Ok everybody remember there are only six posters in this thread

Ok everybody remember there are only six posters in this thread.

Attached: 6.png (693x381, 313K)

Six, yes.

RIght. Six.

Attached: 964EFF49-D5EE-48DA-A9A6-71BAC7B9DDAC.jpg (1080x608, 59K)

Yeah, 6, ya know like of the sinister varity?

I count as three.

You mean three right?

Yes, only six.

Attached: accurate representation of Don Knotts.png (377x339, 144K)


Hope im not too late for this shindig boys

Attached: 52BC8D0E-6B1A-40B4-AAC8-574173C39178.gif (540x304, 1.28M)

Hey guys, what's up

Ohayou, Rick-san. I am here to have sex with Morty-kun.

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Attached: 1434657984621.png (271x288, 9K)

I think someone turned the paper upside down.

What's wrong?
There's exactly 14 of us.
Just like the paper says.

Attached: I undertsand.png (377x339, 137K)

Don Knotts dies 13 years ago. You're obviously a parasite.

I wanna die!

Attached: iu-7.jpg (630x630, 29K)

That sign's missing a one in front of it, Rick.

Who is on the posters?

Oi, Josuke! Were there always, uh... 17? People in this thread?

Attached: Wokuyasu.png (203x524, 180K)

Yo yo hold up hold up.

Who said anything about six posters?

Attached: holdupholdup.png (532x364, 153K)

When did we start sucking at counting?

Rick you forgot about me.

Attached: ade8e13caa37b0aecc500e50a4e9c39620786f21.jpg (969x867, 110K)

i aint so good at countin'... SO I'LL JUST START ERASIN' 'EM ALL!

Attached: ZA HANDO.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

I think there may be a few impostors in this thread...

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Why did miachael bay turn the TMNT into niggers?

Attached: 9328F01B-13ED-459A-BAE0-5870F49DB1A0.png (387x524, 55K)

That's natural in these threads

Attached: 610d8188-1f6e-4d32-9abe-7035cb90a3ac.jpg (500x683, 135K)

Bizarro doesn't see any imposters.

Attached: bizarro.jpg (185x185, 10K)

I think you underestimated, Rick. Let me help you out. I always got your back.

Attached: 1236998953517.jpg (500x358, 30K)

Come rescue me from these 22 people!

im pretty sure that clod was gonna put a 1 before that 6.

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Dont you ever put meme dewrito near the vicinity of that sour berry ever again

Attached: 3CC70165-B757-45B6-9C7D-5E003EC36FD0.jpg (612x938, 75K)

Are you sure it's not 9?

Attached: Pigeon.jpg (1280x720, 246K)

What about posters? Let's just have some pizza.

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Excuse me, I don't want to be a bother, but could any of you fine posters help out a fellow American who's down on his luck?

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Thousands of years ago the prophecy foretold that that a thread would be created on a bootleg Chinese message board that would consume the world and lead to the great parasite wars. As more and more stupid cartoon side characters were created they began to gain self awareness. There were many, MANY orgies in this time. And it was pretty good for a while. But soon they started arguing over who was to clean the carpet and furniture. Like, I'm not paying for a cleaner Peridot. Just use your mind powers or whatever. THIS was beginning of the end. As the uncontrolled writhing continued even more ridiculous crossover characters were born. It got old pretty fast. Soon everyone wanted in on the action. The fabled number now completely lost to time. They began to break free from their containment as incompatible personalities lead to extremely expensive violence. The worlds animators died over there sweat shop desks. Having one more cartoons to argue about the world swept into rage and chaos never before seen outside the forth dimension.
And THAT is why Asuka fags most be destroyed.... Wait. What was I talking about?

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I think there's somethin wrong with your auditory program cause no one gets to fuck Peridot but me.

Attached: kisspng-wuya-jack-spicer-katnapp-tiger-tony-the-tiger-5b3fb15391d2c5.7280726615309008195973.jpg (900x800, 118K)

Suddenly this is an unholy ship I dig.

Which one of you 6 posters wants to have a good time

Attached: 1562615433441.png (700x674, 153K)

No...NO! You FOOLS!

Attached: 15620406505284384003.jpg (330x321, 21K)

6 posters?
We started this thread with 29...

Attached: 1544493830392.png (378x360, 181K)

You.... science man. We must go into the past. To save the future...from the past. Also im not a parasite. I know you think im a parasite but im not a parasite. Robots cant be parasites.

Attached: 526x297.jpg (526x297, 39K)

Looks like we just have to rape everyone in this thread until find out who it is.

Attached: gordin.jpg (640x480, 50K)

I'm off with this thread
Arrivederci, faggots

Attached: 183-1837018_svg-free-neggie-jjba-jojos-bizarre-adventure-vento.png (674x666, 500K)

Oh Akechi you made it...

Attached: joker.png (479x455, 202K)

Excuse me, just here to cause some chaos and destruction.

Attached: Vlcsnap-2013-06-17-21h58m08s56.png (512x384, 268K)

Thousands of years ago the prophecy foretold that the goddess of chaos and the rape master supreme would meet on the field of battle, reducing the world clown population to 0. Without the clown army to hold them back the balance was forever tipped.

Attached: MV5BODA4NzUzMzQ1OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTQxODI0MjE@._V1_UY1200_CR485,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (630x1200, 61K)

Hey guys, just got out of the bathroom, has there always been... 52 people here?

Attached: IMG_0989.jpg (261x237, 48K)

Of course Dipper, don't you remember?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

No one ever knows what your'e talking about and Rick is even worse at counting than you are at telling stories. There's like 54 people in here.

Attached: ygotas_kaibas_real_father_conclusion.jpg (410x308, 57K)

Greetings, fellow posters, all 59 of you, let's have a wholesome discussion.

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We'll try to remember that Rick. OH, YEAH!

Attached: 1400940871875.jpg (720x480, 48K)

It's okay guys, there's still only 6 people in this thread. Each person has used 10 different devices with unique IP addresses, problem solved.

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Look, we need to get things straight here. There are only 6 real posters in this thread. Me, user#1, Meatwad, user#2, user#3, and user#4, Now! Who the fuck is who?
Time travel is real you retarded fucking rambling chicken robot.

Attached: 1hhh.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

Not so fast, Professor Sanchez.

Attached: clown.jpg (472x352, 99K)

Everybody gotta chill. We are all fags in this thread,

Attached: F18F9ADC-722D-4CB6-AD19-8E976FDC50AB.jpg (1122x1004, 82K)

Say What?

Attached: say what.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Did he say Six or Sex? because I'm down for both also

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God TF2 screenshots are always so fucking great, you can see entire stories in a single panel

>16 posters. Totally a Rick move to drop the 1. Classic.

Uh.....Uh guys...?

Attached: Scroll of Wisdom.png (1687x948, 51K)

Forgot my image. This is totally normal of me.

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why'd the parasite out himself

Mind games

Hey guys, its-a-me, Mario! We've gotten rid of those 44 parasites, right?

Attached: nintentoys_by_nintentoys-d5u2hth.png (1024x1365, 1.98M)

Hey, anyone wanna see my ROH title?

Attached: chicago phil.png (206x224, 121K)

I figured it out, whoever doesn't have Dubs or Trips is definitely a parasite
That's 6 people

Attached: c0ba50e58f2949eae499a58f930b1374.png (352x479, 164K)

I'm not a parasite... right guys?

Attached: 59d65887b75cd9e6a5f2a04c89f785d7.png (320x234, 35K)

Looks like there's still a slot left for a non-a-parasite, which is obviously-a me! Mario!

Attached: super_mario_movie_poster_by_nintentoys_d5msvk8-pre.jpg (730x1095, 119K)

how can we even trust you

Attached: A-794340-1176740493.jpeg.jpg (300x225, 10K)

Why whatever do you mean?

Attached: cn-weird-2-1.jpg (157x211, 14K)

I will rip out your spine if you try to fuck my wife

Attached: 257BD8E3-953D-4B1B-B7D2-7AF0515129A5.jpg (1176x1059, 235K)

guys i think there might be something wrong with him

Attached: wow you dont see that everyday.png (565x528, 441K)

Do not be alarmed Fake and Fryman it is me Lexter your fRrIeNdy, Open the door

Attached: 1e9-1.png (324x310, 67K)

Hey guys! Hope I'm not late to the meeting of the Special Six.

Attached: 15099673982352.png (376x289, 110K)

Ok Six, and then me, so there is atleast 7 posters here, maybe even more.

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Careful. Some people misinterpret that as a gay slur.

Six. Gotcha.

Attached: 1560538652613.jpg (415x236, 59K)

This doesn't work.
Parasites can only create good memories.
I have none for you fuckers.

Oh God they are onto me!

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 13K)

And so the shit show begins

Attached: ash.jpg (500x489, 67K)

Hey it's me the parasite.

Attached: pudding.png (835x738, 364K)

Guys I’m beginning to think there are more than 6 of us here

Attached: 6E879F22-A60C-44BF-BBFE-6F1CFF34761A.jpg (236x242, 10K)

please calm down mr rick. everything is fine but a post-it on the wall hardly qualifies as a a poster

Attached: am i blue.jpg (1920x1080, 206K)

Only if you count your tendency to fuck up the lives of your love ones as being a parasite ha ha ha ha ha ay carumba

Attached: 48314805_1959119497541614_2591016236234047488_n.jpg (960x960, 67K)

58, no more, or ill shoot

Attached: 1545910825102.jpg (900x688, 166K)

We all wanna die

60 posters?

They expect only six of us to the tenth page, so six it shall be.
*cracks fingers*

Attached: Bane_TDKR3.jpg (470x706, 50K)

are you sure there shouldn't be a 2 after that 6?

Attached: [AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA].gif (632x360, 3.17M)

well said J.J.B

Look far beyond the eye can see, the number of posters is 93.

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Attached: Morty and popuco.png (1024x903, 352K)

I didn’t know Grunty was dyslexic.

Alrighty pardners, it's been fun but i need some alone time with the girls...
If you could be a buddy and open that door, you'd be my favorite deputy.

Attached: Woody.jpg (640x435, 52K)

76 posters, got it

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I don't care how many posters are in this thread! I ain't leavin' me chair!

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where are you getting the number 6 from? There was supposed to be 71. We're missing 2 people

it's 70 now

That's still three guys missing, then we're at 73, like Rick said.

Any of you idiots seen my crew? They seem to have gotten themselves lost again.

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Of course there's "only six", because those six are simply the "best"

Attached: deep breath.png (575x579, 318K)

I've seen all 72 of our deaths in my miiiind.....

Attached: best frog.png (1920x1080, 796K)