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This isnt even reddit tier, this is like 9gag tier

I wabt to live in the time line where Snyder directed JL part 1 2 and 3. I don't give a shit if Shazam, Joker, Birds of Prey aren't happening in that timeline. I just want to live there and nothing else. I can sold my soul just for it.
Somebody know how can I live in that timeline? Please, I'm very suicidal if I don't see Zack Snyder's dceu.

it's accurate though

Me too dude!
Solidariety between bros that wanna live in the Snyder timeline!

It's also 70 years old

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Somebody can travel us to the Snyder DCEU timeline?

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But Thor is the only god in that image.

yeah, black widow and hawkeye are surely trying to be gods

I trust Snyder! If he was going to kill Billy Batson then it would have worked perfectly. I don't care about Adam Sandberg's Shazam, I want my gritty and realistic Snyder's Shazam where Billy explore the agony of being orphan (better) and he is really THE WORLD'S MIGHTEST MORTAL! Not the most generic superhero movie ever!
Make me live in Snyder's DCEU timeline!

If in the Snyder's DCEU timeline the Shazam movie by Adam Sandberg happen I want to see our Superman killing him.
You made me wanting to live in the Snyder's DCEU timeline more

ESL you need to leave

>Actual super heroes

>"Gods" being all deep and brooding and shit. SYMBOLISM. FALKNER. Angels are demons! YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND, DAD


Sign me up for this timeline too!

I've been there.

The movies still suck, except now, Warner Brothers is bankrupt and got bought by Disney, and now we've got an Ultimate Crisis event, permanently merging the marvel and DC universes, and we're getting a Superman movie starring Charlie Carver and directed by Brad Bird so

Bit of a mixed bag, really.

>Bit of a mixed bag, really.
That's because you're that kind of person that didn't liked MoS and BvS. We people with brain got the movies, while brainless like you don't.
Let's swap timeline and I'll show you

Can I go in that timeline? Please!

Can you send me it? I will prove it's better than your already bad opinion

>Movie franchise that wants to redefine the concept of movie franchise, and make billions doing it
>"Please confuse us for the MCU"

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rly makes ya stink

If Snyder still directed the dceu people would have forget about marvel already


I want to live in a timeline where Snyder was never allowed anywhere near any DC property.

Snyders one needs some """""subtle""""" religious imagery.

Thor is an actual fucking god, this shit ain't accurate

Wow this is wrong

>If Snyder still directed the dceu people would have forget about marvel already
We'd STILL be waiting for Snyder to make something as popular and profitable as TDK (or even Rises). Waiting a long, long fucking time.

Cyborg is a god?

In Young Justice is exactly like Marvel lol

in the DCEU he's at least empowered by the Mother Box. Which Steppenwolf, an actual God, seems to worship fervently.
So yeah, he's pretty close.

Based Marvel
>Great movies loved by everyone


Tony is the only human who wanted to be a god. Steve just wanted to be the best soldier he could be for America, Thor already is a god and the rest never asked for this.

I'd like to see a crossover where the Avengers have to replace the Justice league for a month and vice versa.

The Avengers would have a really tough row to hoe and the Justice league would be faced with a world full of assholes.

Why? Snyder is a ham-fisted asshole who thinks audiences are stupid and changed the ending of one of the most highly regarded comic books in history because "people were too stupid for Alan Moore's ending" and phoned in this scene to show how sad and conflicted Superman is because you might have missed it if Supes wasn't staring directly at his dad dying.

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Accurate as the bullet i will put thru your head



JL part 1 2 and 3 would have made us going crazy by how epic it is! We just can't now that Snyder is gone!

It is now, Shazam, Joker, Wonder Woman 1984, Birds Of Prey, Suicide Squad. The DCEU without Snyder is a mere shadow of something good. Please let Snyder be back!

Are you talking about The Death Of Superman by Doomsday? It was made 100 times better than the comics

enjoy it DCuck

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I'd like to say you almost had me, but really you were trying a bit too hard from the start.

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Please, you know I'm right and you can't come up with something enought relevant to tell me the DCEU without Snyder is something that deserve to exists

>Black Mask gay?
Black Mask is from the mafia! They kill gay people! And I know it because I'm italian!
Ma che cazzo di merda? Questo succede quando gli euro-meticci fanno qualcosa su di noi! Perchè quel buon diavolo di Zack Snyder non può tornare e salvarli dalla merda?

Thor is an alien

Do Snyderfags actually dislike Shazam?

snyderfags don't exist it's an obvious falseflag like those sjw posts meant to trick DC retards like you

All Cape movies suck
Read a comic for fucks sake

>Pictured on the Marvel side: A literal god
Normies were a mistake.

You're right, but 95% of comics also suck. I've seen a lot of people trying to get into comics, picking one of the hundreds that suck instead of one of the dozens that don't, and swear the entire medium off because it's shit.

how much longer will this "unironically ironic" phase of Yea Forums is going to last? I'm getting really tired of it

It's been going strong since 2006, so I'd grab a chair if I were you.

why do dc metahumans want to be normies ?

lame, just like their movies

Marvel: gods are aliens.
DC: aliens are gods

>god wanting to be human

>human wanting to be god

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Yes we do, and not only because it's shameful to Captain Marvel adopting the new52 story (but the family is nice), but because it has created a stupid universe where the existence of superheroes is made as a joke and not as serious as Snyder was doing.
>Batman and Superman toys
Really? I mean, really? Somebody thought for a moment it was a good idea? There are superhumans in our world and they make toys? They aren't astronauts (yes they made astronauts toys), they're superheroes. And the toy looks like Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck? Shouldn't somebody realize how stupid it is to have them in a realistic universe? A fucking alien from outher space makes the black zero even (9/11 like event) and they made toys about him? It's like making toys of Antifa and the vigilantes of El Salvador. IT'S FUCKED UP.
>the realistic tone is ruined
You want me to believe that school bullies could hurt a disabled kid in a PUBLIC SCHOOL and nobody would do something? Is the person that thought this brainless? At least made some realistic bullies that going after him outside the school.
>The wizard
So nobody is gonna say something about a wizard having the power of Zeus and not relating it to Wonder Woman, the daughter of Zeus?
And for a movie that's the copy of new52 at least they could make the wizard making the candidates going on 2 second in his cave and tell them they're not worthy. Making it long is stupid. It should be 2 seconds long. Child Sivana heard a voice telling him that he isn't worthy of a power and he pass his life to try to know what it was supposed to mean, he turns evil.
You have Mark Strong, the real life face of Sivana, and you create a Black Adam wannabe? Sivana use magic powers? Did Adam Sandberg even know what comic villain he was doing? Did he thought the prime earth Sivana is a good idea for the fans?

>The Marvel Family.
It's just this? Freddy should be Captain Marvel Jr, not a generic super powered Freddy, Cap Marvel Jr is supposed to Cap Marvel's successor, the boy he almost killed by his carelessness and saved with his powers. Mary Marvel should have different powers from Captain Marvel's powers: Selene, Hyppolyta, Ariadne, Zephyrus, Aurora, Minerva. And the family is cute, but is so easy to power them? There isn't a limitation or an consequence? You can just create an army of super powered individuals like this? At least the comics made it specific that if only one Marvel Family member is transformed, they will have full power level; with two members transformed, the duo have each a half of the power level; with three transformed, the trio will have each only one third of the power level and etch etch.
At least, do what Flashpoint did and makes all the kids part of Captain Marvel's powers, a kids got strenght, one wisdom, one stamina, one powers, one courage, one speed. And they have the power to form the Captain Marvel by saying the name Shazam all together.
Or made it reverse. When Cap turn his family into super heroes they all have a part of his original powers. Darla got speed (and it appeared to be that to me), Billy got powers and etch etch.

Name 20 Marvel superheroes who have jobs

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Wow! So Snyderfags really dislike Shazam? That's -10 point for Snyderfags

Are you retards still pretending Snyder makes good movies?

Good news. You get to live in a better universe, for free.

Fucking normies, I swear

Why are Snyder cultists like this?

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I really hope they're just sad guys that want to give a bad name to Snyderfags, but who knows?

I think it comes from a generation of people who grew up watching The Dark Knight and associated good comic book films with being dark, gritty, and based on DC properties. Even when these films are clearly terribly put together messes their fans will claim their better because their darker and have symbolism.

They're better because they're darker and have symbolism.
The DCEU before Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Shazam, Justice League (Whedon version) was dark, gritty and realistic and was better than any mcu and nu dceu cash grabber movies

Marvel: Relationships that last a second.
DC: Relationships that last a second.

I'm pretty sure it's just idiots trolling badly.

And yet people keep falling for it

Unfortunately, yes.

Still not as bad as Doomwank.

It's people going for the truth that Snyder's DCEY is better than today DCEU

Because they're woke in the real sense

No, doomwank is passable because he will always lose in the end.

This but unironically

God Batman isn't that strong, he could just travel in space and have answers, not as op as Doomwank

Are Snyderfags even real? Wow, you all need to get laid more than mostly of co

Congrats you repeated a trope that all people who don’t read comics believe

Are snyderfags the co/ sjw equivalent?

Bullshit OP writing that wanks their heroes way too much

Can't get a decent editor.

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If there was still Zack Snyder dceu would be better than mcu and people would have already forget it

I'm the op, this thread as turned into a snyderfag and dc vs marvel shit thread and I'm sorry for making it happen

>Heroes doing hero stuff
>Movies you can watch and enjoy

>too deep 4 u!!
>living in a dream world if you don't think batman should be raped in prison!
>we're so deep and smart you guys!!
>I was fired from the company a while ago but I still can't let go reeeeeeeeeee!!
>it's ok for everyone to be retarded for symbolism!!

>Save people and act as heroes
>Cool powers

>My reference
>lol so funny! xD

>tackles a dangerous guy from an open field, through buildings, towards a crowded area
>doesn't save his fucking dad
>let's criminals with rocket launchers go
causes property damage by impaling a guy's truck
>this is how heroes act
DC fans are psychopaths

Thor is a LARPing alien, that uses science.

>ctrl+f "Ladderbro"
>0 results

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Marvel has too many people that grab some sporting goods stuff and then call themselves heroes

>Guy with frisbee
>Guy with bow
>Girl with batons

At least DC is fucking believable with people being genuinely super and using their abilities to fight bad guys. Better than shopping at a Hibbet Sports then claiming to be a hero and letting whole cities die.


>letting whole cities die.

At least superman had the balls to destroy his city himself

This but unironically

top kek

How many more movies does Snyder need to ruin before people realize he’s a hack

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A (You) from me which is a big wow for you.

it's true and why DC characters don't work in live action.

Snyder made them work

he made them work so well his shit died 3 movies in amiright?


Why does every director that gets a Superman movie want to make him into Jesus? Why the fuck can't there be a single director who wants to make a Superman the superhero movie instead? Why do they always want to make him Jesus?

>Snyder utterly failed to match the popularity and box office of Marvel Studios C-list lineup.
Not only did he fail to match it, he did so while using the A-listers of not just DC but Superheroes in general. Shit man he literally killed the chances of there being a coherent DCEU. That's a massive failure right there.

>DKeks seriously still believing their shitty characters work in any way outside of shitty children's cartoons

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Ooooh, we got a Janny trying to safespace the thread.
THIS is where DCEU fans are at now, they need janitorial escort.

It's been like this for at least a year

>Jannies actually need to defend DCucks so they don't kill themselves
top fucking kek

>ladderbro talking to himself for hours

Justice League got directed by Joss Whedon you chucklefuck, if was directed by Snyder you would have loved it and shit yourself in pants by knowing how good it is

Marvelcucks still believe their movies aren't shameful compared to comics and are just filler for cash grabber movie

I guess MOS and BvS was also by Whedon then huh? Since that was part of the reason why the DCEU is now dead and relying on stand alone movies.

at least it isn't dead like Snydershit

Snyder's DCEU for now is MoS and BvS. JL was corrupted by Joss Whedon, think 2 seconds before being this stupid to think that Snyder didn't create the most perfect superhero universe in this world

For now, just wait untill we will bring Snyder back. And he will make people forget about Marvel.

The DCEU is dead because Patti Jenkins and David Sandberg ruined it with their light hearted generic movie bullshit. This is why Zack Snyder is the only person that should be allowed to touch dc movies

>brooding, punching CGI monsters and go back to brooding


>I'd like to see a crossover where the Avengers have to replace the Justice league for a month and vice versa.

it's called JLAvengers

Sorry can't hear you over all the laughter over your shitty movies and the billions Based Marvel keeps raking in

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So perfect it killed the DCEU forcing them to rely on individual movies.
So Jenkins and Sandberg killed Superman and Batman then? Because those are the ones who are dead not WW, AM, and Shazam.

Did you even read what I said? Did you had 2 seconds before typing the keyboard in such a brainless way?
I keep say that without Snyder the DCEU is a mere shadow of what supposed to be, I would take a good movie over a cash grabber movie

SHAZAM was fun, i liked it a lot more that Snyder shit, I'm excited for the sequel they just announced.

DCEU almost died with Snyder so with him still on the helm what it's "supposed to be" is dead

I liked it, WW and AM. I hope they replace the shit and continue with a proper JL.

Whedon and Warner Bros greed destroyed what the man, Zack Snyder, created by forcing them to rely on shit directors that have never read a comic (or just the shit ones) in their life and destroyed what would have made people forget about mcu.

Snyder created the most perfect Batman and Superman, he also create the perfect Wonder Woman. Jenkins stole it and corrupted it with her stupidity. Sandberg destroyed the dark, gritty and realistic tone of the dceu and turned it into a world where superhumans are a joke. Snyder also created Aquaman, James Wan at least kept the tone Snyder created, but Snyder should have still directed it with Wan. It was Warner Bros that killed the dceu for greed sake.

DCEU lived with Snyder, it was Warner Bros that killed the DCEU. How is that hard to grasp? He should be the only person allowed to make a dc movie ever

>Snyder created the most perfect Batman and Superman
So perfect they're now box office poison and are dead right?

The fact that Shazam isn't dead for making less than $400 million but Ant Man might be for only making $630 million will never not be funny

Unfortunately, as a DC fan you probably aren't smart enough to see why.

>Batman and Superman are now box office poison and are dead
>Wonderwoman is getting a sequel
>Shazam is getting a sequel
>Aquaman made one gorrilion dollars
>WB killed the DCEU not the guy whose characters are now unusable because of how shit his stories are
Only retards wouldn't find your statement hard to grasp

>DC Fan
Are you retarded? I'm the one shitting on Snyder's shit you mongoloid

Please, please you can't be this stupid! As it says here Shazam and David Sandberg ruined the DCEU Snyder created, and they forced it to be connected to the previous movies when it's just a shit cash grabber movie that doesn't try to be good. And David Sandberg is the last person on the planet, with Patti Jenkins and James Wan, allowed to even have the possibility to direct another dc movie. I'll take JL by Zack Snyder (the real one not the Whedon Warner Bros version) over these shithole movies always.

Stop to be stupid for a second and read, Snyder created the most perfect Batman and Superman, it was Warner Bros that killed them with shit directors and shit editing.

Because he "ruined" your precious characters by making the only bad DC movies in the history of DC movies

We're on to your retarded game DCuck

The reason why support waned for the DCEU was MoS and BvS idiot. JL was only the nail in the coffin.
Yes WB killed Superman and Batman but somehow not WW, AM, and Shazam. Totally their fault. Not both WB and Snyder being idiots.

How is that funny? It's the different between budget and box office that killed Ant Man.

Because he killed the extended universe idiot. If I wanted the movies to stick to the comics then I wouldn't support Marvel either you colossal moron.

Yes, because you're stupid enought to not grasp that. It was Warner Bros that ruined JL Batman and Superman with shit tier directors and editing. Snyder's Batman and Superman would have saved Warner Bros's cash grabber generic movies

>100+ replies in the entire thread
You sure showed them, champ

That's not me you're responding to retard. Ant Man isn't going to get cancelled at all because it actually was a good movie with a charming actor.

Snyder was going to make not the best dc movie ever, not the best superhero movie ever, but the best movie ever. It Warner Bros that corrupted it. Without it people would have already forget about marvel

Yes they did hire a shit tier director for MoS and BvS we both agree on that.

you're trying too hard user

I don't know what's worse. This board's non-existent moderation or abysmal userbase.

No, after Mos and Bvs they just had directors that don't know comics and reads just bad comics. Snyder known what he was doing becuase he gave us the perfect superheroes movies. Then WB's greed happened.

still trying too hard
good one user