>One of the reasons I withheld the comic was my worry that folks wouldn't yet know of the greatness that is the tsundere archetype. But progress, as it does, has advanced society to a point that we can now all share in this common, divine knowledge. My work these days mostly entails explaining to people that my anime recommendations are objectively good and not just personal preference.
Whomp! Friends in Wry Places
Other urls found in this thread:
I get this reference
This is much less depressing than I thought it'd be. Good on you, Ronnie.
>You are all “tsun” and no “dere”
I know that feeling.
Is psu really the person who did the original?
''Sometimes, I miss text messages because I left my phone in another room, and I don't realize it because I don't have an urge to look at the phone every 5 seconds.'' ''Ronnie, you can stop. He's already died. Save that one for the next customer.''
i don't get the reference
I have 4 tabs open on chrome
56 on firefox
Well you’re just a different kind of evil.
Can Majin Saitama beat regular Saitama?
I've had over a thousand tabs open occasionally.
I too browse my pornography on firefox because I don't want it to mingle with my chrome autofills
Aww man, that's the reference? I was hoping it was to the old webcomic, 1/0.
Not the best webcomic - particularly the humour - but it did have some interesting ideas.
The hell you didn't post it anywhere.
I meant to reply to the OP.
I don't get it
I thought I was literally the only person to have read it. Pretty good read all in all.
>the exact same bitch isn't pretty when she has a pixie cut and is retarded until she's in a graduation gown
I'm pretty sure I saw this ages ago
>Aww man, that's the reference?
No, that's an other parody of the reference
>the first edit posted is mine
bless you
>how does the creative process of a fictional character work?
How did something so braindead and baseless of a character archetype like Tsundere became a thing? I never met anyone who was "tsundere" and passed the stage of puberty. Anyone?
The weeb defense force who like to imagine paper women as their "wives" need not to apply.
I think the tsundere thing is something that appeals to you if you have no self-respect whatsoever. I find the archetype obnoxious in media and absolutely toxic in real life. In real life I'll occasionally run into dudes who are dating massive bitches who ignore anyone who tells them to ditch their cancerous SO. Their reasons for sticking with them are usually poor and amount to little more then "She has sex with me every once in awhile."
A bully is a bully whether or not they're abusing you because they hate you or love you and nobody should put up with that shit.
You're absolutely right.
The tsundere archetype sounds appealing if you have a broken brain. But when you get belittled all the time, insulted for having an opinion about incredibly minor things like where to eat dinner or what shoes to buy, laughed at for thinking you're a worthwhile person...it gets old really, really fast. No relationship is worth that.
Just cut those people out of your life and let them live their miserable selves with each other.
what? this guys is actually real?
no one actually acts like absolute edgelords such as vergil or sasuke, but people like them anyway.
maybe it's the fact that irl the thing doesn't exist that makes people like them.
maybe you should fucking know since you are on the cartoons and comics boards
not to mention that you posted a panel from an absurdist comic about ugly tigers and laser high-fives
the idea of tsundere is that there is a girl that is averse to being openly affectionate in any way, but still has moments that show that she loves you and the kids
it's an ideal that honestly has no basis in reality.
or if there are women out there like that, they are so rare they might as well not exist.
they aren't just awful bitches that you see in real life.
best wife btw
That is nothing. I can have maybe up to SIX chrome tabs open incognito alone.
Japanese people are fucked in the head.
>I never met anyone who was "tsundere" and passed the stage of puberty.
That's the reason ... it's comics made by a bunch of men wishing they were still in middle school, before Japanese culture completely smothered them.
I've go so many open on my phone it no longer tells me how many and just does a :D face
please get help for your e-hoarding disorder, user.
When it serves the joke, sure. Don't take this shit that seriously
I only have around 5 tabs open at any time, more if I'm looking at lots of threads
Ignore those other anons for I bring the truth.
Tsundere isn't meant to be constantly flipping back and forth like someone who is bipolar, it meant to start with tsun and evolve into dere. When you look up the proto-archetypes of the character type you find that originally the girl has a reasons to be standoffish or a complete bitch. As the show progress it's meant to be a slow burn until the character even gets to the "love interest" stage, and by then the tsun is supposed to be mostly gone.
The problem comes in two directions. The first is that because of the internet Japan is creatively bankrupt. They still manage good shit, but the vast majority of their works are incredibly derivative. And because anyone can make a derivative the only thing that can make you stand out is shameless pandering. So this creates a feedback loop of shitty writers writing derivatives of derivatives.
The second problem is a cultural one that caused a lot of young men to basically give up on life and fall into anime and video games to pass the time away until they die. So they want relationships and families, but circumstances means they probably won't ever achieve them, so all their anime had simple romances.
So a lot of young boys pick up male adulthood fucking sucks and it's not fucking worth it, so they fall into the "VG and Animes till I die" plan before they even get to the taste of failure. Only these younger guys don't really have experience with girls so they don't know how a relationship is formed. So when it comes time to pander they cut out the "building a relationship part", but keep the cliches of the archetype. So you have characters with no reason to care about the main character (introverts, assholes, people who only talked to him once, etc.) wanting to impale themselves on his dick. I am beginning to ramble, and I am out of room so...
TL;DR; Tsundere is fine. Blame the dickless losers who don't want to have relationships.
It doesn’t help either that most people apply that archetype when talking about female bullies. Even if they did like you, that doesn’t really excuse all of the bullshit.
Think of a tsundere as a conflicted antagonist. What you have is an "enemy" that's a girl that the main character has to win over. So you have conflict with a love interest that shows brief instances of having a mutual attraction. A tsundere can have an entire romance arc based around them because it's part of their personality. If the MC wants to win her over or if she tries to get closer to the MC despite her surface level dislike of him, you have a story you can expand upon and unfortunately for most manga/anime can be used to drag things out indefinitely.
Ignore all replies except this one
it's so weebs can pretend all the girls that don't like them do actually secretly like them
So the problem is the definition of tsundere isn't supposed to be a huge bitch all the time, it's supposed to start off as a huge bitch and then go through CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT to not be a huge bitch.
But because no one can ever seen to do CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT anymore, the huge bitch will be forever stuck as being a huge bitch because all characters are locked into their first impression characterizations.
the number of people I've talked to in executive positions who have said this isn't so far off
I'm doing pretty good, I've only got 72 right now.
Pretty much. The Japanese love really abstract onomatopoeia and they are super common in everyday use. They love them like Americans love similes and metaphors. English tends to use very literal onomatopoeia. Thunk, Pow, Cluck, Thump, Bang, Squeal, etc. They are reserved for sounds. The Japanese also use them for that, but also for things like "staring hard" or "Listening intently". They associate a sound with the action.
So the sound of a heart beat is doki. So when you are excited, nervous, or in love your heart beats fast. So you would say something made you, doki, dokidoki, or doki dokidoki to demonstrate how much emotion you felt. TsunTsun is the sound of someone turning away disgruntled. DereDere is the sound of being lovestruck. So tsundere is someone who goes from angry to being in love.
I let the thread watcher manage my monitoring
usually I only go above 5 tabs (across all open windows) when I've a bunch of Yea Forums pics waiting to be saved
which is most of the time, really
I've had up to 3 windows filled with nothing but images and webms waiting to be saved as I move whatever scant few actual tabs there's left to the top of the pile or onto a separate window
Holy shit now that's a throwback. I'd almost forgotten about that.
>all the absolutely retarded armchair psychology in your post and the responses to your post
>not putting on his best trousers, going to the bank, walking right up to the manager, looking him straight in the eye, shaking his hand, and demanding a job
damn lazy millenials
imagine having a penis
I currently have 6 tabs open in Firefox. 5 Yea Forums threads and a youtube tab.
I've never had more than 30 tabs open at a single time ever.
This. It's to make it impossible to get rid of an anime nerd once they latch onto you. Nothing will convince him or her that the victim doesn't secretly reciprocate.
From a storytelling perspective, it's a pretty good tool.
Most stories in any form of media revolve around conflict.
If you got a character who can't be honest with his/her feelings and it's at odds with another character because of it, then BAM, you got a reliable source of potential conflict, drama, comedy and character development.
It's such an easy tool to insert into a history that it's no surprise the archetype is so overused, but what the fuck do I know I'm a disgusting fucking weeb that dreams of girls with bright colored hair who shout "kyaa" and couldn't exist in real life because their personalities are too shallow and unbelievable.
>well-written though out post
sorry, we don't allow that here.
you can either call people weebs or tell them they eat shit because they watch western media
Most I've had up were around 800 spread across 7 windows. I'd never get around to actually going through them if I just bookmark the things.
The reference is over 60 years old.
>crab hooked up to the lightbulb making light
I wonder how he did it
>it's your fault you don't have a 3dpd waifu you just didn't work hard enough for it you're an emotionally stunted manchild you need to develop a relationship it takes work when are you going to man up
All good and valid points. But why does Stacy think she deserves a 12/10 Chad right out of the gate without also putting effort into a relationship? I quit that game because I was folding and folding repeatedly, and I'm sure a lot of guys who retreat into adolescent pursuits have also gone through similar experiences. tl;dr - this twisted game needs to be reset. That's what V2 is for
uh ok that's still fuckin gay
It's a reference to pic attached here. (surprised no one posted the orignal yet)
No, not this Though the pic is probably inspired by this cartoon, though. So it's a second hand inspiration.
are these real? do people actually do this? i feel like it would be bad for the computer. am i just a computerlet?
Am I the only one who has only the tabs open he is actually doing something with atm? If we don't count threads on here, which I am currently monitoring three, I often only have a single tab open. Everything I want to come back later is bookmarked.
It's the ultimate extreme of female shit testing a male, the part a lot of guys like is that the woman still likes you despite you failing it, and you even like failing it.
It's like the ultimate expression of being a beta.
>no one actually acts like absolute edgelords such as vergil or sasuke,
You must be new in this world...
>no one actually acts like absolute edgelords such as vergil or sasuke, but people like them anyway.
They exist. Vergil is legitimately autistic though.
In Parks and rec when April said noone knows what they are doing in their jobs blew my mind when I was younger.
Because its true.
>. 5 Yea Forums threads
M8 they added a thread watcher why do you need them all open at the same time?
and i've read several stories about literal crazy girls stabbing the one they loved because they wanted to fuck him.
there was a pic floating around with one with her on the crime scene and the stabbed guy naked in a pool of blood
point is, people can like an archetype as long as it stays fictional
how many people that like tsundere actually think would like a gf like the one above?
>inb4 me
don't even try unless you had a literal blade pointed at you by a girl
>don't even try unless you had a literal blade pointed at you by a girl
It smells like you have a story to tell...
nah, just a guy that realizes that some fetishes don't translate at all if you do them for real
That's not tsundere, that's yandere.
>don't even try unless you had a literal blade pointed at you by a girl
I have. I miss her so much.
oh yeah, mixed up my -dere
>am i just a computerlet?
Yeah. I have 3 screens to spread them across too.
Best one yet
I miss Cultist-chan.
im suprised he managed to open that many on chrome before the ram went up in flames
It's a Japanese concept. The idea is that showing open affection without a formally accepted declaration of love makes a woman unfit for marriage, so a lot of Japanese girls flinch away from feeling attraction because if they show affection, someone asks the guy if they're a couple and the guy simply says "nah," the girl is instantly considered a lascivious slut by the community.
That HAS to be an Edit
The original says "BUTTS" instead of loss.
What's with that random cut between the ukelele and the plane crash?
Was that how it originally was or is that to avoid getting copyright dinged? I don't get it.
>I want to be smart too
>man draws her a diploma she didn't earn
Very subtle commentary on how women get ahead in real life constantly.
Because I'm actively shitposting in them.