I liked it

I liked it.

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Me too, what's your point?

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Season 3 when? Reboot when?

>season 3

Possibly in 10 years when Alex caves. It will be about older Dipper and Mabel’s adventures with the Stans in the Arctic.



If Alex doesn’t come back and Disney wants to cashgrab. Except as low quality as PPG reboot.


>live action movie

Has the potential of either being really good or complete shit depending on how much quality Disney wants to put in it and whether it’s meant for theaters or tv.

>Gravity Falls.... home
>At least it was until Dana and Emmy fucked everythang up

So was this just Twin Peaks for kids?

Explain user. I’ve lived through endless rumors, shitposting, whatever about why the show fizzled towards the end but this is a new one.

After Manzi, Emmy and then Dana were trying to get in Alex's pants. Both of them have a hardline leftist and feminist slant. Undoubtedly one of them influenced shit like Roadside Attraction or Mabel's late season infallability.

Thats also when Alex went from a guy who was liberal but relatively apolitical into full blown FUCK DRUMPF mode.

i liked it too, didn't get the hype tho, and i watched it as it was airing.
i thought the end was pretty stupid and made no sense how they defeated bill

Trump’s hilariously horrible, though. Any sane person would recognize that.

Roadside Attraction came off as more “male guilt” than female written to me but I guess I’ll have to rewatch the commentary on it. They may have helped contribute to the lackluster fest that was 2B but they were hardly the only reason. There were many variables contributing to it being a shitshow.

quite the original obserbation that hasn't been used 1000000000 times already, but yesit was my friend.

Can we just have a Gravity Falls thread without 300 posts arguing about Trump? I’m fucking voting for him in 2020 but I want to have a peaceful gf thread for once on this board.

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The fuck blumpf shit is just an outlier. And his presidency really hasn't been as bad as the last two fuckups in office. Alex also spews the usual "white men are evil", gun control headaches you see from everyone else from the Blue Check Judenrat.

I’ve never seen twin peaks. Does it have the same Pacific Northwest redwoods cryptid-hunting mystery vibe?

Stan > Dipper > Mabel > Ford

Are you me. Let’s just talk about Dipper’s cheeks please.

You know I was going to argue that Mabel should be last, but at least she was more entertaining so maybe you’re right.

Trump has the dreaded BLUE CHECKMARK REEEEEE, though. Any sane person would also recognize that.

SUfags and Starchads blame Sabrina for a lot more when her power was far less compared to Dana. After GF ended and Alex appeared at cons, charity drives, etc, Dana was right next to him presented as if she had been the show's co-creator instead of a JAG storyboarder. There was definitely some pussy power going on there.

I like all four of them.

You could make the argument that for all of Mabel’s bad behavior and decisions, Ford is the one who is truly ultimately to blame for Bill getting a foothold and almost taking control the world. Really it comes down to personal bias and opinion though.

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Any sane person would not be trying to seriously argue politics on a board for cartoon watching manchildren tho

>Every character displays some kind of change
>Except Mabel
Was this on purpose or was this a subconscious move by the artist?

Any of you have close relationships with great uncles or aunts? I’ve always been close with my great aunt, and I thought it was nice to see that kind of relationship in a show.

I haven’t watched SU or Star so I can’t comment on that. Yeah that’s a little weird. I know Dana did do some animation for them like Ford’s reveal in Not what He Seems and Bill’s death sequence but I agree that’s not enough to warrant that. Again though I will argue that I believe there were multiple variables that led to the decrease in quality.

I want to hope it was because they ran out of time with her development. You also have to remember she is based on Alex’s sister so he probably is biased towards her character. She does get a bit of a redemption arc in Lost Legends.

Kek If I was his sister I would be embarrassed to have Mabel based off of me.

Thread needs more art.

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Although Mabel is based off of Ariel. It's only surface-level. On a deeper level, Alex is definitely Mabel. Since Alex went to college and Ariel worked a shitty job, for years, so that she could support him going to CalArts. So, when he ended Gravity Falls early and hasn't done anything since, it really reminds me of something that Mabel would do.

>Can we please not talk about Trump?
>Also, I'm voting for Trump
Please. Pick one. Don't just ask for people to stop talking about Donald, the moment that someone criticises him.

Stan is Queen because that piece only comes out towards the end but can change the entire game.

I did not want talk about him positive or negative in this thread and I will not engage you on this any further. If you want to discuss gravity falls I will do that but I am not replying to you about the current topic after this post.

>Since Alex went to college and Ariel worked a shitty job, for years, so that she could support him going to CalArts.
Wait what

Prissy pants.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen that insult used on this website. Or any website really.

Not often you'll find someone as persnickety as . Wanting to get their opinion in and then immediately throwing a fuss, the moment that opposing opinions clash with his own. You get a lot of their way or the highway types on the internet. But none so prissy as that guy.
If he was genuine, he would have either stood up for his opinion or not said anything about Trump.

Would you watch a sequel about the two pairs of twins on the Stan O War searching for mysteries in the arctic?




braces cunny I didn't watch this show and I'm not going to I just like braces cunny