Steven Universe? More like this can't get any worse!

Steven Universe? More like this can't get any worse!

Attached: Comedy gold more like it's getting old.jpg (800x600, 82K)

Mung Daal? More like Dung Ball!

user? More like GAYnon!

Attached: based.png (1764x2779, 515K)

Star vs the Forces of Evil?
More like "writing this bad shouldn't be legal!"

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>this can't get any worse
sounds like a challenge

Trust me, Mung.
It can ALWAYS get worse.

More like DOOTY

Craig of the Creek? More like Filled with creeps!

Attached: fd33s.jpg (300x320, 38K)

I'm we haven't had the stranger danger episode yet

The Loud House? More like "Id rather eat a mouse!"

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Cartoon Network? More like get in the hearse!

Attached: cn.jpg (300x350, 28K)

This is the worst mung thread I've ever seen

OK KO? more like oh no, shit show!

Adventure time? more like crappy show.

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could use some work

Regular show? More like ruined by hoes!

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Rada? Rada rada rada raadaaa!

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holy FUCK Schnitzel this is a blue board!

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your on the wrong side of history, 4channel won't tolerate this hatred any longer.

The 2010's was the worst decade for animaiton since the 1970's.

> Planet Sheen
> Problem Solverz
> Secret Mountain Fort Awesome
> Uncle Grandpa
> PPG 2016
> Scaredy Squirrel
> Fish Hooks
> Pickle and Peanut
> Almost Naked Animals
> Billy Dilley
> Breadwinners
> Adventures of Kid Danger
> Rabbids Invasion
> Crash Canyon
> Brickleberry
> Mr.Pickles
> King Star King
> BorderTown
> Allan Gregory
> Paradise PD
> Legends of Chamberlain Heights
> Magic Schoolbus reboot
> Shitty Canadian cartoons
What went so wrong?

CalArts went wrong

You can't say that around here anymore.

Jesus fucking Christ Schnitzel

>this can't get any worse!
Oh you poor inocent Mung. If you only now.

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Mung dahl more like, stupid

I’m all for making fun of niggers, trannies, and kikes, but honestly I nearly vomited blood when reading this. Jesus Christ.

Fuck you, Schnitzel

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Shit like this is what Chowder cancelled. I mean, what the hell, Greenblatt?

user No. 108666558? More like user No. Not-Very-Great!

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more like Eugh-Gah!

Attached: chung daal.png (230x292, 74K)