Last time on Total Drama Island

Last time on Total Drama Island...

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I’m starting an alliance. You want in?

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You can count me in!

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who is this ritsuko looking bitch

My Father raped the Joker.

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Zoomer nostalgia has exploded into the mainstream. When this show was new people ranted on it as one of the canadian flash shows of doom along Johnny test, but now it's beloved.

did i accidently eat noah's special brownie again? food doesn't usually talk to me, my stomach does but not food. it's kinda weird like izzy but i like it.

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Owen farted and Gwen got BLACKED by Chef.

It was beloved since it's debut. It was CN's highest rated show in 2008.

Nothing grosses me out more than fat people. Like YOU.

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How long can Meatwad hold out before surrendering to the Cunny?
How will the rest of the campers react to Barbara and Sandy‘s *chuckles* statements
And when will Boomer and Zoomer just kiss already?
Find out in the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet on

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>not knowing minnie may hopkins

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Poyo poyo, motherfuckers

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I remember seeing a YouTube video that was an edit of the scene where Heather gets her shirt ripped off and it made me hard

Anybody else hate the Alternate endings? Feels like a real cop-out and I never know which is the 'real' one considering they air different ones in different countries

Listen here zoomie, TDI was the TTG of its day.

It wasn’t aired or shilled NEARLY as much. Season 4 onwards it was treated pretty terribly compared to Adventure Time and Regular Show. They hardly advertised four seasons of the show between the third one and DramaRama.

It’s always been awkward yeah but it’s pretty fun when you get into it. 20+ teenage caricatures humiliating themselves for money and being dicks to each other can be pretty fun to watch.

This was a time where you could either watch Squirrel Boy or CN Real. A lot of people hated CN in general at this time and didn’t want to give anything a chance. TDI really fucking stood out and the ratings don’t lie.

it was uncensored in canada. the usa censored it.

No it was censored in both. You have been lied to.

who the hell would want to start ANYTHING with you

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>implying people remember fried dynamite fondly

this series is like 12 years old. Truly sad how fast time goes by now

You can count me in as well. What should our main goal be though, Mr. Meatwad?

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Alliances are forbidden in this thread, whoever you are.

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His name is Mr. Meatwad, and his alliance won't go down that easily.

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Have you even seen my true form? Well, it's not my final form, but it can do.

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You know I am the literal reincarnation of Dracula, right? This alliance is going without a fight, right Mr. Meatwad and Mrs. Hopkins?

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Yessiree. Now we’re gonna vote of the kid, keep that in mind.

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Did she deserve her fate, Yea Forums?

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