Make your own oc thread. We haven't had one of these in a long, long time. Post, r8, offer help.
Make your own oc thread. We haven't had one of these in a long, long time. Post, r8, offer help
Looks radical dude.
I got more ...
June and Zaba are my favorite creations :)
Can we see?
oh user you have no idea how many OCs i have.
Doing some tests with my bun for animation. A smol walk.
Old character I made to be sort of a slapstick heavy old cartoon character, though I never really did anything with her. She's a Drunk Punk Skunk. Not really sure what I wanna do with her hair.
That elephant makes me happy.
Commissioned this of a legacy archer supervillain I had in my head. Capes are ironically my 'stress relief' writing compared to my other projects, don't know why but I just have fun writing supervillains.
love it :)
Drew a mahou shoujo for a character design contest among friends. I came up with her story in like 20 minutes but now I'm tempted to expand it and her world some more, just for fun.
Also here's a human form for her dolphin mascot friend
I had a dream last night that an alien came to earth to help disenfranchised people become better, happier people, so I had to draw them
I really like these!
Here's something I finished today
And another one here.
trying to get back into the habit of drawing, doodled my boys
Stop teasing me Tiara give me the goods!
I'd love to, the art side of this is fun and so I'm doing just small animations to see how the character acts. But it's the writing which is giving me an aneurysm, trying to write something that will make people laugh is insanely hard. Honestly writing is 100x harder than any of the animation i've ever done and I really respect writers a lot now.
still tinkering with design
I can understand that, I've always found people laugh at certain things I've made that weren't intended to be funny. It's almost impossible to figure out what people will like unless you have some kind of test audience.
True that, but it's one of those I gotta find it funny myself kind of deals too. Also while I had an idea for how this world worked, once i started writing it it turned out it wasn't so clear/straightforward, and that foremost the characters need to be fleshed out or there can't really be comedy with a blank stale character.
Well it's nice you're putting a lot of care into the story. At least don't get rid of the carrot asteroid setting, that is cool as shit. Is it gonna be one episode or a series?
I wanted it to be a series of shorts, maybe like 2-5 minutes long (maybe some revolving around the magic items, while others kinda more slice of life esque).
A character I had made for a while. Still fixing the design.
Nice man, looking forward to it!
Shit wrong version.
This is Johnny. Johnny is an ugly fat balding 30 year old virgin, who has no friends, has never had a girlfriend, he works in a plastic factory. He lives in a tiny apartment. When he's not working he spends all his day in front of his computer. He spends all his free time just eating, watching porn, masturbating and lurking on a Chinese cartoon forum. He likes talks to himself alone because its the only form of human contact he has. He avoids other people in his work. He avoids in neighbours. He avoids his family.
Everyday is exactly the same
My character is Arius the Grand, a multidimensional grotesque monster in the form of a very unnaturally beautiful man with shining knight armor and long blonde hair, his true form being a fleshy bizarre alien looking monster with bat-like demon wings and he carries an organic long sword.
My character's name is Destructo, a terrorist that wears a long trench coat, armored vest and a mask with an insignia. He carries gadgets and weapons around that provide him with ways on how to cleverly manipulate the environment around him and bring chaos.
Drew this for a thread on /tg/.
I need to draw her again sometime
I should some art of this character commissioned. Had them for YEARS and never got anything made.
It's lando the lantern. Ex-con turned pie baker and volunteers in the neighborhood community events.
Giovanni Omega Dayman the edge boy of slime and scythe
Those pouches on her shins looks a bit misplaced.
Bonus points for trigger discipline.
She an alien or something?
Not pouches, but pockets. I tried basing them off of crye pants.
And yes, she's an alium.
made this guy few days ago, don't know what to name him or what to make of him but I can't stop doodling him
Make a comic
Another one my cyborg hero characters. I'd like to make a short story featuring them, but keeping a compact story that highlights five characters is difficult.
A very on point design. I like it.
Very appealing. I like your color palette.
He looks like he'd be a likable side character with a surprisingly normal name.
Sketched this a while back but never finished it.
Which one do you prefer, Yea Forums?
moar ayy lmaos
These are almost uncanny resemblance to an old ayyy I used to doodle in high school, but mine way more Bee like.
That fuckin' mask is cool as shit.
aw shit nice style
huh, elephant tusks as genki fanged mouth isn't so bad
Drew this kid a while back, I have no idea what to do with him.
Love your alien design. Feels different enough to be an alien. There's too many aliens that fall into the generic grey like those from Dark Phoenix. The pronged fingers, toes and antennae add a good consistency to the design that makes it overall unique rather than the most interesting thing being the head like the demogorgons from Stranger Things
That looks really good, but also really busy to fid time to draw out all the details if you want to do things with it. I really like the concept because its a quadruped bug, which gives it more of a hunting dog vibe to me.
I based it on a suggestion in a /tg/ thread about a wizard fusing together a shark, a wasp, a cheetah and a shrimp.
Wrote down the lore here:
This one is a chimera based on a mantis shrimp and a falcon.
here is my bug goddess, the Goddess of Justice but she prefers to say order to sound less pompous.
It's on my list of projects but sadly pretty far down on that list.
Here's a concept for an imaginary friend villain in the same comic. Concept done by a friend of mine but it'll be the color that makes her look for vibrant.
Yeah but pray for the artist of this. Cause he's currently in the middle of the shit in Venezeula.
bug tiddy
Can I have art of this guy in more detail please?