Give him a rogues gallery

Give him a rogues gallery

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Mister O
Squid Scientist


a bunch of super powered bank robbers like spiderman has


>Mister O
He already exists.

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All of Peter's villains, except they're black.

Squirmlord of Dimension Slug. He has slime powers and is a sexual pervert

Uncle Prowler
Doctor Octopus
Red Hulk
Mr. Sinister
White Ape
Lex Luthor
Everyone should give a villain over to Miles

Brian Michael Bendis

Nothing but Big Busty villain women who want to ara ara him. Just tie him up to whatever trap they have set up and have very suggestive half threatening/half flirting dialogue.

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I know we have too many girl villians, can we get a female frog villian?

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This costume is so good

My dick

My dude

I mean if you're going to blackwash, might as well go all the way

Unironically the NYPD once they find out he's black and now he has to deal with 1/10 cop trying to shoot at him when his backs turned

I also made a fanfiction where he has has own version of black cat who's black that's a mutant with split personality disorder like diavolo where one personality is a super nerdy black girl that has alot in common with miles and the other is seductive sociopath that's 6 foot and ripped like Wonder woman.And she has high durability because Everytime she switches personalitys she regrows back all her limbs

I agree with this for perfectly justifiable and wholesome reasons

Scorpion. Honestly Mac is barely a threat to Pete or Eddie so might as well use the fact he’s older to give Miles a few good rounds.

Hobgoblin. Straight out of the bat, Kingsley is totally different from Osborn, and would make for a great “I’m waaaaay to wise for you and three steps ahead.” Plus they’re not doing anything with him.

Shocker. Already outgrown by Parker, but his ingenuity as an engineer could make for some fun stuff if playing his “ugh, enough with the losing already. Just leave me alone while I rob a bank.” Then he saves a baby by mistake and it rolls from there.

Nightmare. No one sees this one coming. Plague a teenager in his dreams. Relentlessly and without mercy until he breaks. Huge family trauma and he goes awol. Can hit some cords with runaway teens.

Since Peter's villains are based on the animal kingdom, maybe Miles' villains can all be based exclusively on insects or something.

I dunno, Spider-Man has so many villains and so many great ones that there are more than enough to go around for 2 Spider-Men. I believe Miles should have some exclusive villains, as any hero worth his alt does, such as his uncle Aaron (and even then, Prowler is originally a Peter villain.)

It's cliche but Miles needs his own Goblin. A new one, that is.

Hobgoblin got a solid arc with mayday. I don’t want him to be handed over to Miles because bendis already had him job to build the uncle

He just got two new ones in his latest book.

Ah yes ineffectual white guy 1 and ineffectual white guy 2. They both were just used as mouth pieces for the writers hatred of white dudes. The first one had decent power but was pretty much rendered a non threat the moment he appeared on the page

Except for Tombstone, who is a super dark skinned white guy.

Scorpion, theme it as a venom vs venom match up.

And the hypno hustler just becomes Barry gibb

"Bullfrog", an inhuman with all the abilities of a frog, also immune to that shock thing Miles can do for some reason.

>Black Vulture
>Black Sandman
>Black Lizard
>Black Electro
>Black Scorpion
>Black Kingpin
>Black Rhino
>Black Kraven
>Black Carnage
>Blacker Venom
>Doctor Black Octopus
>Black Black Cat
>Black Green Goblin
Can't fail.

I don't think you get the point of this excerise.

You have to get into the right mindset
its not "Black Electro"
Its "Shiggity Shock"

Would Black Electro have twice the electric powers?

You didn't read the last few issues, did you?

Black Kingpin worked in the Daredevil movie. Black Electro, not so much.

And Black Black Cat would be called White Cat (but still be black).



Aren't they kind of doing that now? Like for example that chick, Starling, who's basically Vulture meets Black Cat

La Migra
High blood pressure
The responsibility of raising your own kids

>Black Black Cat

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You forgot Mexican Mr. Negative.

>La Migra
He is Puerto Rican though. He is legally here.

I know.
Im puertorrican.

But id still swipe his ids and sic ICE on the fucker.


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Trump doesn't even believe Hawaii is a state. You think he'd care?

Yeah he’s dealing with an organization that’ll end with some references to the ultimate universe and probably wrap up with him being turned into an official citizen of the 616.

>and sic ICE on the fucker.
My brother works for ICE. They usually check who calls them, if it is Latinos, they will go after them because you won't believe how many illegals rat on their fellow illegals. Have fun getting buttfucked in one those camps. Unlike Miles, you have nothing to protect yourself.

Black Doctor Octopus
Black Green Goblin
Black Venom
Black Black Cat

>black character steals a white character's enemies

Hey now he's also half Latino. Make half of them Latin too.

>unlike Miles, you have nothing to protect yourself.

Pay attention. I have my ids, he does not.

>Black Black Cat
yes please

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Let's make it topical.

A former war veteran turned cop shoots and kills Miles's friend, an unarmed kid. He gets away with it. The cop's life is made a living hell by protesters lead by Miles's friends/family. His wife leaves him. His family disowns him. He turns to crime to make money. Miles as Spider-man captures him and lays an extra-tough beatdown on him. This cop goes to jail and reaches his lowest point.

He gave his life for his country, continued to serve it as an officer and he lost it all because of some stupid kid who should have listened. He gave and he gave and he gave and got nothing. Meanwhile people like Spider-man are propped up like heroes. They have powers and glory. That's not fair. He gets obsessed with Spider-man getting the glory he thinks he should have got for killing that kid. It was another punk off the streets. He thinks it's high time people got what they truly deserved in America.

He breaks out of jail and goes home, kills his family. They betrayed him when he needed them most. It's what they truly deserved. His next goal is to get what he deserves. The glory of being a hero, riches beyond his wildest dreams, superpowers and to see his worst enemies, Miles Morales and Spider-man suffer.

You can call him the Equalizer.

Doesn’t he have one in vultures grand daughter?

No from Saladin run starling

he ends up going to a school that house genuis teenagers secretly funded by osborn called the ark. the kids there make defense contractor weapons oddly and unkowingly in the vein of spiderman villains, but also animal themed where there arent any or modified

sandman=aardvark with sandblasting abilities and control
hydroman=dolphin with water manipulation mean to separate water from oil in toxic spills
beetle=medium armored hercules beetle suit meant for aerospace rescue and defence
rhino= suit meant for large scale scrap and recycling

eventual they either get stolen, or the student creators go mad to prove their worth and kid archnid has to deal with them, build up him own sinister villians in the process

That one giantess Hydra chick in the spandex

Not the rest of Hydra, just her, being tsundere as fuck

I would gave him a nemesis: Mr. Political Correctness. Adrien Jacob Bendix is obssesed with being politically correct, he is tired of superheroes being all white american males and the racist implications that come with them. They are the heros of a shameful past! And in response, he has decided to form his own ''Politically Correct Avengers'' with a native american version of Cap, swingers Wasp and Ant-Man, a feminist Hulk, and aborigen deity of thunder and a half chinese Iron Man, but he needs one more member: a black Spider-Man and he knows who fills those requirements. Imagine Miles having to deal with a Mr. Dada who is obssesed with being progressive and politically correct, reactionary and calls everyone who disagrees with him a retrograd.

Mr. Nobody*

>Miles rogue gallery are a bunch of Brute Force rejects
This is the worst yet the best response in the whole thread.

the bureau of immigration

>Black Sandman
So Mudman.
>Black Electro
>Black Kingpin
But they were already done.
>Black Carnage
So Venom.
>Black Lizard
>Black Rhino
That would be funny. Imagine Newyorkers calling their names without the black and them being like
>No I am not Lizard/Rhino! I am the black Lizard/Rhino! Don't you see it?

A bunch of Batman knockoffs how Batman Beyonds were a bunch of Spiderman knockoffs

>Brute Force

its more like the centurions with animal armor based motifs

He was born in America. This doesn't even work as a racist joke.

>Black Black Cat
Tell me more, user-kun.

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Me. I am the main villain.