Superman smashes the klan in October, would you read it?.
Superman smashes the klan
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Superman is too good for smashing someone, he would arrest them like he did with Hitler and Stalin
Is this an adaptation of the radio play?
I honestly would if the style didn't look so god awful, like who drew this shit and thought it be good as an anti-racism comic. If anything the art should look near God level and the writing needs to be crisp as fuck so disliking can only be valid if you are racist. But fuck me this shit is an eye sore and looks half assed, I'm half black and this makes me want to browse /pol/.
Yes it is.
Then yes.
bullshit, Stalin did nothing wrong
This style make me puke. Why can't we have a Curt Swan like style? Swan drawn the best Superman
Either bait or a hyper casual. Fuck off either way.
The sentence say he did, and Superman too. Who are you for ignoring Superman's opinion?
I like Yang, I like Superman, and the original serial is a neat little piece of history. $10 is a big ask, even though it's a lot of pages, but yeah I'm probably on board.
i love the style but i totally agree tonally it doesnt fit the story it looks like the gwenpool style
>Inb4 people start swarming the thread defending the KKK just to stick it to SJWs
You uncle Tom son of a bitch
Isn’t it the same artist with the same art style? Duh.
Superman bores me.
But the loli is cute.
That's a cute lois.
I’m a pervert. I like them 3d and legal.
Can't wait for all the butthurt /pol/fugees in the storytime thread
How badly is this going to / already is triggering /pol/?
Please, user.
So, does Superman actually smashes the Klan in this comic, or is it like Calvin&Hobbes and the girl is just imagining Superman is real to cope with her shitty life ?
Also fuck white supremacists.
Guess comicsgate won if they are doing comics attacking the democratic party now. Its so relevant using the klan, too. Theyve had about a thousand members in a country of a third of a billion for over 50 years and completely irrelevant for decades. Literally blm and antifa have more members and commit more hate crimes and assaults per year than the klan in decades. Maybe they can have superman dismantle isis next and take down rape gangs and acid attacks and muslim child killer training compounds near mexican border too.
This is the stupidest bait ever.
check the archives for the last thread on the subject
I meant in the comic, I figured she was projecting since Superman looks asian like her
Why is superman attacking federal agents? Kinda goes against his code
He's protecting a loli.
What does he know about Jeffery Epstein?
What is 99% of threads erry day?
You'd wear out your little meme if you actually gave a shit.
First section. Look at the democrats. Byrd was a leader and best friends with clintons. They both attendeed his funeral and made speeches about how great a man he was. Entire list is democrats pretty much.
Even biased hate groups like splc state only a few thousand members since the 20s. Fbi have lower numbers and virtually no activity from them for decades.
They are a boogeyman for media to trot out and label people they dislike. People stopped caring, so alt right, white nationalists and nazi have become their evil labels for the masses over the last few years.
Meanwhile, real hate groups with growing memberships and international funding, like blm and antifa, stage violent attacks nationwide and receive no media attention. Superman vs the klan wouldnt even be relevant upon his creation. The klan had pretty much disappeared and diminished in numbers to be irrelevant by that time.
Imagine getting triggered over a
While misleading hogwash, I congratulate you on putting this post together in an intelligent and organized fashion.
I want to fuck the girl
Same here.
Porn when?
All the hate crimes committed last year that resulted in death were by white supremacists.
I love this style
fucking die
>on topic threads get continued so why can't my stealth /pol/ thread get 2 days in a row!?!?!
please stay in your lane user
This art makes me sad that Maps will never be in a Batman book again or Damiens crush.
Announcing sages is also against the rules
.Adapting the radio show into comic books
>Fleischer black-shield
Double nice. Definitely gonna try and pick this up when it drops.
Really proud of this comment you had to to post it on /pol/?
>mods! Mods! he's not liking my off topic bait thread! REPORT REPORT
somehow you managed to be a bigger faggot than OP. Congrats.
I liked this one . pure carnage.
>Old hag instead of loli.
Superman wins again.
Why would I want to read about Superman disrupting a 500 member FBI honeypot?
Why would you want to (((correct the record))) in this thread? Let them "delude" themselves, rather than protest this much.
The radio show episode has plenty of historical significance.
Sorry, I'll be quiet now.
I have no idea but I imagine it refers to this
Basically Superman defeated the 1940s Klan, which was a lot bigger back then, in the real world.
I thought america was a racist shithole all through the 20th century though?
The Klan was just one aspect of racism in America, my ignorant friend.
So everyone was racist? Then how did Superman beating the klan get greenlit at all?
how dare he assault those innocent off duty cops. BACK THE BLUE
It's mostly just Deep Southerners. The unfortunate trash of the United States.
Americans need to get their narrative straight.
Does Superman fight Imperial Japan in this series too?
I mean, in one of the radio serials in the broader series this is based on he probably did.
>when your so bereft of ideas and desperate to virtue signal that you have to adapt a radio show from almost 80 years ago thinking it's topical
This almost makes the Lion King remake seem justified.
We all finally get enough people together to discuss Superman, and none of you blockheads are posting the absolute PEAK Superman material. For shame!
What's wrong with Curt Swan's style?
>he likes Deadpool MAX
Who is this nigger?
Lads, I have something to say
Fuck niggers
Pol we had created a wall between you and us, stay in your side and we will stay in ours.
>muh /pol/
sup reddit
Hell fuck redwood personally
This is a /pol/ website, if you dont like it you can always crawl back to Twitter.
It is very thematically topical. Hate crimes and bigotry has been spiking in the past two years and people are now just openly being unapologetically racist.
am i gonna have to be the one to say it first
I'd smash that loli puss.
Why is this board so triggered by racism?
Thats the only good issue of entire series.
Yea Forums is the mother site, pol col tv jp mlp vp are all childrens of the mother site
Is it just me or is she drawn similar to Helen Keller from the pregnant Confederate pics
Wow,that's not something you usually read on Yea Forums.Generally you guys defend the angry mustached guy to the death,not the commie
I know, the rioting and civil discorse spread by antifa in DC last weekend was fucking awful.
Who /racist/ here?
Tumblr and reddit invaded
Yea Forums has always been racist
I'm on the fence on whether I like them. In a few specific ways, I really like how they design their characters. There is a lot of appeal. The girls they draw also tend to be really cute. I see a lot of Bruce Timm in their work, who I love.
Still, their stuff always looks so sanitized. Like, they never have any interesting or varied linework, especially when it comes to their characters (they try harder with backgrounds and environments) and their coloring always consists of blocked flats and gradients, with rare instances of texture for noisier areas like rocks and the like. There's no interesting use of emulated mediums, no use of color shifting. Their characters tend to have very simple, rounded faces, which make all of their girls look the same and all of their men look really effeminate. They're also really unskilled when it comes to showing interesting action and gesture. It makes everything look cheap, stiff, and confusing without a good way to infer previous and following panels.
Prime example. Why is the baseball bat shattered? Did the kid swing so hard at Superman that he broke it when he struck him? Did Superman break it? Where's the action? Yes, Superman is standing there all big and imposing and they were conscious of the composition, but what the fuck happened to the bat? The composition implies nothing. Yeah, I haven't read the book, so I don't know the context, but these panels should really do a better job of communicating what happened in the panel before.
Timm also had really bad sameface, but at least he used physical media, and the imperfections of working with actual pens and papers made his stuff more interesting.
In all likelihood, I may be off base, but I'm just saying that their background is in graphic design, where flat, simple designs are king, and it really shows.
inb4 I'm called a nazi. Fuck off. Felt the exact same way about Gwenpool.
Here's a pity participant (you)
At least you tried.
So antifa didn't riot and cause civil discorse in Washington DC this weekend? Because they did.
I don't know. It's pretty weird to get triggered by a comic that says the Klan is bad.
>plebbit told me to come here and say this. I'm gonna screen shot it so all my friends can upvote it for me
How mamy years have you been at this, while accomplishing nothing but making the site even more rightwing in response to your faggotry?
Asking for a friend. :^]
back to SomethingAwful
>hate crimes
The majority of crimes are hate crimes but just hate crimes targeted at an individual level
Not a good thing
That site got cucked years ago
Its basically reddit
Yes, if you want to play semantics. Doesn't change the fact white supremacy and racist hate crimes against minorities are on the rise.
Sure. Sounds like some good old fashion superman 2 me
Do they still count when they inevitably turn out to be fake?
Feel free to hop of a building
Just like you bore nearly everyone in your life
>racist hate crimes against minorities are on the rise.
Citation Needed
The SPLC told me so.
Yea Forums was ironically racist for shock value. then some autists who couldn't understand irony took it literally and it's been all downhill from there
>Timm also had really bad sameface, but at least he used physical media, and the imperfections of working with actual pens and papers made his stuff more interesting
Stop reading right there. You biased son of a bitchl
No it's you fucking thin skinned shits that take everything seriously. You reacted more to racist jokes which escalated the whole thing
Look how fucking defensive Yea Forumsmblr is to the mere mention of criticism aimed at some one nonwhite
>implying you tumblr cunts don't get as assblasted over "ironic" racism as you do over "real" racism
The only effect this has had is making everyone more racist.
I'm not even remotely biased. I'm just saying they could do more with their work. Also, "stopped reading there" is just you admitting that you don't want to engage any of my points directly, even if you disagree and have valid counter-arguments, because you're afraid of looking stupid on an anonymous Taiwanese bullfighting bulletin board.
Grow some balls and have actual opinions, why don't you?
The government.
A black teenager was stabbed to death because a white guy felt threatened by rap music.
>Despite being 13% of the population, African Americans are responsible for 21.3% of hate crimes
>64% of ethnicity unknown
So? Blacks beat up defenseless cats for fun and put it on liveleak. They're aren't worth sympathizing with
Yeah, sure. Cute kid.
There's nothing topical about the comic's plot. I'd be more impressed if Superman fought MS-13, a gang actually known for killing people with machetes and dumping their carcasses in wooded areas.
The moderation in this thread, I didn't know the /pol/ mods did double duty on Yea Forums
I liked New Superman and those Nip trannies draw cute shit so sure
The topicality is racism which has not gone anywhere.
>Asian baseball player
So is this going to be as loose adaptation of the “Clan of the Fiery Cross” storyline from the radio show?
Gotta collect that rent somehow
Liberals and gays are far more racist than the KKK ever was. They just hide it better.
No, Baseball used to be a pretty popular American Sport. It's now enjoyed more by Hispanics and Japan. I'm assuming the Asian Kid is a Hanshin Tigers fan
Deepest lore: It's the Asian kid Superman SUPED back in the day.
>legitimate threat in any capacity
Pick one
god that boy is delicious
The KKK aren't a threat to American Society. Nowadays, it's splintered into small groups with a few hundred members per chapter.
The biggest threats to Americans are Billionaries who act above the law, MS-13, and corrupt politicians.
I've already listened to the radio drama, not much point in reading the comic adaptation.
What time period does this take place in? The bright colors and decor of the houses gives me a 50s like feel.
I hope Superman comes out as a shotacon once LGBT+ becomes mainstream.
Nah. Y'all can accuse me of being an SJW but wouldn't it have been better to do this with a non white character
Though this is precisely the problem with SJWs. The Klan was a hollow husk until SJWs started acting like they were this massive racist organization hiding on every corner, with publications and shows like this book. Now Klan membership is up because of the strong reputation SJWs gave them
why do you care about their race so much ?
Superman is literally an illegal alien.
>being this anti semitic
Knowing Yea Forums they'd complain about white genocide or 'anti-Trump propaganda' is a comic about Black Lightning or Cyborg wrecking the KKK came out.
Superman is an illegal immigrant.
Black Lightning makes more sense. Cyborg doesn't give a shit about the clan, he's too busy angsting about being a robot to care about racists.
Well we didn't have an illegal alien problem when the character was written now did we?
The racism they represent is a definite threat. Just look at the exposed racism and bigotry in the border patrol. Do you seriously want people like this to have power over other people?
The only other alien superhero in DC is Martian Manhunter.
Nah, he was adopted, so its cool now.
How many beaners are you planning to adopt?
Art looks a little shite and the timing on this release just reeks of trying to cash in on politics. Not to mention, how in the fuck is "smashing" a bunch of drunken rednecks in bedsheets supposed to pose any kind of challenge to Superman, or be interesting in the least? The original radio serial was actually interesting and important because it doubled as an exposé during the prime of radio, and it actually accomplished its goal in educating people and minimizing recruitment. Modern comics are just pointless virtue signaling circle-jerks in a dying medium that people are more likely to tweet about than actually read.
This would have been worth the read if they had gotten Doc Shaner or Chris Samnee or literally anyone else with a "retro" art style to do the pencils. Both of those artists have a true sense of depth and could really lend some visual gravitas that would be perfect for the setting and subject matter, but as it is, it looks like some minimal-effort pre-school shit that belongs on the kids comic racks alongsite Paw Patrol or whatever. It was clearly more important that the comic have an all-asian creative team than.
inb4 SJWs bitch about this comic because Superman is saving Asians instead of blacks.
Border Patrol expanded under Reagan, and expanded even further under Bush when Department of Homeland Security was created. Before that, they were simple watchmen. Blame Congress for greatly expanding the power of Border Patrol to keep us safe from terrorists, and Mexican drug cartels
The radio show was better because Old School Superman/Clark used his wit and quick thinking to solve crimes. Even Fleschier Superman was good because he was low key smart.
>The biggest threats to Americans are Billionaries who act above the law, MS-13, and corrupt politicians.
Which is why the best Superman concept we've had in years were the early issues of Nu52 Action Comics were Superman was fighting corruption and crime lords instead of supervillains. Wanna be topical, DC? Pick up that thread again and see where it leads. I would love to read some more young, de-powered Superman where Clark and Supes act as two sides of the same coin to take down corrupt businesses and politicians.
>The biggest threats to Americans are Billionaries who act above the law, MS-13, and corrupt politicians
the goyim knows too much
>fighting corruption and crime lords
If it were to resemble anything close to real life, it means he would spend all his time fighting God's chosen people, Mexicans, and inner city blacks. I dont think DC would do that.
The problem is taken to it's logical conclusion, Superman would eventually go up against the President of the United States, and Super PACs. He'd unironically go up against Obama and Hillary Clinton.
The story is set in 1946.
The Klan was at the height of their power around WWI. The Third incarnation of the clan had lots of connections to police and government to get away their crimes and born out of a desire to resist societal change. They were smaller and operated in a few parts of the South.
The United States didn't really have the type of border apparatus we now have until the early part of the 20th century. Movement was very free around the border. Border patrol, border fencing, inspection stations, these are all only roughly hundred years old parts of the border. Even up to the 1920s and 1930s you had very robust movement of migrant workers back and forth the Mexico and US border, when it was still (compared to now) relatively open because it was mutually beneficial to allow free movement of people. Industries were booming thanks to it.
You didn't have a migrant crisis until you began putting up walls and people decided it was better to risk getting stuck on the other side and be there's illegally than not being able to get there at all.
The idea that the US has always had strong borders and need to be vigorously defended is a myth, largely told now in the post 9/11 world to boost the booming private prison complex and surveillance state. ICE didn't even exist until 9/11 and it was primarily created to fight the fear against imaginary jihadists crossing the border.
Old school Superman was better all-around. I greatly prefer a Supes that has a much lower power level and uses it to take out street level thugs and corruption. Like, handgun won't leave a scratch, but a couple of thugs with tommy guns could keep him staggered for a bit.
Because before, we didnt have the entire southern half of the continent trying to flood in. "Fuck off, we're full" is a perfectly reasonable position, especially since the majority of these people have nothing to offer anyway, and are only detrimental.
The closest to low power Superman in recent times is the animated series.
Oh nom the story for a radio show aimed to KIDS is adapted in a comic aimed to KIDS. Outrage!!!!
They're only flooding in because they can't move freely back and forth.
I cant tell if this post is being sarcastic or not.
The united states isn't full. A lot of the coastal places like California, NY, Florida, and a few others are exploiting illegal immigrants for cheap labor.
Radio Shows back then were good and had a lot of serials like the Shadow, The Green Hornet, and the Lone Ranger. They knew how to build suspense and keep audiences hooked.
>implying kids give a shit about the KKK
The artstyle is bad on its own, but even less fitting for this kind of "historical" adaptation.
Makes sense. That was my favorite Superman portrayal growing up. And every time I end up with a friend telling me they don't like Superman, we watch a few episodes of the animated series and they change their mind. Superman TAS was pure kino. I think the only thing I didn't like about it was that they didn't have a custom intro sequence like Batman did. Loved the main theme, though. I legit prefer it to the John William's Superman theme.
There was that arc in nu52 were Supes was losing his powers and for a while he was going totally street-level. It was kind of neat. And then he punched a cop and people lost their shit.
This. Old radio serials are fuckin' great. Way back when I still had an XM radio subscription, one of my favorite stations was one that just ran old radio shows around the clock. I rememeber in Summer of 2008 when Dark Knight came out, they celebrated by doing Batman radio serial marathons all week. Shit was comfy as fuck.
Kids learning about the evil of the Klan is beneficial.
If it's sufficiently bad enough, which is looks like it's going to be, it will do nothing but make kids sympathize with the KKK the same way they sympathize with Red Skull.
It's pretty easy to root for the clan in this comic because Superman is holding a car above his heads. THis turns the context from a lyncing to a fight for self defense.
These weak baits are rather poor use of your time, friend. It's not even particularly edgy or funny. It's kinda sad that this is probably the highlight of your Friday.
I'm not sure what you think is "bait" about it. When propaganda becomes shitty enough, it has the opposite effect. Just look at how the "ault rite" exploded after our hilariously shitty MSM decided to create them as a boogeyman. People would unironically rather associate with "the nazis" than Washpo/Huffpo/CNN/MSNBC/etc.
The biggest problem I have with this comic is that it looks to be one of those stories where Superman strong arms the Klan, rather than use his brain to dismantle their organization. It's also underminded by the fact that the US Government put Japanese citizens in internment camps during WWII.
Yet all amed to KIDS.
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Superman? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Post-Crisis Superman. I'm not talking about sundipped Post-Crisis Superman either. Hell, I'm not even talking about sundipped Post-Crisis Superman with his mental blocks unlocked with the Torquasm-Rao and Torquasm-Vo Kryptonian martial arts, equipped with a GL ring, a perfect Jimmy Olsen, control of Titano and a Sun-Eater, with Lex/Batman DNA implanted in him giving him 24th lvl intellect. I’m also not talking about blue sundipped instant lobotomy enraged Post-Crisis Superman, with the White Lantern Ring and his original silver age powers and a Helmet of Fate on his head, host to Parallax and wielding a Sword of Superman because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Jimmy Olsen (that can use Silver Age Powers), control of both Titano and a Sun-Eater, with Lex and Batman’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, access to the Green, sundipped Krypto guarding him and nine mini black holes floating behind him, entered Prime One Million Mode, casting galaxy wide Superhypnosis to everybody with Super mindcontrol to steal their powers. I'm talking about blue sundipped for 10^10^100 octillion years Prime One Million Pre-Crisis Rebirth Cosmic Armor Thought Robot Strange Visitor Superman with the White Lantern Ring, Helmet of Fate, Silver Age superpowers, Batman/Lex DNA, retcon punch, Miracle Machine and host to all emotional entities, access to all the Elemental Realms, three swords style w/ Sword of Supermans, casting Skyfather Jimmy Olsen as his servant, trained under Muhammad Ali, absorbed all 5D imps, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Mandrakk and obtaining the Demiurgic power, control over the speedforce with Endless concepts implanted in him and having rewritten the Book of Destiny while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan, and fused with SuperNicCage while having mastered 127 martial arts.
Its aimed at faggot teens aka most of Yea Forums's illegal audience
KIDs were the target demographic for radio serials. Comics used to be the lowest form of entertainment because they were equal to pulp novels at the time.
Why would I not?
Superman would totally crush the Clan.