3Below: Tales of Arcadia

Season 2 is here. Now with 100% more Toby, you know your least favorite Trollhunter.


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The fat fuck?

With the whiny personality so bad his friends ditched him with a lame guard-the-house-while-I'm-gone excuse

Christ I hope he's not a big focus this season. I want to see the jock and the qt alien girl interact more.


Fuck there goes 5 bucks

I don't hate Toby, but I hope he has a very minor role here. He can get annoying in large doses.

On Episode 4 now and so far he's been pretty good.


I don't dislike Toby because of how he acts, I hate his design. His proportions are too fuckin' cartoony compared to the other human characters. We get it, he's fat, but goddamn, anyone THAT fat would need oxygen and to have legs that tiny (damn near vestigial, really), they'd have to be paraplegic, and have spent their lives confined to a wheelchair.


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Just finished, it was fucking great.


Was an edited image?

>Season 2 is here.
Wait what?
I thought it was cancelled.

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I still don't like Aja's hair bun.

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Nope, Shannon thinks she's gonna die and laments that she's never been kissed, rando girl sitting next to her says "me neither" they stare at each other for a second and then they just kiss.

>I thought it was cancelled.

What would give you that idea?

Same, even if I understand why they did that I think she looks way better with it down.

How much more armpit sniffing is there

Well, not cancelled but ended yes. 3Below is over, Wizards coming next in September or October.


Are the Monster Slayers Z back?

It's Monster SlayerZ


Is the guy alien more fleshed out? I like Aja, but she was a bit overbearing with her warrior princess shit.

Pirate when

Season two focuses a lot more on Krel

Is there any more hints of the "Wizards"

I'm indifferent towards Toby but I love the big guy.

does he get some badass fight scenes?

>Nope, Shannon thinks she's gonna die and laments that she's never been kissed, rando girl sitting next to her says "me neither" they stare at each other for a second and then they just kiss.
Lame. That's practically queerbait.

True. But,They actually look cute together. Imagine the skinny on between those thick thighs.

The British guy is around, apparently he has a store next to the cute pink haired girl, and at the end of the last episode a cat with glasses who Arrrgh calls a familiar shows up and tells Steve, Toby, and Arrrgh that if they don't follow him the world as they know it will end.

Yeah he gets some good scenes

Exactly what time did you marathon this season?

Yeah, sadly nothing else is shown like whether they became a couple or not. Maybe a background thing in Wizards will happen.

When it came out around two in the morning for me. Now I have to go to work in a few hours. NO REGRETS

Looking at it again. The rando girl looks like she's eight. She just has a big head. Because 3d is still going through growing pains.

Its hard to tell here but she is actually taller then Shannon

Not enough.

No mega?

It takes a while, and netflix seems to have updated their shit. Everytime I tried to take a screen shot all I got was blackness.


So human guy and alien girl, do they get any good scenes together?
Don't really care about the alien guy.


But what they don't get, is a weapons upgrade. The final threat of the season is even more powerful than Morgana and Steve runs around in skating gear and a god damn baseball bat. Either he is just that much of a Chad or he is just really dumb.

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Steve damn well better get some leglocking from his qt alien waifu.

She goes back to her home planet but Steve stays because of his family, even his gay option leaves.

...What the shit?

What the fuck are you talking about now?!

Seriously the alien dude stayed but the alien girl didn't? the fuck?

I was expecting the exact opposite, like what the fuck. Aja loved Earth, Krel hated it except for the finale. There was buildup for how Aja doesn't want to rule seeing as she prefers to be a warrior. Krel was the obedient king-in-waiting, ready to take his throne. Aja had many reasons to stay on Earth, Krel didn't get friends until this season.
Expectations subverted I guess??

>Krel hated it except for the finale
Remember how he faced his fears in the deep? That's what it was for. he realized he had actually had friends and people on earth he cared about and wanted to protect.

While he is a King in waiting, he's also the younger sibling, meaning he throne belongs more to Aja who, even if she had reasons to stay behind, need to be there for her people.

Also Krel can just make a portal back home if he wants or needs his sister or people. Also Steve and Krel need bonding time

>Toby's comment on how all the final battles take place on the bridge
I can wait for the Wizard finale where it takes place on the bridge then probably explains its some magical hot spot or something

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Why do they need bonding time?

Because they're gonna be brothers in law

Didn't she have a thing for Eli?

>wrote Eli off for most of Wizards

That's half of why I would watch Wizards gone.

Nah, it was just a popular underdog pairing.

What they do to Eli?

Moved to Akiridion-5 to be Earth's Ambassador, for at least a semester.

Which, fuck.
Hopefully he comes back for the endgame of Wizards.

God damn it. Steve and Eli were the best parts

Anyone find it weird that the last episode tried to set something up between Krel and Mary?
Felt like a few more episodes could have beefed that up.

he also ended with worse girl

blue, 4 arms, actually cute. I dont know why we didnt got way more Aja art

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>tfw this show is the closest I'll ever have to closure on Sym-Bionic Titan

to be fair I hope they dont bring it back, they would fuck it up

Don't see how it was cancelled before it even really got started. Honestly if they were gonna start making it again they should just reboot it.

It's a Netflix show. People here tend to avoid anything not on the standard cable cartoon networks

Binge watched it. Thought it was nice. A season shorter than I thought, but it makes the pacing better.
Wasn’t expecting Eli to go to space, leaving Steve with Toby. I also wasn’t expecting Steve and Toby to seem so intregal to what will happen in Wizards. But I’m hoping Darcy, Mary, and even Shannon will have a bigger role.

Should we talk about the fact that Toby’s nana was a spy in the FIRST World War?

So, Wizards Part 1 is probably going to be another "set in the past" season, like 3Below Part 1 was. Starting with the British Kids moving in and explaining things like what White Armored Villain it was that Jim was fighting.

>hoping Darcy, Mary, and even Shannon will have a bigger role
Honestly surprised the first two didn't have one this season.
I mean it happens after the Morgana stuff and I feel like they deserve to be in the know at this point.
Especially Darcy since she's dating Toby

>Netflix now openly likes giving their shows only two seasons so they split up the entire narrative into multiple shows so it won't matter if they only get two seasons
Delightfully devilish, Del Totoro.

waiting for it do drop on kimcartoon like a pleb

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It should have been Mary.

How much Mary do we get?

She has plot relevance in two episodes, but after that...just background.

The final episode hints at some romantic interest between her and Krel, so maybe something more in Wizards.

the sausage hunter, I dont think so. She was even flirting with a guy 3 times her size

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Oh don't get me wrong, she's so thirsty for dong she rings bells in her spare time, but she's also the type to want to not die a kiss virgin, even if that means smooching a girl.

only god knows what this girl did at this point, that and her being the only one laughinh when the coach was trashing Steve made her my favorite character in both shows

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is this the last season of 3below and if it is theres a date for wizards?

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Yeah this is the last season of 3 Below.
The final episode leads directly into Wizards.

What's up with Netflix and bullies becoming good guys wielding baseball bats named Steve? Not that i'm complaining

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Steve is best boy.

I actually liked it. Wish more of the trolls had stuck around since they decided to have Toby and Arrgh be present so often. Gotta wonder what the rent is like, given how people have decided they'll stick around in a little town thats seen two apocalyptic events and is collectively keeping a lid on it.

were morgana and merlin confirmed AYY LMAOS?

dont leave children alone with Merlin

So his great gram was playing dumb all along?

I hope those magic guys figure out a way to make Jim able to turn his transfomation on and off

Toby's Gran is well over 100 years old.
Witch confirmed or is this gonna be left in the air?

I was expecting the opposite simply because I assume she's the more popular character. Plus she plays better off of the other castmembers so it would have been a smarter play to have her be the one to show up in other series.

Zadra is thicc

nah would have revealed her powerlevel around Merlin if that was the case

Maybe that was her being an eccentric old lady?

Seeing as there is wormhole technology now, I don't know why she couldn't appear in the other series. If anything it will be easy for her to show up out of the blue every now and then. Unlike how it was for Jim and Claire for this series.

I'm sure she will be in wizards just as much as Jim and Claire, maybe not until season two but she will be there.

Why haven't kimcartoon uploaded the episode yet?

No idea, it does take some time for netflix rips

Girl on the right looks genuinely retarded

Yeah the design's in this show are hit or miss. actual monsters and such look good but humans will look odd about fifty percent of the time.

Odd to say, but this series uses death WAY too frequently and quickly in order to manufacture drama and stakes.

>Oh, this character has a whole new dynamic with the team, I wonder how future episodes are going to explore this-annnnd they're dead.
>Hey, this character can finally interact with the characters and maybe even go on missions with them in the future, giving more chances to develop them as a-annnnnd they're dead.

So is the villain in this intresting or is he the same as season one.

They never even acknowledge that their lightning buddy died.

Same as season 1 and only slightly more interesting.

Well I like the heroes at least so i'll be able to get through it.

I wouldn't say he's terrible, but the Amanda Waller wannabe is more hateable and when compared to the bad guys of Trollhunters he really doesn't measure up. Plus his defeat is a bit anti-climatic.

is she like the evil female troll from Trollhunters because she was awful.

No not really but she is dumb as fuck.