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Step right up for your free Azula clones! Futa costs extra!

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My apologies everyone. I'm afraid Luthor could not make it to this meeting. As such, he's left me and Mr. Mind to conduct this meeting.

And no, the muffled screams coming from the Broom Closet are not important.

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I'm going to run to the store and buy some cigars. Anybody want anything?

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Yo I'm from the evil-verse, you niggas need some advice

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All black people leave the thread now

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Fuck off you Kryptonite huffer. No addicts allowed, and Bane doesn't count, he beat Venom years ago and has been going straight since

Just some more coffee beans will do.

Alright, shoot.

Fuck off back to /d/ Jackal, nobody wants your shitty clones.

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Liar! No one here would pass at the chance to have a clone who'd love them unconditionally and do their bidding, and to think I was going to gift you that Anna clone I prepared. Ah well, guess I'll have to make use of her

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C-Can I make a request or is only Azula?

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Anything you want. I just have a beef with her is all.

Jackal, take it from someone who's inhabited one of your clones. They're shit.

Don't fucking encourage him!

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That old thing? Did you just trawl through my leftovers? Because my new clones are far superior

Ultra-nigga here, so you need small sustainable networks of lower class villains who are watched over by the big guys, The big guys are then in one group who Make all the decisions together, basically you need order

Like the Justice League? You want a clone?

Alright, which one of you guys used up all the toilet paper?

I needed to make a mummy

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Could you buffoons actually use images? I can barely tell who's talking to who here.

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I'm literally evil superman, and the crime syndicate rules over my world, put two and two together

I hope it's not another butter golem Meatwad. That thing was rancid


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Alright I'm back. You will not believe how much good Cubans cost!
Sorry Doc. All they had was the instant stuff.

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Remember that Grundy means the opposite of what he's saying guys.
He doesn't want to play football, and he'd rather be the quarterback.

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Whoever you are meatwad poster i just want you to know i love you.

I need help getting out of Arkham.

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(Going to sleep)
Oh fine Otto, if you insist

Attached: SpiderVerse-Ock-2.jpg (4096x1716, 1.5M)

Wait, fuck. That's Bizarro who means the opposite.
Alright Grundy, get outside, we'll use Meatwad as the ball.

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Why everyone praise and assure Bizarro? Me am hot person, never smart and friendly to none.

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Hell no.

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So are we seeing a ball game or not?

I,m gonna need some LSD
I,m not apologizing for being late.

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Alright, I'm here. And I've got the cancer cheese you faggots ordered.

Attached: Gallifreyans.jpg (624x352, 50K)

Really Rassilon, don't you ever get bored of the cancer cheese? Ah well, just set it over there with the others.

Attached: celestial toymaker.jpg (412x640, 83K)

Don't you sass me, Toymaker. Cancer cheese never gets old.

Besides, that weird ass fairy and that dumb bald fuck are the ones who told me to bring it over this time. I wouldn't have bothered coming to this dump personally otherwise.

Attached: 6840827-6840454-rassilon_terrorformer.jpg (204x263, 31K)

I know, I know. Oh, by the way, I do think I should notify you, but as of recent I've made it a habit to take some of your infamous cancer cheese from this place, hence why I said put it with the others. This dreg heap is a surprisingly good source of it thanks to you.

Well, I've began to go pay visits to Sutekh, and I've been throwing my sum of the cancer cheese I collect at him while disguised as you. It's quite amusing to see his reaction. However, I would be careful if I were you Rassilon, I think Sutekh will make it a priority to come for Gallifrey first when he is free from his prison. You take care now, ta.

Attached: celestial toymaker.jpg (600x420, 93K)

Too bad! I already went. If you wanted some LSD, you should have been here sooner!

I have a neighbor you can talk to if you insist.

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Toymaker, you asshole. Get back here and deal with Sutekh yourself! Gallifrey isn't your dumping grounds for when you needlessly piss off cosmic demons, you throbbing cock!

...Me dammit. Guess I'm going to have to figure out a way to fix this myself. Maybe I can get the Doctor to do it for me?

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Sup guys I’m back from getting my ass kicked by a unicorn cat thing what I miss?

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We have come for the Golden ASS!

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You looked better as a caterpillar.

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Oh fuck off Jackal. I'm killing every clone of myself I see.

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Here I try and be a good roommate and lable MY THINGS and still, AND STILL SOMEONE USES MY STUFF!
This morning I found that someone had used my toothbrush to clean the toilet, and then someone had taken from my FOOD, my Turtlesoup is gone again and someone has been has felt the liberty to use my personal handheld communicator to make long distant calls!
Finally, someone with sense in charge, but I still won't pay this months pay, mostly because Krang has all my money...

Also that muffled scream in the broomcloset keeps waking me up at night!
Can you help me make Krang not angry at me anymore?
Meatwad! my friend! whats up?

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I'm gonna call Papa Johns. Anybody want anything?

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I'm new to this "Leigon of Doom" thing. What's it all about?

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Luthor is hiding in the closet and it seems he doesn't want to come out. Don't know about your stuff though, Shredder.
We try to do evil things but it usually breaks down into arguments, chaos, and people getting hurt. Fun times.
Well, tell us. You can't make a grand statement and not tell us.

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Oh, so it's chaotic. I can get behind that.

Attached: Eris_(Creating_Chaos).png (371x285, 209K)

Now, I hate to be a broken record, but I asked you guys if you want any Papa Johns? I'm waiting, and I'm also very hungry.

Attached: batman_tas_penguin_by_the__magpie_dbbmjxh-pre.png (831x962, 500K)

What? what a blasted fool, well now I know where he is so I can tell him from the other side that I won't pay.

Oh yes um, do they have something turtle related? otherwise just a standard pepperoni pizza

Do you need help? I kinda got a lot of spare time.

Attached: shredding.png (650x606, 379K)

Oh just get some already Penguin. I'm not hungry at the moment and I brought my own food.
Yes. Sometimes it's fun, other times it's dealing with clones. Fucking clones.
>light's an Azula clone on fire
I fucking hate them.

Attached: jQaNOAio.jpg (480x480, 21K)

Hello? This is the Legion of Doom, Oswald 'Penguin' Cobblepot speaking. I would like to order a large bundle of pizzas. Yes, the pizzas are a Sloppy Giuseppe for Miles Warren, a Octopus Catch for Doctor Octopus, a 420 Bake for Elon Musk, a Evil-Verse Special for Ultraman, a KKK Klassic for Jerry Seinfeld, a Pollo Ad Astra for Anna Maria, a Star-Studded Sausage for Meatwad, a Catch of the Day for Solomon Grundy, a Smoker's Speciality for Miles 'Tails' Prowler, a Vegetarian Variable for Pamela Isley, a Mud Pie for Bizzaro, a Demon's Delight for the Violator, a Time Lord Trio for the Gallifreyans, a Toybox Treat for the Celestial Toymaker, a God's Gift for Shaggy, a Lego Longmile for Master Frown, a Golden Ass for the Masked Men, a Black Bake for Black Adam, a Turtle Treat for Shredder, an Athenian Aegency for Eris, a Skeleton Slider for Skeletor, and finally a Fish Supper for myself. Yes, that will be all. Thank you.

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Well, seeing that everybody's got something to eat. Who wants to kill Wolverine? That idiotic Canadian wants to assassinate me by locking me in his cabin and making me freeze to death, so I want to show him how it's done properly. I'm thinking explosive package with white phosphorous and flash bangs to knock him down for a bit, then cutting of his head, locking it in a lead box, putting in a rocket, and then firing the rocket into the sun where he'll perish for all time!

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Maybe more sushi. Can't ever go wrong with sushi.

Good. Maybe some peace and quiet and no autistic screaming.

What kind of advice?

Wait what the fuck?!

N-no clones. We already had this problem with Lex, we don't need anymore of them.

Welcome to the usual shit friend.

Grundy last time we did Bizarro nearly killed you. I think we should focus on something else.

That's Bizarro Doc.

Look as long as the coffee tastes good, I think we'll be fine.

Sorry Ivy. We're kind of busy here.

We know Bizarro... we know. Come on let's get you Ice Cream.

I don't think he really has them at all.

Shredder you labeled some of my stuff for some reason. Do you know how hard it was to get all that ink out of my coffee mug? Now it no longer says, "Life's A Beach". It's just covered in Shredder Logos.


Oh this will be interesting.

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All ready killed three clones and one of them is being stuffed with explosives so that I can send it back home. At worst, it'll explode gore all over Zuzu and his family and they'll be traumatized. At best, I'll be a single child.

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That's going to be fun to see on F4G News. Right now they have tipped with some sort of new scandal that Star Butterfly had a baby with some Mexican Kid named Marco.

I mean it's normal for a teenage girl like her to be hounded by the media, but I never seen so many scandles happen within like, what, a week's notice.

Attached: 2019-06-21 17.08.15.jpg (544x471, 121K)

>Shredder you labeled some of my stuff for some reason.
LIES! That mug was always mine, you stole it from me! I just took it back!

Woah lady, I know we're the Legion of Doom but thats a bit hardcore even for us.

>a Turtle Treat for Shredder
Excellent you Mutant Penguin!

Why settle with killing him, I took his collection of disgusting anime ladies in swimsuits figures, Let's burn them and place them outside of his room.

Attached: THERE YOU ARE.png (788x579, 693K)

Yeah just stay away from my coffee mugs. You have your own for a reason. Mine are all the ones with beach realated puns. So if you could not label those, that would be awesome.

Also Penguin is not a mutant. Not everyone here is a mutant.

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What?! How is he not a mutant? just look at him, his two finged hand, his face, he's clearly a mutant!
Oh well, Fine, I'll stay away from "your" mugs, only if you try and help me find who it was that used my toothbrush as a cleaning tool!
And also who ate my Turtle Soup.. Again.

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(Back, phoneposting)
Wait, how'd you do that? Each of these clones are far superior to you. I mean really, setting *firebenders* on fire seems to prove that incest makes you retarded. Glad I fixed those deficiencies

That's great to hear. Her popularity will go down and it'll help in the competition. Now if we can get a scandal on Peni.
That's not hardcore. Hardcore is what I did to Suki in Boiling Rock. She's still got scars on her.

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No they're not. I'm perfection, those clones are not. They're too soft, too weak, too stupid. You've made them like lambs, weak and easy to use.

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Hello, it is I tomino tell me I heard a shriek somewhere I'm here to find a female for burning some sanctuaries

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Hello, I’m Mark Bent. I’m applying for a position here, and I was wondering if someone could give me a tour of the entire building?

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They literally have Starfire DNA mixed in them, and have all your skills and more. You literally shouldn't have even singed them

Oh the Toothbrush is easy. That's Grundy doing. He thinks anything with bristles is a toilet cleaner. Lost five of my EXPENSIVE HIGH QUALITY toothbrushes thanks to his logic. I know he's trying to help, but again EXPENSIVE HIGH QUALITY toothbrushes. Which is why I never brought a toothbrush here again and wake up extra early to brush my teeth.

That's going to be hard. Unless she says the N word with a hard R, it's going to be tough putting her in controversy. Although... I could use one of my several Twitter account to see what's she's up to. And before any of you why I have so many... I like to troll the heroes on Twitter sometimes. You should have seen Superman's reaction last week when I trolled him.

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I shouldn't of, but I did. Keep crying Jackal, your clones are nothing compared to me. However, it does help I found this little yellow ring that gives me more power. I loved the fear in those pathetic doll's eyes when I killed them.
Lets. Since she's Japanese, we could see if she has any connection to the Yakuza or any nationalistic organization. If we could get her to deny the occupation of Korea or the Rape of Nanjing, we'll have her in a noose she can't escape.

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This is now officially an act of spamming.
Each and every single one of you fucking role players need to fuck off to

Darn it Grundy, I thought I was through dealing with morons when I left Bebop and Rocksteady at that school that always explodes, He'll pay for this!

OH yes of course, since Luthor is gone I have appointed myself as the new recruiter, since I got an eye for trustworthy evildoers, no hero can sneak past me
excellent! give me my Turtle Treat!

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Hey guys am I late to the potluck

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On it. Maybe along the way I can dox her. I know some good hackers, so maybe we can get some good in-.... What the fuck?! She already doxed me?! But I was already on her Twitter for like three minutes. How did she get to me that fast?

Wait a minute... that's the Legion of Doom search history! Who the fuck is looking up Wonder Woman and Zatanna loli porn on our base computer?!

Oh shit. This is now getting personal. All this information now on the public eye.

What the fuck do we do Doctor Octavius?!

Attached: 2019-06-28 16.20.17.jpg (195x195, 28K)


>Wonder Woman And Zatanna loli porn
Oh come on guys, what the fuck? Goddammit, of course the little moon speaking loli would now how to use computers. That's it, we're going to the danger zone. Someone wake up King Ghidorah, we're going to burn Japan and then sink it into the sea. Little bitch is going to die screaming.

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Someone call me? What's the plan?

Attached: take-me-to-your-leader-4ff341b41dab9-864x421.jpg (864x421, 57K)

We're blowing up Japan.

Don't ask questions we're just blowing it the fuck up!

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-30-16-44-02-1.png (1080x586, 264K)

Hate to say this black manga but I hear the superheroes down there are more dangerous and unpredictable than the ones we unsurfaced off against.

So you want me to go do that right now? alright be back then

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Burning it all down, and then sinking the islands into the sea, then boiling the Japanese sea and killing anything in the vicinity. Then blowing it up again. This yellow ring better work as good as it has.....Why am I IN A YELLOW SUIT!?!? Hmmmm, I look good in yellow.

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That's why we're blitzing them. Hit them hard, hit them fast, no mercy. We're going make Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like child's play.

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Evil doers, as I ogon bat, defender the island I will not be defeated!

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>Exactly! We're going to make sure that this mother fucking, cock sucking loli is going to.... wait is our camera fucking on? Oh fuck me......

Hey Superman. Manta and hid comrades are going to blow up Japan. Should we take care of it or let that All Might or Goku take care of it?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-30-16-49-19-1.png (1080x586, 336K)

Hey guys I was barely able to make it out of Japan and I don't think we'll be able to sink it that easily they got some crazy niggas defending em

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Serves you right! And you legion member better not come back because we kicked a ton of them out!

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Thank you for saving glorious Nippon


Sorry glorious Tomino I did not see you there before.

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Wait you’re a hero? You talk like one but the skull face and evil looking cloak make me think your going to hold the mayor for ransom...

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Can I have the leftovers when your done?

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OK.... so we messed up.... I had to destroy our computer to make sure no more damage was made. Now I know some of you are mad about that but don't worry Lex will buy another one. So...any idea on how to save our position for Azula being a contender of Miss Yea Forums?

I'm pretty sure F4G is going to have a field day with us soon.

Attached: 2019-06-29 16.23.33.png (196x420, 109K)

Fucking Nippons and their bullshit. At least we did some damage and made people scream.
No offensive Shredder. I like you, but I want Peni Parker dead. She's the biggest threat to my reign as Miss Yea Forums and she needs to be dealt with immediately and with extreme prejudice.
Sure. Just don't eat the one in the coffin. It has explosives inside and it's a present to my brother.
I keep low for awhile. I won't like it, but it'll keep me out of the press for a bit.

Attached: pKY.gif (500x266, 453K)

Wait you told me to attack Japan to get peni? I like her, she's cute

Attached: King-Geedorah-Take-Me-To-Your-Leader-Exclusive-Color-Vinyl-2-LP-2215454-4_1024x1024.jpg (700x1000, 82K)

I don't, she's infuriating as all hell goodie two shoes. Also, I thought you'd like to fuck over Godzilla and cause general destruction, so there's that.

Attached: 86c7a693c9a1d86ea3c4e5b04d8e701f.jpg (564x723, 28K)

Oh no I'm king geedorah, I'm a rapper. You're looking for king ghidorah he's the Godzilla guy. We're both giant three headed dragons though so I can basically do the same shit

Well someone has to appear at the F4G News Station to give out an explanation. Usually it would be Lex but he's busy sucking his own dick for Mr. Yea Forumslympus. So it literally goes down to me or Doc Octopus to try and clean the company's mess. Since we know we won't make things even worse than it is now. Either that or user Jones will start making conspiracy theories about us making all of this situation worse.

I personally vote for Doc to be the face for the Legion when the time comes.

What the fuck!? I thought you were on Team Azula!

Attached: 2019-06-30 15.03.40.jpg (117x135, 14K)

My apologizes then. I only knew of King Ghidorah, not you. Well, now I know.
Doc can get a bit abrasive and he's a bit of a dick, but he's not affiliated with me and the campaign and that'll make him a far better face for the Legion. No offensive Manta. Also, he's the rapping three headed golden dragon, not our BIDIDIDIDDIDIDI buddy.

Attached: 32323212.png (500x654, 405K)

Fine like Wine

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Fair Enough and None Taken.

All in Favor of Letting Doc Oct handling the Media? All opposed?

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Looking good, Meatwad. Added a couple of pounds of muscle I see.

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He got a lot of arms. That mean he smart. I say let him

Attached: 9CC719E4-921A-4FFE-86F9-4E6D3A95738D.jpg (400x400, 25K)

I hear you’ve all been bothering Peni.
Me and Gold Experience Requiem will take care of you all

Attached: 161FBD2C-82AC-44F9-AB84-786FA594A641.jpg (500x250, 103K)

What that tiny Japanese spidergirl? Bah she would be no match for my Technodrome and Footsoldiers!
....except I can't use them since well, Krang kicked me out....
Also I'm pretty sure she's from New York... the same place as THOSE BLASTED TURTLES OOHHH HOW I HATE THEM!

DANG IT, I was gonna use that computer to try and Skype with Krang and get him to not be mad at me anymore so I can move in again.

And you look like it my friend, I see you're training, if you ever need a coach I'm always up to help!

Attached: Shredder1.jpg (640x480, 29K)

>hulk arm on twink body
>just one hulk arm at that

He ain’t that great! Look at me!

Attached: FA2C2D59-460E-4106-921A-427508058A45.png (640x426, 286K)

Don't make me find your daddy, faggot.
She jumps from Japan to New York. One on One, I could take her with my abilities and the yellow ring, but she has friends and fanatics by her side. It's only a matter time she slips up, and when she does, I'll hang her skin on the flag pole of the Daily Bugle. God, I hate her as much as Circus Freak.

Attached: 6539826.png (960x522, 288K)

Who are you calling a mutant?

Attached: The_Penguin.jpg (597x469, 119K)

H-hey guys. Anyone need help with anything evil? My stilts are all greased up and ready to go!

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Attached: Carl relaxing with Hand Banana.png (476x356, 185K)

Hey, guys. Decided to pop in and- WHAT IS GOING ON?

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I've told Carl to not show up where I am, since regretful things seem to happen. So, Hand Banana being such a nice person is helping me deal with this problem. Nothing to be concerned about.

Attached: 21a63bc35d4c764e0aff28f9f15a8bf1.jpg (563x675, 52K)

Thanks guys. Been getting fit

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You can’t just call people mutants like that, Shredder

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Attached: Gwenom.jpg (1400x700, 72K)

Oh my god, stilt man has died!

Sorry I'm late, just got back from an outing with Janet. Man, do my knuckles hurt!

Attached: yellowjacket.jpg (750x374, 65K)

Oh god not this shitty character. Even for retarted role-playing this character and people who like her need to die already.

Yummy. A worthless meal is right in front of us! *Swags around her tongue*

well you're looking thin car- Oh dear lord

You, I mean look at you, whats up with those hands? Granted you look better than most mustants but your hands, your body, there must've been some Mutagen involved
I can and I will, clearly the Penguin has gotten some mutangen on him, the same substance that created those blasted mutant turtles!

Hmm I should start training again

who was that long legged freak?

Attached: Shredder13.jpg (640x480, 22K)

A pissed off team with a symbiote is bad for everyone.

*Burp* You wish WE were actually a team. Everyone here would be seeing black...

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Saki-san, you and I must do battle now.

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>Door swings open

Attached: image.png (1200x1600, 1.06M)

Oh hey.... you.....

So.... about the computer.

OK Shredder since you are IT go buy another computer with Lex's money.

Attached: 2019-06-29 12.21.39.jpg (133x109, 15K)

The hell? Isn't this a fucking hero in our house?!

Attached: Francine_Frye_001.jpg (704x1042, 165K)

We're not a hero! We are Venom!!!

Attached: 54800747_137085240677506_2416152392390211148_n.jpg (640x640, 97K)

It’s all good! Lady Stilt-Man is here!

But Venom is a dude. And some antihero who might eat people.

I won’t make the same mistakes as the last guy!

Attached: 3F7A997A-12AF-43CD-928F-88BBC9E22E6C.jpg (320x320, 25K)


Attached: 9AB7B187-3D19-48AC-8F95-49C76D4D1175.jpg (248x260, 45K)

Well if you goo up Spider Man you are cool with me...

Attached: tumblr_od6b57E0vW1qzj6elo1_500.png (500x570, 315K)

What are these turtles you’re talking about? Are they Morlocks?

Attached: C9377D92-7D26-458B-9748-3E6A8B629E18.jpg (351x248, 14K)

Fuck Spider Man is back.

First off, only Krang calls me by my real name.
Secondly, no, we're busy.
Ey Horde Prime, whats up?
What? ME?!
Fine, I'll get a great computer and I'll handel the passwords so none of you fools can fuck it up again.

what the hell is this mutant?

Attached: shredder2.png (833x635, 437K)

Why is Venom and Electro girls now?

Yea Forums bullshit

Also anyone want some leftover cake from the last meeting? I’m... 60% sure it’s still edible.

Attached: C2570A45-9AF2-438C-9A79-188954F6A899.png (1280x720, 475K)

You villains are going down!

Attached: 42FC0C33-B4C6-4EF3-B20C-70EE8741A601.jpg (853x729, 154K)


Attached: CQvIXIlU8AAZJgF.jpg (620x960, 80K)

Gimme some.

Attached: E3A7A76A-DD84-44A0-8900-91437F0E6AB4.jpg (616x381, 40K)

Got a problem with girls?

Attached: tumblr_od6b57E0vW1qzj6elo2_500.png (500x570, 385K)

I have a problem with sjw Marvel and ruining classic character like you and Emo Gwen.

Well then.
Meatwad! what about losing weight!?
who is this loser?
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Surely you've heard of them, they're constantly on channel 6 news due to that BLASTED REPORTER APRIL O'NEIL!
I don't know who these "Morlocks" are, are they blasted mutants too?

Attached: shredderpic_by_doctormoodb-dblwa7w.jpg (350x511, 120K)


Attached: electrofrancinefryespdrmn4.jpg (395x330, 68K)

Carl said we all gonna die. Might as well live.a little.

Attached: BCF374EC-7185-420C-BD46-CEA91F8396F4.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Where is Doc Ock? Gwen and Electro are killing people!

I thought you were getting fit?

What’s with the we it’s just you standing there?

I don’t even know what I’m looking at

Attached: E593807D-E15B-4475-8A4B-EC792E16DA8E.png (1280x720, 431K)

Where is he?! He better come back with food for US. WE'RE GETTING HUNGRY AGAIN!

Attached: 767c93b949fe1dc239ea5ab216db2d86.jpg (1125x1401, 190K)

It's a symbiote thing. They usually talk with that we crap in their voice.

Attached: 6Q8cfS7e.jpg (184x184, 12K)

Holy crap Livewire!?

Doing fine, was turned into tang recently but now I've gotten better.

Attached: image.jpg (877x1024, 143K)

You're in charge?! Will you pleaseeee feed us?! OR ELSE.

Attached: gwenom_by_conde_milenario-dcbw6c9.jpg (801x997, 286K)

>Rings tiny bell

That just might be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard and I have to deal with a unicorn cat with adhd ramblings every day

Attached: 278812B6-E685-4D54-A6F2-61EFB513696A.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

You'll trigger Dany and she will burn us all!

Maybe you will give us food!

Attached: 8BDCE2F0924301358671543D7EF8F2BE.jpg (800x1131, 209K)

Why doesn't Doc reform the Sinister Six? He already has Evil Gwen and Electro.

Fine here’s the rest of the cake. Well what’s left after meatwad got done with it.

Attached: 4BB0C2F2-2760-49EB-97A8-7908473271BC.png (1280x720, 426K)

Silence, she will be exiled from the legion, and if she can't be controlled, I will dispose of her like I did to 3 other individuals here.

Better thank you. So who here wants to beat up Spider Man for fun?!

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Attached: rfApriF.png (1605x871, 762K)

Awwww shi-*Burned alive*

Fucking hell, Octopus man is going to be pissed when he gets back.

Attached: 15547824521.gif (450x450, 1.89M)

What's the matter, human, I'm just trying to exile the she-venom if she misbehaves, you are no threat, I've faced worse.

Well done assholes. We are fucked by Dragonfire.

Attached: e7f568335f9a192269ba422bfbb4c20c.jpg (770x902, 100K)

Not necessarily,

Octopus man won’t do shit

Attached: EC185439-A77F-4DEF-BDC3-6FA4EF1E52E8.jpg (432x624, 71K)

FINALLY! A leader I can get behind!

Oh yeah I got the new computer, behold the Shredd-o-tron 3000, this ultra fast super computer will be able to track our enemies and can handle several skype calls!
it will be fine

Also I changed the wifi password to "dooom" with 3 o, because somehow those do gooders at the hall of justice got the password

Attached: I GOT COMPUTER.png (322x359, 109K)

We just want food and to hurt Spideerrr Man. Is that so baddd?!

Attached: Dybybc7UwAE9sJ9.jpg (743x923, 154K)

Why in the hell would you say the password in public if this building could be bugged? Get the password changed. We're also going to have to add the new policy to have member's not browse pornography on Legion computers. We don't need another incident.
Spider Man is in the Hall of Superheroes, and they have tons of food of there too. Kill two Parkers with one stone.

Attached: 1561791777264.png (760x568, 306K)

It's because Peni Parker doxed us. Though I still can't figure out how she fucking did it. Also can that computer handle Discord and League? Can it also make people stop searching for porn?

Yeah... maybe the News channel interview won't be the only thing he's mad at.

Attached: 2019-06-30 14.03.31.jpg (117x135, 12K)

That was the other me. We're not a goody two shoes like Peni.

Attached: dd1990bab6683a39a976529e4a2802b6.jpg (1013x1566, 475K)

You helped Peni?! I mean the good you?!

I said I was sorry!

Attached: 125DB0B5-8F4D-4CC7-A64B-0665B4517FCC.png (600x338, 230K)

These meetings need more gorilla representation.

Attached: grod.jpg (1360x681, 195K)

Then get more gorillas. I think Mojo Jojo said he wanted to join.

Sorry isn't good enough. We got into deep trouble because of you.

Attached: 2019-06-30 15.24.38.jpg (157x180, 26K)

Hmm yes this super computer will be useful for my new legion of doom, you shredder will be one of the higher ups in this legion, alongside airy.
Agreed, more ape antagonists for our legion, don't you have an entire army of apes on your side?
You are forgiven, more robots for the legion.

Attached: image.png (274x300, 145K)

Heyyyy.....Heard ya have a Penny problem....I can solve it.

>comes out of the Dark.

Attached: 2034752-03billy[1].jpg (640x480, 139K)

And who is this?

Y-you mean it?
Is that a gorilla mutant?

You blasted bucket of bolts, you got tons of viruses on our computer!
You're banned from using the Computer!

Attached: allow me to shred the details.png (458x342, 167K)

Just your friendly icream man.....wanna lick?

Attached: 200[1].jpg (200x146, 8K)

Hey guys, I got confronted in an alley yesterday by Gordon... and well.... he tried to rape me, so I beat the shit out of him with my cane and I think I might have killed him. And then I heard someone else walking down the alley and I got frightened, so I took Gordon's gun and shot them.... turns out, it was the Joker and I think I might have killed him too.

What... what should I do if Batman comes for me seeking blood? I'll be safe to hide here for a while, right? I'm fucking horrified to step outside now...

Attached: MV5BMmE2MDhlNTctYTRkNS00YTAxLWI2ZDEtZjk2NTgyODYzN2Q2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTQ0NjQzNTE@._V1_.jpg (1433x1075, 207K)

I wouldn't worry about joker though, once I saw him get eaten and digested by biollante and for some reason he showed up a few days later just fine, don't know how he does it.
Oh I'm sure he will be jealous.
I would rather not.

I suggest we should go for a hunt.

Attached: kraven.jpg (700x300, 69K)

So, simple question, the coffee machine we got in here, is it any good? Because i swear, if that thing spits out decaf this swamp is going to get dry roasted.

Attached: Hades 1.jpg (1456x1080, 95K)

Sorry I'm late fellas, this poor clown didn't get the invite. Get ready for a good laugh because i'm about to say it....

Attached: joker1.jpg (635x474, 153K)

Ah hades, saw you at the mouse house earlier this month, guess what I'm leader of the legion of doom now! How nice for you to show up. Also it is a nice coffee maker.

Catch the little brat and ooooo....have fun. At least you will harm him as much he harmed you.
I had always the taste for veal meat.
I guess you are a bit....too pass for me. But that penny.....

Attached: 2659363-billy_k1[1].jpg (1280x1979, 1.04M)

See riddler, joker is fine.
You seem familiar,mare you a regular here at the legion?

I was dead once...You won't stop me from getting the Great Hunt done!
"calling Spawn here"

Attached: kraven2.jpg (1490x745, 186K)

Oh no....I just drop by.....but I usually do my rounds around the school districts. The catch there is better. Even thought I seen a couple rape fruits for the pickings. Especially those who are little bit.....premature for the harvest.

Attached: latest[1].jpg (600x633, 269K)

I don't like you.
>points scepter at ice cream man, threatening to use a laser

...That clown has his ways, I'll admit, too bad all he does these days is run around repeating 'NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER' to everyone he sees. I remember when the Joker wasn't a joke.

Hmm... Gordon's still dead though...

Attached: Riddler-5.png (1502x800, 1.89M)

Hey guys sorry I'm late! Did we agree on any super-evil plans? I'm totally ready to dominate the world with our facist regime!

Attached: Bob-agent-of-omnipotence.jpg (500x932, 82K)

Oh don't be like that. We both know that on the inside we are all the same. Animals craving for sweet aroma of the untouched.

Attached: 2659383-spawn_82_0023[1].jpg (1143x946, 352K)

I'm not to sure if he's dead or not but if the public does find out he's one of those rapists you know the backlash will be severe.
>Sits in let's chair
This feels nice being leader of two organizations.
Eventually Yea Forums will belong to the legion *clenches fist*

Meant lex's chair, still feels nice

I always have my ways, and you're right. Saying that word has become a little unproductive, but riddle me this question boy...

What makes up only fifteen percent of the population, but commits over half of all violent crimes? I'll give you a hint it's not guys like us.

Attached: joker2.jpg (633x477, 164K)

Is it werewolves?

Attached: 629523C6-862D-4242-B44D-2C285CF3C755.jpg (273x204, 10K)

Huhhh... oh boy let me guess is it Niggers? There, you happy? Now go order us some of those deli sandwiches with salami. This constant pizza shit every day is making me lose my appetite.

Attached: the-riddler--4.9.jpg (210x240, 19K)

This isn't spamming, policefag. This is actually having fun.

The main man is away for a while to collect some bounties in space. And now i return and i see this place infested with fragging pansies and cry babies.
Manta my man you need to be harder on some of these bozoo's and kick them out, or let azula burn them.

Attached: Loboava.gif (200x149, 10K)

Hey everyone, I'm back and armed with more chaos.....and a makeover.

Attached: Vlcsnap-2013-06-24-11h55m45s192.png (185x139, 53K)

Yes more deli sandwiches for us.
Also I have come to an announcement, as leader of the legion of doom , I will be more of a fair and confident boss to this new legion, if Luther does end up returning, make sure you remind him of his new leader. This will be the start of a new era for us!

Attached: image.jpg (342x361, 27K)

hmmm you peak the main man's interest. how about you go show how chaotic you are in the bed room

Attached: lobo smokes.jpg (416x640, 115K)

I bet it’s dolphins...

Agree on something? We can do that?

You missed out on cake earlier

Attached: E9B4D2D5-2C2E-473E-85EF-9E865297E239.png (1280x720, 413K)

Missing a tooth lady

*ehem* a-anyone know where a guy can get some kryptonite?

Attached: notbatman.png (733x682, 433K)

Guards, take him away!

I want gummy bears on mine

Attached: BFCB9338-608A-4CD6-8F9F-8DC47C0F30B6.jpg (268x201, 10K)

Attached: bye.jpg (981x495, 144K)

Only cake? Fuck cake, pie is better.


Attached: riddler-edward-nigma-the-new-batman-adventures-9.48.jpg (210x240, 16K)

Oh hey guys, sorry I'm so late.

Just been out there doing actual bad guy stuff. You know, actually contributing, pulling my own weight around here, not just sitting around and complaining and being a tremendous burden to the Legion.

Attached: scarecrow.jpg (336x302, 21K)

Does anyone know how to find a gf with a fat fetish? I was watching ‘My 600lb Life’ and I realised that I need someone to give me food like that.

Attached: EEFB02DD-8F55-4726-9FE5-D836D3FEE5E1.png (434x477, 130K)

In the back next to the cardboard cutout of Superman

Does this mean you have a real evil plan for us?

For hating cake you probably deserved it.

Attached: 8F5689FD-2C6F-4224-BE2A-FB5DACD7D8CC.png (600x691, 260K)

Blob buddy you just need to be more confident. the ladies love confidence.
or if you are that desperate i'm sure someone like she-hulk would be willing

Attached: Lobo2.jpg (550x304, 55K)

Nothing grosses me out more than fat people. Like you.

Attached: 8C85C4B2-44B2-43B1-87DA-7EB39F63173E.jpg (640x480, 24K)

Fuck you Mr wiggles

Did somebody say cake?

My last gf didn’t like it when I went skinny and had too much skin.


Attached: 318634BF-EF2A-4EE8-9EEF-EB342C75B189.jpg (1184x2016, 931K)

Yes, listen up, we will expose the hall of justice for its deep dark secrets first of all. Once they are taken care of, we'll target th other heroes, I already took care of she-ra and her rebellion, eventually Yea Forums will have no choice but to submit to our control, think of the improvements the threads will have. Then we will have a second chance to strike at Japan also known as Yea Forums.

Well, I'm going to head back out there. World's not going to villain itself, right? Somebody's gotta do it.

I'm sure you all have perfectly good reasons why you can't join me. Lots of super important stuff going on here it looks like.

That's alright, I'll just take care of all of your nemesis responsibilities for you. It's no problem, really. Don't feel bad about it or anything.

Attached: 198439847012.png (720x479, 372K)

Woah there, don't everybody rush to join me at once.

Attached: scarecrow3.jpg (631x377, 26K)

Will there be spines to break?

Attached: bane1.jpg (720x480, 27K)

Oh we will scarecrow, the xmen mansion just blew up recently, now we head for the Hall of justice. LEGION, MOVE OUT!

Take out the trash while you out.

Attached: 687D9D0E-F11F-422A-B69A-12E423EB84D5.jpg (640x480, 26K)

who said anything about you having to become skinny?
you just need to be confident in yourself, walk up to one of the ladies and then make her yours!
try it out on ivy or quinn. they are easy anyway

Attached: lobo smiles.jpg (462x720, 68K)

Where do you need me to move?
Also, you should probably know, it was me that blew up the mansion this time (was an accident but they all suck anyway lol)

Attached: 39224CF3-577A-475A-8DEE-D829128C773A.jpg (201x251, 24K)

I don't know... do bears shit in the woods?

Attached: 601599519.jpg (427x569, 72K)

Ok I’ll give it a go

Will Ivy or Harley be there?

Attached: 1E099303-776A-4568-BE12-8698D6F1972E.jpg (507x726, 54K)

No. I, as the godess of chaos, am far too good for a mere mortal.
Nah, I've always been missing a tooth. You just couldn't see it.

Attached: Vlcsnap-2014-06-02-20h23m01s179.png (512x384, 226K)

i broke the spines of the bears!
hmmm you are so skinny you would be too easy to snap.

Attached: bane2.jpg (720x480, 29K)

When I meant move out, it was more as a team saying of assembling the villains. Also airy hasn't showed up yet, probably taking care of that IT clown again.

I’m ready to murder some people. When we heading out?

Attached: 0ECAF98E-C8D9-4851-B097-D7A9992C0251.jpg (640x480, 24K)

honey, the main man is pretty much immortal
i can regenerate from a single drop of blood.
i can't die because neither heaven or hell will allow me entry because they are that afraid of me.
So get on that bed and spread those legs and i'll show you how good the main man is.

Attached: lobo angry.jpg (300x499, 33K)


(fucking lazy meatball doesn't do shit around here...)

Attached: trash.jpg (504x302, 22K)

Y-yeah right.... c-cant ever agree on anything. Typical evil-guy stuff. Just like never getting p-proper dental-plans. We all totally evil here.... right?

Attached: Bob_Agent_of_HYDRA_01.jpg (133x108, 8K)

You and I both know he’s not mature enough

Attached: 48252E64-D55D-41A8-BF81-69CB7D7A7D64.jpg (400x600, 87K)

Mr Bob, a pleasure to meet you. I have heard much about your work as a henchman. Even the questionable report that i've gathered from deadpool speaks highly of you.

If you work for me, we can do much together and i offer proper dental plan. along with various other body parts.
If you just sign here, we can get to work.
don't worry about the small letters, i promise for any parts of your body i remove i will add something else. now thats a good deal is it not?

Attached: Xmen-theend4.png (520x584, 385K)

Uh, no.

I'm beginning to wonder.

Try it big guy. You'll be curled up in a ball in the corner crying like a little bitch faster than you can say "curled up in a ball in the corner crying like a little bitch".

Attached: NtF_34_-_Scarecrow.png (1024x768, 458K)

Ha this guy gets it!

Down boy down meatwad already ate it all

Attached: D7EEF2E4-F735-4139-B967-AAD9C2D99EB0.jpg (400x400, 26K)

Alright who the fuck let Green Latern in here?

Attached: Scarescow.jpg (540x405, 27K)

So what’s the game plan?

Attached: F55594C4-069C-4495-94CB-EE683E05D6D4.jpg (640x480, 23K)

Oh, that's really nice of you mr.sin--mister. Can't read any of this contract because of these idiotic hydra-glasses, b-but I'm trusting you, why should you trick me?
But you won't do any Clone/Gene stuff to me, r-right?
Just honest, blue-collar work for a hard working henchman.

Attached: bob-bob-bob.jpg (182x276, 14K)

I have another announcement before our big plan, which leader do you approve more, lex who does absolutely nothing and doesn't get anything done, or a reasonable leader like me who actually is carefully planing out successful missions? Your choice matters.

You I guess. Lex yelled at me when I spilled grape juice on his plans to kill Superman.

Attached: 92E6AB19-BA7E-4992-8D61-4B1C669B11F0.jpg (480x360, 16K)

You know what, I don't even care anymore. This place has gone to hell without Lex. I think it's time I move on to greener pastures.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Of course mr bob. you will assist me in my lab.
With your assistance i will create a new army of perfect and fearless henchmen.

Attached: mr sinister happy.jpg (1280x635, 112K)

Scarecrow, prepare your special gas against the hall of justice. We're going to be kings of the board. Also me or lex?

W-what are you wondering about mr. Scardy-crow?
I'm just your normal superpowered badguy, n-not just some working class goon who randomly slipped into this meeting-room

Attached: 1217161-bob__agen_of_a.i.m.jpg (262x270, 21K)

Lex’s incompetence made me feel better about myself
What benefits will you offer? Will you fix the drink machine?

Attached: B8EE971C-AC20-4ACE-A5E8-A6699AAB6FC5.jpg (236x236, 19K)

forget about lex, that bald wimp is still crying because he knows i will be winning the mr Yea Forums contest.
and now i hear he's hiding in the broom closet? did he wet himself?

Attached: lobo3.jpg (900x1330, 258K)

All hail our new leader!
Quiet you damn c-tier scarerer, I would do way more crime but Krang kicked me out, but I assure you, when I get back I'll cause so much crimes!
That's because Luthor is a fool!
Someone hasn't clean it despite it being their week to do so, AHEM, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

Also Everyone, please don't sit in the livingroom sofa, I'm currently using it as a bed because LUTHOR WOULDN'T GIVE ME A ROOM

Attached: dart.jpg (300x240, 13K)

Ah but shredder, if you do need a room i got plenty of space in my lab.
perhaps you are willing to work for me also, just as mr bob.

Attached: mr sinister sitting.jpg (1080x1343, 220K)

C-tier? C-TIER?

You're a walking cheese grater.

Attached: scarecrow2.jpg (292x500, 10K)

O-Oh, thats great! I'm so h-happy to work for you. I always knew I was made for the A-league of h-henchmen...
Mr-Sin-mister.... what are you doing with this probe? Why do have to pull my pants downb????

Groovy baby.
You can crash at my place.
Holy shit dude are you having a stroke????

Attached: OHOY4Ox.jpg (474x737, 91K)

Attached: bobbidy-bob-bob.png (258x362, 171K)

Excellent shredder.
Yes you are not necessarily c-tier.
Back again ice cream man, and you appear to be another evil clown, no wonder.

It's in the contract mr bob. I am a doctor and scientist after all.
First i will do a simple medical check up on you. then we can begin building our perfect henchmen army. I need to make sure you are in good health after all.

Now for a quick scan, also step into one of the large tubes.

I do believe you are confusing me with one of spider-man's lesser foes.
I am Mister Sinister.

Attached: mr sinister smiles.jpg (428x640, 102K)


Attached: bane3.jpg (528x400, 40K)

>setting up a website to sell pilfered panties

Attached: RCO016_1548859583~2.jpg (556x838, 105K)

Ah,understood. You will be like shredder and airy another one of the higher ups in my legion. The firebender, not so much.

B-b-but I couldn't read that!
I told you about my faulty hydra-glases!
I just wanted to take care fore my family....
and my t-teeeh...

Attached: bob-no-more.jpg (136x205, 13K)

It is for the best sir.
>Pushes bob into tube

Come now mr bob, i already told you that dental plan is included. your teeth will be fine.
Now if you will just let me operate on your eyes, you will no longer need those glasses.
You and your family will be well compensated.

Attached: mr sinister points.jpg (768x576, 53K)

Hey now Azula is gonna be miss Yea Forums along with me the main man being mr Yea Forums
we already had that all planned out along with manta and aku doing the promotions and merchandise.

Attached: lobounboundcvr3.jpg (500x743, 72K)

How do you not have a room? There’s like two floors of empty bedrooms downstairs.

Do we need to call you an ambulance?

Deep breaths buddy

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Attached: robotnik.jpg (210x240, 13K)

My bad

Attached: FC409E21-A060-4833-8CDD-77D7DB493E7F.jpg (640x480, 26K)

that was a bathroom? i thought it was a portal

Attached: pirates of darkwater.jpg (620x400, 25K)

WHAT?! That damn Luthor said there were no empty rooms!
No not the bathroom!
No thanks, I work for no one!
you're a sack of HAY!

Attached: ugh.jpg (257x196, 8K)

Well, whichever one it was, go clean it up! We don't want to repeat what happened last year.

Attached: robotnik lever.jpg (962x714, 84K)

never listen to luthor, that bald wimp thinks every room belongs to him.

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Attached: joker.jpg (1334x2000, 318K)

are you replaced with a robot or something joker?
you keep repeating the same facts over and over.
we know black people are violent, it's common knowledge

Attached: joker vs bane.jpg (994x1525, 316K)



Attached: joker2.jpg (644x919, 94K)

Anyone up for fucking with some minds?
The astral plane is actually boring as shit.

Attached: 647C7CC5-6F3B-4AEC-ABBF-EFA96F55ABD1.png (250x379, 161K)

Alright it's official, once Luther arrives we jump him.

Oh dear I kniw what happened to luther, he's at Yea Forums.

I can’t believe we have to jump Lex. Seems like yesterday he yelled at me for playing with my toys in his office. Ah well, let’s get that sumbitch!

Attached: FC4F7205-D20D-4930-BF41-25D902BAF1C9.jpg (268x201, 8K)

Sorry I'm late, hopefully this legion has pulled its shit together while I was gone.

Attached: image.jpg (259x194, 7K)

yes but sacrifices has to be made.

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Sorry lex but this is the only way to get some to fix the drink machine....

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Wait what, hey get your hands of me! BLACK MANTA! The hell you standing back there for help me!

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All I wanted was to spill grape juice on your papers and play in your office. Sorry it had to end this way.

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Sorry Luthor, but you're been overthrown, Horde Prime leads the Legion now.

And I'm pissed because you LIED to me that there were no bedroom for me so I had to sleep on the couch!

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My condolences LEX, but I'm afraid you're no longer leader of the legion of doom, times change friend. TAKE HIM AWAY!

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>Flips a table

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Not If i rip your spine out first
I certainly did i only violated five souls This meeting

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Hey everyone, I just turned Lex’s dick into a miniature version of himself!

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So no change then.

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I get you don’t want me as your leader, but why must I suffer in Meatwad’s room?. It stinks like meat!

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Simply put, his revenge.

I want you as leader

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Don’t worry guys, I got this. Imma break this bald bitch.

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Zippity zap, Lex just shit his pants

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Do you guys think I'm Pretty?

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Wonderful, The Legion is under new management. Honestly, we're only going up from here.

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Precisely, originally I wasn't going to increase your rank but with the upcoming Yea Forumslympics, I have decided to give you a higher ranking within the legion.

Real Talk, where the flying flock is Lex guys? He hasn't shown up here at all today!

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Oh we overthrew him. He’s now my roommate/prisoner

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Hmmm, that's not only good to know but also very generous of you, Horde Prime. I take it Lex is having fun with Meatwad and Hand Banana, since it sounds like he's getting the same treatment Carl gets. Hmmmmm, so what's the first thing on the list. Invasion of the Hall of Superheroes? Be the people this time to blow up the X-Mansion? Enslave a race of gentle beings and put them into blood sports for shits and giggles?
Usurped because he was weak. As of the moment, Meatwad is breaking him with a little help from Hand Banana. It seems Lex is not having a lot of fun as of the moment.

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Does this mean we need a new manager of the Legion? I'd like to nominate somebody who would take this thing seriously.

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Yes indeed, in fact the reason why lex hadn't showed up previously was get this, the fool actually went to Yea Forums. But enough of that, this our chance NO it is inevitable that we succeed in our conquest.

Horde Prime took the role on by force. So there's no need for voting. Now, real talk. Why is there another Legion up? This one isn't dead yet.

OH NO! I just saw Lex escape and i'm pretty sure Hand Banana turned him insane, because he's currently humping the trash.....

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Might have Hand Banana play with him too hard. He’ll be fine. Uh oh, Lex is pooping in the bushes.

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