You hyped for lion King?

You hyped for lion King?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't know OP, are you?

Why would I be disappointed in something I never had faith in to begin with?

A little bit

>crushing disapointment
So, like all the other live-action remakes.
And I bet it will be widely successful as well, solely by dint of having cute lion cubs.
Would you be?

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I'm not hyped for any of Disney's live-action remakes. I wouldn't recommend you set yourself up for that disappointment either.

holy shit, there's just no life to the CGI version

Dumbo made money?

Just you wait for Tangled.

I will never see any of these unless somebody pays for both my ticket and snacks.

>Critics shin on Godzilla
>It's fucking great
>Critics jack off to The Last Jedi
>it's shit

I kinda wanna see if critics are right or not but I don't want to give a soulless cash grab money
>they get rid of the iconic zoom in and subsequent quick cuts
No energy at all :(

*shit on Godzilla
Though that makes a good pun but whatever

where you from user?

Finally the audiences are sick of these bland "realistic" cartoons.

>That singing
Is it possible for the songs in these movies to NOT be shit?

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Nope, just this one for leaning too far into realism. They'll just clown up the next ones they do.


Man, if that shit was so bland I wonder how this musical number turns out.

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no, it's a pass from me like every pointless reboot/remake.

The forgettable choreography and the way Simba sung the "it means no worries" part made me think for a second that the twitter account just looped the same audio and video twice on the top clip. Had to double-check to make sure they didn't.

This. Anyone who listens to "critics" are mindless sheep.

>Its just a long booming-shot of animals running around each other
>Color-saturations have no contrasts, You might as well have filmed this in an actual jungle and animated the animals afterwards
>Glover sings it like a R&B song instead of a broadway-esque note that EJ envisioned

It genuinly looks like they took a gander at all the things that made it neccesary to be an animation in the first place and then decided to not go with it.
Fuck Favraeu, he is better than this, he has proven that on multiple occasions. This is a career low

Disney has the final solution to the Animation Question, making more living space for the Live Action/Photorealistic CGI master race.

But for real people should be out there, and in fact are morally obligated to, doing whatever then can to stop this garbage, up to and including murder and domestic terrorism.

What does Jesus have to do with cars?

bravo iger

imagine being a disgusting fucking normalfag and paying money for shit like this on a regular basis and thinking it's the best entertainment the world has to offer

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Basically the CGI animators at Disney want to put in 0 effort and make a ton of money while doing it. Like, they have to be deliberately lazy or hate cartoons to cut away all the exaggeration and expressiveness of animation and try to make a nature documentary.

I thought I was the only one who liked it. Saw it twice.

be careful with that meme. its an antique

Saw it three times, was going to go a fourth time but it was out of theaters by then

Cringe-worthy I imagine. Think that's like the only song they haven't showcased a clip of. Don't think they've done Be Prepared either but still.

Always look for the ratio between media critics and audience:

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>not armond

You were supposed to be a light in my miserable life Disney

I would sit down in front of the VCR and watch your movies all day

Even the mediocre ones like Oliver & Co, Googy Movie and Atlantis because I loved them so much

I would beg my parents to go to Disneyland everytime

I would buy all your merchandise, your buzz lightyear toys, your mickey mouse comics, your Bug's Life video games

When I was sad, I would just turn on Disney Channel and have fun watching Talespin and the Little Mermaid series

You made me forget all the problems I had in school or in my family

I loved you Disney, I LOVED YOU

What went wrong Disney, WHAT ???!!!!

Please tell us, TELL ME, your FRIEND

You are not well Disney, you need help

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I think they put in effort. They just decided it looked uncanny to put realistic animals with the same unrealistic cinematography and backgrounds from the originals so they went the hyper realistic route.

>Godzilla flops despite being a great tribute with a ton of heart and soul
>This shit is going to make billions

It'll be the first live action remake that's as good as the original. You know, since the original was trash.

be careful with that meme. its an antique

>Saw it twice.
Me too! I loved it.

I ended up looking at the animated one more cause it looked more interesting

I really can't see the point in this. Animation allows for practically unlimited reality, but they did nothing with this sequence. Simba goes left, Pumba goes right. Pumba goes left, Simba goes right. Timone jumps off Pumba, scampers forward a bit, then jumps back on. Presenting the story as a Broadway-style musical means you can get fanciful with a musical number. But there's no reason for them to even sing. How did nobody at Disney come to the realization that this is a terrible idea?

But it's not a terrible idea, people aren't quite sick if these remakes yet so it's free money.

Why put real time and effort in when you get paid the same either way?

The movie will definitely do well on name alone, but this still looks like a ridiculously expensive movie to make.

From what I've read, it has a shot at Best Animated just on it's incredible technical merits.
It's said to make Jungle Book look like amateur shit.

Anyone else hate that disney is making nothing but live action movies nowadays? I wish they'd make more 2D films, but I guess 3D is cheaper to produce

Lmao the Oscar baiting movie has less critic score than Jungle Book

JB: 7.73

LK: 6.36

Chuck Norris being fucked by lion with Jesus watching when?

And here are the top critics

JB: 7.85

LK: 6.11

Not a very successful Oscar bait

the characters move very realisticaly
like actual animals
isnt it how it supposed to look

It looks like the blandest cgi movie ever made. Literally no child on earth would want to see this. This is the type of film a pedofile like David Attenbro would fap to.

Is that a quote from some soiladed reviewer?

>critics boogeyman
Who cares. Form your own opinion.

i just wrote this from the heart

Alita is very suspect though, after the whole dumb campaign that blew on their faces. The rest are okay however, but as of lately this pattern has been happening, a true disconnect between audience and critics due to an overwhelmingly bland Summer season with remakes and movies nobody wanted to see (MIB, Hellboy, etc).

They turned Alita into some lame YA shit like Maze Runner.
It was probably my biggest movie disappointment in the last 10 years, but only because I haven't given a single fuck about Star Wars in decades.

I'm so sorry.

god hope this tanks
I know it won't but I wish it would make like $10 mil under the budget.

Almost makes you want to go nuclear

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>Watching photorealistic CGI animals fumble around like real confused animals on a Hollywood set.
Wow, so realistic!

>Godzilla flops despite being a great CGI simulation of rubber-suit monsters, with a ton actors reading sub-fanfic dialogue.

>"You hyped for lion King?"
>Crushing Disappointment
Already happened when they announced.

Top looks like a high budget commercial for a car or some shit

But Shin Godzilla didn't flop.

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Yeah, it was as crappy as many other movies that have come out lately that were chasing the Marvel money. But unlike the MCU, they don't have the support of a multi-movie franchise so they're pretty forgettable and bland on their own, resulting in a poor cinema experience.
Like I remember how many in here were claiming Detective Pikachu was gonna give Endgame a run for its money, and barely a month or so later, absolutely no one is talking about it here. The discussion barely lasted a week if at all.

>disney live-action remake
Only onions-chuggers care about these.

You can really see the "single episode of Game of Thrones" budget that went into it.

Alita wasn't chasing Marvel anything; Shazam! was chasing Marvel, or at least trying to flirt with Ant-Man level money.
Alita started out as an idea that Cameron no longer wanted to follow up on, but had promised forever so felt obligated to produce something.
And it sure was "something". It was a "violent" dystopian tragedy with all the grit and intensity of the original Willy Wonka movie.

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Haven’t seen any of these live action Disney remakes and never will

>live action
This is a CGI animated movie. don't let the Disney psyop convince you otherwise.


What are they going to do when they run out of animated films to remake?

Depressed and blackpilled

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>CGI remake of a 2D film
Even more onions.

The lack of facial expressions really kills it

>Everytime someone mentions Shin Godzilla is good, God allows a rich white man to rape a child.

Thats how much I can’t stand people bringing up Shillzilla. We fucking get it, Japan made a good Godzilla movie again!

From what I understand people liked Shaft because it was old-fashioned action comedy but critics hate it because it's "racist and sexist", is that correct?

Critics can suck a dick

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Remake TV shows

Obviously a false review, paid by Warner Brothers.


why would i care what this literally who fat fuck says who even is this neet?

It's so lifeless
How can anyone watch this?

Bruh, that's Hitchcock, the father of modern manga.

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A fine vintage indeed.

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still going to make a lot of money you like or not.
disney have this magic power to make shit that sells.


Thing is it's not "Live Action" its totally CGI. Hence the most recent thing is. Respect the animators efforts to make it real.

>reeeee nostalgiafaggots ruin everything!

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Current Year Man just phones it in

It's a gimmick. The actual movie doesn't have to be good, it just needs to resemble Lion King and normies will watch it.

I seriously fucking hope that this shit bombs so hard that Disney cancels all future live-action/CGI remakes and anyone involved in this leaves the industry forever.
Sadly it'll probably make millions just like all the other remakes.

It's boring and none of it is real in the first place

duh! it's Disney, people will go in droves to watch it, they have no choice.

Anyone who expected this to be good deserves to be disappointed, honestly.

honestly the LK had no business being remade

Hunchback also feels like something that wouldn't work because of the focus on 2d backgrounds and Frolo's song probably being too creepy for modern babies.

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All my friends want to watch it.
I feel ashamed

it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS

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A broken clock is right twice a day.

>waaaah I'm so autistic I can only enjoy one type of special effects
And how was the dialogue "sub-fanfic"?

Just based on the movie clips of the lion king and some of the songs I think that the critics have been pretty fucking lenient with it. Plus anybody that calls this cgi shit "Cutting edge Technology" are straight up talking out of their ass, especially when shit like Narnia has better cg with more expressive animal characters. ffs even generic talking dog movies in the 90's at least knew how to lip sync the animals' mouths.

>(((white man)))

What campaign? There was one against Alita, and still is.


Could you elaborate? They left out some of the violence, yes. But most people liked it, including the fans of the manga and anime.

> don't have the support of a multi-movie franchise so they're pretty forgettable and bland on their own
I don't understand that line of argumentation. Only movies with are a multi-movie franchise are worth watching?

This channel has a lots of news and comments on Alita:

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Wow he really is bad. Guy really has no talent.

Don’t meme at me user. You’re sad devotion to ancient memes has not helped you conjure up the stolen bases.

also this

Damn son I came into this thread expected to just shitpost but congrats.

The scene where King G and Godzilla staredown as helicopter drop from the sky and the scene where Ghidorah lights up the sky with lightning are literally the most cinematic things I have ever seen in a film. I am a pretty emotionally dead-faced individual and it left me smiling for a day. People though I was in love.


>What campaign?
Oh let's not pretend you don't know what I'm talking about: the "Go see Alita instead of Captain Marvel" campaign a bunch of comicsgaters and alt-right personalities launched to supposedly prop up the sales, which not only went nowhere but got more people calling out the movie for how mediocre it was.
>There was one against Alita, and still is.
No there wasn't, if anything it had a severely astroturfed word of mouth that, again, went nowhere, with people like James Woods and Mike Cermovich trying to get their follower base to go see it, didn't work.
>I don't understand that line of argumentation. Only movies with are a multi-movie franchise are worth watching?
That's definitely not what I was saying, I was talking about the current summer fatigue that has caused a lot of blockbusters that aren't MCU fail or underperform at the box office for varied reasons. I can definitely tell you're invested in defending Alita and I won't stop you, that's your deal, but don't worry, I'm not comparing it to any MCU movie, its failures are by its own making, already outlined here by which actually pointed out how Cameron basically did this out of obligation with himself, not real interest.

He's clearly not inside so he is being asked to get in. Like you wouldn't want to pull up next to somebody, roll down the window and say, "Do you have any Grey Poupon, my nigga Jesus ate all that shit."

>Alita was astroturfed by /pol/ and /pol/ alone


Maybe it's because I'm so accustomed to Donald Glover's voice already but it feels like there's a huge disconnect between his voice and the lion's mouth/size. My brain can't reconcile it.

Why spend a quarter of a billion dollars to create lifelike simulacra of jungle animals to sing Broadway bops? If it has to be remade, why not just make a movie version of the Broadway play, with the elaborate costumes, and save yourself hundreds of millions of dollars?

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Rent free

>huge disconnect between his voice and the lion's mouth/size. My brain can't reconcile it.
You're not the only one.

You can barely fucking tell any of the animals are actually talking. It looks like someone behind a rock is projecting to the animals. It's so bad. I think it's because they don't express and you can barely see their mouths move.

>Alita is for alt right
I avoided that movie for the googly eyes and i still knew some people were agrainst it

>Why spend a quarter of a billion dollars to create lifelike simulacra of jungle animals to sing Broadway bops?
Because it will make close to three times that amount user

It's The Lion King. It's going to make money regardless, so surely there's a cheaper way that doesn't involve faceplanting into the Uncanny Valley.

Everyone I know who saw it loved it. The problem was because we live in an RT world, very few people saw it because RT told them not to and it didn’t have Disney label on it.

But seriously Godzilla gets better every time you watch it

Dude, this movie a glorified tech demo.

>tfw its going to be consigned to history like Jame's Cameron's avatar

Nah, there was and is a media bias against Alita. Everything not woke enough is being attacked and using terms like 'alt-right' is one way to do it:
They tried it with Shaft as well, but he's black and they changed the system at Rotten Tomatoes, so now the audience is verified and they can't lie anymore.

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Watching the new one on mute is painful. It’s just a lion spazzing out and a warthog and barely visible meerkat try to get out of the way


utterly unique, each frame from the film is recognizable as being from the Lion King
Jesus christ Marie, the SOUL!
The medium of hand drawn animation is used to create a dynamic, engaging, and expressive scene

>2019 Remake
Looks like a generic PS4 game
Utterly bland and forgettable, a random still could easily be mistaken as being from a car commercial
The medium of digital animation isn't even used to any appreciable effect, the animators were either phoning it in, or they just couldn't bother to care about it at all

I really shouldn't be upset by this, but I am. It's infuriating that they keep remaking classic films into these Frankenstein's monster abominations.

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>let's make the exact same movie, cut for cut, only uglier and worse overall
Why do they think this is a good idea?

That's the problem, yes.

You're going from very expressive animation, to real-life-looking CGI.

What media bias? The movie is mediocre, deal with it.
It's more like nobody actually cared for the movie and the ones who militantly did, did so out of culture war bullshit, yes. But not /pol/, Twitter outrage crowd. Keep denying it though.
So James Woods, Donald J. Trump, Ben Shapiro and several others didn't push the #AlitaChallenge hashtag? Okay.

>still using the low quality one

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the kid is pretty good at least

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it gets worse my boy

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>I thought I was the only one who liked it
you're not alone bro

Disney pays the critics. Come on, it's obvious. Right now they have money to spare.

There are some effects in Shin Godzilla that don't look all that great, but the sheer body horror of stuff like those nubby arms or the torrents of kaiju blood help make up for it.

>Mendelson hating something from the Mouse

Hmmm...this will be his go-to when someone calls him a shill.

People should just stop posting him and Cain, those two are just clickbaiters.

...does John Oliver spend the entire movie just being his Last Week Tonight character?

>simba has the same expression the entire time
>the expression is just a regular lion face

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is there spoilers anywhere yet i need to know what they changed so i dont gotta actually watch it.

Were they in different rooms?

As much as I was for that colonoscopy I had Monday.

from what i've gathered
>timon and puumbaa spitball a lot
>be prepared is in but it's only about a minute long, one verse and chorus
>rafiki doesn't have that character building moment with simba about the past being in the past
>can you feel the love tonight is during the daytime
besides that it's a shot for shot remake

Mufasa dies.

>can you feel the love tonight is during the daytime
Reality is dumber than parody


It will be wildly successful because of nostalgia obviously.
>Its just like my childhood but with REAL animals now

>Critics shin on Godzilla
>It's fucking great
Not the critics fault if you have shit taste.

It's also uninspired.

>ratio between media critics and audience
There's a lot of movie wider audience like which are average at best.

*vaguely waves head in the air while walking like you're in a cartoony documentary*

No fuck photorealism
Everything looks the same and dull

Not him, but honestly?
The fact that from the very beginning Monarch kept pushing for Godzilla to be a hero and sapient, IMO they should've gone for a Lesser of two Evils approach, maybe with Mothra being the catalyst that pushed him into being a protector.

>no past is the past scene

that's like one of the most important parts

And burgerland just keeps flopping, your point?

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Shenzi will still steel the show.

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That's been almost the default Godzilla approach since the 90s. It's actually kinda refreshing to go back to superhero Godzilla, albeit a more grounded one.

So forgotten in a dust bin.

Nah Godzilla was fun trash. Would rewatch it again just for laughs. TLK though is something you'd put someone through to torture them for 2 hours

>TLK though is something you'd put someone through to torture them for 2 hours
I drank a fucking coffee before watching that shit. It IS torture.

They also sing very realistically for animals dare I say

Apparently it's doing explosively well in China.

looks like a cgi tech demo that already looks dated and dull

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>2006 was 13 years ago

Usually I feel like soul vs. soulless meme is reaching, but here it seems exceptionally fitting.

Did they give Oliver any fucking backing track whatso ever?

One review suggests that, like the "Hakuna Matata" clip, Simba and Nala just dance around and don't actually delve into fantasy. They probably don't even mess with other animals.

>Simba singing about his freedom from responsibility
>Toyota logo slowly fills the screen

>That fucking Pink Elephants on Parade rhythm.

oh no no no no

>Change the lyrics
>But still keep "cool of the century"

Literal fucking retards

What's more baffling than this horrendous CGI is the people that genuinely get excited about these cash grab "theatrical" remakes.
Some guy on twitter was treating the new Mulan like the second coming, and it looked pretty average to me.

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Calling it now: That shot of the clouds breaking open to shine light down is the only real-life shot in the movie, as Jon Favreau has hinted at in previous interviews.

>"Let's put Be Prepared in the movie."
>"But let's also not have the actor sing it so it's just Scar talking for a minute."

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It's coup of the century, user.

Like coup de tat.

I'm not exactly against the whole "accurate to the tale" spin they're trying to sell, but the shitty Wuxia action killed any expectations I could've had for it


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>Nothing but CGI live-action remake movies on the horizon
>Surprised that it's more quantity than quality

There's just too many movie projects and too much "tail lowering" from them to the most casual and biggest audiences out there (them not batting an eye and changing Mulan to please the chinese, them not batting an eye while making a black Ariel to please black people) for me to consider them really being truly authentic. Otherwise, they would have kept to their roots. As it is, they're trying to hit the market with "fresh takes" to bring those who didn't watch the originals as well.

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Waiting for live action Emperor's New Groove.

So obviously Disney is just cashing in on nostalgia the easy way, but at some point they're going to run out of classic animated movies to remake
what happens after that?

They'll just buy more properties to remake and include in their Disney rides. There HAS to be something left.

Jason Weaver gotta be rolling in his grave, ad he's not even dead. And dont even get me started on John Oliver.

Don't you fucking dare.

this is the epitome of soul vs soulless

The one good thing to come out of this is to see a lot of people still have a love for the power of cel animation even though it is completely out of fashion with modern audiences.

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The most acceptable song posted so far, John Oliver aside.

If I wanted to watch real animals I'd turn on animal planet

Animated versions of the MCU films.

+1 Internets lamo

If it’s anything like Spiderverse then I would actually bother to watch MCU movies

yeah, an animated Thor movie with Jack Kirby's aesthetic would be nice.
I actually got excited when I saw the Kirby crackle in Spider-Verse.

Once upon a time this would be labelled reddit or funnyjunk. Man how times changed.


>tfw both me and my brother watched the original several times over
>tfw he would unironically defend this garbage claiming there is nothing wrong

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damn son thats good

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For me it’s Lion King in 4K, does the new movie do this scene?

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Or this?

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Why is Mufasa so vindictive, while Littlefoot's mom is calming?

James earl jones

Simba's out in the boonies bucking his royal duty. I'd be pissed too.

Seth Rogan slips into the role of a fat pig easily but Billy Eichner can't deliver lines the same way Nathan Lane did. And Glover is wooden burnt out stoner he's played since leaving comedy behind.

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>I seriously fucking hope that this shit bombs
Which is why you and the rest of the fa/TV/irgins are doomed to crushing disappointment, user.

It'll break 1Billion easy. E A S Y.

I can get removing the expressions because they want a "realistic" lion face even if I disagree, but dumbing down the cinematography and also making corporal movements much simpler and more limited is just dumb.

>says who even is this neet?
Alfred Hitchcock, he is the reason why modern movies don't look like theater anymore.

Top is life like but so lifeless.

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I'd pay 1 billion dollars to see the image on the right if you told me Disney made it. I literally go pale at the thought of seeing anything challenging.

Remake the remake if enough time has past.

But don't call it a remake, call it a "retelling".

Simba looks like he's holding in a fat shit. Why did I think this would ever have potential.

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Remake Song of the South

at the very least "he lives in you" in south african is pretty cool

animation looks godawful though

DESU I thought this came out already and flopped.

>‘The Lion King’ Review: Disney’s Remake Is a Disastrous Plunge into the Uncanny Valley

>Unfolding like the world’s longest and least convincing deepfake, Jon Favreau’s (almost) photorealistic remake of “The Lion King” is meant to represent the next step in Disney’s circle of life. Instead, this soulless chimera of a film comes off as little more than a glorified tech demo from a greedy conglomerate — a well-rendered but creatively bankrupt self-portrait of a movie studio eating its own tail.

>Most often, the animation is just bland in a way that saps the characters of their personalities. Scar used to be a Shakespearian villain brimming with catty rage and closeted frustration; now, he’s just a lion who sounds like Chiwetel Ejiofor. Simba used to be a sleek upstart whose regal heritage was tempered by youthful insecurity; now he’s just a lion who sounds like Donald Glover. Watching them come to blows against a realistic-but-dull background suggests that Favreau was so busy trying to figure out if he could, that he never stopped to consider if he should.

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Why are critics turning on Disney? Or is this their allotted film they are allowed to criticize to look more even handed to the sheeple?

Jungle Book is alright. Not sure how they got Lion King wrong after that, considering it's the same basic concept.

I was until I heard Donald Glover's voice. Who in t he fuck decided he was able to do showtunes? Dude can hardly stop squeaking/stressing his vocals on his own rap tracks. This shit was definitely not his wheelhouse. Be Prepared is like the best rendition. I'm curious to see this just for Chit...chitl...Chinatel E--the guy that plays him.

Oh definitely not. Timon comes off like a mincing tryhard than actually having any shred of charisma. What a shame. He exasperates me while Rogan's more laid back delivery is where the comedy comes from even when he's making mundane comments. Completely mismatched.

Chiwetel, you absolute dunce.

Maybe they just don't like this one.

Thanks, user.

Live action Kingdom Hearts

the "realistic" animals look like they have autism

this is why cartoons will never die - your brain will fill in the gaps to make the presented situation less ridiculous

>BB Bu Bu But Disney dint screwed over KOTM GAIIIIS

>gives Timon the flamboyant annoying as fuck voice
Just why.

When will Disney start remaking the Muppet movies? I feel like all those dated effects in the Jim era could use a little digital enhancing.

Aren't all these movie remakes only made so Disney retains the rights to the properties?

>not giving a fuck about some celebrity makes him a dunce
Okay normie

>he thinks Timon wasn't flamboyant
Let me guess: spic? Because Nathan Lane is anything but straight.

Now I'm more depressed.

I don't think anyone should have a hype on every recent disney live-action adaptations. They're going to be lame.

>wasn't flamboyent
There is a difference between a well kept gayman and a YUS QUEEN YUS like the new one.

>Seth Rogan slips into the role of a fat pig easily

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This was the best song from Lion King 2. Surprised to see them use it in their Remake.

Saw that shit 3 times good shit fuck the critics

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FUCKING HELL, Oliver is like a hard car crash into the wall every time he talks in this song

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>animals are suppose to walk like that
>It's live action, what do you expect
These people are just delusional at this point.

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>People seriously think this CGI shit is ''revolutionary, and cutting edge technological advancements''
>Fucking Rise of the Planet of the Apes did this any better than Disney will ever do

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yes yes is awful, but I do wonder, is this scar just going to be on its four paws and just moving his mounth while he raises his voice? that would look even more terrible

>Movie is now 60% fresh on RT
well that was nice while it lasted

Tarzan is neck, I feel.

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With the Dark Crystal series right around the corner, kindly die in a fire

I can't believe they got Randall from the "Crazy Nastyass Honeybadger" video to voice Timon.

No that's Clayton

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No, some things just don't work in 3D and this is one of them, 3D can never really capture the feel of the lion king.

holyshit shoot in HDR or something its sooo boring

>but I guess 3D is cheaper to produce
not by a mile

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I see he took lessons from Shatner.

I don't think this one's so bad. There isn't anything the new movie does better than the original, but it isn't as bad as the previous comparison.

This has none of the appeal of the original song, what the fuck.

Does anyone remember that movie featuring zoo animals that Disney did many years ago, where it had a semi realistic look? I think I remember that much older movie having much more expressive animals than whatever this is

The Wild?

Curious, was this movie well received in Japan?

even kids on the autism spectrum probably wouldn't like this remake that much, because it would likely be the challenge of their lives to decipher anything of what the characters are visually expressing

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I heard that one was actually not bad.

>That fucking crow passing by

fucking kek

blessed thread

Imagine remaking a movie that's know for its iconic sound track and most of your VAs can't even sing or don't want to(in the case of Scar).

You laugh but I'd love to see something like the dark crystal given the Jurassic park 1 treatment. ie heavy use of mixed practical and cgi.

We still have to wait a litle for that IIRC

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>The Lion King is, you’ll recall, the tale of a band of ugly ingrates and malcontents whose class resentment causes them to upend the social order at the urging of a hateful, self-serving demagogue. Scar (Chiwetel Ejiofor) seizes power like Lenin, via murder and treachery, and seeks to maintain it by making redistributionist noises to sucker the poor. He calls for a “coup,” then declares, “From now on, the hyenas eat first.” This is where Bill de Blasio, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez leap to their feet and cheer. Bad news, comrades: Scar is as worthy of your admiration as most of your other heroes. Later he lets slip that he despises the hyena-proletarian class that is his political base, and plans a bit of mass murder, like most other regicidal revolutionaries. The hyenas are not his constituency but simply the weapons with which he achieves power. Not that the their demands should be given undue weight: “A hyena’s belly is never full,” we are told, by way of warning about what happens when you pander to the slavering hordes.

>seizes power like Lenin
Fun fact, Lenin was a USA agent, send there to destabilise Russia.

>This is where Bill de Blasio, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez leap to their feet and cheer.
Not really, at least for Bernie. He know BS when he see it. And he has called out Democrats many time for pretending to be on the side of the poor while actually serving the corporations.

On the off chance i'm taking the bait, he was sent by the germans

I have never even seen the original.

He was financed by London and US financiers.

It's called Kimba the White Lion. It's really good check it out.

Well it's an as good tie as any to see it, now.

First, its Leo the Lion and the stories differ quite a bit. No human in Leo.

You are both retarded

aw man, I love that someone remembers this

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Literally soulless vs soul. That makes me kinda sad they didn't want to be more expressive.

It was a good movie.
>well recieved

but no word on 2chan

I miss Geno

Reading the articel, most of those reaxtion come from Japanese having seen the movie while in France or while taking the plane or in Taiwan with Chinese subtitles. It's not out yet, but some wish the dubbing will be done by the voice-cast of the OG anime.

coup d'état*

The creator of the manga liked the adaptation.

>didn't get a chance to see Big Goji before it left theaters
Feels bad

"Disappointment" implies I ever had any faith in this shitpile. Thankfully I'm not stupid.

we all do user, we all do
>ofw never ever on smash

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Truly the most accurate depiction of soul vs soulless

Holy shit, this. What's actually disappointing is watching normies get excited for this shit. Everything about this looks lifeless and uncanny.

That would imply someone expected anything of it

so I saw so far, they do not like the story, they say it's facist, and the phototalism scared they too

>NOOOPE! Chuck Testa

>struggles to type a simple name
It's not like he has to type Gugu Mbatha-Raw's name (which I just did, whoa so difficult), it's the name of an actor who has been in 12 Years A Slave, Doctor Strange and many others. Big fucking deal.

Yes /pol/, everything wrong with the world is anglos. Germans would never do anything to destroy or destablise the world, no sir!

>mediocre movies
>goofy movie and Atlantis

user please off your self

>Yes /pol/, everything wrong with the world is anglos.
This is historically recognised, user. I didn't deny he was a German agent.

if the oscars judged animation on technical merits Laika would've taken the price all the way back since Coraline. The movie is not gonna take shit home especially because they keep advertising it as a "Live-Action Remake"

Don't forget, you're here forever.

I see that Cartoonbrew is still topnotch and stealing shit

a review mentioned it that it isn't colorful and it's just simba and nala singing while walking

I don't get it

can we just tear down Disney already? and throw Iger into the sea
Because remember, they basically have a media monopoly now, this is the kind of shit most movie resources are gonna go into.

What the fuck is this shit?

Turns out realistic animals don't actually really emote at all with their faces like humans do, beyond barring their teeth as a show of aggression.

For the life of me, I cannot understand what sort of fucking brainlet thought that making the animals of a god damn MUSICAL look realistic. Musicals involve singing and dancing and making realistic animals sing and dance just makes the animals look fucking retarded.

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Listening the original "Be prepared" after hearing the new shit tier one really makes me appreciate how amazing the old one is.

The imagery, the way it is sung and the music all tie together wonderfully and manage to portray Scar's ambitious villainy really well.

Attached: Be_Prepared.png (1920x1080, 1.77M)

you're a cruel fiend.

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I don't normally believe in the Rottentomato conspiracy, but they HAD to have bumped it up on purpose. Better to look "fresh" than with that green splat on their precious big budget movie.

That's it? That's the live action remake? That was just a bunch of cheap walk-cycles! What a rip! Disney BETRAYED US!!!

Because remember, they basically have a media monopoly now,

They don't. Not even close.

nah Aladdin is snugly at 57%, they could've bumped that if they wanted

Any CG reboot

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This. Why the fuck do we let comicsgate remake anything these days?

Blessed oldfag of yore

Dear god. He's not even trying, fuck you Oliver.

The kids are alright.

Godzilla was great fun but almost every single aspect that didn't concern monsters punching each other was either bland drama or a cringe attempt to be hip and cool (mostly the comedy bits), and thus there's nothing wrong with pointing out the movie isn't a perfectly oiled machine

Of course they're not the harbingers of truth but at the same time it's not the critics' fault if you interpret everything as a vicious attack, sometimes a movie just deserves some bad words - it's not a boycott

So he's a terrible political comedic talk host commentator and singer? Can this limey do anything right?

Ah, fuck it. It was yet another retarded YT recommendation.

He's concentrating on maintaining his fake british accent so he can't focus on singing. He's really just a jew from New York who adopted a fake British accent so Americans would assume he's smart or something. That's the only explanation for why his accent is so atrocious.

Because Simba has the highest potential in their world but he is not only not living up to it but makes it so his kingdom dies in the process and all because facing his emotions was too painful for him, kind of a good message desu. I do wonder what we are fucking up sitting here but of course being the biggest cat with royal history is a clearer path than being one of the billions bald monkeys with potential that ranges from that of a seashell to one of a god. I guess for us it's doing small things that we consider right day by day in pursuit of destiny rather than looking for a clear story.

Is this an episode where they try to pretend Scott Mendelson isn't the most obnoxious Disney shill on the face of the earth?

Right, my bad.

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Now that's a meme I haven't heard in a long time

>can you feel the love tonight is during the daytime
ayy lmao

He is a Bong, but the Bongs couldn't stand him.
Chances are he's using some form of received pronunciation because his actual accent isn't Bong enough, and that's what causes the strain.
It's an issue a lot of southern Bong actors have if they take shortcuts to fame

Disney fagots are the absolute worst on the planet user. They will fucking see just about anything they shit out, specially if it's based of le 90's film I grew up with.

I saw it twice too, on opening night by myself and on the weekend with my friends. Both times it was in Imax.

I am still mad at Critics for shitting on Godzilla but I will at least enjoy some shadenfreud if they sink The Lion King too. It looks terrible and I am glad that people aren't letting it slide for once just because it's a Disney film.

This is what happens when you remake the Lion King with the goal of "realism." You suck all the color and fantasy out of it and turn it into something bland and sterile. I don't see how kids could possibly enjoy this movie when it is so fucking dull looking.

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Funnyjunk is a thousand times more redpilled than Yea Forumsmblr

Please explain i don't get it



So it's just a meme?

Animation is inherently disarming which is why it works so wonderfully. Putting people in a stylized world of fantasy lets them suspend their disbelief in ways they can't with rigid realism.

Autistic kids love cartoons and often relate to them more than they can real people, and a lot of animators are on the autism spectrum. This movie is so lifeless and sterile not even the normies are going to be able to read the characters.

And here's a fun fact: real life cats don't have eyebrow muscles. To make an animated cat expressive you have to cheat in that regard, which is what they do in most cartoons including the original Lion King. Disney couldn't afford to cheat with the Lion King remake though because they wanted so badly for it to look like a live action nature documentary, so what we're left with is boring and uninspired "character designs" and utterly lifeless looking animations.

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They had to fill up that extra 30 minutes with something.

Disney has done long term damage to the credibility of the entertainment press and they're finally starting to crack.

disney just HAS to know this movie is gonna shit. what's their endgame?

No. That's a common misconception.

And in regards to public domain, it takes 100 years for something to enter public domain, and it's only the original version of whatever it is. Not only that, but restored and preserved versions of it can still have new copyrights placed on them. So for example, in 2077 when Star Wars becomes public domain, it will only be for the first movie, so Disney will still own Lando Calrissian and Boba Fett until Empire Strikes Back becomes public domain, and so on and so forth.

Aslan from the Narnia films had way more soul than any of the lions in this movie, because they weren't aiming for perfect photorealism with him. He needed to look like a king and a god so that's what they went for.

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truly we live in the dark times

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Aladdin was a lot cheaper to make.

Technically Disney didn't make The Wild, they only distribute it. At the time they were mulling shutting down their own internal animation studio and only distributing movies from other animation houses.

>Scott RapeFaceson

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They are going to regret letting their attack dog off of his leash.

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It was 57% with like twenty reviews, but bumped up 3% with 122. So it's not THAT crazy

Nah, he's just being allowed a little room to walk around before they yank it again.
If he's never let out of the kennel it becomes (more) blatant he's being paid off.

The Lion King was at 58% with 77 reviews and the movie is still a week away from release, and this is only from the access media. When everyone else watches it, I predict the score can only go down because Disney can't protect it at that point.

Maybe the verified ratings will save them but I really don't see how even the most NPC of parents could give this movie a pass if their kids fall asleep during it. It has none of the magic or fantasy of the original, it's 30 minutes longer, and it's going to acquaint a brand new audience with the concept of uncanny valley.

wheres the facial expressions?

They will definitely yank the chain on Mendelson again, but they chose the wrong movie to loosen their grip with. The Lion King was supposed to be too big to fail but clearly the critics hate it.

oh no the critics don't like it, now i have to like it,

>The Last Jedi is shit
fuck off it's great

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Aladdin 2019 was shit and it made $1 billion. Figure it out.

the low quality one is funnier.

They really should have actually given the animals facial movements and expressions like humans, instead of just having them flap their lips. they went too far with the realism. No matter what happens, the animals are just straight-faced.

And we all KNEW it would suck. Disney usually bombards us with scenes from upcoming movies, but they barely showed ANYTHING from this, aside from that Jimmy Kimmel clip of Timon Pumbaa and Simba singing "Makuna Matata" (listen closely: Simba's VA is saying MAkuna instead of HAkuna) ...that's what you get with a cast of diversity hires...

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Why do people take bad criticism to stuff they like as personal attacks?

>tHe LobSTer GUarD fiGHt wAS thE bESt dUEL iN stAr WaRS!

How is the Lion King Blu Ray release anyway? I've been wanting to pick it up for a while, but Disney's been pretty spotty when it comes to them remastering their old animated films for modern formats.

There was a Disney princess in it.


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trips of fucking truth

The fact that this tire fire is getting bad reviews means it's so bad that even Disney shills don't like it as much

>it's not a pasta

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If the LA times debacle is any indication, they don't precisely pay critics so much as coerce them via early screening passes.
Given their near monopoly on the industry right now, an independent or small time critic is fucked without one, and rags that hacks like Mendelson work for don't grasp what the term ethics means, and wouldn't give a shit if they did.

>hitchcock talks without opening his mouth
wow, I didn't know he could do that

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I'm pretty sure this is used in the stage musical. I think it's better than the other versions

The drums are kino.

the stage version? it's pretty good, yeah

Apparently so.

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So far Disneyland has been a disaster this summer too.

Which is in part due to price hikes and massive blackout windows for annual parks holders, during the summer.

Why do people obsess over Be Prepared so much, it's a really underwhelming song. He's not even singing, he's just talking.

By the way, I read the junior novelization, and they don't dress in drag and do the hula to distract the hyenas. Instead, Pumbaa is still propped up and used as bait, but Timon acts as an auctioneer instead. I should have taken a picture to get an exact quote, but part of the original song is still used, though obviously it's not sung.
Yikes, that's... why?

So disappointing.

Half a billion dollars in technology. And we get Mr. Ed

I predict the inevitable accolades TV spot will be like

>"Plenty of Wonder" - Globe and Mail
>"Well-Rendered" - indieWire
>"Polished and Satisfying" -
>"Visually Singular" - GQ
>"Groundbreaking" - Screen Junkies
>"This Cat's in the Bag" - Chicago Tribune
>"A Faithful Remake" - TIME Magazine
>"Beauty and Awe" - Polygon


You'll have to get Disney+ now when that service is up.

You do know it's been getting trashed, right?

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Even his exclamation "It's a lion!" is awful. Probably just thought "The contrast of saying 'it isn't a lion' with 'it's a lion' is all I need for people to laugh." But if you sell it more, they laugh harder. No life or actual terror behind it.

(con't because I wanted to stop watching after that)
And they fucked up the "What if he's on our side?/That's a terrible idea/Wait, what if he's on our side?" bit. It's done way too fast to notice or be accentuated, but
>ThE fAsTeR tHe BeTtEr
God, I hate the modern era.

In other words, they just look like they're reading a script with silly voices, rather than actually acting out a scene.

How long until the media starts calling people who dislike it "racists"?

the movie is for nazis, so disliking it is the correct opinion

I do. I quoted specifically from rotten reviews.


>not the LOL King

I kind of agree. I mean, I actually like it, but I think it's the least iconic/memorable song from the movie, and not even the best as far as Disney villain songs either.

Also I think some of the lyrics are kind of dumb/clunky

you dont think they will actually do the direct to dvd sequels right?

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>silly voices
Not really silly voices (because they're just using their regular voices) but also, just not letting the audience collect what was just said whether it be by pacing of the shots or the delivery.
A good example is what RLM said about the new Ghostbusters. They're not giving the audience enough time to appreciate a joke before they move on and everything feels rushed and you don't have time to appreciate any of the jokes.

>everything feels rushed and you don't have time to appreciate any of the jokes
In case of Ghostbusters, that also feels like they don't want you to realize how shitty the jokes are, so they just bury you with them.

So I’m guessing there won’t be any testicles or buttholes,right? Because adult male lions have HUGE FUCKING SWINGING balls.

Shitty jokes or good jokes aside, if you rush a joke or mess with it's pacing, it just screws up the joke altogether.
They completely got rid of Timon saying "No, that's a terrible idea" which told the audience he heard what Pumbaa said and wants to take credit for Pumbaa's great idea. That line helps the audience see what Timon is doing and that, along with the success, makes it funnier.
In the new version, it's just
Pumbaa: "...he'll be on our side"
Quick cut to Timon: "I've got it. What if he's on our side HEAR ME OUT"
It just feels like he's not listening and the emphasis is misplaced on the "hear me out" instead of the actual joke.

Because of the awesome green smoke and the chanting and the hyenas giving the sieg heil

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>Disney Shills will try to defend this

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This man has a face that I can trust.

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Now I'm not advocating for large scale destruction and eradication of humankind but nuclear armageddon would have saved us from this and all the other live action abominations.

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*none of you fucking idiots went to see Missing Link
But please, tell me more about how much you hate Disney remakes, Pixar sequels, and CGI. I'm sure they'd love the free publicity.

>implyimg im ever touching another live action remake after the mistake that was cinderella.
I didnt even pay to get into the cinderella showing at the i just walked into the next theater after finishing the movie i had watched.

Yeah it's over man, over...

Not Hitchcock, you uncultured swine.

Timon and Pumbaa were the best comic relief sidekicks of any Disney movie

It was an ok movie, definitely not a great one.

>Assimilating a privately owned company that's founded by just as much money
That'd be hilarious.

Does Animal Planet even have animal shows anymore?
Last time I checked it was tree-houses and shit.

Glad I got a discounted IMAX ticket for Spiderman instead of this.

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holy shit

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To be fair she's flawless.

Knowles, her last name is Knowles.

I hate these so much

>a funko pop has more facial expression then the actual character

best one

Yes. In internet time it is very old.

>supporting red head erasure

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And this is the part where we can all laugh together at Disney's shortsightedness regarding the Lion King remake: merchandising. The animas are so realistic that there is absolutely nothing trademarkable about any of them. Every child when I was a kid wanted Lion King plush toys and action figures. They had unique character designs and were all instantly recognizeable. There is absolutely nothing to distinguish a "live action" Simba plush toy from an unlicensed lion cub plush from any other manufacturer.

If you gave this plush toy to a child and told them it was "live action" Simba or Nala, how would they be able to tell the difference? You sure as hell always recognized Simba or Nala plush dolls in the 90s though. They actually had distinct character designs and color patterns that Disney held a pretty solid claim to a trademark on, because they were not aiming for perfect photo realism back then.

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>mediocre ones like Oliver & Co, Googy Movie and Atlantis
there are like ten opinions you can't bring here
just lie down in the street

Oooh, oooh that's bad. Literally all I can think about watching this version of Timon is the Honey Badger video.


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>rafiki doesn't have that character building moment with simba about the past being in the past


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I genuinely hope LK bombs - because if it does it might finally be the push Disney needs to fire Iger and end this nightmare of shitty live-action remakes.

Worst part is that they cut down the length. I could have enjoyed the instrumental accompaniment, but they decided to shorten it for no god-damn reason. Or maybe they did it to try and 'hide' the fact that the actor for Scar can't sing worth shit.

Aladdin made a billion dollars because Disney pushed that shit HARD in the Asian market. Asian countries account for almost HALF of Aladdin's box office earnings. Domestically, Aladdin's made less in the last SEVEN weeks than Toy Story 4's made in the last THREE.

>my sister with no taste forced me to stop watching this review video in the quoted post because muh spoilers (even it does not have a spoiler warning)

Here's that video:

Fun fact, that's why the reviews for games are fucked, too.
If you review a company's games favorably, they invite you to prerelease events, send you merch, fly you to Japan for all-expenses paid trips to play demos, etc.
If you tend to review games a little too critically for their liking, you get left out, which also means other reviewers are getting their reviews out sooner than you.

It's not really """corrupt""" for a company to only want to invite people that like their stuff, but it's definitely a nasty side effect that people are going to want to brown nose so they can get invited to things and get a bunch of free goodies.

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>Disney did a better job allowing a lion to emote over 10 years ago than they did in the current year

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That's because they weren't striving for 100% realism with Aslan. They got close but stopped short intentionally, because they needed the freedom to make his mouth articulate, and for his eyes to be expressive like a human's.

I dont understand where they thought "Realism" meant to take away the emoting, like that part is totally mind boggling, like they're recreating an animated movie based on Hamlet but with talking animals, but EMOTING is where they draw the line

Their goal was to create the illusion of live action and they were unwilling to cut any corners for the sake of sterilization and expression. And the irony is that they failed anyway because you can still tell that it's CG.

The illusion of live action is broken the moment a monkey holds up a lion in front of a crowd of animals, I truly cant understand their line of thinking

Their line of thinking was "lookit how much money Jungle Book made. What else can we remake in this style?"

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how would a disney robin hood remake play out?

Not him, but it's just immersion breaking. Never in my life have I enjoyed watching animals flap their jaws in any movie. Normies are still going to eat this shit up, though.

Other than Homecoming, I hated everything Donald Glover made since he left Community and Derrick Comedy.

Seriously, he should stop being a pretentious asshole and start going back to doing actual comedy. Leave the woke shit to actual black activists like Boots Riley.

Am I the only one?

Attached: community_best_donald_glover_episodes.jpg (825x464, 52K)

Why didn't Favreau make The Lion Man or The Iron King instead?

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Goddamn man, same exact feeling. I found a video the other day that I took from like 10 years ago at a Gambino concert where he did like 45 min of comedy then 45 minutes of rapping. It was the best shit and he was hilarious, but it made me miss that Donald Glover who did a 20 minute fart joke about meeting himself from the future instead of budget friendly art house Donald Glover that we have now

>Boots Riley
Sorry to Bother You was so much better than what I was expecting it to be.

It's a better Black Mirror episode than most Black Mirror episodes.

Did the Hyenas do anything in this one like the original comedic Trio?

It would be nice, but let's be real here; it won't. Every LA film except Dumbo sold gangbusters, and even if the normie audiences suddenly decides to hate the movie and not see it, the foreign market will more than make up for it because their standards are nonexistent.

I want it to fail horribly as much as everyone else here as proof there's some justice in this cruel world, but the chances of that actually happening are astronomically slim.

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This is your fault, Yea Forums.

Animated is better.

It made a billion?! Jesus.
Here I was asking myself why Guy Ritchie makes this shitty ass kind of movies lately. I guess there's my answer.

It is still animated tho.
Here is a thing, everyone should stop calling this live action remake. It's not live action, none character from this movie is real. It's still animated movie, sure with a hyper realistic cgi artstyle that is completely different from the original movie, but in the end it's still an animated movie.

That Jungle Book ending was obviously meant as a set-up for a sequel so they can do "Going to the Man Village and coming into conflict with Buldeo" as a storyline.

>It's not live action, none character from this movie is real
You don't know that though, there might be a good amount of real backgrounds used in the movie and, after all, they did model every character on real animals, so while it is a largely animated movie, it's has a fair amount of live action going on.
I believe the real distinction for "live action" is whether it uses live actors or not, in the end.

> Pic related
Well it's a lion I guess.

Literal, actual live action anime not seen since the Speed Racer movie!

I thought that poster was featuring scar because of the lighting...

>implying that the Robin Hood remake wouldn't just be a bunch of fursuits

>implying that they would actually be animals

>implying they'd remake Robin Hood at all

I just looked it up... none of the trailers talk about the half horse people what the fuck

As a comparison, Dinosaur(2000) is considered part of the animated canon and consists of CG animation on live action backgrounds.

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That's like saying cancer is better than aids.

>the lion equivalent of Soros has his song cut from the live action remake

Hmmmmmmm, it's almost as if they don't want to negatively (i.e. accurately) portray their masters

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This is what happens when celebrities are only allowed to voice act. Everyone whines about no name actors when some celebrities don't know shit about voice acting either.

The Jungle Book pissed me off particularly bad. It was one of my favorite books growing up, I love the animated Disney version and the Chuck Jones short and I absolutely loathe the fact that the remake took a giant dump on Mowlgi's entire character arc of growing up and accepting his place in the world.

>Domestically, Aladdin's made less in the last SEVEN weeks than Toy Story 4's made in the last THREE.
Which would be hilarious if they weren't both Disney properties. This is the real problem when a studio starts buying up 50-60% of the market - it stops mattering what movies succeed and fail because it's all going to the same fuckers.

Why didn't Disney just retell the Lion King story with actual live action humans? Is it because Disney has no faith in a black-led film that isn't a superhero movie?

>blacks are animals

Westeners love photo realistic CGI over anything else, what's the problem now?

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Get ready for all the Nazi symbolism to be totally absent from the remake

I think they already made a film of Hamlet.

Get ready for Simba to realize the monarchy's oppression of the hyenas was racist and to open the borders of the Pride Lands

The kids are pretty damn good. Fuck John Oliver, though.

So goddamn soulless

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And I didn't think I could hate Oliver any more.

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Ranked better than Aladdin.

My Internets. Take them.

I didn't see Missing Link because it looked fucking stupid - especially compared to other Laika films like Paranorman and Kubo. I'm not going to see Lion King because it looks fucking stupid - especially compared to the original.

I'm not going to pay for one bad film just to stick it to the makers of another bad film.

If these remakes keep making money Disney will stop at nothing.

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I wonder how much money Disney could have saved filming actual locations for Lion King instead of using CG?

Jesus, can you imagine how bad the rest of the movie will look too?
I imagine Be Prepared is just gonna be Scar in a dark cave talking to a handful of hyena's instead of the whole world around him just cracking and pillars rising out of the ground while a whole army of hyena's goose step.

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TLJ had a thin veneer of quality that vanished the more you thought about it, plus it's Star Wars which is a much hyped franchise
This is just a blatant soulless cashgrab on first viewing

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>Color bad!
>No color allowed ever! Everything must be dull brown and greenish-grey!
Can someone please explain this shitty trend to me, why the fuck is everyone so scared of colors these days?

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Just a reminder that Lilo and Stitch is going to be next.
Disney's going to keep pumping out these garbage remakes until the only one they haven't done is Black Cauldron.

If they have to remake RH I hope they don't go the psuedorealistic route.

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pretty "hyped" for this thread to die

Enough time will have passed that 4D virtual reality technology will exist, and all films will be remade in that medium.

That would actually be based. Eilonwy best princess... oh no, they're gonna get Leslie Jones to play her aren't they.

I’m done.
I’ve been done since The Jungle Book remake.

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They're already announced a Chronicles of Prydain live action film.

>We've had 60 years to learn nobody cares about the shitty human drama but we keep doing it anyway
>w-why didn't we break a box office record?
Going to go out on a limb and say Godzilla has always been mediocre with a few crystals of crack cocaine good monster lore.

Nah, if they were doing the sequel they'd need to stray from the 1st movie and actually fill us in on who Kovu's father was and/or introduce Zira in this film.


Anything the mainstream hates us usually very good so ya I am

you forgot to add the word 'sheeple' to your post
>this version of Be Prepared
Prepared for disappointment, maybe.

It's better because it looks more real.

At least BC is one of those nice movies that could benefit from having remakes that try to fix the problems with the originals. Same thing with stuff like Atlantis The Lost Empire and Treasure Planet.

What went right?

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Treasure Planet might actually benefit from either CGI or irl acting. These current choices really do not, especially with animals as they were designed from the ground up to be fantastical 2D things. You can get real actors to emote and act, but you're never gonna get a human expression out of a realistic animal like you can a cartoon one without it looking like shit.

Bill muray as a bear can sing unlike donald glover as lion.
Also, the original movie never really had a plot but was very character driven instead so they just gave this one a plot.
They ruined the story of the original lion king (to my understanding)

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They don't even mention the hyenas. The last time they did was to tell us Shenzi's sidekicks will now have african names.

Because that's the big twist and it's where the film jumps into absurdity to finalize its points about dehumanization and flagrant abuse of the rights of the people by large corporations.

Also it's fucking hysterical, why would you spoil that?

5 bucks says they'll do the sequel, shot for shot, nonexistent Zira's origin and editted death scene still in place.

I suspect none of the new voice actors actually even saw the original Lion King, so they have nothing to base their performances on except their own interpretations of the characters. That never ends well.

Disney, you fools. Merch was half your hustle.

It was terrible and completely betrayed the entire fucking point of the story.

Now, I could have seen them going "oh, Zootopia made so much money, let's redo Robin Hood in that style" and I'd actually be pretty OK with it, but that's not how Disney thinks. They marketed The Lion King as a live action movie so it had to be hyper realistic-- it's supposed to have visual continuity with The Jungle Book remake, another animated film. If they wanted to remake Robin Hood they would probably be cashing in on the trend of live action remakes so I doubt they would try and make it look like Zootopia.

And the real irony is that Zootopia was inspired by Robin Hood and Lion King. Disney almost wrote Zootopia off due to its production problems and yet it made a billion dollars. Meanwhile, they were expecting a billion dollars from The Lion King remake and I wouldn't be surprised if it makes less than half of that with the way people are reacting to it.

That's a generic lion plush off of google, not an official piece of merchandise. The point is that any merch Disney makes for this movie is pretty much interchangeable with generic lion merchandise because there is nothing unique or trademarkable about the characters like there was with the original.