That momemt Batman wasnt fucking around anymore.
That momemt Batman wasnt fucking around anymore
Well he didn't kill him. This was the driving force behind Bruce's retirement; in a moment of weakness he almost became what he hated. Bruce decided that day he would rather hang up his cowl forever instead of relying on a gun where his body failed.
He should do this more often and just through it at the guy's head. It would work every time.
You really think he carried an empty gun just to threaten or throw at someone?
Batman would have been far more effective with firearms.
Was this before or after Bruce hijacked some dudes balls?
Now, now, that was all Waller. Bruce didn't know anything about that.
He would be deathstrokem
That being said that probably happened like 2 or so years after.
Waller really dragged her feet on this project.
>he left his dna all over the city
>moments where Batman wasn't fucking around
KGBeast always brings out the best in Batman.
Like he originally did.
Throwing batarangs really isn't much better philosophically.
Real gun, honest rubber bullets.
he was a commie
>have a literal power suit that makes you capable of tanking mutants and huge machines, whilst letting you lift them as well
>still need a fucking gun
Damn, heart disease is scary. Remember not to smoke, so you never have to betray your core principles
>not what i meant
>Don't smoke
>But family has history of heart disease AND alzheimer's
Isn't life grand?
Batman just hates the shit out of KGBeast, honestly. Here's a more recent encounter.
tl;dr Bruce knew that if he took him in by the book, KGBeast would just be extradited straight back to the Soviet Union. So he trapped him in an abandoned subway utility room to let him starve to death. It got retconned years later, but it really is effectively Bats killing a guy.
oh my god, how do you cuck a man from his own nut sack
you know that takes some with considerable skill.
To be fair KGBeast put a bullet in Dick's skull.
By being such an alpha that the US government creates a secret project to make a second you by overwriting some poor schmuck's sperm with your own
What's the big deal? It's only a bullet. Superheroes can even survive being vaporized and deleted from existence for a short while.
Why not just make a FUCKING CLONE!
The guy was a Russian súper agent and he was sent to gotham to carry out a political unstability murder program and he killed like at least ninety people in just two issues, he was brutal and effective, quite a good story arc
Batman has to be raised by loving parents in order to be properly broken. He can't be adopted or raised by the government.
This makes it sounds like Batman is some sort of universal constant or entity manifesting in the physical world only after precise rituals are conducted
People think a clone is just a copy of someone
It's more like a twin brother that just doesn't have the same age as you
If someone cloned Peter, the clone would be born a baby
Isn't that what dark knights metal explained???
hey it's a cadmus project, they just love fucking around with their DNA tech
Batman hates KGbeast more than Joker
>Capitalist vs. Commie
Of course he does user