Henry Selick’s next movie Wendell & Wild, co-written with Jordan Peele, features a 13 year old trans boy protagonist.
>Raul, Animated character, male, TRANSGENDER, Latino.
>Raul is a shy and intense kid, a talented artist and the only boy at Rust Bank Catholic Middle School
>He teams up with Kat to help bring her parents back.
What do you make of it?
Henry Selick’s next movie Wendell & Wild, co-written with Jordan Peele, features a 13 year old trans boy protagonist
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>co-written with Jordan Peele
Cant this nigger stop ruining anything horror related? Seriously there are few people i want dead more then him. Maybe rian johonson or shane black but thats about it.
This is all we know of the plot:
>The story follows a pair of demon brothers, played by Peele and Key, whose desire to escape hell leads to a confrontation with their arch-enemy.
No pics yet either
I think normalizing children as being trans is a seriously dangerous thing we're normalizing in our society.
Kids have barely been alive long enough to know what it's like to be their biological gender, let alone feel like they're the wrong one. I'd be more fine with it if it WASN'T a teenager.
what kind of fucking idiot would name themselves raul
If he gets along with Selick, who is NOTORIOUSLY finicky and difficult, that’s probably a big indicator as to why he keeps getting work - because he delivers without fuss, on time, under budget, and to great critical and financial success.
The only thing that's gonna pass is me on this movie.
I will support this movie just to piss you off
>If he gets along with Selick, who is NOTORIOUSLY finicky and difficult, that’s probably a big indicator as to why he keeps getting work - because he delivers without fuss, on time, under budget,
Oh so hes a kiss ass then
>and to great critical and financial success.
His work is fucking oscar bait garbage that only hinges on dindu race whining. Jordan peele is the cancer of modern cinema incarnate, an unfunny ape who ruined all horror movies for the next few years to all be woke bait shit. I want someone to take the initiative and shoot his coon brains at comic con or something.
I don't think you understand how supporting a streaming movie works, user. You don't exactly give your money directly to a specific product on Netflix.
but what if he’s a really cute reverse trap
I can't wait for the art where he gets his literal boipussy eaten out.
Supporting even harder now.
>being such a dumb contrarian sheep that you support SJW propaganda and further ruin media just because your micro dick gets hard on rightful anger at your actions
Waterboarding should be permissible on subhumans such as yourself, user
Supporting it even harder than my erection
>cant make a real boy pass
>do it in an animated, super stylized way.
makes sense
>oscar bait
You're an idiot who doesn't know what the term oscar bait means.
I think Monkeybone killed all chance of Selick working in live-action again (even though I kind of like it for its batshitness)
>You're an idiot who doesn't know what the term oscar bait means.
Says the idiot who denies that peeles work is anything but oscarbait/accolade bait garbage. He only makes those movies so he can get gratifying buzzfeed articles about it and to strengthen that blue checkmark on his twitter account to be even bluer.
monkeyball was great, I blame the Frasier exhaustion moment of his career for how little money it made.
I think the worst prt about this is how i feel near apathy for the inclusion of a trans kid character and my rage is more focused on the fact that this is a key and peele movie. They were absolutely awful as the ghetto easter duo in toy story 4.
Is this a kids’ movie or for teens/adults?
its a porno
I think the difference will be that there they were shoehorned in by Pixar screenwriters for marketability reasons and here Peele is writing for the two of them as literal demons from Hell. I don’t think they’ll be playing the same roles as those obvious gimmick characters, and they definitely can do other voices as opposed to that role where they were asked to make their performance recognizable to the adult audience as being themselves
Somewhere between sounds like, I’m thinking 80s PG but modern day PG-13
>I think normalizing children as being trans is a seriously dangerous thing we're normalizing in our society.
Agreed. I have gender dysphoria but I would never transition because ultimately it doesn’t help; you can never truly be the other sex. It’s even worse for children that are medically transitioned; puberty blockers damage bones and cause permanent infertility. Change your clothes/hair/name if it makes you feel better. But I cannot in good faith support medical transition anymore; it’s the 2010s version of a lobotomy.
>I think the difference will be that there they were shoehorned in by Pixar screenwriters for marketability reasons and here Peele is writing for the two of them as literal demons from Hell. I don’t think they’ll be playing the same roles as those obvious gimmick characters, and they definitely can do other voices as opposed to that role where they were asked to make their performance recognizable to the adult audience as being themselves
Thing is i hate jordan peele regardless and dont think theyre funny.
so not at all? heard you've been having problems user, take it easy.
question: does he dilate in movie or not?
Supporting it so much, I’ll explode.
Won't be watching.
The concept of transgender doesn't even make sense unless you can define gender. Transsexual at least is coherent
Supporting, alright.
>13 year old trans boy
You mean a pubescent girl uncomfortable with becoming a sexualized human being who reads to much yaoi fic? I knew some girls from my middle/high school who decided they were trans when they were 13-14 and literally every one of them fit that bill. Testosterone fucks you up, it's kinda gross to see this shit pushed in media nowadays just because it's "woke." It's easier to teach girls that if they're uncomfortable with themselves that they're actually boys than to teach them self-acceptance, I guess.
God, we all hope you do user
imagine if coraline had a penis, haha
>I’m thinking 80s PG but modern day PG-13
So like this?
Trans girls dilate. Trans boys get their tits chopped off and have their arm flesh frankensteined into a faux-penis.
Can we all agree that Jordan Peele is a shitty writter?
No we cannot.
>arm flesh frankensteined into a faux-penis
What?! I thought FtMs got the penises of MtFs.
Yeah, basically, though with more outright horror elements rather than just a general dingy grossness
It doesn't work like that. Organ transplants are a very delicate process, so doctors don't do that. What they do instead is coil some flesh from the arm/leg into a tube, and attach it to where the female urethra is so that the woman cat pee through it. It can't get erect on it's own, since it has no erectile tissue, so they install a pump that needs to be manually squeezed. It's kinda fascinating, but also freaky to look into this kinda stuff.
rent free.
my thoughts precisely
Anyone want to talk about his abandoned Disney project, The Shadow King, and how they sunk tens of millions into it before they abandoned it and forfeited the rights?
Really curious why he didn't try and get that finished at Netflix first before pitching a new project (and if maybe that's next on the agenda afterwards, as perhaps Key & Peele helped this movie get made) and if anything that he contributed to Pixar's brain trust around the same time ended up being used, as he was officially on their board for a couple years.
Peele is a fucking hack and trannies are a fad.
gud 2 know
>trannies good
>catholics bad
>jews great
>A Netflix Original Production
There. There's the movie.
Thanks, some guy.
But we’ll at least get to see some catholic schoolgirls bully a boy with a cunny, right? That’s all I really want..
>"Oh you think ibdont know what I'm talking about? Well how about I PROVE I don't know what I'm talking about! Checkmate!"
Sure showed him, user.
Get Out was good, Us was okay, and K&P was really solid when it hit.
with this modern day fixation on children's genitals and sexual interests, is the door being opened to pedos joining the LGBT movement?
The seething will be marvelous...
I sure do love sterilizing young boys with hormone therapy for no positive impact.
Key & Peele make me more worried about it than a trans male to be honest
Also I just realized Selick looks like the Shame Wizard from Big Mouth.
Yeah Netflix is not surviving the third party cuts if this is the content they are putting out
Remember. When conservative religous groups (which we won't say are mostly Muslim) mutilate female genitals of children based on their beliefs, it is part of the evil patriarchy qnd emotionally scarring for the girl.
When liberal people mutitlate their children's genitals based on their crazy beliefs, it is progressive and healthy for the child.
What a load of shit. The most hilarious thing is it is not progressive at all. This is all part of a vast right wing conspiracy by giant companies in big pharma and the cosmetics industry. All these leftists loons are supporting people being conned into expensive medical procedures.
I do think that people who believe their gender does not match their physical form have a constitutional right to their belief.
I do not believe it needs to be some mainstream movement that promotes dangerous expensive procedures and pricy cosmetics. These people are a minority on par with Mormonism. We should no more be pushing their constitutionally protected speech in movies any more than any other obscure religious sect.
There is something insidious about this push in mainstream media to support this tiny group of people into the forefront. I don't think putting the spotlight on them has helped their community either.
It'll be the woke channel, in this great new future coming up where you have to pay $15 per month per channel to watch things legally
Key and Peele were involved in this production long before Get Out.
Go back to /pol/
I would probrably call myself agendered or gender fluid if I believed in bullshit labels. To me, teaching kids to conform to trangender norms is just as bad as the old outdated male and female gender norms I grew up thinking were stuffy. Why does everyone need to be labeled and conform to sterotypes? With liberals like these, who needs conservatards?
I thought about some kind of precedure after I had a small cancer scare in my teens. Thankfully it was mostly nothing, but the thought of using one ball made me think about getting rid of both. A friend had a relative who was transitioning, so I was made aware of that back in the 90s. Plus I had read Gaiman's Sandman.
Looking back, I am glad I didn't bother with any of it. Hell, I didn't bother with makeup because a friend half joked if I started putting on makeup I would have gone too goth for him to deal with.
>13 year old trans boy
>13 years old, meaning she (most likely) didn't have a choice in the matter, and that her parent's made her a boy (Unless the movie is going to touch on legitimate gender dysphoria).
Well. This isn't gonna help people appreciate the stop motion animation artistic medium.
Probably the opposite, considering how polarizing it's most likely gonna be to audiences.
I'm 19 and just graduated from a Catholic school last year, so pretty recently. We had a total of two outspoken lesbians and they were ridiculed. We had no trannies, if we did they would be even more ridiculed. The fact they're trying to set a movie about a mentally ill tranny at a Catholic school is hilarious to me, it's like they don't know that those are supposed to be havens from degeneracy.
You don't know much about Caribbean geopolitics do you?
That's even worse
It's all Muslim (unless you're one of those weirdoes with an unhealthy hatred for male circumcision)
>having gender issues
>before your hormones even settles up
It's just genocide at this point
you underestimate the retardedly powerful influence of social justice
Yes, but the dozens of them out there, along with their millions of allies, will make sure to watch. And take selfies of themselves watching. And hashtag tweets about watching it.
>I want someone to take initiative
>not me, though!
Looks like we know where your limits are when standing up for the white race.
i dont care about any caribbean geobullshit. raul sounds too much like a fusion between "ron" and "paul" and it pisses me the fuck off
gender dysphoria is a myth. You can know what it is to be the other gender, outside of education and look. You don't even have the hormones or physiological structure. It's a child autistic tantrum taken seriously because it ensure a lifetime of expensive meds and therapy for Dr Shlomo Goldberg. see also : autism in the USA
I'm referring to Raul Castro (who ruled Cuba after his brother Fidel for a while)
Henry Selick put it all on Social Justice
If only we had a man with enough strength of character, and underpar artistic skill, to help sustain, and possibly even promote, the preservation of the white race.
Maybe even with a nice mustache.
ruining horror how when he's making his own stories? I'd understand if he was remaking old shit
>His work is popular
>Every horror movie maker will mimic him (in order to get popular)
>Someone I don't like is successful so that means they're ruining the genre
If you don't like his work go support some horror filmmakers you do like, or even make your own
I was th8nking more Raul Julia. But for me. It was Tuesday.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand dropped, FUCK NETFLIX!
>Trans kid at a Catholic school
Um yeah never happen
Ah, so its a psychological horror reminding us of the woes of clown world
Jeez, that's hot.
What if it turns out to be terf propaganda and the moral of the story is that she has to accept she's a girl?
>circumcision defender
It already is.
Can we agree being contrarian doesn’t go anywhere productive
> 13 year old trans boy
Are these people into this, and try to hide it behind being SJW or what's wrong with them? Who want's to make movies about that?
I went to a Catholic school in the 90s and councelors and teachers had rainbow flags up in their rooms saying they were open for anyone who wanted to talk about it. I heard a year or two later they allowed boys to dance with each other at school dances.
Then again, one of the clergy who was a councelor left after it came out that they had been involved with a student years ago. He was always a nice guy. Guess he was a little too nice with a student and dumb enough not to turn away.
Interesting fact to consider is that this is actually his first wholly original feature-length movie - everything he’s done up til now has been an adaptation (though he massively expanded upon Burton’s original poem for TNBC, and Monkeybone is only very loosely related to the source material)
Hes ruining the genre with his try to be woke BLM fuck whitey bullshit, you freaking dumbass
>Are these people into this
user whos into trap boys reporting, i like she zow and princess marco purely because i think its hot. Also i someday want the body to cross dress, not because i identify as a girl or anything, i just want to sneak into the ladies changing room and watch them pee.
Can't get more based than this
>doing your job competently makes you a kiss-ass
John K fan detected
Wasn't it mentioned he was also working on an adaptation of Little Nightmares?
Or has that been dropped too?
Heard a bit about this movie, but this is the first i've seen any armatures.
is there more?
What was the story about again?
It's derivative but since I like what he's copying, I like his cinematography.
>I do think that people who believe their gender does not match their physical form have a constitutional right to their belief.
This. It's like when you say don't push this shit on children, people lump you in as transphobic. It's insane. I guess being against the heavily prescribed unneeded medication in America means you hate the mentally ill, too.
I can't wait for this quality Netflix production
Little Nightmares was slated to be a TV series produced by the Russo Brothers with him helping develop it and directing the pilot but unlikely to be involved after that. It does seem like the project has possibly stalled or may be retooled without influence from Selick, there hasn’t been word about it for a couple of years.
And yeah there’s a bunch more Shadow King stuff floating around now that it’s been officially dead for a bit, they actually got to active production (meaning they shot footage) so it got a lot closer to being finished and released than most cancelled projects
>Jordan Peele
Instant Pass, everything that nigger touches turns to shit.
More like the LGB leaving the movement.
Kek. Moustache man was only a dumb austrian guy with luck leeching the ideas and politcal power of WWI german generals.
>shane black
Seriously nigger?
He’s probably only seen The Predator and Iron Man 3 (which isn’t even that bad) and has no idea most of his movies are actually good
>an unfunny ape who ruined all horror movies for the next few years to all be woke bait shit.
>criticizes guy who does horror films for not making them comedies.
Might as well complain that the latest Godzilla movie didn't have a godzilla romantic comedy sub plot
Who the hell wants to become a sexual being anyway
So basically a tomboy. I'm assuming she hasn't "come out" to the school faculty, lest they kick her out.
>normalizing being transgender
To who?
People indoctrinate thier children in all sorts of unhealthy ways. Its in a way, the job of the media to make sure that alternative lifestyles are represented because of people who would rather hide thier children from them. If you are gay and grow up in a super right wing household, you might be taught to hate yourself.
Transgender people need to become more normalized, exactly because certain subgroups of society would try to demonize them. Theres a reason why suicide rates are so high.
I’m actually really interested to see how they deal with it, like if it’s an irrelevant trait that’s just there for color and brownie points or if they’ll actually dive into the way the character is treated by the faculty, other students, and parents. Selick is a 66 year old man so him accurately portraying the modern experience of such a person potentially seems out of his depth but like Burton’s early stuff practically all of his work centers on outsiders and loners so it’s most likely that’s the element that intrigued him enough about transgender people to create such a character.
What? Definitions already exist.
Sex is the literal physical characteristics you were born with.
Gender is a construct of behaviors and preferences that change from culture to culture that inform how someone identifying as that gender should behave.
I think we should ditch the concept of genders and sexual orientation entirely, people can be more complicated than that.
And, let's be honest, there's no-one more outsider than ethnic minority transmen. Even black transwomen get more rep. This is the ultimate fringe group.
Maybe, whether he knows it or not, Selick's life has been building to this moment from the start.
>Theres a reason why suicide rates are so high.
Those suicide rates don't drop even after transitioning you know. It's also crazy to think trans people are the most oppressed group in the world "because of society" when the suicide rate is significantly lower for prisoners, civilians caught in war, and even slaves. Hell, the only other group you could really compare trans suicide to are Asian countries with high suicide rate and it's mostly linked to familial depression, not societal oppression.
Maybe the truth is that with gender dysphoria comes a heavy burden of depression mentally linked in the person that would still be there even if society 100% accepted them.
I will always be mad over the predator
I dont want to be lectured on race relations or why white people suck, i want to see people cut up and mutilated you dense fucker.
I just wont watch it, and will actively encourage those I know not to support it. It’s a shame that an artist like him is wasting his time but no sense crying over it.
>trans boy
this is good news for my dick
I know it's somehow popular to be a redneck right now, but the influx of trans shit in cartoons is only good news for porn diversity
I mean look at how much people settle for bland tired shit like link or straight up ugly characters like shezow, I for one welcome this new development
>Those suicide rates don't drop even after transitioning you know.
Do we have statistics on that?
> It's also crazy to think trans people are the most oppressed group in the world "because of society" when the suicide rate is significantly lower for prisoners, civilians caught in war, and even slaves
This doesn't prove that transpeople aren't the most oppressed. It's just whataboutism. Prisoners and soldiers have a support network and reason to believe that they'll be out someday. Transfolk don't usually have that.
>Maybe the truth is that with gender dysphoria comes a heavy burden of depression mentally linked in the person that would still be there even if society 100% accepted them.
This is what this post was really all about. You could have just posted this and it would have saved us both some time.
as someone who went through phases of gender confusion in their early teens i wholeheartedly agree
those movies weren't even about race relations, get out lampooned liberal whites that fawn over blacks and how creepy they come off as
Calling that guy dense is a little rich, considering that the horror genre is not a good place to see people cut up and mutilated.
Why not give him a peg leg & check off all the boxes?
Also, I doubt any Catholic School, especially one that is restrictive of what gender may attend, would admit a transgender student of either gender. That would be at odds to the Catholic faith & the parents of the other girls attending the school would be in an uproar & threaten to pull money.
The difference between sex & gender was defined within the last 50 years by some pretentious snots in academia. Ask an average Joe to distinguish between the words & he'll say they're synonymous though gender is more polite.
I think it’s most likely the angle will be that the character transitioned after beginning to attend the school and that the staff doesn’t know, maybe he’s even forced to wear a girly skirt that he hates and tears off as soon as he gets to his bunk
>only boy at an all girls’ school
hey, I’ve played that hentai game..
is this a girl transitioning to a boy? disappointing...
Many religious schools aren't really that religious anymore outside of a praying twice a year. Here in Germany people put their kids in those schools because public is full of moslems
I have a feeling that your average Joe will be a moving goalpost.
> and soldiers
I'm not talking about soldiers, I say CIVILIANS caught in war. There is no support group for civilians who are currently living in war-torn countries and their suicide rates are still not as steep as people with mental issues.
>This is what this post was really all about. You could have just posted this and it would have saved us both some time.
Are you so fucking lazy it takes you more than 40 seconds to read a paragraph?
>Transfolk don't usually have that.
>Transfolk don't have support groups
Have you been living under a rock the last five years?
well they don't in the third world where they're being murdered and lawfully put to death
That's starting to sound like something people would want to emulate. Something about the drama, the adventure, the reaction...
It varies by school, but typically schools are based in money. A major donor could get up in arms over a map & the school is obligated to rectify it to keep receiving donations. As accepting as society tries to be nowadays, transgender students will surely upset half of the parents.
So is it a mtf or ftm?
ftm I think
Of mild interest that I found casually searching the name on Facebook, the movie is being produced in Portland and has a ton of ex-Laika people on it. Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio is also being made there by Shadowmachine, I wonder if this is them as well or if Selick has started up a new studio as he had attempted to do at Disney. In any case, Portland is definitely the place to go if you want to work in stop-mo.
I also now suspect that this is the movie that Vera Brosgol (writer of Anya's Ghost, storyboarder on most Laika movies) got dragged out of her short-lived retirement from animation for, I had thought it was Pinocchio but this seems more up her street and the creative team for that was already pretty stacked beforehand, while the timeline lines up for this.
So, you've given me a three year old wordpress article written by a concerned mother working backwards from her opinion. user, do you not know how to properly source your claims?
I'll admit to misreading your second point. But, it's another lie. There are support groups for civilians caught in war. I've been in one and something tells me that you don't really care. You just wanted to push the point that you worked backwards from.
Which is that transfolk are inherently mentally ill. Which is what I accused you of really wanting to say and you just added extra fluff, so as to make your point seem more reasonable. The fact that you ignored my accusation, to complain about me being, makes me believe that I hit the nail on the head.
It’s unhelthy to appear mutilting children? Huh I wonder what you could be
>mutilating children is dangerous to who?
People like you who want to normalize this barbaric practice in the name of “progress” need to be taken, along with the politicians making the laws to support and protect this horror and all LEOs who are there to enforce the laws written by those sickos, should be put down (nothing cruel or prolonged, just shot in the back of the head) and placed in a mass unmarked grave and your entire existence should be forgotten. Anyone who brings you people or your ideas up again should join you in the ground, except no one will remember your resting place because you have been forgotten so we will need another hole. Only then can the children be safe from you monsters. This is beyond being just on the wrong side of history, evil like this needs to be erased so it doesn’t ever happen again.
adieu mon boner, I barely knew ye
When you have to use the most extreme language in order to make your point. It's not a point worth making.
If we judge him for twilight zone than he is worse than garbage. At least get out was ok. Us was crap.
Key and peele was fun but i think it was more key than peele
Spoken like a soulless monster with nothing worth protecting or living for
>If we judge him for twilight zone than he is worse than garbage.
I don't think he had anything to do with Twilight Zone other than consulting a little, hosting, and agreeing to let them slap his name on it, he was busy with Us while they were making it.
>As accepting as society tries to be nowadays, transgender students will surely upset half of the parents
That's true but that doesn't mean they would pull their kids out. In my country homeschooling is illegal and you can't just choose the public school you want. But yeah in America it's probably different
Than you can cum at me
Get out Wasn't bad but Us was a fucking disaster area.
He has a chance to make this good depends how over the top he goes.
>Three year old wordpress
Faggot, your 41% suicide statistics is even older than that.
>There are support groups for civilians caught in war.
Not while they're IN THE WAR TORN COUNTRY, idiot. And they STILL kill themselves less than people with mental illness.
>Which is that transfolk are inherently mentally ill.
They are. They literally have a mental disorder. This is not up for debate. You can have a mental disorder and still be allowed to live your life the way you want and respected. I don't advocate for killing off trans people anymore than I advocate for killing off bipolar people. But I don't think we should push it on children by telling them it's "healthy" to feel this way and enable them with hormone blockers that fucks up their development. At the very most, they should see a therapist, not put on drugs and encouraged to get surgery from the get-go. When they get old enough and still feel surgery is the option they want to do, at LEAST they had years of counseling to help them know.
>user crying, "hehe i won the argument"
You're just too blind to admit gender dysphoria is a mental disorder so in your head, you'll always win the argument.
When you have to depict the other side as soulless monsters. You don't have a rational argument and are appealing to people's emotions out of a sense of desperation.
Ok i hope so cause goddamn what a travesty that was.
They are cutting up children’s body parts, them and the sickos like you who defend them are objectively evil. You are too far gone to see it.
I suspect this will be a more traditional and straightforward story than Us given it's at least partially a kids' film, we know it features kid characters vs. a pair of villains as a main conflict rather than being about a metaphorical force of nature or conspiracy or anything like that. Us is polarizing because of its ambiguity and abstractions (therefore having a lot of elements that don't strictly make literal sense), I don't really see potential for that here.
Now the question does remain if any of the prominent characters will be white, Peele has straight-up said he doesn't see himself directing a movie with non-black leads just because he likes to give black actors jobs playing roles that they don't usually get to do. Don't know if that will change with Selick co-writing and to me it doesn't matter anyway but if everyone is brown Yea Forums will be even more hilariously assmad
I never cited the 41% suicide stats.
You don't actually care about civilians in the war torn country, you're just using them to win an argument on the internet and all of this.
>They are. They literally have a mental disorder. This is not up for debate. You can have a mental disorder and still be allowed to live your life the way you want and respected. I don't advocate for killing off trans people anymore than I advocate for killing off bipolar people. But I don't think we should push it on children by telling them it's "healthy" to feel this way and enable them with hormone blockers that fucks up their development. At the very most, they should see a therapist, not put on drugs and encouraged to get surgery from the get-go. When they get old enough and still feel surgery is the option they want to do, at LEAST they had years of counseling to help them know.
Proves that I was right. You just wanted to push the idea that transfolk are mentally ill. But you want to also pretend that you're coming from a place of sincerity. However, with this whole post the mask came off a little, didn't it? Ultimately, you argument comes down to you being squeamish over the fact that people have autonomy over their own bodies and make decisions that you don't agree with. You don't actually care about transfolk, you just don't like them doing things that make you feel uncomfortable. Too bad it's not about you.
Yes let’s be rational and cut up the little boy’s penis
>Henry Selick’s next movie Wendell & Wild, co-written with Jordan Peele, features a 13 year old trans boy protagonist.
I'm convinced this is a false flag. You're speaking too much like a buzzworded Tumblrina to be legit.
>Too bad it's not about you.
ESPECIALLY this, which makes no sense in context.
Clever bait, user.
will "he" be "gay" as well, so the story goes all the way around to setting up penis/vagina sex?
Back to using extreme language. Because you don't actually have a point to make and yet still feel the need to say something.
That was entirely desperate, somewhat contradictory, and a little sad.
Yeah, the bait was. But it was good, nonetheless. And it got me.
Tumblr fujos would eat it up so it's probably the way to go, because people who aren't turned off by the trans thing also won't be turned off by him liking boys
Do you hear what you are defending? It’s pretty much the most radical and extreme thing going on in first world countries, unnecessary elective surgery to permanently alter a child who doesn’t understand what they are getting into’s body. But you won’t get that because like I said you are too far gone.
Point a post where I defended sex change operations.
>Taking over people's bodies is bad
Such an attack on Whites.
This is the closest anons on Yea Forums come to admitting defeat and it's satisfying everytime. It's the equivalent to a child saying I'm taking my ball home and leaving.
Children don't get the sex change operations, you boring hillbilly cunt. I fucking love opiate epidemics and tornadoes.
This is cringe: the post.
Adults can go crazy with surgery and hormone medication, but make it that you can't do it until you hit 18. Make that law. Leave 14-year olds out of it. I can't believe how easily pharma companies have tricked the public into thinking they're helping us.
Mongoloid can you even follow the conversation?
What do you think “normalizing” this behavior is about? And I live in New Jersey but your go to insult really makes it clear what you are.
I couldn't give this two shits and a shake, but discussion here, as usual, is going to get worse and worse because of the autists who argue over their agendas and political alignments as if other anyone else cared.
Fuck this place. I'll see you all in another thread.
Sorry first one meant for
Sounds gay.
>What do you think “normalizing” this behavior is about?
Not hating people without a reason.
>without a reason
>Complains that some guy can't follow the conversation
>Can't even link the right post.
Oh, sweet irony.
Was Vera the one that designed the illustrations for the Coraline perfume?
I really liked those.
I have never seen that but it definitely looks like her work
Yup, this confirms it
Yeah because those two things are exactly the same
I just figured out that Pinocchio is indeed actually for sure the one she’s working on, Mel in the comic (who she mentions is Australian in a different one) is Melanie Coombs, who worked on Mary & Max and Harvie Krumpet and is production supervisor on Pinocchio.
Vera has such small roles in the making of these movies but I’m a big fan so I just like to know what she’s working on, also figured it had to be something too good to pass up since she had wanted to focus on books full time
>features a 13 year old trans boy protagonist
Sure, why not. Remind people that FtMs exist too.
>the only boy at Rust Bank Catholic Middle School
No, I won't accept this premise as anything but a romantic comedy a la Ouran High School Host Club.
I should look into her stuff more
So then this Raul will be more of a tomboy than a trans? I can get onboard with that
>Sure, why not. Remind people that FtMs exist too.
Why the fuck do people need to be reminded of it? You can’t let anyone go ten minutes without shoving bullshit in their faces, this is why we can never live together. You can’t just live and let live.
>FtM transsexual
Literally the only FtMs I know are super fucked up mentally because they were raped/abused when they were kids. I honestly believe that the majority of FtM wouldn't even be unsure of their physical identities if they had never been diddled when they were children. Wanting to be trans is a mental health issue caused by years of abuse, not just a "natural" occurrence that can happen at random. Your brain chemistry gets fucked up when you get traumatized.
True. Every instance you will come across, if you ever actually do, will be a girl who is trying to feel more masculine as a way to protect herself. It’s really sad and victims shouldn’t have their identities stolen from them by predators.
ok you salty faggots. if there absolutely has to be a trans character in a story, would you rather it be experienced in the text, or be the backstory? and why?
because people get to tell whatever stories they want to tell and you are free to just ignore it or tell your own stories. i dont see how this is hard at all
Backstory, the film would be set after the suicide and can explore how trans suicide effects their family and friends. It would show the real story that the media ignores so we can hopefully close this dark chapter of human history.
you will live through the trans superhero reniessence and like it
“Remind people that x exists” pretty much universally means to shove it in their faces.
ew, go back to tumblr and praising 13 Reasons Why
>trans boy being a main character
>in a story that is not about sadness, rape or both
Well, how about that.
I thought tumblr denied the trans suicide epidemic
damn, youre right, just today a bunch of trannies burst though my door and forced me to watch she-zow 20 times in a row
curious: how many of these SJW movies you were forced to sit through and watch? is the answer zero? then shut the fuck up
Advertisements for a film line this will be unavoidable- from television to billboards- and they will be targeted at children. You know this but you are being dishonest.
Do you do this as part of your natural programming or do they pay you for it?
This is Henry Selick on Netflix where there’s no rating restriction, there could very easily be some fucked-up stuff in this even if he traditionally draws the line at just “creepy” when he’s trying to make something that will break even at the box office.
Seems like it’ll still be a fun romp overall with kid leads and Key & Peele running around as little demons but don’t rule out a Gremlins-esque “there is no Santa” tonal whiplash scene where he reveals that his parents kicked him out and was then sexually assaulted while camping in an alley
don't parents have to pay to get in catholic school, though?
Maybe it'll turn out that a good-hearted nun or teacher who works at the school found Raul and took him in and is the only one on staff who knows he's trans.
>fun romp overall
>Key & Peele
yeah no, it's gonna be about rape, dark jokes, and the demons fucking with people the whole time
I know this convo between the two people are over, but I do have the pre and post-op info if anyone is interested. It's a study done in Sweden:
transkids so billion dollar pedos don't have to worry about abortions.
I just want it to be an adult.
But if a non trans person plays it SJW trans people will try to shut it down.
But trans people are kind of interesting to explore in movies and TV so it pisses me off a d I'm probably considered a bigot for not agreeing with child sex reassignment surgery so fuck everyone left or right
I dont get anything about transgender.
I dont even get gender. Can anyone here who is cis even tell you what it's supposed to feel like to be a man or a woman? I do feel bad for people who have gender dysphoria though shit must suck.
Why the fuck would it be a FtM transgender? Why not a Tomboy? It would work so much better. I hate this trans shit, it's KILLING tomboys
This is the first official one in children's media as far as I know, most "tomboys = really trans" scenarios are just teen girls' stupid headcanons
>"It's okay for children to be gay or make them"
>"It's perfectly fine for children to be trans and have them decide their own gender, I think it's awesome that little boys are crossdressing, acting flamboyant and wearing makeup!"
>"It's SO awesome that trans children are able to decide with who they want to consent with, age is just a number!"
>He teams up with Kat to help bring her parents back.
probably left because the kid is trans
>only one on staff who knows he's trans.
but he's going to a girl's school, isn't he? or did i misread the premise
children don't get literal sex reassignment. they usually just get hormones that delay puberty while they decide. a lot of people argue that's still an ethical grey zone, but eh what can you do
No one is arguing it's a grey zone. There are people who know it's child abuse and there's abusive parents.
>Want a daughter to become a tomboy
>Now I'm worried if she is that people will make her as some trans shit and ruin her
what about kids who would literally suicide if they didn't have that option? those exist.
It’s funny how the trans shit has somewhat reinforced the gender stereotypes they were fighting against.
people can get over going blind and crippled, these fucks can get over being x gender
This is what I'm fucking scared about.
Luckily, I'm Korean so I COULD move to Korea for a proper tomboy daughter
Ow the edge
kid trans are usually very stereotypical gender types, because the more atypical ones don't notice their discontent until after puberty.
that's not very compassionate user.
>featuring a 13 year old girl who0 thinks that she's a boy with hardcore psychological and social problems
normalizing tranny children is cancer. the people who do this should be killed before they poison and hurt kids. anyone who pushes children to be transsexual should be shot. they are causing irreparable damage to both our society and the future of human progeny.
Don't you remember that Simpsons episode? Just don't look.
>but he's going to a girl's school, isn't he? or did i misread the premise
Doesn't negate the idea, my thought is that all the teachers and such still call him with female pronouns because he wouldn't be allowed at school if he was open about being trans, even if he's biologically female.
>pushes to cut up little boy penises
>pushes to add on little boy penises to little girl vaginas
>pushes to make children dependent upon Big Pharma and corporate "wokeness" wankage
>not monsters
Every single one of these "children tranny" pushers should be lined up against the wall and have their heads blown away, including yourself.
Here's hoping that it's as soon as possible.
Link me to the post where I advocate for sex-change operations. Otherwise, your sensitive butthurt comes off as a "think of the children" cryfest that teens used to make fun of. Not partake in.
>supposed to be havens
Yet those places harvest degenerates and create deviants more than any other place in the world. It's easy to heckle someone for something you are if it fits you in with the "rest"
>if you have to depict the other side as monsters
Anyone who pushes for children transsexuals are monsters, and are deserving of death in every way. Nothing is off the table, anyone who participated in killing your kind would be justified
>i can't cut up little children private parts
>i'm such a victim
>children should swap from being boys to girls and from being girls to boys
you yourself may not have advocated for sex changes, but anyone pushing "transsexual children" should have a bullet enter their skull. killing you would be righteous in all measures
Gotta say, backstory as describes it. I'd empathize with the people they left behind in their fire fit.
I'd enjoy this.
This brings back that older post I remember that asked what's the best way to include (whatever it was) and the answer is don't because no one likes it and we don't want to be reminded it exists.
>Whats the best way to put a diaper cuck fetish in a story
The answer is don't because the people who want to see that are messed up people.
I swear people think the slipper slope is a fucking joke but we're constantly being reminded it's a fact in real life.
It's also not compassionate to tell an extreme burn victim that they're lucky to be alive even in their extreme pain but suicide is for pussies.
I get the feeling that this user would get nice and hard at the thought of those tranny kids killing themselves so long as they are 18 and over. Comes off as someone who just gets off on the suffering of others but wants to feel righteous about it.
That’s an awfully big assumption for such a little man
Kids don't get surgery. I wish they did though because it would make White trash upset. Hope you get lots of kids with dysphoria.
Slippery slope works the other way too. If we don't normalize trans kids today, ten years from now we will be killing kids suspected of being gay.
it's another cartoon you don't like
surely this is the end of all cartoons ever
So you want to hurt kids to win an argument? And you claim to not be a monster? And what’s with the “white trash” thing, you think blacks don’t hate fags more than anyone?
god i WISH this would get finished. They gotta fund their shitty live action remakes tho
>I want kids to be abused so I can own whitey epic style
You may be a sociopath.
i love it. i'm trans and i want to see a narrative that isnt forced on me by the queer community. that isn't about "loving my body" and being a fap fantasy for guys because that's the only acceptance they think they're gonna get. someone who actually knows they're trans from a young age and just simply exists. a "truscum" kid. just an actual fucking trans boy without the fuck my pussy wildness
Some 2D concept art from The Shadow King that tell a little more about the story than the still photos of the models do
there's still a lot of people in this thread who think being trans is a choice and not something you're born with, so it should be good for education
The trans community is highly fetishistic so I'm sure plenty of them did it for sexual reasons.
eh, i dont really care about that community. its kind of a misnomer that theyre considered trans.
Gender dysphoria is myth. What you have instead is a bunch of people who have serious complexes over their respective sex/gender, either caused by emotional trauma or spending too much time lurking on Twitter.
>Twitter gave me gender dysphoria
that's a new one
personally i hate the astrology fucks
Haven't seen any of his horror stuff but the skit show got quite a few laughs out of me.
So if they're a transgender boy, that means it's FtM, right?
If so, my dick is ready.
People keep trying to push him as LE MASTER OF HORROR but he's always been a comedy writer, even his "horror" movies rely heavily on comedy and satire
Hey my dick is small but it's fierce, like a wolverine!
You can choose to breath or to stop breathing.
You should stop if all you're doing is spreading misinformation.
I think how Yea Forums actually reacts to the movie depends on how cute he is.
If he’s ugly nothing but autistic screeching about the librul agenda, if he’s lewdable everyone will just be thirsting over boipussy
I mean, all of the trans people I've met irl went back on it and were either motivated by an obsession with yaoi pretty boys or futanaris, but sure, it's clearly something they were born with.
>I think how Yea Forums actually reacts to the movie depends on how cute she is.
>If she’s ugly nothing but autistic screeching about the librul agenda, if she’s lewdable everyone will just be thirsting over pussy
i dont hate women so thats not really my problem
And we all know how much trans people love to be kind and considerate of women
yeah, i would say most people are pretty considerate to females
sorry you live in a hellish world
You'll be fine with it right up until they're prostituting children right out in the open again
Then everyone snaps and history repeats
so....you're feminist?
I'm sad to see that Henry Selick has jumped on the social justice bandwagon. However, if it's a genuinely good story that doesn't lecture us about identity politics, then I"ll give a chance.
I do like Henry Selick's earlier works. so based on that I'm leaning on giving it a chance. We'll just have to wait and see.
He seems like the kind of guy who doesn’t even own a smartphone, like said I think he’s just heavily interested in the outcasts of society and always has been and that sparked him having a fascination with trans people
Not more than Middle Eastern and Eastern European people.
Making kids sterile to fit an agenda is fucking vile. Most grow out of it and just become regular gay adults. Or it's a phase, or it's a coping mechanism for bullying/trauma that they, again, grow out of. That shit is permanent. You can't get a tattoo until you're an adult, but you can permanently become a physically stunted freak? Because not going through puberty has a lot of medical complications.
"Cis" woman. No, there is no "feeling like a woman". "Feeling like a woman" is based entirely on the shit I go through physically because of my sex and other social shit that, again, deals with my sex. I will never know what it's like to be kicked in the balls, and TiMs will never know what it feels like to be a woman. They sexualize/live a fantasy of womanhood that is all porno, and not reality.
>Or it's a phase
When I was a teen, I never had a crush on anyone or had any desire to fuck any classmates all throughout puberty. I used to say I was "asexual" because I was a dumb teen and heard the word before and figured that must be what it was.
Then once I hit college, my sex drive kicked in and I wanted to fuck everything non-stop. People really underestimate "trends" when it comes to teenagers and don't realize they're so desperate to be unique and different, they'll just use buzzwords around their friends to describe themselves because it sounds better than, "Yeah, I guess I'm not horny".
Does anyone remember when that stupid personality test shit came out and everyone was obsessed with what their four-letter personality was? I remember that test kick started everyone saying "introverted" instead of "anti-social" or "loner" because they wanted to sound positive about their loneliness.
Give it a few years, they're working up to it.
The whole, "I FEEL like...." shit is a fucking load of crock. It's like saying, "I feel like a cat". How the hell would I know what a cat feels like? I can only GUESS what a cat feels like based on the stereotypes of one. People who say I feel like the opposite gender when they've never experienced that to begin with are just basing it off of what the media tends to portray that gender as. Basically, the person just wants to wear a dress, put on make-up, or play with tits hanging off their chest.
If you want cosmetic surgery or to be a drag queen, whatever. Go for it. The idea that you're someone trapped in someone else's body just feels like a phrase that a person incorrectly said to describe their affliction and it caught on ever since. You know how people will say stupid popular sentences to depressed people like, "Suicide is a long term solution to a short term problem", even though it's a bad phrase to use? It feels like that.
>I remember that test kick started everyone saying "introverted" instead of "anti-social" or "loner" because they wanted to sound positive about their loneliness.
That’s probably because self-proclaiming as the latter two instantly makes you sound like a potential school shooter
Wait, why the fuck prioritize a trans person for the job? Shouldn't voice auditions be basically blind and the best performer gets the job?
Ah, who am I kidding, of course it's not! This ain't a meritocracy.
Fuck you asshole
It’s to avoid outraged thinkpieces mostly, if your character is a minority (of any variety) it’s just unwise to cast against type nowadays for reasons of public perception. 5 years ago you could get away with it for side roles (white girl played a black character in Clarence for instance) but no one dares now
But user! They like lesbian porn and their dicks gets hard when they imagine themselves as an animu trap! I'm sure TiMs know exactly what womanhood is like from reading 3 Terrabytes of futa and genderbend hentai. Cis women have it so easy, they can never understand the struggles of beautiful and brave trans women /s
>trying to spite an anonymous person
Pathetic and cringepilled
>i would say most people are pretty considerate to females
LMAO even women hate women, probably even moreso than men do.
This is the first time I have ever believed someone claiming to be a woman on Yea Forums
God dann. That describes every girl I knew too
This is the most npc post ever made.
Stay salty.
My dreams of ever seeing another cute Coraline-esque character: shattered, ground to dust, and blown to the wind
I'd say that you'd get over it. Then I remembered where I was. You'll stay salty forever.
>So if they're a transgender boy, that means it's FtM, right?
>If so, my dick is ready.
The fuck is your problem?
>haha I eat shit and belittle myself as a human, those haters sure got BTFO
I hope he's cute so there'll be lots of porn of him
Its so true I couldn't help laughing, thanks user
The character Kat mentioned in the blurb could still be cute, not to mention all the other girls at the school
This is unironically the worst fucking board by a mile holy shit lol
>putting a trans character in a religious place to force messages about that
really ticking every mark
Pretty sure that's the fucking point dumbass.
Worse than Yea Forums?
When we have boards that still unironically post pepes and wojacks there's no way that can be true
>B-but won't someone think of muh children!
Shut the fuck up and take it to a mommy forum, faggot
>He encourages three-year olds being put on hormone blockers
The fuck is wrong with you?