>2003: effiminate boy
>2019: non-binary genderfluid queer
2003: effiminate boy
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Jimmy's definitely straight. He's just a pussy.
I really do hate that shit.
Why over complicate something so simple? There are masculine girls out there and there are feminine guys around. What fucking spaz decided that these qualities meant that those people was some new special class of person with some stupid ass classification?
Fuck this society.
Feminism and transgenderism are ideologies that can't coexist. The former believes that unless you have a vagina then you can't have an opinion on abortion but the latter believes if you are a man and you feel like your actually a woman than those feelings are valid even though you lack the required body parts. Whereas feminism states that gender norms are oppressive and ruthlessly imposed on the sexes by society as opposed to being natural, transgenderism is big on gender norms in that if a boy likes pink or plays with dolls then that means that he is actually a girl rather than simply being a curious child.
Lmao faggot child
Imagine how it feels to like tomboy characters. Now they are automatically labeled and can't be considered straight anymore.
>to like tomboy characters
You don’t get to complain unless you are a tomboy. And while this is obnoxious the way that Yea Forumstards consider girls who dress like thots or girly as tomboys is more annoying. A tomboy isn’t just a girl who likes some boy activities, we think everything girly is fag shit.
>The former believes that unless you have a vagina then you can't have an opinion on abortion
I thought he was supposed to be a girl as a kid.
Jimmy was a fag and Sarah was his fag hag.
"No uterus no opinion", "Men don't have to deal with pregnancy so they should keep their pro life views to themselves", etc.
Never heard of that, but alright.
gender studies was a mistake
>Fuck this society.
but we live in it
Jimmy was a legit psychopath hiding under a facade of meekness. Easily the best character growth of the lot.
90s and 00s: She's a tomboy
10s: She's a butch lesbian
Suuuuuuure we do.
I don’t think that’s how either of those work.
that is literally how they work
Let's be honest though, Jimmy would most definitely be autistic enough to identify as non-binary.
More like
00: she’s a tomboy
14: she’s a lesbian
18: he’s a trans man
19: they’re genderqueer non-binary
>I am an expert on the thought processes of people that Fox News tells me to hate.
burgers and their 1(one) opposing view network thinks they're the center of the world, and everyone else is also a burger, lol.
Could Plank defeat Thanos?
>eddy's brother
>same level as plank
He got fucking destroyed and raped by the kankers though
That's literally how it works. It's why trannies say tomboys are really transgender girls looking to become boys, and why they hate "he/she" pronouns and want to replace them with nothingisms.
>Beyond Shit
>set up the Eds, lead them on a goose hunt, took scamming lessons from them and actually raked in profit
Jimmy is a faggola, but he's a devious one.
Didn’t jimmy turn into a hulking monster after bulking on peaches and cream though? This show was like a fever dream.
He became obese on peaches and cream because the Eds were trying to make him a sumo wrestler. Jimmy wanted to be a star, and sumos are a big thing in Japan, therefor.
this is power levels, who would win in a fight
Boomerang in pants Jimmy
Nah. It was a boomerang that made him hulking.
Yeah, effeminate males that don’t adhere to gender-norms can be considered non-binary, illiterate OP. All that porn rotted your brain.
>The former believes that unless you have a vagina then you can't have an opinion on abortion
You're talking about the Trans Exclusionary subgroup of Feminism.
Liberals unwittingly falling into the same mental trappings as a 50s conservative.
Johnny solo’d the Kankers that time they stole Plank and use it as a back scratcher
Eddy should be in low
Nazz is Beyond Shit
I'll take "things that'll never ever happen" for $800, Alex.
>Write the Kanker Sisters out of the show.
Annnnd the show dies a quick death.
Not to mention that he went down after getting a fucking door to the face
>raped by the kankers
I must have a story of this. Somebody get on it!
Nah man he totally fucked Sarah.
I.E., the only consistent sect of feminism. They're still absolute nutters, but at least they're not hypocritical.