First section. Look at the democrats. Byrd was a leader and best friends with clintons. They both attendeed his funeral and made speeches about how great a man he was. Entire list is democrats pretty much.
Even biased hate groups like splc state only a few thousand members since the 20s. Fbi have lower numbers and virtually no activity from them for decades.
They are a boogeyman for media to trot out and label people they dislike. People stopped caring, so alt right, white nationalists and nazi have become their evil labels for the masses over the last few years.
Meanwhile, real hate groups with growing memberships and international funding, like blm and antifa, stage violent attacks nationwide and receive no media attention. Superman vs the klan wouldnt even be relevant upon his creation. The klan had pretty much disappeared and diminished in numbers to be irrelevant by that time.
>like blm blm is about making the police give the same respect to the white they give to white (i.e., not been shot on sight) it's literally the opposite of an hate group >antifa You know it only exists because white-supremacists and neo-Nazi have been literally marching down the streets, right?
>You know it only exists because white-supremacists and neo-Nazi have been literally marching down the streets, right? Imagine how absolutely delusional you have to be to believe this shit
>Shitpost on the internets while slowly transforming yourself into a socially outcast, repugnant creature incapable of siring another generation. Good plan.
>Also BLM is very much a hate group, fuck you No, it isn't. it's about not getting shot by the police at first sight and having their civil right respected.
Cooper Allen
And its this mentality that makes everyone hates you entitled niggers so much, hypocitical racists to the end who wants special privileges or cry oppression when they dont get it
Mason Hughes
Id rather have my identity then be a conformist sheep like yourself, there is no dignity in being a slave driven by white guilt Yes, it is, its about niggers bitching because some fat racist ape rightfully got what was coming to him
Adrian Evans
Don't argue with /pol/-tards someone posted this exact thread on /pol/ and asking /pol/ to raid Yea Forums
Cooper Brown
Why even bother? Yea Forums is a fucking toilet
Eli Cox
>wh*tes hypocritically claim special privileges for hundreds of years >suddenly blacks are out of line when they try to take their turn Your tax money is going to make the black race strong.
Juan Ortiz
Last couple months we've had a falseflagger post on /pol/ every once in a while asking for a raid on Yea Forums. I don't think it's an actual /pol/ poster but just someone against Yea Forums for some strange reason
Ryder Williams
The problem won't stop untilvthe mainstream news stops defending them desu, Trump is sure to be reelected and the cycle will begin a new
Elijah Russell
Jew here, even when folks on the left or right don’t want me to play in their reindeer games, I’m gonna be on the side where people wearing swastikas and that fucker with the frog pin are decked.
Jaxon Sanchez
See, this isnt about equality, its about revenge for perceived mistreatment, with this attitude you niggers will never fully integrate and be accepted. You think i like cops? Fuck no, there all dickheads even to white people, this isnt just a problem with blacks you self centered faggot.
Kevin Fisher
>I’m gonna be on the side where people wearing swastikas and that fucker with the frog pin are decked. Hope you like having your testicles metaphorically clipped off when your privileged gets checked every five minutes, ally cuck.
>More excuses. Typical wh*te, playing the victim. Im playing the victim? Are you really that dense you projecting retard? The term dindu nuffin didnt come from no where.
Adam Wilson
It's weird how anyone can be upset at OP for making this thread, but not DC for pushing this trash.
Ian Green
Why are you putting an asterisk in the word white?
Samuel Cooper
Because the nigger is racist and thats his way of insulting other races
BLM is a hate movement and nothing you say can change the facts nigger user
>dindu nuffin Typical wh*te projection. Three hundred years of racist violence against blacks and then you turn around and say you did nothing wrong, owe nothing for what was done. I just hope your dying race sticks around long enough to pay back a sliver of what you owe.
Nathan Thomas
So it's like using @ on Yea Forums instead of directly quoting? It still accomplishes the same thing but one shows how immensely butt blasted you are.
Henry Davis
What's trash?
Hating racism isn't trash.
Jason Hill
Its an adaptation of a historically significant Superman Radio Play that actually drove down membership in the Klan, being drawn by Gurihiru. I’d say this is gonna be a fun book even if its gonna be mostly youth marketted.
Michael Turner
Because I'm roleplaying a black nationalist, and I'm trying to make it really obvious that it's a shitpost.
John Hughes
My ancestors were too poor to own slaves. Do I need to pay reperstions too?
Ryder Howard
>i-its not about revenge >then proceeds to rant about revenge We are the victim here, and this belidgerant attitude will make co racial living impossibly until niggers like you suck it up and shut up and be civil
>mfw these are the people calling for a purge Lmao
Brody Taylor
No, you just need to realize your true enemy are the Antebellum LARPing bourgeoisie in their country clubs and the remnants of plantations that want poor and dwindling middle class whites and blacks to hate one another that it furthers their plans to restore their god given dominion in the american south.
Nolan Sullivan
One homeless guy could wander in there and beat the shit out of all of them. And they'd post for months about the Deep-State funded Antifa shock-troops that overwhelmed their valiant defiance.
Robert Morales
I'm sorry, but I can't see how this will end up being anything other than a storytime of pain. If you're going for the "it's le historically important" angle, then this terrible art style is even less justifiable, and doesn't fit the comic at all. But in all likelihood, this is going to try to be some sort of social commentary on modern times, when the Klan hasn't been relevant in decades... most likely not since anyone working on this comic was even born.
Mason Williams
gumball threads get deleted faster than this
Justin Bailey
yeah I can't believe people are mad about basement-dwelling losers crying over people being mean to racists and not DC for being mean to racists
Hunter Myers
Hey, I did my part, the Mods are clearly either asleep or giving few fucks. Nice trips tho.
Luis Nelson
Dont play coy, you know this is going to be another “anyone who voted for trump is literally the klan” wankfest
Carson Edwards
This isn't marvel
Aaron Young
another angry Nascar American thread
Joseph Gray
With bendis on board DC is becoming just as awful as SJW marvel