So, is Stonetoss actually unironically racist?
So, is Stonetoss actually unironically racist?
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His only crime is his faggy art style.
How does he rationalize hating successful blacks like Ben Carson?
It kills him on the inside
We know this thread's gonna be pruned, so might as well post NSFW stonetoss
Yes, and it's not well drawn or well written either.
The same way every other racist does they just make shit up in a desperate attempt to disqualify them.
>Obama is a secret muslim from Kenya who eats with DIJON MUSTARD and greets his wife with a TERRORIST FIST BUMP
"That you're not allowed to acknowledge how violent and stupid they are because of how violent and stupid they are, in public in public.
30 minutes, God Yea Forums's mods are almost as lazy as the /3DCG/ mods.
Stonetossed? More like saladtossed, amirite?
Exceptions prove the rule.
The Duke brothers already solved this, it's nurture not nature that makes the man
Well, yes. Was that supposed to be a secret or something?
He has exactly four jokes:
Women and minorities are weird, stupid and probably evil.
Leftists are hypocrites and probably evil.
The Holocaust didn't happen
Bitching about some random group who just happens to annoy him for no reason like vegans or foot fetishists.
Depends on what you mean by racism. There are a lot of definitions floating around in current year. One relevant consideration is whether a statement/position/whatever can be racist and also factually correct. That comic has an implied message involving race. Is that message in accordance with reality?
he probably is, but some times he is still right
>Leftists are hypocrites and probably evil.
that's 100% true tho
In a way. His own way.
It’s both
You forgot “trans suicide rate is high”.
Also older women out of their prime like owning big dogs. All over the place in my town. Not only pitbulls though.
But all of this is correct, I don’t see the issue.
He's as racist as any other /pol/tard.
That is to say, yes, but only because he was brainwashed that way.
That's just [minority] is dumb and hate life/themselves.
probably, but atleast he makes some good comics every once in a while
Still not covered by the list of themes of Stoneross comics.
That makes you part of the problem.