show completely.

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>Posts Regular Show
>doesn't post Adventure Time

But Adventure Time was never good.

>went nuts several times
>""""""better choice"""""""

Shipping was the least of Adventure Times problems. The problems were there, beneath the surface, from the very first season and only grew after Ward left.

To be fair, healthy long term relationships are becoming less and less common. Not even just in the case of romantic relationships ether. A lot of these people are likely writing from experience.

Only girls and faggots like relationship drama. Which one are you?

Because the show was supposed to be bro adventures in everyday work with the regular monster/space demon trying to conquest the world. Adding girls to the formula just ruined the show, not only that, but since CJ you would have to watch it continiously to catch the ongoing plot, otherwise you would be lost

TFW close enough never ever

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adventure time

Because romance is a good/easy way to get viewers/loyal fans


>Because the show was supposed to be bro adventures in everyday work
Right, and bros have to interact with women eventually faggot or how to balance the bro-life with your love-life.

Learning a bit about relationships might make you no longer incel.

Bait harder retard

Legend of Korra was ruined for other reasons but the relationships definitely didn't help.

>regular show
>the intro and premise points to bros just being bros
>all the best episodes are just rigby and mordecai doing dumb shit together
>it devolves into mordecais shitty love life
Make me wanna off myself holy shit. Its upsetting how every show needs romance in it to some capacity these days.

Why does a show need romance at all?

From what I recall she only went nuts on him specifically during her intro and then she resigned herself in only going apeshit on antagonists.

The fact she didn't turn into a fucking tornado when Mordecai went full sperg at MMs wedding says a lot

Reigned herself in*

The problems went from 0 to 60 in about three episodes when the new runners showed how much they hate Finn. The shipping was a large part of that.

I'm married and I think relationship drama makes most things worse. For example Spider-man 2 sucks because of the Peter MJ bullshit

unironically was actually handled good
while Rigby got his girl, mordecai decided to focus more on himself and figured the right girl would come along on her own. he stopped being a spineless bitch and grew up same with rigby
I think Regular show's ending was perfect, everyone moved on with their lives and despite Mordecai ending up with some literally who basically shows that the right girl will never come the first time, it was handled better than Adventure time basically since birdbro learned from his mistakes

>learning about relationships by watching cartoons
I imagine who's behind this post...

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>watching cartoons for the relationships
You don't sound like you have a relationship user; and no, discord dms aren't a relationship.

Because of weeb culture


Do you think Mordecai and Rigby still had a decent love life with their wives during the war despite them being twenty five years younger?

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More the Star cucking saga really. That was worth some laughs

>he doesn't want to be cucked by Star

Retarded fans began running the asylum.

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Shipping generally has a vocal audience that’s not easy to ignore, if you looked at Deviantart or iCarly’s fanbase then you’d already know this

I believe it’s because of how creators of the show begin to realize that the shipping sides of a fanbase is easy to pander towards and how they would eat anything up (I.E seddie from iCarly)