Which one of them was the best character in Homestuck?
Which one of them was the best character in Homestuck?
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Finally /hsg/ has returned.
Dave is the superior individual, but Roxy is best waifu.
Also, if I see another picture of Jane, I'll tear out my monitor with my bare hands.
Spades Slick.
Farah Nuff. btw, do you have any SS fanart that I can spam on these threads in the future? I'm not about to look any up on Tumblr or /d/viantart because I know how that shit goes down.
D O G P E N I S, gentlemen
It's karkat time.
I lost my image of John killing Karkat, so settle for this instead
Idiot here. What is Homestuck, why is it so popular, and why there are never threads about it in Yea Forums despite being popular?
in a better world...
Here's one I like. The trackart for Psychedelic Psychodelic from LoFaM 2.
Homestuck is a really weird webcomic that starts off super slow. Yea Forums likes it because there's a lot of very nice graphic violence and pretty damn decent character development, plus literally half the main cast are waifus. Tumblr likes it more than Yea Forums, because they want to make the characters have sex and also the comic has a lot of gays.
There are never threads about Homestuck because we're all ashamed of liking it, and also most of the fanbase is on Tumblr making the characters fuck.
i hope the spades slick did nothing wrong guy sees this, big fan of that dude
Wait, I assumed you were him.
You know what that means, right?
There are at least three of us.
>why there are never threads about it in Yea Forums despite being popular?
I'm 90% sure it's not banned, considering there's always a 400-post HS thread every week. Unless you're making a joke and I'm autistic.
i'm replying to the guy who posted the album art, different dude. any spadesposter is good in my book.
So there are four. This means that we have enough people to unsuccessfully petition Hussie to rewrite the ending so Spades actually finds LE and kills him in a SS/Davepetasprite/Alpha Kid crossover.
What's the best aspect and why is it Light?
The best aspect is Time; Spiderfags get out
>the best character
maybe back in act 5, but now he's the worst.
Fucking how? There is simply no competition for our humble Knight of C(l)ock. People just don't like him because "wah wah muh epilogue" even though he had some great character development even in the epilogue.
>people don't like him because a giant part of the story now where he's a useless piece of shit that has yet another character arc where he has to find himself or his sexuality, only this time instead of being funny he usually rants about some social issue
I have a feeling you might be a big time dumb retard.
I've given up on humanity; where can I find HS porn that's not made by autistic twelve-year-olds? Can I?
Dave hasn't been good since the retcon, sorry.
The /aco/ threads are the only active Homestuck threads left here on Yea Forums.
Hussie's attention to the Strilondes has become less and less interesting the more he pads out their arcs.
At this point I just can't give a shit about Dave. He has none of the qualities that made him endearing and none of the struggles that made him engaging.
best dog.
How should have Act 6 and 7 have gone Yea Forums?
If you could turn back time to [s] Cascade and interfaced with Hussie's mind.
This person is correct
None because neither Spades Slick or Clubs Deuce are there.
Everyone gets transformed into bullet men.
Karkat dies
Vriska stays dead and Karkat does something useful
I don't know why but I really really like this style
also fun fact Yea Forums has been having HS threads almost daily that reach the bump limit check that catalog once this gets nuked
Kill him
They shouldn't have existed at all.
If one wants to fix Homestuck, start from the mere beginning.
We're saying a what-if situation. Like what if Hussie wasn't a hack, and what if Dave wasn't a bitch.
>what-if situation
Still kill him.
No kickstarter for a start.
Jade and Rose spend the entire comic barefoot and pregnant
Excuse me?
None this is best character
You heard me.
She may be (read:is) the best character, but that image looks fucking terrifying.
Are you just a bot that constantly spouts dumb opinions?
Dude, I wish.
How fucked am I
boring milquetoast motherfucker
Don't bully
Going to post some from my own collection if you don't mind.
Breath and Time are the best
Good dog, best slut
Gonna stop for now.
Have a bonus with a pic of irl Midnight Crew building massive snowmen back in the early 1900s.
>when you shit on Vrisrezi and Karezi shippers at the same time
Nice going bro
>Knight is Passive, Page is Active
8lood is trash
Obvious and unironically pic related.
Fucking exploit Lord Jack more. He's possessed by Lord English's soul yet fucking Spades Slick can keep up with him. Oh speaking of Spades, don't kill him.
Now for the epilogues
Roxy and Calliope are fine as females, I understand the context behind what happens in Meat but that's unnecessary especially since the fandom obviously can't handle that shit properly (look at Roxy's page on the wiki. Awful.)
Dog dick and tail Jade was unnecessary
Fucking continue them if they don't intend to already
Other than that it's good. I don't think there's that much to change, just a few points that bother me.
I legit don't understand how people can get behind this unironically. Knights are actively fighting back against their aspect while Pages are getting bullied by it. It should be obvious which one is active and which one isn't.
The epilogues are noncanon fanfiction written by a cherub and a gay narcissist
>while Pages actively avoid accountability and responsibility.
>>>>>>>>>They actively do nothing so they're active
Yeah giving that a pass, thanks anyway
>tfw JohnRezi is one of the only consistently good things about the epilogue
Speak for yourself. I enjoyed the epilogues.
Don't worry, she will drop John for Vriska again.
>half the main cast are waifus
Never read the comic, but didn't his artstyle degrade severely in the later stages of the webcomic?
Not even close. Art in Homestuck is inconsistent by design but it's overall way better by the end
>when Hussie realized having dead Vriska lead an army as her arc was fucking retarded
Seriously, making Act 7 before finishing Act 6 was the dumbest thing Hussie ever did.
>Jane is a relevant protag and standing next to John and Karkat
>no Sollux hanging out with Aradia
>Vriska's lazily edited eyes
So can we tell who was going to be relevant from this?