Blue Marvel

Is this guy worth reading into? He looks pretty cool

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>blackface superman
Not really.

his rival looks much cooler

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Most of his recent stuff is by Ewing so sure. Start with Ultimates(2015)

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>All black except for our special snowflake carol

His original mini was all about how a black Superman would be the victim of racism.

And otherwise, he is basically Reed Richards.

Galactus is black?

He's a alien.

Behold Balactus

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His original mini is pure trash and you could only like it if you're a black teen who's into battle shonen. Then I think he only showed up in one of those backup minis in Fear Itself (which is completely forgettable), and then Ewing got a hold of him in Mighty Avengers first and Ultimates later and basically made him a good character worth getting into.

Mighty Avengers, Ultimates and Ultimates2

Chavez isn't black, she's just a hyper advanced other-dimensional entity that larps as a latino person.

Don't bother with Mighty Avengers, it's really a bore and has fucking Greg Land for art. Ultimates and Ultimates 2 are much better.

He is actually cool.
Ignore the dipshitty racism.

She's Italian?

He doesn't really have any good stories of his own, but he's in some decent books. Blue Marvel needs way more character development.

>supreme negro power fantasy
I don’t know why anyone would be interested, unless they were a negro themselves.

She is as italian as she is mexican


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he's 100% autismo, it'd be like a Mr. Terrific story where they have to drag him out of his lab kicking and screaming every time there's an adventure

Suffers from original sin. The idea of a Superman tier hero who was supposedly the face of heroism for decades but was forced to retire because muh racism, and has LITERALLY NEVER BEEN MENTIONED SINCE is fucking retarded. At least with Sentry (who's kinda the opposite, a cool idea but horrible execution) they explained why his existence was forgotten by anyone. Blue Marvel was supposed to be some guy the entire world knew but never talked about.

>He doesn't really have any good stories of his own, but he's in some decent books. Blue Marvel needs way more character development.
I liked his arc with his son in Mighty Avengers.

It makes him seem like a huge bitch really. Imagine the good a black Superman could do during the 60's/70's. But nah, he retires like a whiny baby.

No. She is literally an alien from another universe that isn't even part of the Marvel multiverse proper.

She simply appropriated 'latinx' culture for herself because she liked it.

>Literally be the country where Latin actually originates
>Literally be the country where the Latin people used to live
>But not be considered 'Latino'

Latinos can be black

Not really.

I want to argue with you but I was a black teen who was into battle shonen...Still think you're wrong though

>The idea of a Superman tier hero who was supposedly the face of heroism for decades but was forced to retire because muh racism, and has LITERALLY NEVER BEEN MENTIONED SINCE is fucking retarded.
Is it really that retarded when it happens in real life?

They are latin, but yes, sure, they would be considered latinos, it's just that latineuropeans never catched on, currently only some old people in portugal, spain and italy call themselves latinos, and no one does in france, in europe is just more usually to say "meds".

people were already turning the hoses on black people back then. if the thought of superpowered blacks game up during the civil rights era anti black sentinels would be here now

They're not?

Police hosing people =/= squadrons of government funded nigger killer death bots descending on the ghettoes. Hell, if that happened it would probably help the movement more.

A black superhero would do wonders for public image and turning the average person towards the civil rights movement.

while opinions of him vary, i like that he was the only character in all of the marvel universe that called out the illuminati for their stupidity during the build up to secret wars.

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>A black superhero would do wonders for public image and turning the average person towards the civil rights movement.
Given what happened to athletes I'm not sure why you'd think that beyond naivety.

>A black superhero would do wonders for public image and turning the average person towards the civil rights movement.
Exactly. The civil right movement was won by athletes not on the streets.

And most definitely this. I'm hoping the Ultimates gets adapted in the MCU so we get to see these really bizarre villains and opponents like the Infinaut, Anti-Man, the Shaper's Ghost, Logos... Maybe too abstract for the regular audiences however.

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>Given what happened to athletes I'm not sure why you'd think that beyond naivety.
They went on tv, got the chance to talk in favor of the civil right movement and got people on their side.

>They went on tv, got the chance to talk in favor of the civil right movement and got people on their side.
They got thrown in jail and criticized for daring to get "political" and acting "Un-American"

>The civil right movement was won
Oh we're just spouting bullshit then. Okay.

>people don't like my shitty Donut Steel self-insert

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And then... they went into tv shows to talk more.

Taking into the void is really great and useful.

>Taking into the void is really great and useful.
It was useful. And the civil rights movement won.


Yeah, and then Black Panther shut him down.

Are you retarded?

Won what?

He really is. The guy goes full Dr. Manhattan in Ewing's Ultimates.

Integrated education, no salary discrimination based on race, equal rights, etc.

Can't you see Galactus in the background?
>You could only like it if you're a black teen who's into battle shonen
Not a black man but sound good for me.

We don't have those things though. We just say we do.

It's exploring the topic of racism done right.



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>And otherwise, he is basically Reed Richards.
He's Black Tom Strong, if anything.

IIRC the idea was that he was publicly active very briefly and never really publicly fought ultra-powerful enemies, so most people remember him as a short-lived flying brick

What I want to know is how he got his outfit.


Ah. Tom Strong is a bit of a lacune in my comics' knowledge.

>Ah. Tom Strong is a bit of a lacune in my comics' knowledge.
basically, Doc Savage as superhero instead of a pulp hero.
(yeah, not that much of difference)
Got a family, went adventuring with them, etc.