Who should play Miles in his inevitable MCU introduction?

Who should play Miles in his inevitable MCU introduction?

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The kid who plays Lucas on Stranger Things?

Tom holland in blackface

Idris Elba's son

Tyrell Jackson Williams. PERFECT CASTING.

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So are we expected to go through a list of 5 year olds who may look like him in 10 years?

I thought Disney was losing the Spiderman rights

Shameik Moore with an appropriate haircut. Just ignore the obvious age difference.

Nickelodeon’s All That reboot already has a Miles AND a Ganke Lee at the ready just waiting to be cast, maybe in 2-3 years time.

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>Ganke Lee
Silly user. They already renamed the character Ned Leeds so they don't have to pay Bendis royalties.


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Terry Crews

> (You)
Watch the show. Its perfect casting. trust me.

a tombstone

Millie Bobby Brown

No, hell no, that kid doesn't fit the role. Too bad I don't know any other black kid actor, or at least one that can pass for a teen like Tom Holland does.
Goddamn it!

Jaden Smith, you know you'd pay money to see him drop the wisecracks at his feet

No, no no, Justice Smith, that's the one I was thinking of earlier but didn't remember. That's the guy from Detective Pikachu.

Fuck outta here with Jaden.

What about the Black Kid from IT?

Chosen Jacobs? I can see it, specially now that he has a similar haircut in the current Miles series.

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>Expecting people over seas to like a movie with a nigga in it
You're just asking for this shit to bomb

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You realize you're just going to make people mad if you introduce Miles without killing off Peter first, right? Miles isn't going to come around for another decade, once Holland is done being Spider-Man. Assuming the MCU even lasts another decade.

Yeah there are no black people elsewhere user, you're right, they're like aliens or something!
The fuck? That's exactly HOW you get people mad. Are you Avi Arad or Amy Pascal? Just give Feige the money and keep the ideas to yourself, please.

you gotta have a younger person that peter then


>they're like aliens or something!
Yep, you been living under Iraq?

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Introducing Miles in the first place will make people mad. Giving bendis money will make me mad. Take you’re little cuck fantasy and try to find comics written by black people who love the medium and not by talentless jews who monetize their fetish

I'm talking about big places like asain countries where they super xenophobic and think black people are dirty.They didn't like black panther that much now imagine how a movie about a black kid from the Bronx will do

Anybody but Jaden Smith, PLEASE.

>imagine how a movie about a black kid from the Bronx will do
Japan loved Spider-Verse. When will this bullshit about Asians hating black people finally end?

When Asians stop hating black people. Duh.

Jaden Smith

Asians hate other Asians more than they hate Blacks.

Idris Elba it is

Weren't the Chinese super pissed at Ariel being black
It was one of the big trending topics on their social media site