Are the Simpsons just a meme at this point ?
Just like Ronald Mcdonald or the Queen of England ?
Are the Simpsons just a meme at this point ?
Just like Ronald Mcdonald or the Queen of England ?
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It's been a meme for more than a decade now.
Oi, don't go putting Ron in the same category as the Simpsons and that decrepit limey bitch. He just sells burgers and didn't do a damn thing to nobody.
god, please put them out of their misery. this is just painful to look at.
Ron doesn't exist anymore user
Ho, much does it cost to make a simpdons episode ? Millions ?
Shouldn't disney just pull the plug ? It's wasting money on something nobody watches
He never did, but that don't mean OP has to be a fag and disrespect the clownman.
An episode? Probably something like $500k which the easily make up for in ad revenue plus excuses to keep putting out merchandise. It wouldn't be on the air if it wasn't profitable.
Who buys the merchandise ? Nobody
damn i remember those days where in the comics you would get a returnletter that you could fill out with to order merchandise. the mid to late 90‘
>The popularity of The Simpsons has made it a billion-dollar merchandizing industry. The Simpsons merchandise sold well and generated $2 billion in revenue during the first 14 months of sales. In 2008, $750 million worth of The Simpsons merchandise was purchased worldwide.In 2003, about 500 companies around the world were licensed to use Simpsons characters in their advertising. In 2003, Peter Byrne, Fox executive vice president of licensing and merchandising, called The Simpsons "without doubt the biggest licensing entity that Fox has had, full stop, I would say from either TV or film.
It's basically printing money to let some jagoffs put it on shirts, stuffed toys, action figures...
That was 10 years ago, I'm talking about now
>2008 was ten+ years ago
I could've sworn it was just a couple of years ago.
Best post so far.
Who still watches Simpsons seriously? I would imagine Cable dying would kill it off.
I suually hate those posts, but this one works
Yea, a couple of fives
Sometimes Sneedposting work but as usual Yea Forums culture ruined it,it spammed to hell so the rare nuggets of good sneedposting are lost in an ocean of SNEEEEEED SNEEEEEED FORMERLY SEED LMAO
in b4 someone answer with Formerly [Something]
And yes , i do imply that meme was "formerly good"
soccer players shouldn't be paid anything at all
Yes it is, it's a zombie kept alive by nostalgia, the show should've ended after the movie imo.
>fuck Drumpffff and muh equal pay in the same episode
Jesus Christ, imagine having to sit through it.
It never ceases to amaze me that this show is still on. I stopped watching as a kid around 2002, and never looked back. Everything I've seen related to it since had been people talking about how they can't believe it's still on. I almost think it's an elaborate hoax at this point.
>Next equal pay
>Women's soccer players take 13% cut of game's revenue, while men only take 9%
>More people watch the men's games, so the only way to achieve "equal pay" would be to move everyone onto the same fixed salary, which promoters could easily use to short change everyone
Holy. Shit. This is ridiculous.
>equal pay
Men and women's soccer are totally different organizations both of which make vastly different amounts of money.
>tfw saying this stuff on Yea Forums because I can't be bothered to log into facebook
That's not an episode (i think) it's just a cartoon they put together to celebrate US winning the Women Soccer World Cup
>Ronald Mcdonald
He's still a thing? I thought mascots died out after everyone started jacking off to Wendy.
No.It's the Happy Meal Box now
>being outraged that your women’s football team won the World Cup yet again even when your men’s football team has always sucked at the sport
I’m convinced that any and all right-leaning Americans have the intelligence of the turkeys they love to keep in slaughterhouse cages.
Literally who cares about corporate mascots? You’re an adult. You’re not supposed to care about this trivial garbage.
Everyone praising them when not two years ago they got their asses kicked by a group of teenagers
Younger players will always be better than older players, if both groups are talented. If the young males beat the old males and someone made an article about it, you’d not acknowledge it exists.
>who cares about corporate mascots?
say the dude with a funko wall and 15 tickets of black panther and avengers
If the patriots got beaten by a local high school you better fucking believe it would make news
not him, but Ronald has become a pretty iconic fighting game Mugen character
Can you find a single instance anywhere at any time where a boy's team beat a professional men's team?
We both know thats not true.
You find me a 15 year old that can beat this man, i'll make you a millionaire.
I was answering a question,you fag
>Everyone praising them
Gee,it's as if they won the World Cup or something. I agree it's not the most important thing in the world especially if you dont give a shit about soccer but it's something
>warm up
>informal game
Oh no.
>one week later
>US conservatives still seething that their women won a World Cup
Don’t have a single figurine, and while I watch movies with my friends, none of us care about capeshit.
Lazy and halfassed strawman, user. 1/10. Don’t get worked up by your insecurities. And see me after the thread gets deleted.
News? Nah. It’d be an article, but they won’t broadcast it.
There is, in fact. But I’d rather you look it up for yourself since it’s easy enough for your slow-brain to find it.
Besides, if the male youth are so superior to the adult female teams, how come the male team always loses while the female team always wins? I don’t understand why you’d be livid they won.
You’re practically comparing apples to oranges here. One’s a team sport, the other isn’t.
You'd lose an informal game 5-2?
You're right, what i meant is that they act like they're undefeatable when they can't beat a a group of teenage boys
>News? Nah. It’d be an article, but they won’t broadcast it.
My point is everyone would be talking about it ya dunce
>You'd lose an informal game 5-2?
...yes? The entire point of an informal game is that you don't care about the score.
They are world class football players, user. Of course they’re better than youth players who’ll lose the cup like they usually do.
And why do you envy the women’s team so much? Is your inflated pride that fragile?
No, they’ll be denying it, you dunce.
>act like they're undefeatable
Yes,you kinda tend to brag when you win a World Cup.Following that retarded logic,you should never be happy when you get ,i dunno, a good grade in school because one day you gave a stupid answer at a question.
Shhh, don’t reason with the user, just ridicule him and his insecure state of mind, it makes his kind squirm in funny ways.
I had a look around like you suggested. I found numerous instances of boy's teams beating women's national teams.
But I couldn't find any examples of a youth team, male or female, beating a professional men's team.
Why are conservatives mad that they're the best in the world.
>One’s a team sport, the other isn’t.
I can't tell if you're being serious or not, you're telling me a group of teenagers can beat a group of 6'1 200 lbs foot ball players?
>...yes? The entire point of an informal game
Its about playing your best. Also get the fuck out and go back to tumblr
>And why do you envy the women’s team so much
Where do you get envy from?
>they’ll be denying it
Literally everyone would pounce on it and make fun of them, but it wouldn't happen anyway because they're better than a high school team unlike that women's soccer team.
They unironically think there’s a conspiracy theory behind the men’s team’s constant failures and the women’s constant team’s victories.
Uh uh.We get it, man.You didnt unearth a great conspiracy here.There's a reason why sports is gender segregated
sit down be humble, if you got your ass kicked by a group of teenage of boys people will call you out on your shit.
>Why are conservatives
Ok what the fuck is this? Where is this coming from?
Really? Honestly I don't think people care all that much. The US team has won 4 world cups in a row now by playing the exact same way and outdoing every other team on fitness. The expectation is that they'll win the next tournament too. But if you already know who the best team is, there's not much interest in watching.
>equal pay
>mens soccer brought in 9 billion in revenue
>players get 9%
>womens soccer brought in 73 million in revenue
>players get 13%
So... they should take money out of mens soccer which is the draw, and give women more money when they are already paid a larger percentage albeit of a smaller sum (cause who the hell wants to watch women soccer?).
No,because they won a World Cup you fag.They entitled to a little bit of pride
>Its about playing your best.
No. It's about not risking injury and not getting tired because you gain nothing from it.
>Also get the fuck out and go back to tumblr
Yea Forums is not a conservative safe space, user.
So where's the article about a boy's team beating a professional men's team?
>little bit of pride
They were shitting on their rivals and mocking em. Thats not a little bit of pride.
But US women earned more than US men.
I think people care about tearing them a new one because Rapinoe pooh-poohed God Emperor Trump
That's all tghere is to it like when that other fag user is bringing up the informal game constantly.It's about people not sucking Trump cock
that shit show "world cup" isn't even played by fully professional teams
What would that change ? I'm talking to a fucking wall here.Get your hormones in check, 12 year old
They have gone from lampooning pop culture to worshipping it. Not recently, that is, but that's what it is.
Is the conservative position now that "America fuck yeah" is always bad, or only when women do it?
You made a statement and couldnt defend it, thats how it works in Yea Forums. If you want your hugbox then this place isnt for you
Formerly competitors.
That's pretty damn funny then. What are these skanks yelling about then?
>Implying one needs to be conservatives to hate assholes who lose to 15 year olds
There was another thread about that the other day and one user said the Burgers are willing to hate their country accomplishment as long as it make the other side of the political spectrum mad.Hence when Rapinoe the "libtard who shit talk Trump" win, then soccer dont matter anymore even if the US win
You certainly need to be conservative to rage for an entire week that a US team is the best in the world only because they're women.
>muh sekrit club
Soccer doesn't matter to the US at all, regardless of the remarks of their team captain.
>No. It's about not risking injury and not getting tired because you gain nothing from it.
You've never played an informal game have you
> conservative safe space
It's also not a place for tumblerite faggots either. I wish both of you dumbasses would leave this place.
Conservative stance on everything these days is to just worship the republican president in office and agree with whatever his stance on matters is.
Point taken.
>Leave my safe place please
They're yelling that Hillary did not win.
>You've never played an informal game have you
I have no idea what you think an informal game is. The entire definition of informal is that it's not meant to be taken seriously.
They're complaining they get less pay, poorer travel arrangements, less good training facilities, etc. than the men, despite monetarily speaking being more valuable to the US Soccer federation.
The team earned more but the women are paid relatively less. This is almost entirely down to women's sports being almost universally a worse draw and money generator than men's, for various reasons. The last time we had this thread a number of anons who were more concerned with the breakdown of clubs and international football than gender politics did a decent breakdown of the system. Basically you'd need a big sponsor or donor to pour a lot of money into the sport, with the expectation that they might never see a return on that money in their lifetime.
If you want to know why everyone hates you faggots from plebbit and tumblr just read your greentext again, you bring nothing new and actually lower the iq of this board.
BluRays of the old, good seasons are merchandise.
I get watching womens sports when they are in hot outfits, but soccer? It's already boring as fuck with male players, but there at least there's action/running around. I can't imagine how boring female soccer is since women physically are so less capable and even a 15 year old male soccer team can beat world female soccer champs.
> only because they're women.
I hate it when the men do it too? The fuck are you on
You fags bring radicalized shooters.That's why everyone normal and well adjusted hate you. We earned the right to shitpost your shitty ass website to make incels like you angry
Two years later and conservatives still bring up Hillary. It's amazing how obsessed you can be of a woman who is no longer relevant to daily life even if you were to closely follow politics.
Why are right wingers still angry. Even Trump already stopped talking about them.
It literally never did, dingus. The super bowl is what draws in burger audiences, not soccer cups.
Imagine having a life so empty you build your self-worth according to which website you browse. I think you should kill yourself, chantard
>Yea Forums bringing radicalized shooters
you don't even deserve a )you(
The problems with football are a bit more discrete than physical capability, although fitness is a factor. I could do a breakdown if people are interested, but it would take a few posts.
I don't know. You don'thave to be a conservative to see the liberals hire the Avengers to host a propaganda spot for her and wonder which side is the empire and which is the rebel alliance.
>Imagine having a life so empty you build your self-worth according to which website you browse
How's it feel to be disliked everywhere you go?
Even Superbowl ratings are sagging. Is this because the Patriots win too much?
>wonder which side is the empire
The one with the political power? Because that's kinda the definition of empire.
>The one with the political power? Because that's kinda the definition of empire.
Not him but thats not the definition of the word empire
no he's not a thing anymore, that's the point of the OP you ESL
Well, the ads started being posted online ahead of time in 1018.
Take a moment to think about that.
It definitely became a spectacle about which companies were willing to spend millions of dollars on a 30 second clip. That said, a lot of those ads were terrible.