Ok Yea Forums. You learned that the person you are engaged to use to be a supervillain...

Ok Yea Forums. You learned that the person you are engaged to use to be a supervillain, but after being defeated by the superheroes, he or she swore from a life of crime, to never use their powers again, and life out a normal life. Roll to see what power your fiancee has.


What will you do? Pic unrelated

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>Water Spike Projection
Eh, still my spouse, people have made mistakes in the past, I know I have


I'm very okay with this.

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I'll try not to send her into berserker mode.

>plasma radiation manipulation
welp there goes my sprem count.

So I've got an actual bombshell for a fiance? Nice
I mean, I'd have to watch out when we get into a fight that I don't get her TOO angry, but apart from that I think I'll be fine.

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>Environment Destruction
lol fuck you murr

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>Night Mode
big werewolf waif in bed yeee

typical wimin

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>Psychic Air Manipulation
I don't believe anyone could give this power up entirely. 100% she would have used this power for some kind of vacuum-sealed blowjob or making people fart at the wrong time or something. At least anyone who I would marry would have done these by now. And I'd love her all the more for it.

I'd like to know how she became such a villain with a shit power like this. Also who stopped her and how? That and if she can control it cause if not then it looks like I'm showering extra hard before sex so she doesn't vomit halfway through.

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>Lust Aura

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Be glad that they swore off crime to be decent folk, that we’re both happily engaged, and we don’t have to worry about medical costs.

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Well we’re never getting cold at winter I guess

I've got a fucking geiger counter for a wife suck it fags, we gonna be safe during fallout

One more spouse rejected!

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I have no idea what this even is, so I guess I'm cool with it.
Though I take it our relationship will break down when I keep asking what the fuck her powers even are.


Ask how that works and what she did with it, other than that business as usual.

>wife could become the literally embodiment of fertility or fucking

>embodiment of fertility
Far too many boobs to handle with just two hands.

What am I marrying exactly and how did the whole defeat thing happen?

>Dragon Lord Physiology
Where do I even begin

So, do I have to dick her well enough to stop her from starting the next bubonic plague or anthrax attack?
Wish me luck lads

I'd like to know how he even lost and then I'd ask him to sever the concept of mortality from both of us

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Apparently my bride to be is a giant cockroach, I'm okay with this

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Truly I made no mistakes marrying this man, he will save me from this summer heat.

>home embodiment
the power to become the embodiment of home.
-culinary intuition
-food manipulation
-home manipulation
-object repairing
-relationship manipulation

so i get like the best waifu then?

or wait they don't use those powers?


What if she makes it one giant superboob or a uniboob if you will?

you gotta convince her mate, teach her to use it for good.

Then I smirk and cast Megaton Press.

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What the fuck


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>aka Apathy Inducement
So I got back together with my ex?

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Pretty sure she's using those powers and I'm having amazing orgasms.

Sloppy blowjobs


I have and honest and open talk about her with her past, and do my best to make sure she never has to use her powers again.

Alright you convinced me.

Unironically my fetish, I hope she/he/it is down for spending most of the honeymoon as an eldrich mass of our combines flesh.