Gays in Yea Forums media

How does Yea Forums like their gay representation? In your face and shove down your throat, or subtly done and the staff silently confirms it?

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I know Shore Leave is flaming more than Johnny Storm lacking all subtly but he's just so damn likable. It might just be his confidence in who he is, without forcing it in people's face. That and his wit.

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Known to be (often really quickly), but actually has character beyond that to the point that it's just an extra thing about them and not their personality or a major point for people to get shocked about. They could be non-gay and still be the same character
Like in so

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Flaming and fuckable

Zachary Zatara should have been Bart’s boyfriend

Why the hell is Spike Spiegel holding Wally West?

Cute boys, like Bart. Gays in Yea Forums media are almost always middle aged men who aren't conventionally attractive. Meanwhile Yea Forums lesbians are always teenagers experiencing love for the first time. Why can't gay men get that? I mean, I know why, but I hate that that's the case.

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I remember this guy from season 2. Goddamn he turned hot.

Nah. We don't need two twinks dating each other. I like my gays to be heteronormative.

Bart is so supermega gay in Bendis's YJ title.

How about creators do what they want and we get some variety? Why do gays, or any sort of character, have to be pigeon-holed into one specific role?

That sounds like a great idea, but unfortunately rabid modern fanbases don't allow that.

On fire and screaming in the deep reaches of Hell


Also, not retcon'ed from original material. If you're a fujoshit, great on you, dont fuck up everything for everyone else. Make a new character, that ISN'T a Mary Sue/Gary Stu.
You wan't Bart Allen and Cowboy Bebop to do it? Make some fanfiction. Commission an artist. Don't fuck up canon, just because you jill-off to it.

I like when they actually have a personality.

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>Don't fuck up canon, just because you jill-off to it.
Tell that to Weisman, the creator of this show you dumb retard. If you don't want Bart to be a faggot, why don't you stop being a lazy faggot and actually try to make it and become a someone in the entertainment industry? Ever though about that, faggot?

>Spend your life defending good media from autists with bad taste
Sure, I'll get right on that. Sorry I'm not as autistic as you are, to single mindedly drive myself to positions of power, and ignore other peoples opinions, because reality doesn't align with my personal preferences.

I honestly don't care if Bart is a faggot. You do however, so then I have to ask, do you have a problem with a straight guy like Weisman making Bart into a cock sucker? Even though this is a completely different Earth/Universe then the one from the comics?

Honestly it all comes down to presentation. A character can be as openly gay as they want but I wanna see more about them so that I have a reason to like them. If all their personality traits is just sexuality then we have a problem. Unless its a central conflict they are struggling with then thats a whole other thing.
Yeah this is a problem. It's recently become an expectation that these characters are added into a story or else you get accused of being homophobic. On the other end, people accuse you of pandering if you decide to make one of them gay on a whim. You can't really win with fanbases right now.

Subtly done.

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Did this shit begin with Korra or Voltron? I swear the same retards that claimed JDS and Lauren tricked them with Klance are now claiming Greg is "queerbaiting" them again (even though he went on record multiple times implying his disgust of JaimexBart) with Bart x Spike. God these people need to lose access to the internet.

You give them a nibble and they expect it every time, served in the worse way possible too. If these characters weren't done so poorly we'd probably have less of these accusations towards creators.
These people are why I fear making one of my comic OC's gay, and it's a greek inspired story too.

>instead of being with Tim and Bart, Kon is now teammates with Dick and Wally
>Kon is in a relationship with Miss Martian, something that has never been done before
>in the Young Justice comics, Kon is boisterous and bold
>in the cartoon, Kon is brooding and serious
>Garth is replaced with Kaldur in the team lineup
>Tula, a character who in the comics has always been Garth's girlfriend, is now in love with Kaldur before her death
>Young Justice is now a branch of the Justice League, serving as their "black ops" team, when in the comics it was an independent team
>Wally, a character who has always pinned for Linda, is now in a relationship with Artemis
>Wally is dead
>Cissie, who used to be competitive and energetic, is now a silent ninja alongside Cass, Tim, and Steph
>Bart, who is always nonchalant and would be hard pressed to keep a secret, is introduced to the cartoon as a character whose entire purpose is keeping a secret and his entire personality is a façade to get close to Jaime
>Bart is gay

Hell is not real, user.

Let's add.

>Tara is no longer the daughter of some whore and the King, she is 100% royalty and so far it is shown she had a happy childhood and not a sociopath from birth
>J'onn and M'gann are actual blood related and J'onn species are alive
>Vandal Savage was Marduk and the father of Nabu, which obviously never happened in the comics
>JSA exists but none of their legacies are in the show
>Billy and Mary are not related
>everything about Static minus his powers
>Damian and Jon are roughly the same age
>Artur isn't dead
>Darkseid and Vandal never made an agreement about anything
>Joker actually taking orders from other villains without getting anything in return
>Klarion is too OP
>Sensei is not Ra's father
>all that clone shit with Roy
>all of the damn Runaways

>Tula, a character who in the comics has always been Garth's girlfriend, is now in love with Kaldur before her death
Actually she died saying she loved Garth in the comics.

>Artemis went rogue and decided to have a baby w/ Icicle Jr

Artistic liberty Vs Character appropriation.

Being Aqua-Man from Batman: The Brave and the Bold or AquaMomoa are opposing, but only moderate personality differences. But, as much as you don't want it to be, your sexual preference is a defining character trait. Be you straight, gay, or whatever mental disorder in between. That is a trait that defines you. The reason why they can't out right make a gay Kal-El Superman and Bruce Wayne Batman, and have to resort to making knock-offs like Apollo and Midnighter from the Wildstorm universe, is because; 1. Character appropriation is retarded. And 2. It would serve as too much of a character personality divergence that consumers would be unable to appreciate the character as it is compared to as it once was, No Matter how VAGUELY you describe them.

They have changed characters personalities fucking drastically in the show, like for instance Conner.
But let's get back to Bart. Who in cartoon and the YJ PAD comics are two fucking different characters, and this is ignoring the sexuality. Bart literal cuckoo bird personality and lack of ability to pay attention to anything is something the show removed entirely instead for a serious determined kid with a penchant for mischief and fun.
Him being a faggot does nothing because he isn't the original Bart.

Either you never read any of Bart's comics or you're just grasping at straws if you think
>Bart, who is always nonchalant and would be hard pressed to keep a secret, is introduced to the cartoon as a character whose entire purpose is keeping a secret and his entire personality is a façade to get close to Jaime
is in-line with his character, but Bart being gay is too much of a "personality difference."

>this thread
You had 5 years to get used to the fact he likes cock, it's time to move on, faggot. Not our fault that you are just realizing this right now.

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I don't care how they act, but, I'd like to see at least one cute, canon gay twink. Pretty tired of how twinks and femboys and shit get no representation in western media.

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It's not the day when people speak false things

I don't care if a character is gay or not, as long as he's cute and has lots of cute (fan)art I'll be satisfied.

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Came here for this, midnighter fucking rules

We have 5 gay threads already, stop.

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Bart was made for the BLC

post them

Lying faggot. There's only other and this one was made first.

>whining about canon in an explicit AU
You're far more autistic than he is.

Or Greg Weisman. And that guy has thousands of notes regarding the sex lives of his characters.

They won't stop shoving their sexuality in our faces
We just want gay marriage, should have known that was a lie

What exactly qualifies as in your face?

It's probably a good thing that he doesn't bring his ponderous sex note collection to bear against his would-be critics.

I do if the characters are young and cute (not pedo)

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If the show is about romance, then yeah, have gay relationships. If the show is about action, then their sexual preferences should matter just as much as a heterosexual person's, which is to say not that much at all.

This is the way most characters are

based closet shotacon

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For once, I'd like to see homo romance storylines start early in the series so that their relationship feels more genuine. Maybe that way the general moaning and groaning about homos in (Yea Forums) media would die down just a bit.

Are there any '' action '' shows that don't have any kind of tacked on romance nonsense though?

i like them cute
thats all that matters

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Scott Pilgrim would work so much better gay though

>lol we suck cock, we so edgy
Why do fags do this. Just act like people and we won't hate you.


One of the big complaints is a character SUDDENLY becoming gay so that might work
However another problem people have is the sheer volume of gay shit in media. They make up less than 5% of the country, they shouldn't be that fucking common

I think Trey and Matt said Tweek and Craig aren't gay but they're a couple

But Tweek is probably at least a little bit gay for Craig

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Based Midnighter

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Don't fool yourself: if this actually happened, people would just whine why friendship must be turned into homosexuality. That's how all the het romances begin (as friendship or partnership) but no one has a problem with Miles and Gwen becoming a romantic couple.

They aren't faking it anymore though. Craig was calling Tweek stuff like "babe" when they were alone. There's no reason for them to do that if they aren't actually gay for each-other at this point.

Thats not enough

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I'm alright with a gay relationship that's just as tacked on as a heterosexual relationship in an action show. I just don't like a gay relationship suddenly becoming a super duper big deal when that's not the focus of an action show at all.

It was in Put It Down commentary where Trey or Matt said that they aren't really gay because 10 years old but they are a couple and more than friends so I don't know what they meant with that

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I think what they're saying is that they're a couple within the more limited boundaries of normal 10-year-olds, so they might be sweet on each other as kids sometimes are, but they aren't sexual.

I took that to mean that their relationship just isn't sexual, not that it isn't gay (if a guy is romantically attracted to another guy, that's gay).

>Jimmy had sex with a prostitute
>Kenny got a bj from his girlfriend
>Heidi showed her vagina to Cartman
>Tweek and Craig are forever stuck with hand-holding and puking on each other

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Yeah, but those are comedy or commentary. Craig and Tweek are mostly played straight, so to speak. It's the things around them that are wacky.

The purity of their relationship proves its strength

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I don't think this has ever happened, though.

Why do these percentages matter again? And the '' sheer volume of gay shit in media '' what percentages of that is main characters?

It's just a standard talking point from the faggots who try to hide the fact that they can't stand any gay/women with spoken lines/whatever minority characters anywhere. Percentage argument has always been totally disingenuous.

They are literally the only good thing about the newer seasons of South Park.

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It doesn't matter, bitches gonna whine no matter what
You have to accept that no matter what you do or don't do somebody will be upset so just live, user, LIVE



Suspension of disbelief
>everyone who disagrees with me is a bigot
And here we go with the same old deflection method

lol try to be less predictable next time

comics and cartoons are fiction

Spontaneous and then never followed up on

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Yet somehow still better than current DC and Bendis.

i prefer it to be non-existant im so sick of gay characters

There's alot of pretty gay men but it's mostly in BL webcomics and nothing more

I hate them, because now there is more fucking competition to my ship I love

Does this work for you?

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If single: sexually aggressive villains that want to fuck the hero.
If couple: villains very much in love with each other.

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id really prefer if you stay in the closet

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I don't give a fuck as long as they're hot, but it is preferable if they're actually visibly gay in some way i.e they flirt with another guy or something.

Happy that Bart will die soon.

if it's on screen in any way and not revealed on a panel years after the show is canceled then it's in your face

Yeah not going to happen :^)

Hate who?

Ben and Rook always gave me the impression they were going to do something, and I'm sure Ben would be perfect as a bottom too.

Oh yeah I can see why that would be bothersome.

>gay representation
Deviancy shouldn't spread and be described as something normal to do. We all know gays exist and what they do. As long as they do it at home I'm fine, other than that see pic related

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It's no longer competition if one of the pairs of your ship is straight and the other is getting fucked by another man. Stop being a cuck.

Because of pic related.
Pretty much idiots will always complain, so at this point just do it.

But another thing is maybe actually go with actual gay stuff and not lesbian teen couple, because that shit is really getting overrated to the point of being a parody.

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Stop reading right there


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>gay men

It's only lesbians

My dude if you vomit from that you need some help.

I don't since 99% of them are written as "I'm gay... no I don't really have anything else as a trait".
Batwoman or Montoya is fine, though.

it's a side effect of gay conversion therapy

>I hate this
>These two examples of this are fine though

At least there's Tom Holland around now.

>I don't since the majority of them are written as "I'm gay and have no more traits"
>Lists two characters that are gay and have actual character traits with them being gay as a minor one instead of a major one

How is this confusing to you?

Gays are not defined as being gay like writers want them to be. Do you really think I go around annoucing "HEY MY NAME IS STUPID user AND I LOVE DICK AND AM GAY HAHAHA HI!!!!". No, the fact I suck dick is more or less irrelevant to the rest of my personality

There are people who think he is lgbt already
But a story of him going after a boyfriend would be fucking hilarious

Friendly reminder that 90% of the people in charge of Yea Forums related stuff literally have no idea that fujos are a thing and they think women watch shit for gurl power.

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And we are better of for it. Once people start realizing that we also can contribute majorly to shows success, they will start to pander to us as much as they do to men.

>Pandering to men
That hasn't happened in about a decade user. Easier and more profitable to take women's money.

In industry that I like. Anime, cartoons and video games are getting better at it.

Why do you think it's okay for straight relationships to be explicit but gay relationships can only "be done subtly" to the point that nobody would know if the start doesn't confirm it

Do you mean they're pandering less in those industries? Because that's totally what's happening.

I keep seeing that works that have gay men as their token queers are less aggressively partisan than works showcasing lesbians or transsexuals. Why is that?

When they have transexuals and lie about them not being mentally ill it's naturally partisan.

Really depends on where you look.

True. Like if you're looking at cartoons or video games you can see them moving as far away from their core male audience as much as possible, outright insulting them most of the time.

My experience with anime is limited to JoJo so I can't speak for what's happening there.

>I honestly don't care if Bart is a faggot. You do however
Not that user, but you seem to be getting pretty worked up over this. Hardly what I would call not caring.

Considering you replied to my comment after hours I stopped giving a shit and yet you decided to comment on it, I think someone is projecting.

I'm curious and this isn't to insult anyone, but how would you feel if there was a gay/bi character that is known for constantly dating people but never officially hooking up? Like the equivalent of those characters that like to go after chicks in parties or is known for having a losing streak with the women they find.
I'm mostly asking because I don't think I've seen a character like this pulled off before, would that be offensive in any way? You know they are gay but essentially their character is just the flirtatious type, we have all seen it before.

>How is this confusing to you?
Because the two characters you listed are awful examples of that. Pre-nu52 Obsidian would have been a better shout.

Gay is not ok

How do you even survive on this website if things bother you this easily

Some boomer idiot that thought /pol/ was representative of all Yea Forums.

Anime is having more and more shows targeting at woman. We still get outnumbered by shows targeted at men, but even shows targeted at boys demographic gain a lot of female followers. Example being Attack on Titan, Mob Psycho 100, MHA and Jojo. And that is not taking into account anime targeted towards us. Fruit Basket got remake, Osomatsu~San broke records, Yuri on Ice... And recently, Trigger (Kill La Kill people) made a movie which had strong gay undertones and male focused fanservice. It is a huge success and it has lots of (gay) fanart. It is called Promare

Why did they make Bart gay when there are plenty of gay teen heroes that DC can use? Hell use Gear and recreate the Dick and Wally dynamic again with him and Static.

I'm in the minority and don't find his face very attractive. All my other gay friends think I'm insane. Then again, I've never really thought any actor was attractive.

Bart was made to take dick, let's be honest.
>literally has a vibrating bussy

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Because it's an AU and none of that matters in any way.

But what if Bendis sees this and makes Bart gay to match the cartoons?

>implying that's a bad thing

I don't think it would matter all that much? Canon Bart isn't a particularly sexual being. Might be kind of funny for how misguided it would be though. People who read YJ and like homo won't be abandoning the Tim/Kon ship. That thing is unsinkable.

I don't want Bart to date Lobdell's OC or one that Bendis makes.
Either bring back Ray and pair them up or leave Bart alone.

>vibrating bussy
Holy fuck, just I M A G I N E

Fuck why can't I be Ed.
>be 16
>able teleport to your boyfriend
>enjoy his bussy vibrating on your cock all night long

And it's funny cause that's exactly what gay people say about "forced" hetero relationships. If you don't swing that way you'll prefer good relationships to stay platonic. It's all the same shit

>as if edgy art like that doesn't exist in multitudes for every kind of pairing
I feel like this user would get mad about anything they saw gays doing

"Gays mowing the lawn... why do they do this. GOD"

>but no one has a problem with Miles and Gwen becoming a romantic couple.
Someone was clearly absent the last few days

As long as it isn't like Korra then it is okay with me.

There are? What bi I guess?
I always thought he was overly straight.