How do I get into comics?
How do I get into comics?
Depends, what sort of genres are you into?
You go to the nearest comic book shop, you ask the cashier for 20 of the most expensive single issues released this week, you take them, roll them, TURN THEM SIDEWAYS AND STICK EM UP YOUR CANDY ASS.
I've read y the last man and some batman stories, currently reading preacher, sandman and watchmen. Would like to read more current shit but I read dark knight metal and was completely lost
Either pick a character you think sounds interesting, look up their best runs and go from there or find a writer that you think is good and do the same.
Getting into ongoing cape comics is mostly a good way to make yourself unhappy. Quality is inconsistent, characters are inconsistent. there's the constant threat of dumb editorial decisions or obnoxious events.
By reading them, retard. Now delete your stupid thread.
These days it's better to just wait until a story is done and pick it up then. No one I know is still picking up issues as they come out.
If you enjoy Sandman, the Hellboy comics might be for you.
Just pick up Seeds of Destruction or the first short story collection.
>Would like to read more current shit
Longtime comics reader here.
I've mostly stopped reading modern comics, because they really are THAT bad. I love a lot of stuff from the 80s, 90s, and 2000s (and SOME stuff from before that), but this decade (and especially the last few years) has been absolutely unbearable for the comics medium. There just isn't anything new coming out that's worth reading.
Hype hogan
If you like Y read Paper Girls. 30 issues about to wrap up, and it's come together nicely. Just got a tv series order at Amazon.
>Paper Girls
When does the fucking plot get going?
I bought the first three trades and they just keep layering on new stuff instead.
Also the whole "future people with apple logos" isn't nearly as clever as the authors seem to think it is.
Well, I'll admit it drags in the middle and I had that similar feeling (which killed saga for me) but again, comes together nicely and everything is contextualized. Although if you didn't dig the first couple, it just might not be for you.
Eh, there were things I liked (artstyle, the 90s Goonies/Monster Squad vibe), I just got frustrated with how long everything took.
I'll probably read a bit online and then decide whether or not to buy the next one.
>(which killed saga for me)
Exact same thing happened to me.
The best piece of advice I can give you is to treat getting into comics like getting into wrestling or a sport instead of like getting into manga, i.e; you're gonna pick up information progressively from being a fan over time rather than just picking up volume 1 and working from there.
Also the way I got into comics was through picking a character I liked, searching up what were their best runs and just reading those. I liked Deadpool so I picked up Cable and Deadpool, Kelly's 1997 run, etc., so just do that until you get enough about the character to be able to pick up a current run.
I'm kind of in the same boat. Definitely read more comics printed before I was born, these days.
Picking and choosing current graphic novels hasn't proven too bad. Same with reading Franco-Belgian books.
If you like spooky mystery stuff I recommend Locke and key.
Also go read usagi yojimbo.
If you're enjoying Sandman try Hellblazer at some point. Also try out V for Vendetta since it's written by the same guy who did Watchmen.
Go to your local comic store and flip through their dollar comics bin. Buy whatever comics you think have cool covers. Repeat next week.
The first time i've been in a comics shop
I asked some advices
The shop keeper came
He was a 40 years old Smelly
Dude who asked "how could I help you?"
I responded telling him "how do i get into comics?"
I responded telling him "how do i get into comics? "
The fat ass keeper showed me the latest comics in the shelf.
Then He told me "you should try comics from Mainstream companies"
"Or watch some Cape Movies"
"That's how normies got into comics"
"That's how normies got into comics"
Then i watched these so called "mainstream"comics.
Then i witnessed
Diversity in comics
Diversity in comics
Faggots characters
Niggers characters
LBGTQSTUV characters
No sexy fappable characters
No epic stories
About Dudes wearing shitty outfits
Only Fat asses dikes
Promoting their Woke propaganda
Woke propaganda to educate young kids
About being tollerant liberals
About accepting mentally ill humans
And becoming one of "them"
So i watched the Fat keeper Dude
He chuckled
saying "Did you enjoyed these comics?"
"Did you enjoyed these comics finally rappresenting outcasts like us?"
I walked in front of him
Gave him the middle finger
And i gave him a Stunner
Then i picked up some Beer can that i had inside my Jeep.
Then i drank some Beer
Then i drank some Beer and sprayed the rest of it inside the comic shop.
Ruining the shitty comics in the shelf
The shop keeper Started crying, screaming "you can't do this, I'm calling the police "
So i gave him another Stunner
Then i watched this Dude drowning under his onions tear.
I Said "Man up or Hang up yourself"
And that's the Bottom Line cause Stone Cold said so.
>go to LCS
>buy anything with a number 1 on it or anything that says "start here" or "part one" example: action comics 1007 or 1001, savage sword of conan 1, JLA volume 1, fantastic four #6
>read the comic books you bought
>if you dont care about the charcater or story you dont have to get the next issue unless you are autistic about completing runs like me
Just trying without prejudism plus read the promoted n°1 issues
Read a comic, dumbass.
stone cold wouldn't say shit about diversity in comics at least not like that be more like
Then i witnessed
Diversity in comics
Diversity in comics
Crybaby characters
Weak Ass characters
Triple H like characters
Kurt Angle like characters
Stories about dumb sumbitches
About sumbitches wearing shitty outfits
About ugly
About ugly
Fat ugly bitches
About putting up with other people's crap
About accepting your weakness
About becoming
About becoming a weak bitch
You don't read anything by the big two.
Just choose a hero or character you like and start reading.
Read Stonetoss.
Don’t listen to this guy, there’s still some good stuff, you just have to pick and choose like for every era
Dude, Stone Cold hates Nu Wrestling because it's full off Flipping midgets with zero personallity.
He would shit on these Soulless Nu comics as told.
Plus he's on closet Racist just like Based Hulk Hogan.
You can't. They are in fact, fiction.